Saturday, 1 March 2025




Cartassa was a beautiful city built in the middle of the Thahari desert, when I arrived I was welcomed very well everyone loved me and I had finally found a family.

I had spent a few years after leaving Hammersgaard at the University of Gor where I had studied a lot, and I had graduated as a Scribe first, then as a Magistrate and Lawyer then I took the diploma of officer companion, that is those who celebrate ceremonies, now I was ready to finally take on the job of Scribe, in a city,
Lady Safina took a liking to me, she together with her companion Bernhard the head of the Scribes, assigned me a house, even if small, and an office in the palace, finally I could put the enthusiasm accumulated on campus into practice and demonstrate my skill.

        Thus began the new adventure in the city of Cartassa, after the En-Kara fair I settled in the new house, and in the new office, I began to get to know the city and the citizens, especially those who were closest to me, thus I discovered that Lady Mae, the Head Caste of Healers, she was the adoptive sister of lady BB, and consequently also Safina, she would be my cousin, lady Mae became my aunt, even if I was not the real son of lady BB and her husband Sir Mith, they saved me from port Scip Rock, while the Panthers of the Shendi forest attacked and destroyed the overlying city of Korat, I also met my adoptive sister Lady Lucy, and my brother Sir Finthor, with his slave YiYi, while Safina's companion, lived in the forest not far away with his Congo tribe.

Several ladies lived in the city, they had key positions in the management, Lady Jinny, a very beautiful Scribe in her blue clothes, Lady Shadow, and Lady Athena, Finthor, despite having a slave, who he flaunted by always carrying her with him, also courted Lady Athena, or perhaps the opposite, it was she who died of love for him, even though he, the Chief of the Red Caste, the warriors, preferred fighting and taverns with slaves. I looked around, there wasn't much work to do, I spent the days with the others in the tea room, at the outdoor tables at the end of the street, after the square, and on the way to get there, Lady Shadow stopped often with his easel, he painted, men or landscapes, I had forgotten to talk about Sir Bernhard, the Chief of the Caste of Scribes, very good and knowledgeable, but often absent, he too had at the time been adopted by Lady BB, who as you understood he helped all the young people who were alone, homeless or who had lost their family like me. One day as I passed by the large square on my way to the tea room, usually at that time everyone gathered, but strangely that day there was no one, everyone had gone to the forest for Safina's engagement with Sir Combo, so I returned to the square , I heard the screams of women, as soon as I turned the corner I saw fire inside the tavern, I rushed, trying to make myself useful, to help the slaves who lived upstairs, where they usually welcomed the customers, eager to pass by. a few hours with a blanket on, with the help of a slave who also came, we put out the flames on the ground floor with water taken from barrels that were used in the tavern, other slaves were trapped on the upper floor, we ran up the staircase, and with blankets we tried to put out the flames, we saved all the slaves screaming and blackened by the smoke, the girl who was with me, slipped on the water and fell into the fire and was burned, I pulled her away and rushed her down the street, the infirmary was not very far away, it was on the other side of the square, then luckily Lady Mae also arrived, the head of the Healers caste who immediately took care of her, I immediately understood that it was very serious, and Mae said we will do everything to save her, to It wasn't difficult for me, I was wearing a long Scribe dress with my arms covered, I had only burned my hands, the little slave was very serious, I waited for Mae to take care of her, she did the first dressings with her ointments, then finally he cured me too, he told me not to get my hands wet and come back the next day for the check-up, of course I came back often, 

I was anxious for that brave young woman, who had risked her life to save her friends.
 Upon their return everyone complimented me, I was proud for having demonstrated my courage, meanwhile I didn't miss the opportunity, every time I went to the tea room, to stop and have a chat with the beautiful Shadow, but in addition to the views and the colours, he saw nothing else, so I concentrated on Lady Jinny, who in theory was engaged to Finthor, even if unrequited, which is why in my opinion, she was trying to make him jealous, by directing her attentions towards me, Lady Athena took the she did everything she could to make us become something more than friends, so I started courting her, even though Jinny was very attached to her job, she wanted to become an Ambassador and was studying.

