Tuesday 13 December 2022






the hairdresser's shop

    The last few days have been full of events, Lady Tenka stopped in Venna and opened a herbalist-perfumery shop, even opened it in a rather dangerous and complicated area to reach, and the first corner shop that leads to the canal leading to the ruins and lodgings of the lower Castes, but despite this her shop is well attended, I, for example, bought perfumed soaps paying ten Coopers, even though she asked for twelve.



Lady Proxima who in port Victoria was chief caste of the Merchants, and after the fall joined the other citizens In port Nykus, Sir Amir the chief scribe after giving her lessons in laws I name her Scribe taking the High Caste, now and here at the resort for a holiday, I have offered him the job of assistant Magistrate in my office, But she reserved to decide for now she said, I want to rest at the resort where she took a toilet at the lake. And often he comes to the city with his dazzling hats, every day he changes a very fluffy one, creating amazement in other citizens.

  Yesterday going down the large stairs to go to the port, to see the new arrivals and the ships stopped at the docks, on the left clearly visible a beautiful blue shop with many flowers in the garden, and with curiosity I approached and to my amazement I saw it was the new Bakery, and just as I was peeking in side I arrived Lady Tenka, She’s also curious. It was beautiful that showcase with many sweets and cakes on display, so I offered to give him cookies with chocolate chips, Cookies call them, very good and after paying we went out and ate them talking about the bakery and who could be seen that at that time the master was not there but only a slave who served at the counter, Then a guard came and told me I had visits to my office and I left her to enjoy those cookies.

When I arrived I saw Lady Lucretia waiting for me at the entrance and I confirmed my request for a house a little bigger and on the main street the Tellura lane, she told me that the house would be built in Piazza Tellura and that soon I could move.

   Lady Lucretia a great woman and a great builder, she set in motion all her organization and after a few days today she gave me the keys to the new house, she showed me the large rooms, telling me that soon the furniture would also arrive, I was very happy for that new house I had ordered, in anticipation of my new partner in Venna and a new family, 


A strange figure with strange dresses like the ones Lady Hana wore I met at the tea room, and Sir Argos introduced me as the new beautician hairdresser, my name was Lady Luelar she told me in the introductions, and she has the shop right in front of the court, the first shop on the left going up the grand staircase. I was there today and she was engaged to a lady, and outside there was already a certain queue waiting for their turn for the services, Sir Argos ordered his slave No-name to enter and be depilated and massaged in short, his slave wants her beautiful, who since they cut his hair as punishment is no longer the same, I told the hairdresser as soon as possible I will come for my hair too long, Of course she professionally noted the orders and schedules for work

 As usual Sir Jakis the commander and always around scouring with his guards the city and especially the port where so many foreigners arrive is him and there always vigilant, nothing escapes him, and never allows himself a little break to take a black wine with us.

     Sir Argos and Sir Nykus are preparing the big party for the beginning of the new year, with the upcoming Vagon del Se-Var fair, and a great party that is celebrated all over the planet I lived it in many cities every new year, even in the north where snow already covers everything,

Friday 9 December 2022


I was very struck by the story of the perfumer Tenka, pursued by Ulir his protector, who poses as a brother, and by Amir, who had prepared the new perfumery in the city of Nykus where they live after the fall of Port Victoria, I remember well the day of the vote to elect the head caste where I was on the list and I had a good chance of being elected,  They after voting took the first ship, leaving the city, taking with them many citizens and slaves, the city remained depopulated fell all fled into the forest.

  In the confusion, while my slave Fahima collected the most precious objects I was waiting for her outside the walls, on the road to the forest, it was then that Timmer the player taking advantage of the confusion, kidnapped Fahima with the help of the slaver, I escaped with his ship leaving, I waited a long time on that road, by now everyone was falling, it was a danger to stay, and I walked together with other citizens towards the forest it was then that I met Tenka.
I did not know her personally, I had heard good things about her, and I offered to escort her to the forest where we would have huts taken from a tribe of annihilated panthers. I accept it even if you understand well in those moments of fear and despair everyone looks suspiciously at his neighbor, and to reassure her I told him that I was a Magistrate and that I am also editor and editor of a newspaper, and I would like to write about her and her life, and she accepted even if she said I do not have much to tell.

