Thursday 6 January 2022


   Here we are again, preparations for our ceremony are in full swing, Bryanna is very euphoric and I let her go, I wish her to be happy.
     The house, although small and well furnished, she put all her enthusiasm to make it welcoming and alive, we have a large fireplace for cold winter evenings, the bedroom is separated by a white curtain, while the kitchen from the she feels like she is always ready for anyone, outside the door she has put a small pine tree in a vase and the mailbox, while I have pinched a bush of white roses that give a beautiful scent, even if the bees they flutter all around us.
      at times the city seems to be asleep, then by magic the square is filled with new people, there is always someone who arrives, you know the news rushes along the river. and many are curious to visit, some come to look for their home stone, others to meet friends or relatives, some adventurous merchant seeks his fortune but our guards are alert and attentive.
   Yesterday at our next company ceremony my daughter Margy arrived, she lived with her distant mother now she studies on campus, now we finally met, the family is complete, my mother lady BBarliss promised us she will arrive as soon as possible to celebrate herself, my brother Orlando passing through the Sardar sanctuary stopped with us and my daughter's betrothed sir Lester the pirate of port Kar also has his ship anchored in the port, my sister Shaina, who still lives in Finnur fiord a large village in Torwsland will also arrive in a caravan, hoping that the snow of winter does not block it in some
remote village.
    Yesterday I finally met Sir Sennar my chief magistrate, we hadn't met yet because of his bizarre hours different from mine, he is very happy because moreover we are from the same region, and we speak the same dialect.
  Lady Tygera is happy that the citizens are finally getting married and setting up a house, she is the chief of the scribes, and second to the administrator of the city, even if she has her hard work we often see her sitting with us for a nice Blackwine in the square to the pillows
of the bar.
What can I say soon ranccontero you of the events that will happen in this village and its characters.


 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...