Tuesday 4 April 2023


From one of his stories


     The first years of my childhood I spent in Bazi, with my sister Kareen and her family, now grown up, I made the decision to travel to the city of Nadira, I wanted to go there to recover and rest after suffering from being kidnapped.

     We left at dawn at high tide, I stayed on the deck until everything disappeared, the coast, the mountains and my beloved city, I woke up the next morning, I went out on the bridge and a thick fog enveloped everything and a damp cold that was felt in the bones.
     Suddenly out of nowhere emerged a ship that almost rammed us if it were not for the readiness of the helmsman who with reckless maneuvers managed to avoid it, but the ship despite us screaming to make us hear, without any answer disappeared into thin air, as it had disappeared in the direction of Bazi, ghostly scene, shortly thereafter the fog disappeared and a warm sun illuminated the Thassa in its majesty.

    In Telnus, a city of the archipelago of Cos, I left the ship and boarded another that I took to Lydius, the navigation was quiet, the sea calm, a light breeze pushed us slowly,

Finally we arrived in sight of the port of Lidio at the mouth of the Laurius.

But as soon as they docked at the dock of the port, the Praetor with guards boarded, as the practice dictates to ask for the documents of the passangers and goods, together with them there was also a Healer named Dahny, who with a stern voice said: is there anyone from Bazi? I with my naivety came forward, immediately the guards with their spears pushed me to the side of the ship, I frightened shouted what was happening, the Healer said that an epidemic had broken out in Bazi, and before getting off the ship she had to visit me.

    I was out of this world, I couldn't believe what he said. while the guards very abruptly told me: let yourself visit otherwise we will throw you into the Thassa. Then with some reluctance I took off my veils and I uncovered my arms. She looked carefully, first in the eyes that were not yellow, then if on the body I had signs of bubbole, pustules or spots that could be proof of smallpox; Typhoid, Cholera, the Healer after realizing that there were no visible signs told me to follow her to the infirmary, she would visit me completely, it meant stripping naked and lying on the bed.

    She made the visit, took blood samples and withdrew to examine them. After two hours of trembling and worried waiting, she arrived saying you are negative, I burst into tears I thought I was going to die, but Lady Dahny told me calm if you are negative and for that you are healthy, you have no sign of disease. We had news yesterday that in Bazi the plague and the people die. The praetor ordered that travelers from Bazi be thrown directly into the Thassa or the pits of Dar Kosis, but the Healer with her authority managed to make the visits in advance and I was saved.

    Lady Dahny asked me what I wanted to do., I told her that I wanted to go to Nadyra, where my sister and her partner were waiting for me and she advised me to leave immediately, so that if they had known in the city that I came from Bazi she did not know what could happen. People were very busy and in a panic, so I took the land route rather that the ship otherwise at the port would have checked me again.

(Later I would have learned from the survivors of Bazi who took refuge at the mountains of Sardar, that a ship arrived in the port ramming the quay. The guards boarded but did not find anyone alive, all dead. My father the Praetor with the Healer Maria investigated, then gave orders to burn the ship, but by now the guards who had boarded had become infected, They went to report to my father and the healer, infecting them in turn, my father died immediately, while the healer fights like a tiger to defeat the disease that was said to be smallpox, but too many people died, it was later known to be the Plague).

     The nearby cities, Genesian Port, Port Schendi and, Kamras, made the naval and land blockade and ordered the archers to kill anyone who approached the walls or the  port. The cities near Bazi installed catapults to send food into the closed city, now in the grip of famine and hunger and death. But only a few food arrived others were plundered by Pirates, Brigands and Savages. There was only the possibility of escaping at night in the forest but few survived.

     After eighteen months finally the plague ended, the survivors of the jungle returned to the city, after two years a delegation of international healers entered Bazi and announced the end of the disease, declaring it was smallpox, by now the ship was burned with its dead and documents, but I never believed it was smallpox, It doesn't bring so much death.