Finthor preferred fighting in the arena rather than city life, sometimes I went to watch him while he trained, he didn't have a great technique, I had seen better, but since he was my adoptive brother I admired him, what I didn't admire in he was his attitude towards Athena, he preferred to have his slave YIYI with him, meanwhile Lady Mae had had her little girl, a little angel, she carried her with her wrapped in a cloak on her shoulders. I continued to court Jinny, she secretly loved Finthor, in the end to make him even more jealous, she agreed to do the companionship ceremony with me. We did it on the upper floor of the tea room, where in the center there was a large round table, and in the presence of Athena, Finthor, and Safina, we exchanged the glass of wine to seal the company, I had prepared the documents and we signed them with our seals, including the two witnesses, once the ceremony was over she went back to her job and I went back to mine, we didn't have a house together yet, so everyone went back to their own homes, there hadn't yet been any relationship between us , Athena had realized that Finthor would never become her companion, together with YIYI she organized a trap against me, making Jinny believe that I had an agreement with Shadow, so Jinny broke up the company, with the help of Bernahrd the Caste Chief.

I didn't love that woman and I forgot her, in the meantime another Scribe had arrived in the city who passed himself off as a Magistrate, his name was Lord Cougar, LC, Bernhard his old friend gave him the job of assistant Chief Caste, I was furious, I had aspired to that job for a long time, I was well known and appreciated in the city, for this reason there was immediate hatred between us, a deep hatred mixed with jealousy on his part towards me, he spent his time sitting outside the office, like a farmer with his feet on a barrel, and there he sometimes dozed off, but he looked and observed, his intentions were immediately clear, to take command of Cartassa, one day what I had foreseen happened, he with the help of Bernhard and some Congo warriors attempted to conquer the city, my concern was to save Safina and lady Mae, while Jinny, Athena, and Shadow were now safe in the forest. Protected by Sir Combo, meanwhile there was no trace of Finthor, I ran to the palace but it was deserted, I knew of an exit that led to the small lake, I ventured towards the shore, in the end I found Safina hidden among the rocks.

In the fallen city was in the hands of those people, everyone fled running towards the desert, then finally Finthor arrived with his soldiers, and after a small fight I managed to drive those savages back towards their forest, but in their escape they destroyed everything they they could, making the city a pile of rubble.
By now Cartassa was destroyed, it would have taken a long time to rebuild, so I decided to leave, I still didn't know where, I had heard of a city called Lara, so I would head there........ ...............

Friday, 28 February 2025




For some time I had been living in the castle of Lady Ralush, my companion and lover, in a medieval context with knights and damsels. I had arrived on planet Earth after a long journey. I had left with others from my planet called Gor. A twin planet to Earth but located on the opposite side of the sun. The two planets, even if twins, would never have seen or known each other, if one day an Earth spaceship had not landed on Gor. This happened many years before I was born, and the old wise men tell it by reading the old books written by the Initiates, a sort of intermediary priests of the Priest King, the rulers of the planet.

I had been at the castle for some time with that beautiful woman, a warrior, she fought with the knights like a man, when I met her wandering through the valleys of that region she took me with her, she asked me my name, I told her that on my Planet I was called Ulysses, a name imposed by my father who loved Greek literature, books jealously guarded in libraries where anyone can read them to learn the history of our people.

I tell you how the Priest Kings of very intelligent animals with the appearance of large ants, the gold were a community managed by their mother the queen, but for the thirst for power they fought among themselves to have control of the Planet.

It is said that when the Earth spaceship landed on Gor, with their deadly weapons, they tried to conquer the Planet, but the Priest Kings, very intelligent, built tunnels all around the spaceship, a series of tunnels served to capture those men who landed with their weapons, as they fell they became prisoners and taken to the iron, copper and gold mines, for those ants so intelligent it was a child's game to understand the technology of that Spaceship, so they decided to invade Planet Earth in turn to populate Gor with men and women necessary for life.

On Earth they captured strong men and skilled fighters, builders, doctors and women, the most beautiful ones they met on their way, the population of Earth was helpless in front of these monsters who could read their minds and understand their intentions, they captured men and women from all regions, from the far north to the south of the deserts, Vikings and Raiders, pirates and traders, and when they completed the load they left again not forgetting to capture women destined to slavery and the service of the nobles.