I was born in Port Kar in the city of the  twelve captains but I do not have a memory of my parents, that is, my father sailor left when I was small, while my mother left alone was put on the collar, and taken away from the city, I grew up and the She-Hur believed that I had many skills especially in trade, so I was adopted by an old merchant,  who lived alone in the vicinity of the city of Sais, and thanks to him I was introduced into the caste of merchants, after I had learned to read and write and count, thanks also to a warrior named Hlena, he came from Leisure, and his father Sir Ender also lived in port Victoria.

I did not have a fixed house stone, but I traveled continuously for my trades after the old man had left me his warehouse, then I returned to Kar and stayed there  for some time at the end I moved  to port Victoria where the trades made more, I met them a merchant Torvalsdland we became of  Company, one day a ship arrives and a man introduces himself as my father but I did not know that man was a stranger for me to have abandoned me had broken the family bond.

I let him go on his way, I am a difficult woman to manage, even my partner just before the confirmation of the company disappeared, and I was alone and I think it is the best thing, but you never know tomorrow if I meet a man who loves me and who understands me.
In port Victoria I met my mother, she went from one collar to another, her name is Kurio now,  but after some time she disappeared too, basically when a mother and a slave is theoretically no longeryour mother, And Ulir is the brother of my old partner torvaldsland, and he thinks he is also my brother that's why,  he treats me like this and for that he wants  him to return to Nykus, but 

I have to follow my business and I am determined to finish my work here in Venna, as to Amir him without my opinion to replicated my shop in Nycus also the sign the same and everything else preparing the way to move there,  but I remember talking to the Administrator Lady Monkee she  also said that it was very strange that as soon as she voted for the caste leader in Victoria she left with the others.

I want to try to live happily working and doing trade, and I will end up with the help of Lady Zoey a great friend of mine, as the blindfold that I carry to the eye we all have our secret that we carry on us, sometimes it is better to forget but reality is what leads us to behave in a certain way, and having said that, she greets me and goes silently towards the big stairs

Tuesday 6 December 2022



I was sitting quietly in my office when from the street the voice of the caste chief Sir Argos called me, I rushed out thinking there was some alarm or invasion, and after greeting him he told me about a big problem that had happened just before because of a woman.
 I told him to calm down because he was particularly agitated, after a few minutes I began to explain, his brother Sir Isle Chief Magistrate, had had a quarrel with the head of the builders Sir Relic. I promised myself to question the witnesses and the two Sirs involved and Lady Schera who apparently is the cause of everything.
  Early the next morning I showed up at Sir Isle's office, and he visibly angry and I think also worried, told me that it was nonsense, but that it degenerated when Relic hit him, because he had called Schera by a different name, and that he had won the challenge between them to ingratiate himself with the woman.
 It was not a big problem I realized that between two friends sometimes these things happen, and for a woman two men of high caste could not end up in court, so I proposed to talk to Sir Minus the administrator who also worried and even a little angry told me to seek peace between them,  now I was waiting for Sir Relic to interrogate him and convince him to make peace with his friend Isle, I had gone to his office but there was no urgent work to do, so I went to the tea room for my usual black wine, and on the way a woman in merchant's clothes looked around lost,  the closer I got, the more I noticed a resemblance to a woman who lived in Port Victoria, a well-known and important merchant and also wealthy.
 When I was near I greeted Lady Tenka, and asked him if I could help her, he told me that Lady Zoey was waiting for a friend and merchant in Venna said that I had business to attend to together, and that at her shop they had said that she was on her way back and would soon arrive.
   I offered to let her visit the city and the great lake, she accepted and took her around the upper and lower city, then I took her to the lake, she was amazed by the beauty of the landscape and the air that was breathed, then she asked me to visit the Planetarium, I took her to the street but at some point I could not find the entrance,  I walked around with her in the area but I couldn't remember the stairs.

