Friday, 7 February 2025


We left the oasis when the sun was already high, it was predicted to be another hot day, at the port the few merchants who were stationed on the dock watched with curiosity our departure.

Suya my companion and Queen was very happy to be able to travel, sometimes she was bored alone she spent her time with the slaves and walking in the square on our little island, not that she didn't love the Oasis of the Seven Palms, but she was born and lived in the north and didn't mind meeting and talking to other people.

The captain of the ship asked me if I already had a certain destination, I was still undecided whether to go north or head towards the coast of Shendi, to make a first stop at the oasis of Isfahan,

or continue and stop at the city of Brindisum or that of Baku, there was not much wind and the ship glided slowly, Suya and I in the cabin looked at the maps until we decided to go and visit the new oasis of Tashid again, after the new reconstruction done by lady Lilly.

We had not been present at the big inauguration party, in those days we were in Isfahan for the Bazaar and the meeting of the representatives of the salt road, and I wanted to see my friends Yusud and his mother lady Mae again and who knows if we would finally meet sir Umar congo Mae's companion, difficult to meet him always traveling with his business.

I noticed that Suya reluctantly accepted the destination, she was born in the North and is never comfortable traveling in the desert and wearing the veil, I also wanted to understand if we could have a job in that oasis for some time, but we were disappointed when we discovered that all the positions were assigned to members of the Combo family, but we learned this later, when we arrived at the Oasis we were surprised by the beauty of the palaces and houses with wide streets and large areas with fountains and many trees and flowers.

On the platform we met Sir Yusud, the son of Lady Mae and Pasha Congo, he is the heir to the throne and I think he became Vizier, he welcomed us with friendship even though at that moment other visitors crowded the port square, he showed us the way to visit the small city in the oasis and the large palace, I no longer had the house in Tashid as before nor the office of the editorial office of the newspaper '' gazette of moons '' now we lived in our oasis and without a job in Tashid it was useless.

e Oasis, still lady Lilly was completing the finishing touches here and there, everyone was busy so we left. heading towards the North to reach the river Wosk and the city of turmus, in that city governed by lady Selia I had been well, I would have met sir Nicholas the slaver and other friends, but I never expected to meet an old friend Scriba known in Cartassa and worked together in other cities.

Lady Kallis this is her name, I had not seen her for years, we were very good friends at that time she was promised to sir Finthor, but he fell in love with his slave Yiyi, I freed her by choosing her as a companion, I was secretly in love with lady Kallis, and there was a moment where I almost managed to conquer her but little Yiyi, set a trap for me and lady Kallis cut all the bridges that I had meticulously built between us, and she, now destroyed by the betrayal of her companion, left the city of Cartassa leaving for the North.

I was very happy to meet her, we talked about the old times and the path we had taken, I invited her to our oasis of the seven palms and she accepted, willingly, we would surely meet again as soon as she finished her work in the city of Turmus.

I met lady Selia together with the healer (pisichian) of Turmus who together with other ladies were standing in a square sitting and chatting, with Selia we have been friends for many years, I worked as a magistrate and Editor in Turmu s for some time and I was happy I liked the great traffic of its port, and after introducing Suya and chatting a little we said goodbye and left for the Oasis.

A few weeks later we were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Lady Kallis, and at the same time very happy and proud to show her the Oasis and our great palace, we had demolished the old one and built a much larger one with marbles and fountains, Lady Kallis stayed with us for a few days until one morning she left for her small village in the North, we resumed our lives happily with our people….

Saturday, 1 February 2025



After our visit to the Tashid oasis, recently rebuilt, bigger and more beautiful, my sweet Suya and I set off again to return to our Oasis of the seven palms, we knew the journey would not be easy, it is very long, so when we heard about the fair at the Isfahan oasis in Shendi we decided to stop for a few days.

During the fair there was a meeting of six representatives of the STA, the salt route, I would have met Sir Yuroki and Lady Sabayna his companion, Sir Hember the Pasha and many other noble representatives, I was perplexed when I entered the meeting hall to find myself in front of Sir Abraham, he represented the city of Var, as head of the Scribe and Magistrate caste, a job that Sir Varn had initially assigned to me but I don't know why he changed the cards on the table and took all the positions, and I left the city of Varm disappointed and sad.