What they did first was to implant in the brains of those prisoners a microchip that allowed them to control those men, and at the same time to those who had reached 25 years, they injected them with the elixir of long life and the possibility of not getting sick like on their planet.

Their headquarters were located in the mountains of Sardar, east of the great valley, they lived in deep impassable caves, anyone who tried to get there died, only the Initiates, that is, faithful and devoted men, were the contact between the Priest Kings and the elders destined to promulgate the laws that were entrusted to them from time to time.

A real hierarchy of command was created, creating in each city under construction towers with five rings for as many castes, consisting of the following orders: at the first ring the caste of the

Initiates with White clothes

Scribe Blue-scribe magistrates

Pisychian Green-doctors and healers

Builder Yellow-builders, palaces and ships

Warriors Red warriors and fighters

-these were the rings starting from the top of the tower to the ground floor, then the Subcastes were determined, mainly made up of Merchants

everything was well organized and functional, for each city the command was given to a great warrior or fighter who was called Ubar, while in the North where there were no castes the government was directed by a Jarl, or by a Tatrix, in the south instead in the desert the terrestrial roles were maintained, that is creating Oasis and giving power to the Pasha or the Emirs, the only obligation was to face the journey to the Sanctuary before the Sardar mountains where they injected him with elixir and microchip......

My adventure began in the city of Egeria, I had arrived there with the invitation of Sir Darian Bonetto, a great Gorean at the time of our acquaintance, our friendship was immediate, he had the same name as me, I always wondered why, until one day he confessed to me that he too was a knight of Lady Ralush, and he had received his name from her, we had the same history and the same loves.

I arrived in the city without knowing anyone, but many spoke my Earth dialect, so I immediately tried to familiarize myself, but as often happens not everyone thought the same way, I often clashed with situations unknown to me, and I was often uncomfortable, so I decided to leave for the unknown in search of a livable city where I would certainly demonstrate my value.

I heard about a city governed by Sir Ming, with his companion Lady Chiara, and I headed in that direction, the city was called Falsworth, there I met the beautiful Betty, she was a Farmer at the time and spent her time cultivating the fields and fishing in the sea outside the walls, with Lady Chiara and Sir Ming there was immediately a positive feeling, I lived with them and worked, I was still nobody, a simple citizen, I would later go to the University of Scribes.

One day a Slave Owner arrived in town with a very beautiful slave for sale, dark amber in color, tall with very long hair and fiery lips, I tried to buy her and bring her to my house, but Sir Ming who did not miss any opportunity, wanted her for himself, unleashing the jealousy of Lady Chiara, who after many arguments was chased away by Ming, who freed the slave and married her, (then died in real life), Lady Chiara ran away to the North and precisely to Finnursborg, and I followed her because I had always been in love with that beautiful woman, in that village in the North I did not find my home, we lived in caves, and after saying goodbye to Chiara I left for Hammersgaard, a Viking village, where I met good and happy people and lived with them for some time until I returned to the south to live in the city of Cartassa where Lady BB Arliss adopted me together with her companion Sir Mith

end 1° part


Sunday, 23 February 2025


Sunday, February 23, 2025


      On our last trip to Port Kar, we visited a large and beautiful city, with very tall buildings, canals and bridges. Suya and I rented a house right in the center of the square, but I preferred to take the apartment with a view of the port and the sea rather than the square, which is always busy and bustling night and day.

   Suya and I also got the job at Scribe in the city, I was also assigned an office for the newspaper, we are waiting for the ship that will bring us the printers and the archives.

  in the meantime, in agreement with Suya, we decided to return to the Oasis of the Seven Palms for some time, we had been away for too long and I had planned to renovate the entire oasis, our palace was old and the sand carried by the wind filled our rooms, together with the builders we developed a plan for the reconstruction, starting from the entrance making it monumental up to the large palace designed by an architect from Phoenicia, a state on planet Earth, located in the Eastern desert, their palaces are fantastic, I saw some paintings and I fell in love with those sumptuous Reggies.

