Friday, 28 February 2025




For some time I had been living in the castle of Lady Ralush, my companion and lover, in a medieval context with knights and damsels. I had arrived on planet Earth after a long journey. I had left with others from my planet called Gor. A twin planet to Earth but located on the opposite side of the sun. The two planets, even if twins, would never have seen or known each other, if one day an Earth spaceship had not landed on Gor. This happened many years before I was born, and the old wise men tell it by reading the old books written by the Initiates, a sort of intermediary priests of the Priest King, the rulers of the planet.

I had been at the castle for some time with that beautiful woman, a warrior, she fought with the knights like a man, when I met her wandering through the valleys of that region she took me with her, she asked me my name, I told her that on my Planet I was called Ulysses, a name imposed by my father who loved Greek literature, books jealously guarded in libraries where anyone can read them to learn the history of our people.

I tell you how the Priest Kings of very intelligent animals with the appearance of large ants, the gold were a community managed by their mother the queen, but for the thirst for power they fought among themselves to have control of the Planet.

It is said that when the Earth spaceship landed on Gor, with their deadly weapons, they tried to conquer the Planet, but the Priest Kings, very intelligent, built tunnels all around the spaceship, a series of tunnels served to capture those men who landed with their weapons, as they fell they became prisoners and taken to the iron, copper and gold mines, for those ants so intelligent it was a child's game to understand the technology of that Spaceship, so they decided to invade Planet Earth in turn to populate Gor with men and women necessary for life.

On Earth they captured strong men and skilled fighters, builders, doctors and women, the most beautiful ones they met on their way, the population of Earth was helpless in front of these monsters who could read their minds and understand their intentions, they captured men and women from all regions, from the far north to the south of the deserts, Vikings and Raiders, pirates and traders, and when they completed the load they left again not forgetting to capture women destined to slavery and the service of the nobles.

What they did first was to implant in the brains of those prisoners a microchip that allowed them to control those men, and at the same time to those who had reached 25 years, they injected them with the elixir of long life and the possibility of not getting sick like on their planet.

Their headquarters were located in the mountains of Sardar, east of the great valley, they lived in deep impassable caves, anyone who tried to get there died, only the Initiates, that is, faithful and devoted men, were the contact between the Priest Kings and the elders destined to promulgate the laws that were entrusted to them from time to time.

A real hierarchy of command was created, creating in each city under construction towers with five rings for as many castes, consisting of the following orders: at the first ring the caste of the

Initiates with White clothes

Scribe Blue-scribe magistrates

Pisychian Green-doctors and healers

Builder Yellow-builders, palaces and ships

Warriors Red warriors and fighters

-these were the rings starting from the top of the tower to the ground floor, then the Subcastes were determined, mainly made up of Merchants

everything was well organized and functional, for each city the command was given to a great warrior or fighter who was called Ubar, while in the North where there were no castes the government was directed by a Jarl, or by a Tatrix, in the south instead in the desert the terrestrial roles were maintained, that is creating Oasis and giving power to the Pasha or the Emirs, the only obligation was to face the journey to the Sanctuary before the Sardar mountains where they injected him with elixir and microchip......

My adventure began in the city of Egeria, I had arrived there with the invitation of Sir Darian Bonetto, a great Gorean at the time of our acquaintance, our friendship was immediate, he had the same name as me, I always wondered why, until one day he confessed to me that he too was a knight of Lady Ralush, and he had received his name from her, we had the same history and the same loves.

I arrived in the city without knowing anyone, but many spoke my Earth dialect, so I immediately tried to familiarize myself, but as often happens not everyone thought the same way, I often clashed with situations unknown to me, and I was often uncomfortable, so I decided to leave for the unknown in search of a livable city where I would certainly demonstrate my value.

I heard about a city governed by Sir Ming, with his companion Lady Chiara, and I headed in that direction, the city was called Falsworth, there I met the beautiful Betty, she was a Farmer at the time and spent her time cultivating the fields and fishing in the sea outside the walls, with Lady Chiara and Sir Ming there was immediately a positive feeling, I lived with them and worked, I was still nobody, a simple citizen, I would later go to the University of Scribes.

One day a Slave Owner arrived in town with a very beautiful slave for sale, dark amber in color, tall with very long hair and fiery lips, I tried to buy her and bring her to my house, but Sir Ming who did not miss any opportunity, wanted her for himself, unleashing the jealousy of Lady Chiara, who after many arguments was chased away by Ming, who freed the slave and married her, (then died in real life), Lady Chiara ran away to the North and precisely to Finnursborg, and I followed her because I had always been in love with that beautiful woman, in that village in the North I did not find my home, we lived in caves, and after saying goodbye to Chiara I left for Hammersgaard, a Viking village, where I met good and happy people and lived with them for some time until I returned to the south to live in the city of Cartassa where Lady BB Arliss adopted me together with her companion Sir Mith

end 1° part


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