Friday 20 May 2022



The return home is always nice .. to see my subjects and the things I love, and my palace that I share with Bryana, my sweet beloved.
    One day I receive a message from my great friend Sir Yuroki, you will recall that we lived together in the great and rich city of Landa, then in the city of Theera, where I was called to work as a Magistrate, called by Lady Safina, she live there as them rebuilt his new desert city all together.
    It was not a good experience to find myself still in front of Sir LC (Lord Cougan) my arch enemy, who hindered me wherever I went, fate made me find him again, even Sir Finthor my step-stepbrother lived there, while Youroki was  merchant chief, not I was happy, in Theera, luckily I was called from the city of Olni, where I had
worked for years first as a Scribe and then as a Magistrate, to tell the truth I was called by Lady Kara Serin, a Tuchuk farmer, who lived on an island near the city, I also rented a large house called the lighthouse, because the lighthouse was also attached. that lit up the distant sky at night.
   Meanwhile, Olni was depopulated, people preferred the heat of the desert or the large cities of Vosk or the rich islands of the Thassa sea, Lady Kara who initially accepted my court, with the approval of her mother, the queen of the Tuchuk,  she realize that my work and hers on the farm could not reconcile with our relationship and we decided to close it, so  alone in a desert city I decided to move to the city of Thentis going up the river, and it was there that one day them
brought the beautiful Malena that some pirates had recovered from the sea clinging to a board, devoid of memory.
   I have already written the story that in the end I regain my memory and I taught him to become a scribe and then a lawyer, and together we then moved to the city of Sais where lived  sir Nicholas, our great friend and administrator of the city lived.
  But the life of the city was not like us wanted, I proposed to Bryana, to move to my Oasis, telling him that my father the now
dead Pasha el Darian had left the kingdom, to his eldest son, my brother Orlando return from his long travels around for the planet, legitimate heir had ascended to the throne, and I with my faithful subjects and my guards together with Bryana, we left and conquered a small island not far from the city of Landa where with the help of good builders we built our emirate .
     The message received from Yuroki said that he was on a long business trip and did not want to leave her partner Lady Sabayna alone and asked me to place her under my protection in the oasis.
  I was very pleased with the news and my old friend's request, and we anxiously waited for her to come to the oasis in her ship. Bryana immediately took her in favor, she assigned him a room in the
building and asked him to help her in her work, she accepted happy feeling safe and protected in our emirate, I am also happy, finally my beloved will be able to have a friend for chatting and working together, rather than having half-naked slaves at your feet.
    Unfortunately a new journey awaits us to make deals with the new city of Corcyus, but this is another story ..

Friday 13 May 2022


By now the case of Magistrate Wash was solved, he was convinced of his actions, and of his good faith, while in his old city they were sure they had impaled head of the real Wash. Having concluded our investigation and the report that Bryjana had drawn up for the archives of the city of AR, naturally she gave her copy to the Magistrate, we prepared everything for our return trip to our Oasis of the Seven Palms where our subjects and the our work, waiting us
   We were curious to know how the construction of the city of Cartassa proceeded in the desert, and so we decided to extend a few days of walking in the desert, to make a short stop before returning home.
    The city was growing very well, perhaps even better than the old Cartassa, of course there are still many things to fix and buildings to be built, but I am sure that under the supervision of Lady Safina everything will be as beautiful as before.
     Safina wanted to give us a new house and a new office, but we preferred to take the old tower, now empty with a large room upstairs, and so it was that in the large room on the ground floor we organized the branch of our newspaper '' Gazette of Moon '' while upstairs, we havefurnish the bedroom with a large bathtub to relax after the hardships of the day.
    The expiration date of our companionship was approaching, as you know the women of the planet who have a partner, every year they have to renew love and companionship, and for us that day would soon come, I talked about it with Lady Mae my elderly aunt, if we could do the pa ceremony in Cartassa, she enthusiastically made the large meeting room available to us, for our renewal ceremony, We asked Sir Vance to be our best man along with Mae, while the scribe lady Lambada doing functions as a caste leader, while Sir Berhard is away on his travels.
    The ceremony is of course that of the exchange of the cup of wine that both partners drink in the presence of witnesses, declaring their renewed love for another year.
    From time to time we get rumors of cities falling, destroyed by the greed and wickedness of men, luckily others are born from north to south all over the planet and I with Bryjana. we have our work cut out, to clear the fallen cities and add the new ones from our newspaper, not before we stop there and put our rack on the piers or in front of the gates of the villages or towns, and remove them from the fallen cities
     We had recently returned to the Oasis, the days passed quietly, one day we received an invitation from the city of Tsushima Island for a company ceremony, a city. inhabited by people with yellow skin and almond eyes, certainly their ancestors imported from planet
Earth, had kept their traditions on that distant island, with their traditional customs and habits, which for us were rather strange, but at the at the same time beautiful in their colors and shades of gold, with their particular hairstyles and women with their faces covered with porcelain masks, instead of the usual veil that women normally wear all over the planet, except in the North.
    We witnessed their long ceremony performed in a red wooden temple, with long bridges that connected to the altar, actually very long in an unknown language, but interesting for their costumes and their beautiful music, performed by splendid women .
    After the ceremony, not even the time to greet them we received a message from Sir Nicholas, our friend and administrator of the city of Sais, announcing his company ceremony, and inviting us as guests of honor, we could not miss it, so we left immediately and now we are traveling we hope to arrive in time in Sais, we would not want to miss our friend's ceremony, even if we would still have met Lady Monica, our enemy, but we didn't care, we were happy for Nick.
    I write sitting on the deck of the ship called Jasone, while Bryjana enjoys the sea breeze that comes from the south of the Thassa sea, and the red evening sky, while high up in the distant sky, the three moons light up the sky, I look at her happy and proud of her beauty, she has removed the veil for a while and I admire her in all her beauty.