     As soon as we returned to the oasis I gave orders to level the clearing, demolish all the old houses, preparing the ground for the new project. We set up a tent just outside the oasis near a water source, while the builders began their work.

   Those were hectic days as workers worked hard to make their Oasis shine again, for the opening on the first day of the Gor year (March 21st Earth), this year too I had booked a place at the fair for our Gorean Gazette newspaper.

   After some time, seeing that the work was already well underway, I decided to send a message to one of the organizers, a woman named Feather, I don't remember exactly but I think I had already met her before, I sent her a letter asking to reserve a tent for me, to represent my Oasis of the Seven Palms and for the newspaper.

   Suya has proven to be an excellent director, she directs the operations at home with decorations and new furniture arrived from the nearby Landa, she is very happy, she loves the new house built with blue marbles brought from the North, her land, she can't wait for everything to end so we can resume our travels,

     I have made some sketches of the new Oasis and I am proud to be able to show them to you today, waiting for the En-Kara fair to begin, then I will leave together with Suya, I can not wait to meet old friends and get to know new villages and cities, even if I remember the last edition we were together giving lessons of Magistrate with Lady Lucy Brone my teacher.

I also remember Lady Janette, they lived together in the city of Por Olni, where I worked as a Magistrate for a while but they have now passed away, (RIP) unfortunately even in Gor life, even if long, an accident can happen and you fly away, I will always remember them with all my heart, they gave me a light in my life on the Planet ......
newspaper headquarters in Port Kar


Saturday, 15 February 2025


Saturday, February 15, 2025

                     RETURN TO PORT KAR

I was truly happy when a pirate with his ship docked in the small port of my Oasis of the Seven Palms, that the city of Port Kar had been rebuilt.

    I had wonderful memories of that city, commanded by twelve Captains, but inhabited by thieves, criminals and murderers, the Panthers roamed freely through the canals, the fishermen used slaves as bait for their lines, to catch the big Urts that roamed the waters of the large port.

     I worked as a lawyer in that city, but I had very few clients, the law in that city was made by themselves, they didn't need judges or lawyers, but I spent my time walking outside the walls, I usually reached the foot of the hills where at the top there was a village of Panthers, one day walking in the small forest in the small valley, I came across their Queen..
Lady Myrian and Kajira Farah

    I had the opportunity to meet her and admire her beauty, she also did not disdain my presence so after some time we fell madly in love, she taught me the art of fighting, and survival in the forest, when she asked me to accompany her to the Black City for a tournament I was happy, I was less so when she was killed in one of the fights by an unscrupulous Torvie warrior, she suffered a lot and left the city of Port Kar and moved to the Island of Landa, in the south of the Thassa Sea.
Sir Augustus

     Now I had the chance to see those places dear to me and maybe meet some old friends, I told Suya about our next trip so she could prepare, and after a few days we left towards the North to reach Port Kar, the journey was harder than expected because the north wind was hindering our navigation, but after a few Hands we arrived in sight of the mouth of the Wosk river, from there we reached the roadstead of the large port full of ships coming from all over the planet.
Sri Adrian Aureluis

   It wasn't easy to get ashore, the docks were bustling with people and the port was in turmoil, the new city had attracted merchants from all over the planet and the commanders managed the traffic.
Kajira Menna

   We introduced ourselves to the guard corps and the Commander escorted us to the central square where many citizens were sitting. As soon as we approached the square I was very surprised and happy to see Lady Myriam, my friend for many years, and Sir Augustus, son of Lady Sabayna and Sir Yuroki, also my friends for years, sitting in a corner of the garden. After greeting them and meeting another great Gorean, Sir Adrian Aurelius, and exchanging a few words, Suya and I decided to visit the city immediately, but not before renting a room at the Inn, to spend the night in a bed that did not move with the waves of the sea.

    The city of Port Kar was no longer the same, it was still built on the canals but instead of the wooden shacks and houses there were now many very modern stone buildings, with many gardens, waterfalls and flowers everywhere,  I remembered the great Caste tower, but it was no longer there now the Castes had their beautiful marble buildings and the bridges once dilapidated made of wood worn by time were now built of stone with marble columns, the waterfalls brought the water always clear and fresh from the mountains, and each house had two entrances on two different canals.