During the meeting we discussed the possibility of increasing the price of Klima red salt, but in the end it was only established that the salt would have a minimum base price and then add the cost of transport, and after a few days we left for the oasis after the departure a camel driver told us about a new lost Oasis, he remembered that the queen was called Monique, it was then that Suya, with eyes full of tears told me that Monique was her great childhood friend and that she had not seen for a long time, we agreed with the caravan that they would leave us near that new oasis.


We arrived at the oasis the sun was already high. the golden roofs of the great palace surrounded by tall columns sparkled in the sky, sir Ankhamaat welcomed us with all the honors together with his companion Monique, he guided us through large flower gardens and fountains with high jets flowers everywhere and birds flying between the trees, armed guards watched over the great palace and the merchants stationed in the square in front of the palace.

After a long tour through the rooms of that palace with golden decorations and large curtains at the windows cushions and carpets everywhere Suya and I were happy that her friend had become a queen, we stopped at the tea room for a few hours to discuss and we promised ourselves to see each other again soon in our oasis, in the end we said goodbye and left to return to the castra house ''The Oasis of the seven palms''



Thursday, 30 January 2025

Lady Elphie Silverclaw


The memory of it, like the scent of every flower, calls me home,

My grandfather and grandmother are the tall sentinel pines that grow.

Their scent is always with us, no matter where we go,

They border the snows, that feed our waterfalls, that flow endlessly.

The minerals and riches stored where the waters foam noisily,

When the weather warms, the color of our garden is on display.

My mother is a blue-petalled dahlia, her many little petals are so perfect,

Standing tall and so wise, so strong her spirit shining, the nucleus of the family.

My father is a scarlet red rose, his soft petals match his menace

So tempting his strength, yet the thorns designed to harm, to protect, the means.

These are my parents, their love is shared with those they wish to protect.

Their counsel is wise, their time is precious but they provide shelter for all.

My aunt is like her sister a beautiful Dahlia, but one Black as the midnight kiss

Deep, mysterious and rare, her presence makes an occasion truly divine.

My sister is a delicate Pink Orchid, her scent is sweet as a wish,

Expensive, unique and rare, whose delicate petals cascade so elegantly and finely.

Yet I am a little Blue Iris, easy to trample, overlook or lose,

I am perfectly formed as if by design, my stem is straight as a line.

Without the White Snows, the Green Pines, the Red Rose or the Dahlias, combined,

The truth is that neither the Iris nor the Orchid in SL would exist, or even be alive.

Swaying in the gentle breeze of our garden, my family is truly happily intertwined

Here at Ka'Zahr, let our beautiful garden bloom, let us thrive.

Under a blue sky our colorful garden is kept

This is where I am happiest, visit and see what flower you might find?

Lady Elphie Silverclaw. by Ka'Zahr



 La mia famiglia è un giardino colorato e meraviglioso

Il ricordo di ciò, come il profumo di ogni fiore, mi chiama a casa,

Mio nonno e mia nonna sono gli alti pini sentinella che crescono.

Il loro profumo è sempre con noi, non importa dove andiamo,

Confinano con le nevi, che alimentano le nostre cascate, che scorrono senza fine.

I minerali e le ricchezze depositate dove le acque schiumano rumorosamente,

Quando il tempo si riscalda, il colore del nostro giardino è in mostra.

Mia mamma è una dalia dai petali blu, i suoi tanti piccoli petali sono così perfetti,

Ergendosi alta e così saggiamente, così forte il suo spirito splendente, il nucleo della famiglia.

Mio padre è una rosa rossa scarlatta, i suoi morbidi petali si abbinano alla sua minaccia

Così allettante la sua forza, eppure le spine progettate per danneggiare, proteggere, i mezzi.

Questi sono i miei genitori, il loro amore è condiviso con coloro che desiderano proteggere.

Il loro consiglio è saggio, il loro tempo prezioso ma forniscono riparo per tutti.