Tuesday 10 May 2022



       Arriving in Brundisium, the city of pirates and outlaws crossroads of all lawful and illicit trade, I remember a lawsuit of a pirate who traded between Port Kar and the city of AR despite being at war passing goods between the port of Brundisium.

    I said while we were busy with our newspaper, we learned of an execution, which took place a few days before the scribe Sir Wash, then impaled his head outside the gate, as a trophy and as a warning to other citizens who do not respect the laws and attack the warriors.
  Yes, the city is commanded by warriors, and by their laws, we were shocked because in the vicinity of the spear with the bloody head, we had set up our Rack (newsstand), after having protested in vain, we just had to take back the newsstand and to leave for the great powerful and honorable city of AR, it was a dream of mine to visit that great city, but due to the perennial wars between Shendi and Port Kar, it had always been impossible for me to reach it, but now finally after the fall of old Ubar the new Ubar sir .......... had proclaimed peace with all the enemy cities until then.

   Arrived in the city of AR, the first thing was to introduce us to the Ubar an old warrior named Marlenus who welcomed us with joy and much interest for our newspaper and to put our newsstand on the docks of the port. After talking about this and that, I with Bryiana offered him the possibility of working occasionally as Scribes, I as Magistrate and Bryjana as Lawyer and of course open a branch of the Gazette of moon, He very happy will give us an office in the
tower of the caste. behind the great court of the tribunal, he told us that there was already a Magistrate who was reorganizing the offices of the judiciary and rewriting the new laws. and we were stunned when he told us his name .. Sir Wash. Bryjana and I looked into each other's eyes knowing full well the history of the Scribe Wash, but we remained silent in front of the Ubar.
    The next day we finally met the Magistrate Sir Wash, who after much insistence we tell us the story of him.
   He begins by saying that he had been Magistrate in Lara, but that, knowing that in Brundisium they were looking for new Scribes, he decided to leave to reach the city, but during the journey the Pirates robbed him of everything by throwing him into the sea, he was saved thanks to a log of ' tree that floated, until after several days I arrived at the archipelago of Cos, saved by a ship of Vikings going up the sea of ​​Thassa.
   Meanwhile, one of the Pirates, appropriated Sir Wash's documents and his credentials, presented himself to the city of Brundisium claiming to be the new Scribe, but from the first moment they realized that he did not have enough knowledge of the laws, and one day, walking for the city, I cross a free woman a merchant who scolded a city slave for not having knelt in front of her. He who saw the beauty of the slave and was already looking forward to meeting her in some fur, I screamed at the woman in turn, who called the guards explaining the fact and they arrested the false Scribe, after a long interrogation they sentenced him to death, by cutting off his head, and the latter would be put on a spear outside the main gate. The execution took place and everything seemed to end, but after a few days I arrived on a ship the real Sir Wash,
    Presenting himself to the scribe in charge, sir Liam, the elderly Scribe was adamant, for him the scribe Wash had been executed and there could be no others, but realizing the big mistake in secret they took Wash and took him far to the edge of the desert, ordering him not to return further into town, he was dead to them now.
    At this point he approaches with a passing caravan traveling to the city of AR, and when I arrive I explain to the Ubar sirMarlenus his story and he, after having asked the city council, who questioned the man and discovered that he knew the laws, I gave him the task as Magistrate of reorganizing the court and the new laws of the city.
   Bryjana and I were very impressed by this story, but since the city of Ar does not recognize the Brundisium pitati, they asked us not to make further inquiries, or to write reports to send to the planet council, but to forget.