    What more can I say? My sweet Suya and I were happy to have undertaken this trip and visited the new city.  

Thursday, 13 February 2025



 **Celebration free companionship at Casa Hansen**


     Today,  this year of gor 10175 on the 11th hand of the passage, beginning of the month (February 9, 2025, Earth date) we will celebrate  Free Companionship of Sir Ans and Lady Freya.

The most beautiful flowers bloomed at Casa Hansen, bringing with them a portent of love and overcoming. Their scent hung in the air, enveloping the guests who came from various cities in Gor to witness the union of this couple whose history teaches us that love is a gift for those who know how to cultivate it.

The evening began with a dazzling performance by the girls from the Gorean Brazil Dance group, who enchanted everyone before the arrival of the bride, Lady Freya. As she crossed the path to her destination, she could not contain her emotion upon seeing the decorations carefully prepared for her big day.

lady Suya cerimonier

 Accompanying her was her fiancé, Sir Ans, whose gaze revealed deep feelings, kept to be fully delivered at this unique moment. The sparkle in the eyes of the most beautiful northern couple announced that, from today onwards, they would be the lords of Casa Hansen.

 The girls of the house did not hide their smiles or tears when they saw their masters celebrating a union forged with seriousness and pride. The ceremony Binding hands and blood (Dagger) was conducted with due honor by the scribe Suya, whose solemn conduct gave even more prestige to the union, sealing this commitment before the gods.


Today the North is in celebration. The three moons of Gor illuminate the skies, shedding their light on the couple, while the gods, in their grace, bless and strengthen this union, making it solid and unbreakable.

Escrito por Suya el Nairad 


Monday, 10 February 2025


Monday, February 10, 2025


   After Lady Kallis' departure, Suya prepared to leave for the north. I would accompany her for a while, then I would return to organize everything necessary to participate in the En-Kara fair, on the occasion of the Gorean new year.   I accompanied Suya to the Wosk Delta, she would continue with a delegation of merchants towards the House of Hansen, there Sir Hansen and Lady Freya would celebrate their companionship ceremony, I returned with my ship we crossed the gulf until we sighted the coast of the city of Brundisium, but a sudden storm coming from the South took us out to sea pushing us towards the East on the Wosk River, at this point the commander of the ship decided to continue until we reached a safe port and repair the torn sails of the cyclone that had hit us.
air Road Admin

sir Trygg Admin

  We came in sight of Port Cos, we decided to stop, after a few days we repaired the sails and loaded the provisions, we returned on our route towards the south of Thassa, after a few weeks, we finally arrived on the coast of the Shendi region, the ship had some cargo to be sent to the Merchants and I took advantage of it to visit the new rebuilt Korat, but the friends of the past were no longer there, everything had changed I had spent a few years of my youth in that dark and gloomy city on the hill, before the Panthers attacked and destroyed it, but I have already told you this story other times.
sir Arson HoC Merchant
   A few days passed, I was a guest of the head of the Merchants, an old friend of mine who was a native of Argentum, one morning while we were together at the port, a Caravan Chief asked us for information on the desert, and the best track to get to the Oasis of the two Scimitars, I still had some maps in my trunk and I told the man that I would help him and take him to the Oasis on condition that he go with them, many years had passed since I had been to the Oasis for the En-Kara fair and I wanted to see it again and meet the new administrators, they had told me about two brothers, and I was curious to meet them.
sir franken

    Finally after crossing half the Thahari desert we came in sight of the mighty walls of that Oasis, it was well fortified and well guarded, it was difficult for anyone to enter without a pass from the Commander of the guards, so after having handed over the documents and introduced myself as Pasha of the Oasis of the seven palms, I finally entered that beautiful oasis.

     I was assigned the slave Lhin as a guide, he took me around, roaming from one place to another, showing me palaces and fountains with flowers everywhere and trees, after showing me all the palaces, we finally arrived in the square where there is a large well, I remember the fair I had attended had been set up there, the memories surfaced at that time I was a Magistrate and worked with Lady Jiinny.