     I talked to the people who took refuge at the Sardar mountains and the  symptoms were not of smallpox, (they said that their eyes and skin turned yellow and their body was filled with spots and bubbles the temperature was normal, but they had trouble breathing and an itch that tore their skin) after three more years, There was a second report attesting that it was indeed the plague, and for this I do not give myself peace, I will study this disease, soon I will hold a seminar in the city of Isfahan on infectious diseases and the plague.

     I resume from my trip to Nadira, where my sister Kareen was waiting for me with her partner Aiax with their two sons Alex and Bresi and  their Kajira  Silvi. They ran a small bakery in the city. When I arrived, Brianna,  the head of the merchants assigned to me a perfumery in the central square of the city, near I had one of our nieces, she had the shop as a seamstress. Chellie is her name, I also made friends with Lady Malin a Healer. Together we tried to investigate on Bazi without coming to any conclusions. I lived in the house of Aiax who became my protector, being my closest relative.

     My southern perfumes were not well accepted by the noses of the ladies of Nadira (near the Gulf  of Cardonicus, southeast  of Lydius and north by Ko-Ro-Ba). Fortunately a short distance away there was a bathhouse and I could earn coins by selling scented oils for the body. I also wanted to make soaps but there was already another producer and did not want to compete, When I had earned enough, I could afford a house, and at that time the builders built the new white city with lime walls. I took a house where in the evening I sat on the terrace listening to the music of the musician Gireaux, thinking of my beloved Bazi.

     The chief merchant Brianna was very active and always organized big fairs and markets and many people came from Belnend, from lydius, from Kasra, from En-Kara and even from the Oasis of the Four Palms, I remember Gireaux playing at every market, people gathered for dances. Sometimes I went out into the forest to make agreements with the Wild to have petals for my perfumes, but the suspicious Panthers did not believe my offer to exchange their petals and bottles.

   I got along very well with the people of Nadira, with the exception of Commander Anatisti, he always looked at me with suspicion for that I did not want to swear on the Home Stone, I always stayed in my heart in the town of Bazi. Fortunately his slave Fire loved perfumes and often put a good word for me, Even though he knew that I was protected by Aiax his sergeant, but still I tried not to make him an enemy.  Then it happened that the companion of Anatist escaped with his two children into the desert to the Oasis of the Four Palms, and all of us were close to him even in the trial that was held at the Oasis, We were there to cheer for him, but the Emir after the long and great trial declared that the children could stay with their mother. Anatisti returned to Nadira sad and disconsolate. And so understood that he was right in wanting me to swear on the Home Stone.

    The first merchant Brianna, advised me to change the caste, becoming a candle maker, (better than perfumes) and to swear in the new Home Stone of Nadira, Tt seemed to me a betrayal but I did it by changing my life.

    By now I was twenty-four years old. All the Goreans go in this age to the mountains of Sardar for the pilgrimage. A holy man named Dupie offered my brother-in-law Aiax a gold tarn as soon as I left, and he not having much income as a Sergeant agreed, and I left for the Sardar blessed by Dupie, leaving my sister Kareen my brother-in-law Aiax and my nephews, and here I am.


released for Darianelnairad

Wednesday 29 March 2023


         After the fair of En-Kara, I reached the coast by going down the river Thentis, then the river Olni, up to the great river Vosk, from there it was easy to find a ship, to ferry us to the other bank, and take the track that leads to the Desert of Thahari, I wanted to go back to my Oasis of the Seven Palms, passing by the big city of AR then cross the forest of Shendi to Korat, at port Ship Rock I would find my ship and reach the Oasis on the small island near the island by Landa.
       I remembered sir Abraham, I had met him at the fair and thanks to him I had had a job as a magistrate instructor, who in taking leave said to me: if you pass from Klima Oasis you will be my guest, I had with me one of my maps of the desert drawn at the time of Cartassa, I realized that it wasn't exactly on my way, but I could still have made a small detour and reached it.