      The story of Wash is exciting and I want my readers to know about this story, which will soon become a legend

Tuesday 3 May 2022




- Cartassa Desert & FC Renewal Cartassa Desert & FC Renewal Our travels took us far north where we were able to strike deals at Gudvangen, via Jasmine, Isle of Anango, back via Port Kar into the Vosk Delta, down the

Thassa Cartuis to Cartassa, A caravan awaits us from the river bank, leading us through the desert to the gates of the oasis town of Cartasa Dessert, whose golden towers gleam in the evening sun that almost blinds them. As soon as our caravan could be seen on the horizon, some warriors and Lady Safina Uma Bin El Congo, daughter of the Pasha of Cartassa, gathered. Unfortunately, Pasha Congo has been missing for some time. However, we have heard that Cartassa is not giving up the search for her pasha and has appointed an interim pasha, Sir Abu Jabari. Safina is a distant relative of Darian's whose mother is Lady Mae, an aunt of Darian's, and throughout the journey I could feel the joyful uneasiness in him at seeing his family again. We saw the crowd of people at the gates of Cartassa, who apparently prepared themselves for a fight as a precaution when they saw our caravan with our entourage. Only when they recognized Darian in his magnificent
robes of the Emir's, a cheering of joy broke out and we were greeted warmly and entertained. The joy of the reunion was great and Darian was able to clear up some misunderstandings from the past with his relatives, So came what was inevitable, we were asked to stay, however aware of the responsibility of our own Oasis of Seven Palms and its people ,we agreed to frequent longer stays and visits and agreed to a service contract as Magistrate and Avdocate with the City of Cartassa It was already getting dark and the sun was sinking its last rays onto the hot desert sand. We had much to talk about and they set us up a house where we could work on the Gazette undisturbed when we were here in Cartassa. There were nice private quarters above the Gorean Moons branch. Soon the 3 moons would be circling high in the sky and as I looked up at the sky my heart got heavy, very heavy and I choked back my tears. With all this reunion, Darian had forgotten that today, when the moons are up, our free social contract expires. I lifted my head

proudly, I don't want to show any weakness, even if the pain is deep and the disappointment great, but that's life for a woman on this planet. Darian and I were just outside the house when I thought it was all over. I took off my veil and stood on tiptoe and kissed him tenderly on the mouth one last time before turning and hurrying to the INN where I would take a room as I was no longer allowed to live in that house. The pain in my heart suppressed hope that I could at least continue my work at Gorean Moons. Tired and sad, I sat down on the bed in the common room, still fighting back tears, when I heard the door open and Darian burst in with two mugs of Ka-la-na wine, took off his shoes and sat on the bed and handed me the cup. I would appreciate his gesture, but both he and I knew it wasn't legal, so I just shook my head so he wouldn't see the wet glint in my eyes. " No"! I said firmly "it wouldn't be legal and you know it and I won't submit to though I will always love you." I lifted my chin defiantly and my eyes sparkled but with anger and disappointment "but the time it's over, it's too late!" Darian's silence made things
even more difficult, his breathing ragged and his eyes darting to the heavens when he suddenly jumped up without a word and put his shoes back on as he ran, not realizing that he'd grabbed two different shoes and was running out . THAT WAS IT !! I saw the goblets on the floor, the wine sloshing across the floor as Darians dropped them, and now I couldn't hold back my tears. Only a few Ehns seemed to have passed, which felt like Ahns when there was a knock on the door and a deep voice asking for entrance. A massive Kajrius, presumably from the silver mines of Tharna, now stood in the room with his legs apart, after kneeling down briefly in greeting and asking me to follow him, he seemed to be in a hurry. "Why should I?" "Mistress, follow me, otherwise I'd have to carry if you don't come, that's my job!" So before I let this guy pick me up and throw me over my shoulder, I silently nodded and followed him, but I don't know why. He led me into the café, where the smell of black wine and fresh pastries hit me, but God knows why, I didn't feel like black wine. So I lifted my face and saw p
He led me into the café, where the smell of black wine and fresh pastries hit me, but God knows why, I didn't feel like black wine. So I lifted my face and saw people standing in the cafe, there was Darian, Lady Safina, a lady in blue, obviously a scribe and a warrior. Darian smiled and learned who these people were, the warrior was Sir Ace and the scribe was the HOC of Cartassa Lady Lam's caste. Lady Safina now speaks for me and asks loudly: "Are you ready and willing to extend your FC's contract, time is of the essence but it is not too late, the contract is valid from the signing and not from the contract start ceremony, we should." " hurry up, if you agree, we
should go to the Scribe Tower quickly! With wide eyes and a halting voice, I nodded and just said. I want...!" Our contract was quickly renewed, we drank the wine of love again, promising to love foreverand honor each other again, each in their own words from the heart. And behind me, indeed, I heard a heavy sob from the warrior as he heard our mutually renewed vows. Even though everything happened in the last EHN, it was the best thing that could have happened to me anyway and I beamed at Darian, relief and a smile could also be seen when Lady Lam handed him the signed and sealed extension contract for good, also signed by the witnesses Sir Ace and Lady Safina and her self. We thanked him, and after a while Darian urged us to leave, we entered the newspaper house that had been prepared for us and went upstairs to our chambers. We held each other tightly on the bed for a long time until tiredness closed our eyes.