Finally I take myself to the great museum of the historical figures of the Oasis, from the old founding leaders to the present day, many men and women who have made the Oasis of the Two Scimitars great,
It was there that I met Strada and Sir Trygg Tyler, the two administrators were together with the caste leader of the Merchants, we talked about the old times, the current situations and the fair that we would soon go to together, in the evening tired I returned to my tent outside the walls, I would return soon to talk to them, I wanted to know the history of the Oasis........................

Sunday, 9 February 2025


 arrive at the oasis of the two scimitars and I meet a very interesting figure, Lhin is his name and despite being a slave he has a noble bearing that intrigued me and I asked him to tell me his story which I report below... happy reading

Lhin was born into slavery on the pani island called Kageyama. As halfbreed of a pani mother and unknown father, the daimyo allowed him to live but as slave. As soon as old enough, he had to work in the mines, a fact that helped him to grow a lean strong body. Pani understand to feed their slaves well, so they not get sick easily and can work harder. But on the other hand they are very bound to their traditions and honor and a halfbreed is often seen as disgrace. Lhin has to face this rejection daily and so the young slave grows up humble and shy, but also grateful to the daimyo that his life was spared.


Once turned 18, Lhin was able to escape and after moons of dangerous travels, he stranded more dead than alive on the lands of Feral Woods. The owner of a farm, master Emrys was kind and not only attending Lhin's wounds but also offering food and shelter. This is how Lhin learned to work with animals and on the fields .The farm was often attacked by panthers and to protect the people, animals and the harvest, master Emrys encouraged his boys to practice with the bow and simple melee weapons. With the help of especially the two slave brother Loren and Kayden, Lhin was able to reach a quite nice level in combat, some abilities that might help him in several situations and not only when sent out to skirmish with his brothers. Once they been stealing in the Oasis of Two Scimitars, got caught and Loren was killed right in front of Lhin's eyes, a trauma the young halfbreed never got over with. Lhin managed to escape but only short after, master Emrys closed the farm and moved on, selling the boys and so Lhin ended on the chain of his former brother Kayden who after manumission took the rank of commander in Hinansho where he was able to level up his combat skills.

After their island was abandoned, his owner chose the life as mercenary and Lhin was given as guard to a "noble man". Once they arrived in Curra, this man left Lhin behind without paying the bills and so Lhin ended on the leash of the honored rune priest Vidar Ravenwhite who paid the debts and saving Lhin from a life as city slave. Sadly Curra was destroyed and so they had to move on, found a new place for live in the oasis of two scimitars.

One day Lhin's owner decides to travel north. Surprised by a heavy sandstorm they get separated in the Tahari. Lhin had to give up the desperate search for his master and finally arrived at the Isles of Tira, the planned destination of their travel. For several moons Lhin used the caves of Tira as base for his scouting and hunting for any signs of his owner, always hiding to avoid to end in the kennels as abandoned slave. But his nocturnal hunts for food remnants in the city were highly risky of being discovered.

The search for his master Vidar brought Lhin back to the Oasis of 2 Scimitars where he hoped to find any hints in the former house of Vidar, hints that might give Lhin new ideas where to look for his owner. When he broke into the city in the night, he is captured and tortured by bandits of the Scimitar underground. Badly wounded he is found by the young green apprentice Terje, who saved the life of the pani halfbreed and took him as slave. Sadly for his education, Terje had to travel a lot, unable to care for his boy. So after a few moons, he manumitted the overly surprised halfbreed.

But unprepared Lhin struggled a lot with his new situation as free even warrior. During that time he had the luck to buy the kajirus Maynad. Both are quickly connected and feel like brothers ever since. When the pani lord Ryota stepped into the warrior's life, the young pani lord quickly reminded Lhin about his true nature and place as halfbreed and so finally Lhin submitted to Ryota to step back into the slave life he is used to with Maynad as his chain brother. 

Lhin proved his loyalty and devotion in many occasions, was sometimes rented out as fighting kajirus to help other cities to defend. All to bring honor and coins for his owner. And so Ryota honored the halfbreed with his personal brand, the first in the young life of Lhin. 

  DARIANTRAVELS CHAPTER 2 LIFE IN CARTASSA AND ESCAPE TO THE NORTH Cartassa was a beautiful city built in the middle of the Thahari desert, ...