    We arrived at night, the men pitched their tents a short distance from the walls, and I would wait for them in the morning, when the sun was already high, I changed my clothes and with an escort of some guards I presented myself at the gate, a guard named Ben kept watch, welcomed me with friendship, letting me enter the large atrium under the great stairways, then  he sent for the Chief Scribe who arrived shortly thereafter.
      The chief scribe was a beautiful woman, who introduced herself telling me  name was Lady Xarra, I introduced myself giving my credentials in which she read my degrees with Lady Janette(rip), she told me she was been  her student at the University of Scribes, and like me promoted with honors, I was happy even if you know well how I feel about women in Gor, but there are exceptions and I think she is one of them.

      We talked about this and that, then I take me to visit the large and beautiful city, in oriental style but with the structure of the real cities of Gor, with the walkways that connect the five towers of the castes, a marvel, I remembered the city of Landa with its gilded roofs and the thousand friezes on the palaces and the thousand columns all around, I show myself the offices of the Scribes, the court court and the various palaces, taking me around the spotlessly clean streets paved with shiny marble.

    After some time while we were talking about the work of the Caste and the opportunity to work with them, Sir Abraham arrived, who was delighted to see me again, he asked me if I had visited the city and told me next day I would be presented to the Sultan, then he asked me if I would consider stopping with them and working at Scribe's, I told him I would think about it, noone wait me at the Oasis my last queen had gone away, and I would be alone, so I'll think about it I said, then I thought, with the hope of finally finding a partner to live life and have a family.

   Now I'm in the city overlooking the balustrade of a walkway and I look at the desert, all my memories emerge and become alive, see you tomorrow..


Monday 27 March 2023



    What can I say......................... I remember an old saying that says '' MANY ENEMIES, VERY HONOR''.

   Lately many things have happened, after my trip to Hammersgaard, and the visit to the King of Bergland, with Dwarf the Queen, to have new lands, for the reconstruction of the village destroyed and sacked by hordes of Landless, which in the moment of the South are sowing terror in the North, and in the villages half empty of men, who left with their ships loaded with skins, for trade in the coastal cities, of the Golgo or of the great river, their first stop is the archipelago of Cos, for exchange skins for good wine.

     Back at the fair, I concentrated on my newspaper and on the events that followed each other every day, I wrote other articles about it and I invite everyone to read them, I met my sister Lucy Arliss on the closing night, I went with the my friend lady Alika, we exchanged a few words, we said goodbye, even with lady Sabayna, the great perfumer who had her tent at the fair.
    Many people attended the closing event as usual, there was a lot of curiosity to know the city that will host the fair next year, and after several proposals, among competing cities they finally announced that next year Genesian will organize, I hope to be able to participate with the tent of my Oasis, and with my newspaper.
    There is not much to say about the event, characterized at the beginning by dancing by Kajires,

  and from the multitude of Goreans and slaves from all over the planet, who filled the stands, there was no longer a free place, in the end, after saying goodbye to Alika and Lucy, I returned to my newsstand, I put all my material in the boxes , ready to go back to the North with my Caravan.

     For my journal (web Blog) which now has a new name ''Dariantravels'' it has been a good success, many have read and I have had gestures of affection from many readers, including my lessons for Magistrate in the event tent, it was successful, thanks to sir Abraham who gave me the opportunity, lady Lucy Bronet also gave lectures and participated in the closing ceremony, you will remember lady Lucy Bronet and the Tatrix of Port Olni, before opening my journal I had requested of citizenship to her, then I left causing some perplexity on the part of the great lady lucy, I hope one day she will forgive me.

   I am writing to you while I am traveling to the North, I want to devote myself completely to the paper for now and rest from the long journeys and the bad experiences I had in some cities, but it is all forgotten now I want to visit the North and write about the Villages populated by Torvie and Vikings , I hope one day I can meet my Arliss family, always around for my father's construction work, and live happily with them.

