Friday 7 January 2022

Kingdom of wolves

 Vita Theas, a stilit in second life you can find in Just immagine Wolves land

     I did not give myself peace, harmony my partner waiting for my little Orlando, who had left to join her mother Torvie in the north, had not given any news of herself.
    One day while I was at the port a Pirate captain from Port Kar. he told me that in the town of Wendermeer, it was said that a woman lost on the prairie beyond the Sardar Mountains had been taken to that memoryless town and that the village chief had taken her under her protection.
    I organized a caravan, called my trusty warriors and we left for the north, a long journey awaited us, before crossing the Olni region then skirting the lake and crossing the mountains, up to the track that leads from the Sanctuary to the Fjords.
  After many days of walking, we finally took the northern track. one morning we woke up in the middle of a snowstorm, we walked with difficulty towards some great rocks that would have protected us from that icy wind and from the abundant snow that was falling all around.
   The day after the storm calmed down, leaving the weighing white with a thick blanket of fog, we decided to go on even if we had lost the track by now and everything seemed dead around us.
   After hours of walking aimlessly I ordered to stop and mount the field, sooner or later the fog would clear, I told the men that I would venture around the field in search of some trace that could help us.
     I don't know how long I walked everything seemed unreal, until I glimpsed some big rocks and headed in that direction, the closer I got the more I seemed to glimpse the entrance to a cave, and after a while I got there the cave seemed to end in a tunnel, perhaps an old iron mine, but the farther I went the more it seemed that a light could be glimpsed far away in that tunnel, until I came out into a large cave.
    My surprise was immense, in seeing all around the great ferocious animals, certainly imported from planet Earth, threatening trigri, together with panthers and pumas, I had studied the animals of that planet, which at my sight became aggressive, turning around me sniffing me. I was terrified, already vdevo torn apart by those beasts. and begged Odine to save me
   I do not know how much time passed I was sweaty and afraid, suddenly a pack of Wolves also terrible animals of the Earth, entered the cave, growling at the animals keeping them away from me, behind them I saw her, a celestial figure a very beautiful woman wrapped in a white robe with a crown holding his headdress and a cloak encrusted with precious stones.
   I thought it was a dream but her voice brings me back to reality,
  -My name is Vita and I am the queen of Theas-
   This was the name of this kingdom populated by ferocious animals commanded by a pack of wolves, after a long sigh I called all my strength and said
_ I am Darian Arliss, Scribe, Magistrate, and lawyer, not that Prince of the Oasis of the seven palms in the Thahari desert-
  She smiled at me and I invite me to follow her towards a luminous door in the rock, we came out into a large lagoon, with many islands connected to each other and all of them connected to the largest island with a large hut in the style of the Vikings, I take myself to the hut, to my amazement I saw large tapestries and pictures on the walls. many hanging dresses, ready for sale, she said to me:
  -I am the seamstress of the swamps and all the Warriors and Ladies come to get supplies from me-
 I looked around, I had no words, from the window you could see large panels with paintings all around that represented subjects of all kinds, from animals to fighting scenes to beautiful semi-undressed women.
    At the entrance of that large hut there was the inscription `` VOLVES IMMAGINE ''
  We talked at length about my travels, about my beloved Harmony dispersed, about her immense kingdom that she shared with the Prince of Wolves, now traveling, after giving me a map of the area and the way out of that misty valley, we greeted each other as if ago between Pricippi and Regine.
  After many hours of walking I finally arrived at my camp, but I said nothing as promised about that kingdom and that woman Queen of the Wolves, I ordered to clear the camp a long way awaited us to reach the Fjord ...

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...