Mia zia è come sua sorella una bella Dalia, ma una Nera come il bacio di mezzanotte

Profonda, misteriosa e rara, la sua presenza rende un'occasione davvero divina.

Mia sorella è una delicata Orchidea Rosa, il suo profumo è dolce come un desiderio,

Costosa, unica e rara, i cui delicati petali cadono a cascata in modo così elegante e fine.

Eppure sono una piccola Iris Blu, facile da calpestare, trascurare o perdere,

Sono perfettamente formata come per disegno, il mio gambo è dritto come una linea.

Senza le Nevi Bianche, i Pini Verdi, la Rosa Rossa o le Dalie, combinate,

La verità è che né l'Iris né l'Orchidea in SL esisterebbero, o sarebbero addirittura vivi.

Ondeggiando nella dolce brezza del nostro giardino, la mia famiglia è veramente felicemente intrecciata

Qui a Ka'Zahr, facciamo fiorire il nostro bellissimo giardino, prosperiamo.

Sotto un cielo azzurro è custodito il nostro giardino colorato

È qui che sono più felice, visita e guarda quale fiore potresti trovare?

Lady Elphie Silverclaw. di Ka'Zahr


Wednesday, 29 January 2025



I didn't want to believe it, when Lady Sabayna sent me a message telling me that our friend Tosh was no longer there. I suffered a lot even though we haven't seen each other often lately, but initially in the first years in Gor we met in different cities living together.

Of course she is not the first to leave us, even the Goreans live 300 years, she preferred to return to the vast prairie of the sky, she will blend in with her beauty among the flowers of the meadows, and who knows if from up there she will not guide us in some roleplay all together.

There was the commemoration in Gor and many Gorean friends participated, they remembered her in her honesty and beauty and in her entrepreneurial spirit, She built cities and lived in others we will remember her forever.

( Below is the obituary Sir Harry read for her ) R:I:P: TOSH..............................


Harry Horchester ruft:

Today we gather to honor the memory of an extraordinary woman, Toshnea Wulluf (sometimes mysterious), born into the Navajo Nation with Apache roots, whose legacy will forever be etched in our hearts. Her kindness, compassion and generosity knew no bounds, inspiring countless people along her journey.

: She was a shining example of community spirit, always willing to lend a helping hand, offer words of encouragement or provide guidance when needed. Her selflessness and dedication to the well-being of others earned her the respect and admiration of all who were privileged to know her.

In Second Life, and Gor in particular, she created a haven for Goreans by creating a thriving community in The Lost City, Noddfa and Teletus. With her sims, she created spaces where people could gather, share stories, and find solace. Her love for our community was matched only by her commitment to fostering connections between those who lived there.

: Her presence may be gone, but the impact of her life will remain with us forever. We take comfort in knowing that her legacy lives on through the countless lives she touched, the relationships she nurtured, and the community she helped build.

We remember her warmth, her laughter, and her unwavering optimism. We remember her willingness to listen, her empathy for others, and her ability to bring people together. These are the qualities that defined her as a person and will continue to inspire us in our own lives.

As we say goodbye, let us hold dear the memories of this extraordinary woman, our wonderful friend, Tosh. Let us strive to emulate her kindness, compassion, and generosity. And when we face challenges or uncertainties, we draw strength from the knowledge that she is no longer with us, but her spirit will always be a part of our lives.

: Rest in peace, Tosh. I will always remember you and hold you in my heart. May your journey be guided by love, light, and the warmth of the sun. She has gone to her true home, to be among her ancestors.


Pixie stik

Talon greyheart

Asha Blackwood

Sidra Venimum

Njal goldjarl

Augustus Blade

Firelly Doobie

Zoe (Starling)

Delaney firehart           

Rikki (Falworth)

Basona Steel

Tira Rhode

Tia Abattoir

Bea Lael

Menia ( aleshanee burnett)

Anomie (isis eagle)

Christian Graig

Sekia (violet 325)

Sabayna (tremlais)

and much more........................................................