   On behalf of all the Goreans, I thank the organizers and the staff of the EN-KARA Fair, I won't say the names I could offend someone by forgetting it, but you were great and very good
                        THANK YOU

Sunday 26 March 2023


- minx (astarlightshadow)
- Eshe (selenadacios)
- herlit (bechami)
- Shannondoa Resident
- ღRuby- Dalilahღ  (delilah1976)
- Aliden Steele (alidenjohnston)
- Neoma
- Lana (tatii.steampunk)
- ღ bugz ღ (kaela.sugarplum)
- Lynaia (atheria.evergarden)
- şяαє şαρρнίяє Morningstar (sraesapphire.skydancer)

  Greetings to all fair attendees both as spectators-visitors and as exhibitors-sellers, thank you for picking up your copy of Gorean Travel's newspaper, I didn't expect such a success and I hope you will continue to pick up your copy with new items in the future.

      After having had my presentation (lesson) on the 23rd, in the Scribes tent, on the subject of magistrates, where I was appreciated for my professionalism and preparation.

These days I was traveling to the North and precisely to the village of Hammersgaard, I was there to greet Nani my friend daughter of the king of Bergland, but I wrote in the previous article what happened, I returned today just in time to attend the


festival of kajires dance, and always a great event admire their dance with their twirling in the air, with the background of beautiful music .although they are not only Kajire, but there are also Kajiuri, their performance is also fantastic.

I write while as a spectator I observe the dances, I admire the beauties who from time to time take the stage half-naked covered by some veil, my friend Alika the Farmer who has been bringing me her products from her farm for years, once I too had my farm with many Borsks, Tarsks and many Verrs who filled the lawn of my Oasis with their young, then for my travels I entrusted it to some paesants because they lived there.


 I was talking about the dance, as soon as I arrived at the fair, I noticed that there weren't many people around, I asked a slave girl she told me about the festival and she accompanied me to the big green tent of the Kajire, I found there hundreds of free men and women and many slaves sitting with them to assist.

As  there no more cushions I sat on the sidelines, to be able to write in peace and paint the dancers, and some spectators who most struck me, too bad there was a Tharl Race , but I preferred dance, because I hopeed it is more appreciated.

     The fair runs with many events every day, especially in the Tent of the Castes always new events of all kinds, all the castes participate, unfortunately my trip to the North kept me away for a few days but I hope to write some more shows and maybe draw the conclusions of a beautiful fair that I think will remain in the history of Gor.

I would like to invite you to visit the Sacred Sardar where in the caves you can see the first Homestone, with the control room of Goreans by Priest Kings, and know a specimen of Priest King in the hall, so  raccomending you Landmark and a must-see visit.(Sacred Sardar - GE Maps & The Good Gorean
     (don't miss the next issue)


Thursday 23 March 2023




Leaving Brundisium, My ship was ready to sail, now the snow is melted  in the North, I decided to return to see again my Mother Lady BBArliss, my father Sir Mith Arliss and the  land that welcomed and raised me, after I would go to the Northern Fjords to return to Hammersgaard, the Viking village, where I have a small house in the forest,  between the port and the fortified village.

 Arrived at  the village of Finnur my family had left for I do not know where, my father builder for his work is always around the planet, in the village they told me of strange rumors about people from the South who attack and  destroy villages to raid  and conquer, killing men and taking away women and children,  to make them slaves.

 I did not give much weight to what they said, you know we often hear strange stories, and we left, the calm sea with a breeze from the South pushed us slowly, on the surface of the sea emerged blocks of ice here and there
, effect of melting snow, from the mountains.