 Fortunately the commander Sir Jakis arrived and offered to escort her to the planetarium, I of course after the fool I preferred to go back to my usual chair at the tea room, after a little time they returned, she visibly happy told me the planetarium with its planets and stars was beautiful, then Sir Hugo arrived and I took her to visit the shops in the market street and I returned to my work.

   In the afternoon as I entered the café, you hear a woman screaming, it was Lady Schera who shouted at Tenka for soiling her face with a piece of cake and the dress with her cup of tea, Schera screamed for that she had a dinner, she would arrive late for the time it would take her to change, also she claimed that he had done it on purpose to offend her,  but since it was a quarrel between women I preferred to move to the café in front where sitting at a table a figure with strange clothes and a large hat that covered almost all of it, I had already seen the drawings made by Scribe travelers on planet Earth, they were called Japanese, I introduced myself asking him who it was for my curiosity,  She told me her name was Hana, and she was a healer, who came to town looking for a job and a home.

 We talked about the city and the opportunities it offered, then the manager of the hotel Sir Wiey arrived and invited Lady Hana to choose a room for the night, while I retired to my house not far away.

The next day as I was heading towards the grand staircase, I saw a group of people standing at a corner and approaching me I recognized Sir Minus, Sir Relic, Lady Schera and Lady Tenka, I approached trying to understand what was happening, I understood that it was for the quarrel between the two ladies, Lady Schera had told Relic, and he demanded according to the law that she be arrested as a non-citizen,  could risk being slavery, at this point Sir Minus asked if anyone knew the woman and I said I know her well she was a merchant of port Victoria, I did not know that in the meantime after the fall of Victoria she had moved to Nykus, where I had been for four hands before arriving in Venna,  a city rebuilt on the ruins of earthquake.
 As I was saying this, two citizens of Nykus suddenly appeared as ghosts, whom I regarded as friends, namely Sir Ulir, the keeper of Victoria who has now become Chief of Merchants, and Sir Amir, former chief caste in Victoria and now a citizen of Nykus.
   Everyone thought that they had come for a peaceful alliance instead they were there to bring back Tenka who according to them was bound to their city, and in the meantime Sir Argos also arrived, certainly annoyed by the cries, he like me was a friend of Sir Amir, and understood the problem as a great lawman. He asked them if they knew the woman, who in the meantime Sir Minus had said that he would not arrest the woman for an insignificant fact, this brought Sir Relic to force Lady Schera to follow him into her house, she reluctantly followed him because he wanted revenge, perhaps jealousy of women, however better they had saved me so much work.
  Meanwhile as they were leaving, Sir Amir took Tenka by the arm dragging her towards the ladder but Sir Argos opposed it by asking the woman if she wanted to follow them and she replied that she needed two days for her business in Venna then she would return to them, but they were very angry certainly had faced a long journey for nothing, and they were angry with everyone by offending the city, then Sir Argos invited them to the Inn for a drink of Paga, and they calmed down a little. But they went down the great stairs and disappeared as they had arrived, perhaps they had Tarls outside the walls.
   I now expect to speak to Sir Argos and Sir Minus to decide what to d

Tuesday 29 November 2022



 Today I want to tell you the story of a sweet girl I met.

Little Sierra is sitting on the waterfront, she looks into the distance, looking at the horizon waiting for a ship that may never arrive.

She was born on the line that divides the north from the south, grew up in an anonymous city populated by people who often stay some time but then leave, or by merchants and pirates who stop for some repair or for some trade.