Monday, 27 January 2025

                             KO RO BA -KAJIRES DANCE -26-01-2025



Appointment with the dances of the kajires of Gor, they punctually perform at Ko Ro Ba, delighting us with their beauty and their imagination, the Goreans come from every part of the planet to attend, and I together with my beloved Suya left from the oasis of Tashid, we had gone at the invitation of my friend Lady Mae to visit the reconstruction of the oasis, transforming it into a small and thriving town with its port crossroads of many trades, but they kept the old name of Oasis of Tashid.

The journey was rather long, tired but happy to be able to attend the new dance event, we would have met a Kajira named Esther who lives in the house of Hansen, where we are Magistrate and scribe Suya, so we anxiously await her turn to dance and admired the beautiful Esther dancing.

It was an experience that was renewed, and I hope that soon we could return for a new evening.......

 Lojal (raven.daxeline): Right hand sweeping in an arc she scoops up the water, letting it fly around her.  Appearing to savour the freedom that a hard working bond maid can know she moves in a flirtatious manner, enough to catch the watchful eye of the Hold Jarl himself, though this bond is known to favour a certain blacksmith.  Stirring the water to swirl around her, firm breast bouncing as she dances

Perhaps the Jarls are slow to call her to them, perhaps they know the girl needs an ihn or two but she looks to the path they took and moves in a way to ignite desire.  Pouting a little, she seems to be wondering if the kajirae they captured...the silkies...are taking all of their attention.  "I know their ways," she murmurs, "let Lojal show you".

Slowing her dance, she turns as if to admire the beauty of Torvaldsland and breathe in the scent of the land, fresh from a summer storm.  Fingers stretch out as if she might tough the very peaks of the mountains that she sees, feet slide over the ground so unlike that of the southern cities.  For a moment she echoes the dance of a kajira and then lets it go.

Stepping forward she lowers her body, opening her thighs and pulsing in a wanton display to show the desire that burns within her.  Rising up she shimmies slowly as hands lift, in a display of the curves that Jarls covet.  The chains on her left foot chime out again and she frowns once more, moving in a way that might shake it from her so it might be tossed into Thassa.

"Lojal!"  The cry comes for her to hurry but she hesitates as if a small dance for Odin might be required, if he should ever look to a bond then let it be to her.

Displaying a body intended for the pleasure of the Jarls of the North she savours her return to Torvaldsland.  "Lojal!"  Comes a cry.  She kneels, thanking Odin before rising up to hurry after the men she serves

 Darla (darlagraysun) cherish the hours of life because it is too short. She danced in the rain and smelled the flowers, remembering other's care.

one day she discovered that she was fierce, strong, full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fear.

(izabellywolf.sorbet) fell to her knees on the grass, tears streaming down her desolate face. Her fingers stretched into the void, seeking in vain to touch, one last time, the beard that once brought her comfort. The heat of the fire halted her gesture, leaving her touch lost in longing. Around her, her sisters bowed under the weight of grief. In a chorus of tears, they rose, trembling, before the pyre, as the flames whispered a farewell as deep as the fire consumed

] ઇઉ Cαℓℓүσρε ઇઉ (sawannadileon) The mournful heart sobs erratically, the kajira drinks from the goblet of bitterness and despair. Swings arms and belly as if trying to embrace the one who is gone, finds only the cold wind as a lover and distressed, whimpers towards the pyre. "You are unique to your girl, my Master, my love."

Master, my love."

Esther  (loryell) slides the palm of the delicate hand over the wet face of tears that run through the skin jacked with golden freckles, looks at the necklace's sisters and wonders: “What will our destiny now, without his protection over us? “, with the Master’s departure to the dust’s land, na endless sadness takes over all

12:26] Eshe (selenadacios) dejected by the pain of loss, the once vigorous and imposing body bends in suffering, falls to the knees before the pyre where merciless flames consume the body of the one who possesses the heart and life. The head rises to the scarlet sky and begs for understanding, and memories of the teachings of Master arise in the frightened mind.

Eshe (selenadacios) fights against the pain that pierces the chest like a lances, and even weakened rises from the ground, with the image of the Master in mind. Remembers that she was trained to serve with passion and excellence, breathes deeply, the trembling hands wipe the incessant tears from eyes and  whispers to the wind... "I will remain strong, Master, for your honor."