Arrived at the port that was nothing more than a natural inlet in the coast, everything was deserted, there were no people as usual to welcome us, I decided to go ashore and I went into the forest, to reach the fortified village on the hills, after a few hours of walking, a group of people came out of the thick of the trees, dirty with mud and blood with my friend Nani on their heads,  with his partner and other people including a woman with her child in her arms, some slaves and a strange blond creature with pointed ears that resembled an Elf a people living in the impenetrable forests.

 Nani ran towards me shouting:

-Darian we were attacked by men from the south with iron armor on their chest and iron weapons, they destroyed our village repeating that they would continue their conquest to the  extreme north of the planet, we go to the KING of Bergland,  to give us new lands where to rebuild the new village, then softly told me

-I am the daughter of the King, he had me during one of his trips, meeting my mother, and then leaving for his wars forgetting me. I had met the

 beautiful Nani during my trip to the north when I was a Cartographer, then I visited cities and villages to draw and sell my maps to merchants, I had met her in Erik's inn, even if she was a wild warrior, but in love with Erik who also gave him a son, I was present at the birth of the child,  but then the Taverniere thinks well to have the child kidnapped by the mother, for which Nani wanted to take him with him to the forest, disappearing soon after
leaving the woman alone, who returned to being a warrior.

   After a few days we arrived in sight of his father's castle, in the land  of Bergland, there were not many guards, I could hardly believe that it was a great kingdom, but I was wrong, a powerful man is not judged by the number of soldiers, but by his courage and wisdom, we were welcomed and let into the great hall of the palace,  where at the bottom after a long row of chairs, there was the throne of King Juan, and two other chairs at his side, he sitting wrapped in his large cloak asked:
 "who are you, what do you turn

Nani approaches making himself known saying:

-Maesta is me your daughter Nani.

I look at her in silence scrutinizing her, I think I did a good job and it came up well,

- Sit by my side daughter this and your place, even if you are full of mud and dirty as a
miner,Nani sat awkwardly on that throne, she was not used to being treated by Regina, but looking around, she thought about how much gold she would inherit when KING Juan died , and said:

- father but I am your only daughter ? thinking about his future with all the gold he would inherit.
 -Yes my daughter I have had only one woman in my life, and I thought she had turned into a wolf of the forest, she gave me you as a gift, I do not die alone, and tell me what brings you here and your dirty and wounded friends ?
 listens to her father without understanding what he meant, she took a breath looking
 at her friend Lagertha, and her backpack where she hid a small blond owl, which moving made an imperceptible noise, also for that from so long stopped in the backpack she was tired and wanted to shake her legs and drink some  water. She thought of the warriors who accompanied her, confident of having new lands for their trade, and I look at Darian the  wisest of all who sat listening to what they said, knew very well that he would give good advice at the end, while watching Luisan his  nervous companion playing with his  knife always ready to defend Viking women, then healing his father said:

-Father we were attacked and burned the village and destroyed all our land, and we are here with what remains of our treasures to ask for new lands for us, our Bersekers managed to leave on a ship with our Jarl Sir Erick

As he spoke, a man dressed in white entered the hall, sat in the first seats to the right of the King.  I greet everyone with a sign of blessing of the hand.

"Welcome," said the King, and to all, he said

- This is a Bishop of the Catholic Church of Rome visiting my Kingdom.

Everyone looked at the haughty man who sat in his clean habit being careful not to get dirty, looking at him with suspicion, they prayed to their God Odin, and they did not know other Gods, but if the King had him as a guest then it is sacred, but while they were talking it happened that the little blond owl, escaped from the backpack running to the corner of the room trying not to be discovered,  but he had attracted the attention  of Luisan who  with a feline leap ran to the corner capturing the baby, who wriggled emitting strange grunts, Luisan kicked and punched I brought him to the door chasing him away, but Laghertha stopped him shouting that he was with her and was part of a tribe  isolated in the forest, which resembled an Elf because of its pointed ears but it was not, I put it back inside throwing it at the feet of  Nani

Nani was busy making visual inspections for how much gold he would inherit from his father and thought hopefully he will give us lands in this region of Bergland, the Bishop after blessing everyone went away greeting the King who told him:

-Good trip,  Your Eminence, and greet the Pope of Rome when you see him.