Now grown up, the girl no longer plays with her friends but is busy at home helping her mother and brothers, the father now far away for a long time no longer gave news  of himself and  they lived from the work of the doctor mother, gave lessons to the daughters who helped her in dressings and healing potions

   One day a young pirate arrived at the port, tall blond with blue eyes, I enter the medicine shop for a wound to a leg, and Eli falls in love at first sight, he too is dazzled by the beauty of the young woman, and after a period of courtship he took her as a companion, he settled in the city opened a large warehouse of products that traded between the north and the south.

    Everything was going well they were happy and she was expecting a child from him, but sometimes happiness does not last forever and one day the small town was attacked by marauders who devastated and killed anyone who opposed or defended the walls, The young pirate took his pregnant wife to the nearby woods and hid her under leaves, And he ran along with others to defend and drive out those marauders.

     While some fought others captured women and children and took them on their ship, until they ran away taking those women and children, so it was that the young pirate along with other citizens set up a ship to chase and free those people.

    Sierra passed the danger I return to the house waiting in vain for his companion who gave no more news of him, until one day some passing pirates gave him a parchment where he wrote that he would soon return, but time passed and the girl who in the meantime had given birth to a girl, every day went to the port to get news of her partner.


    One day a ship arrived from the south, and the commander told the young woman that his companion's ship had sunk in the storm and that there was no more news of the pirate.

    She never resigned herself and one day the child had grown up, and had aside a little money earned with her work decided to undertake research and at the same time wanted to study to become a Scribe since not having two children could not practice the profession of healer.

She knew of a new large city very populated and decided to visit it hoping there would be a class, otherwise she would move to nearby Thentis, or to the big city of Olni, or Sais could attend courses there.

   One day she was sitting in the tea room of the square overlooking the docks of the port she saw Lui, a tall young man with shoulder-length blond hair, dressed in blue who was slowly advancing looking around followed by some guards.

   She could not believe her eyes was the image of her now lost companion, the closer she got and the more she noticed the resemblance to the point that getting up she ran towards him, the guards stopped her asking what she wanted from their Emir, it was then that I noticed the difference in features this was much younger and taller,

The Emir invited her to sit with him to drink a black wine asking him who he was and what she wanted from him, she told him her story, and the hope that one day she would see and embrace her love again, the Emir introduced himself as Darian in Nairad,  Andmiro of the Oasi of the seven palms,  in the south of the Thassa Sea,  he is also looking for his missing partner with his newborn baby Lady Harmony this is the name of the woman.



But the friendship did not last long, she attended the course at Scribe's and soon she would graduate, and so as soon as she graduated she was called to the city of kargash, the Ubar Sir Youroki took her as Chief Scribe and with his companion Lady Sabayna decided to adopt her together with herdaughter who one day would embrace again.  to  be able to woo her and take her as a companion,  she very enthusiastic, but Sir Youroki who had also lived in the south, precisely in the city of Landa together withthe emir refused him courtship without a plausible reason.

They lost sight of each other for a few years, in the meantime the Emir abdicated in favor of his brother Orlando, had resumed the name he had when he ran away from the oasis, for the city of Korat, and after the fall of Victoria after a brief visit to the north ofhis mother Lady BB Arliss the Magistrate Ulysses, stopped first in a city called Northerm Lig  th and  then moves  to the newly rebuilt city of Venna, called by Lady Jinni who alreadylived and worked as Scribe.

One day while the Magistrate visited the great lake of Venna, he was called to the port, a friend of his had arrived they told him, he ran to the port and found himself in front of the little Sierrarose, the emotion was great and after talking about the old days and asking her I take her to visit the lake.

He said that the city of Kargash had  fallen and that his family had moved to the oasis  of Cartassa, there, the  magistrate knew everyone for who had worked there, she told him that she had known of a tall  and blond  man who lived in Venna and had believed it was her partner. but the disappointment ends soon, She was happy to see him again and asked him to stay a few days in the city with him, then she would return to her family.

But I always see her sitting by the sea, looking into the distance in search of something that will never come,



 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...