Lala Roussel: Pronto Maestro, per favore

lala (lala.roussel) wakes and hisses briefly at the tender brand forever marking this girl. Smiles remembering the night before as fingers trace along curves with a newness then brushes the metal band declaring who owns her. Takes a deep breath as a veil lifts from a slumbering soul filling the slave with life

lala (lala.roussel) extends and curls hearing tunes of a song from a previous life in her mind before drawing to bare feet. Lips vibrate from the soft hums while steps tentatively take the beast back and forth. Arms move through the air playing with rays of light never noticed before.

lala (lala.roussel) hugs and gyrates as the tune continues within bringing a purr from the bound throat. Body moves with new purpose awakening senses dormant until now. Memories of a commanding voice pulls another purr from the owned girl

lala (lala.roussel) whispers, " i am His? Yes, His...ohh, you are a slave, lala..." laughs and sways, "yes, a slave...His hand held the iron.  His hand locked this collar. i belong to His whim...for His pleasure. i am kajira!

Tersa Vella moves slowly, deliberately, puts on a smile to hide the clenched jaw. contains the curses that wishes to slip under breath. Releases the tension in neck and obeys, always obeys. tries oh so hard to hide the displeasing twitch of resentment from this predicament.

Tersa Vella roseate painted lips tremble and press together; fans arms to hide the shaking of hands. the music rings in deafened ears as she struggles to find one's breath and a tightness builds in her chest. dizziness envelopes and a mental fog surrounds, flight or fight rises like a hot flash over reddening skin. a brand's kiss would finish faster than the music's relentless torment.

[12:43] Tersa Vella body bows and kicks on auto-pilot as a flush appears on chest and neck, she changes directions, second guessing steps. tries to regain control from the prickling of tiny hairs rising up the back of her neck and focuses on each cadence. an obvious struggle evident as she presents a tense, languid dance. beauty in the endeavor to express obedience while collapsing, undoubtedly His intention

[12:44] Tersa Vella feet shuffle in the sands and small hands brush quickly to touch the steel collar. stormy blue eyes look down to the ground, unable to meet anyone's eyes, embarrassment worn like a dress over subtle slave flesh. still she moves, distress evident, yet she moves to the once sexy melody now haunting. muddied panicked thoughts wish to flee but her movements still beg to please through shattered vulnerabilities.

Tersa Vella lifts chin and offers a partial smile out of habit, or because it is expected. eyes glossy on the verge of tears as she musters to control the flow and focus on movements. thoughts go blank and with heaviness of limbs she lifts from the pit, a dusting of sand on tan skin and spins to 

Friday, 24 January 2025

 (Français en bas & English below)

Nächstes Wochenende ist Basar!

Hier das Programm im Detail:

Fr 24.1.

18h00 Markttreiben - Einweihung der neuen Heilerei 

19h00 Markttreiben und Jahrmarktbühne

21h00 STA Versammlung in der Festung 

Sa 25.1. 

18h00 Sklavenjagd 

19h00 Sklavenversteigerung 


21h00 Oasis Dancers - Show auf der Himmelsbühne


So 26.1. 

18h00 Nahkampfturnier 


19h00 Kickboxturnier der Kajiri


21h00 OOC Party im Himmel: Basar - Basar


Chers Isfahani et amis !

Le weekend prochain il y a le bazar!

Voici le programme en détail :


Ve 24.1.

18h00 Ouverture du marché - Inauguration de la nouvelle guérisserie

19h00 Marché et scène de la foire

21h00 Réunion STA dans la forteresse

Sa 25.1. 

18h00 Chasse aux esclaves


19h00 Vente aux enchères d'esclaves


21h00 Oasis Dancers - Show in the sky


Di 26.1. 

18h00 Tournoi de combat rapproché


19h00 Tournoi de kickboxing des kajiri


21h00 Fête au ciel OOC : Bazar - Bazar


Dear Isfahani and friends!

Next weekend we have the next Bazaar in Isfahan!

Here is the programme in detail:


Fri 24 January

9 am slt: Opening - Inauguration of the new healery

10 am slt: Market life and fairground stage

Noon slt: STA meeting in the fortress

Sat 25.1. 