Then I go back to the guests where  the  looked at  the warrior Luisan with  languid eyes, King Juan does not escape this situation and I  think there must have been something else between them, he does not believe that it is only his escort as a warrior, meanwhile I order the attendants to prepare the rooms for the guests and with the help of his advisor. He took a large map and delisted. The land he would give his daughter for reconstruction  of the village.


  The next day Lagertha, with her baby in her arms, entered the throne room, King Juan, sitting and looking at her while she thanked him for the land she had for the reconstruction of the village, but the King looked behind her and said:

-Come forward daughter sit with me.

Then turning to the guard he said:

-Where did you put that little blonde devil.

The guard smiling sarcastically said:

-I tied him to a tree to contemplate the sky, and the mountains.

But he thought that anyone would know how to escape tied to a tree in the forest.

The King and Dwarves looked at the guard with amazement, he would surely die out there in the cold tied to the tree, and said to his father:

-Father that little blond boy and definitely an envoy of the Gods and we can not leave him out.

The King commanded the guard to free him and take him inside to interrogate him, while he looked at his daughter who often leaned on that warrior named Luisan, he did not want to think of having a simple warrior in his family, meanwhile Lagertha told him about the beginning of the works for the village started from the great hall, the king looked at her pleased,  but I think how could the King's daughter live with those wilds, then turning to the warrior said:

-Sir Clark go into the forest and look at anything strange and bring the little blond here.

the Warrior stepped forward and said:

-Greetings to all I am Clark the King's brother, I was away in Liechstein to make a trade alliance with us, Princess Dwarves are at your disposal, I am the general commander of Bergland's army.

Meanwhile lagertha thought that a  rich city could be attacked and conquered, and listened trying to understand how far it was and if it could be reached by fleet and what kind of resistance they would find, but he remained silent listening to the foreigners, while Sir Cklark said that it would be nice to have a large ship in port,  with two days at sea you could arrive, while Lagertha listened interestedly.

-Well said Lagertha, we will give you two ships, we must first explore the forest, then reach  the Lichestain, but we want the profits of trade, because we  have been destroyed and we must start from scratch waiting for our Jarl to return from his journey of trade in the South.

King Juan approves and tells his brother if you see Count Edward greet him for me.

While Nani felt that he was about to go into a trance, (it was something that often happened to him when he heard that someone could die) but he supported himself  so as not to be discovered by his father so I put his head on a column and fell asleep snoring,

The King looks at the woman with her child and asks him what her name is, saying it is useless to have so many ships at the port burned them will be run down, two will be enough for us, Lagertha looks at him worried and tells him:

-Maesta the  ships are solid and  a shame to burn them, my name is lagertha and I am the wife of  the great Jarl Erick of hammersgaard and this and his  son, he would never put his wife and son on dangerous ships.

Nani looked around, she did not understand much about the Vikings but she told her father maybe we can make her become Be-ha's advisor, Lagertha throws him a questioning look, who is Be-ha wondered, Nani saw the strange look and tells him:

- And the new name of the lands had by the King, together with the kingdom, Bergland-Hammersgaard, this means ''Be-ha''

The warrior thought that the king would prefer Ha-be, but he said nothing, at which point Nani asks the father to give a title to his squire Lagertha, thinking that the great Jarl Erick would be happy, the King looked at his daughter and said:

-I make a coin we will  call it Beha coin and  your child will grow up  with us then he gets up he takes the sword and making the woman approach, I appoint her State Councilor.

-Now go to the forest, save that little blond before he dies, then continue with the reconstruction and trade.

Then I look at Nani asking him why she was alone and did not have a partner, Nani looked back looking at the man who had been silent all the time but said nothing.



 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...