Monday 2 May 2022




After the fall of the city of Lara where we had set up the office of Magistrate and Advocate for Bryianna, disappointed and dejected we returned to the South, in our Oasis and we organized the release of the new issue of the '' Moon Gazette ,, we had enough news to write, talking about the fairs in which we had participated as a newspaper, up to the visits to the countries of the North, with our contracts for the newspaper and the rack at the docks.

   Finally at home, we have reorganized our life with our subjects and checked many little things that come out only with attention.
   While we were north in Hammersgaard we had solved the case of the missing child, little Bjiorn, son of Nani, who had kidnapped him by none other than his father himself Sir Edu the innkeeper, who entrusted him to his Kajires, because he learned that his partner if only a panther in disguise would have destined the child to his camp in the forest to use him as a slave of procreation, through a ceremony that takes place in the villages of the panthers in the period of fertility, to fertilize the young women to have many children, possibly females, men as we know who have become sex slaves, otherwise destined for work in the forest.
    Did the child find the case closed? instead no Nani shuttled between his panther camp and the village, where he helped in the inn by serving the tables without ever saying what it was, but always listening to the gossip with the hope that one day he could find and take back the little one a Bjion and escape , because the mother's instinct is superior to any law.
     In the last days of the preparations for the departure we met Nani, on the way from the port to the happy inn, we asked him why and he told us that there had been a new fertilization ceremony, she had become pregnant and would finally have another child. or preferably daughter, everything was clear, only the little boy that Edu's slaves had made disappear in some distant village was missing, but there were no complaints so everything was resolved and we left.
     After a short stop in Gudsvagen, we said goodbye to our friends and visited another village called forest but nothing like some small woodcutter houses.
    One day merchants arrived with a caravan from the desert, they gave me the news that they were rebuilding the city of Cartassa in the desert of Thahari after its destruction, they told me that Safina the Tatrix had gathered all her family, as once, with the Mrs Mae, Sir Bernhard, Sir Ben Should, Sir Finthor, and other members like Sir Gongo her new adoptive father, Lady Mae an old aunt of mine, with her little daughter born during the time I lived with them, with my name Darian Arliss, Safina who had been the companion of Sir Sigmund, and Sigmund forced to flee the city because they discovered that he was betraying the city, trying to overthrow Safina's power which I remember took refuge in a cave with entrance from the sea

 As a magistrate, I made inquiries and discovered that at the origin of everything there was a new scribe who had just arrived, who wanted to take power in the city, first helping to expel Sigmund and then to bring down the city, I who in the meantime had taken Lady Jinny as a companion I was put in a bad light by both Sir LC and a woman named Athena saying that I courted all women, without working, so I was forced to flee the city and take refuge in the city of Finnur, in the far north of Torwsland along with my adoptive mother lady BB Arliss and sir Mith her partner, my sister lady Shani also came with us and still lives in Finnur, and I hope to see her again someday.
    Cartassa is no longer on the edge of the desert as it was before, where the Congo tribe lived in the nearby forest, but it was much further away in the middle of the desert, so we organized a caravan from the Oasis, on the border with Shendi we took the track leading to the city of AR, up to a certain point, then after the mountains we would enter the desert.
    The hot desert sun was not a walk, it warmed the sand and we walked at night, when the temperature was less hot, we arrived in the city, in the late afternoon a few weeks later, it was no longer the paper I remembered, but a beautiful and luxurious desert city with its golden domes and sleek, clean houses, a river flowed into the city from waterfalls to distant mountains.
  We met Safina, at the entrance, she did not recognize me immediately, I in the guise of Emir with my entourage and my warriors, she was scared she thought of an attack, but we explained about our work for the newspaper, calm down. she made us visit the beautiful city with large buildings and clean houses aligned with the large market, then I take us to the  to the inn where we would spend the night the next morning we had to decide what to do

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...