9 am slt: Slave hunt


10 am slt: Slave auction

Noon slt: Oasis Dancers - Show in the sky

Sun 26.1. 

9 am slt: Melee tournament in the arena

10 am slt: Kickbox tournament of the kajiri

Noon slt: OOC Party in the sky: Bazaar - Bazaar

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


 Text written by Suya El Naraid


Suya bnecome Officer in Hansen Village

The announcement came through the First Girl Esther where by order of her Jarl Ans the Bond then sent a scroll for all the citizens to gather in the long hall during the night, while the Bonds checked if everything that was ordered by the great Jarl, the head of House Hansen, was in accordance with their orders, Ans then enters the hall greeting the free men and women thanking everyone for their presence on this great day. 

Lady Freya then invites everyone to gather around the bonfire. Other free men and women also arrived from other cities to honor their friend and ruler of the home. 

The night was filled with joy, emotion, sharing and unity, everything a home needs to prosper. Everyone shared the bread and salt that were brought by the Bonds on a beautiful tray. 

Raising their horns, the word SKOLL echoed loudly, making the entire city of Gor hear it. After rubbing the handful of earth that Ans offered in our hands, emotion took over the oath ceremony.

 For those who had already taken the oath or who had the honor of attending a great event like this, memories overflowed again. For those who had never taken a ceremony or were never able to attend this celebration, this night left significant marks. 

The emotion and privilege of having participated in a citizenship oath ceremony made everyone know that now the free men and women of House Hansen can say: - Yes, I have a land, I have a home! And so the hearts of the residents were now engraved in that bonfire where the flame will always be lit, warming House Hansen. At the end of the ceremony, Ans hands over the citizenship documents.

Text written by Suya El Naraid

Note: In the north, the ceremony takes place on the first day of the year, March 21st. In the north, they usually have stones like a stonang-type temple, and there, with a large bonfire lit, the administrator takes the oath.

 The stone is not necessary in the north, but everyone has their heart in the city where they live and this is the birthstone where they have their heart.

As for the stone, each Nordic village has a stone altar where ceremonies are held and a precious stone is used, sometimes a red sapphire, which represents the heart of the village.


Friday, 17 January 2025

Wednesday, 15 January 2025


Le jeudi 23 janvier 2025 à 21.30 h (Paris) à Kasra

Bal masqué / costumé, annuel des Sirènes du Tyros

Vote des meilleurs deguisements avec 1000 L$ de recompenses.

On compte sur votre presence et celle de vos amis.

On Thursday, 23 th January , 2025 at 12:30 p.m. (slt) in Kasra

the annual Tyros Sirens's masked / costumed Ball

Vote for the best costumes with 1000 L$ in rewards.

We are expecting on your presence and your friends.


Monday, 13 January 2025

  Trying my best.

In the realm of shadows where the sun doth not reach,

Where whispers of doubt are my constant speech,

I wander alone, a soul so unsure,

With a heart that's a stage for a silent, unseen war.

My eyes, they sparkle with a borrowed light,

A beacon of hope in the deepest night,

But under the surface, the battles rage,

In the quiet confines of my cage.

You think you know, but you cannot conceive,

The labyrinth of thoughts that I must achieve,

To find the true essence of what it means to be me,

'Neath the weight of the world, so heavy, so vast.

The laughter you hear is a mask I've found,

To shield from the tears that so often abound,

When I'm lost in the maze of my mind,

Where fears and regrets are forever entwined.

I've climbed mountains that only I've seen,

Swum in oceans where no one's ever been,

But the victory's hollow, the prize undefined,

For the quest is not over, it's just designed.

You think I've figured it out, that I'm free,

But the truth is, I'm just trying to be,

The person you think is so clear in your sight,

But the mirror shows a different, more fragile plight.

The stars in the sky seem so far,

But they're closer than who I really are,

The mask I wear, so bright and so bold,

Hides the pages of a story untold.

I've danced with the devil in the moon's soft glow,

And wrestled with angels, so white and so low,

In the battleground of my soul's deepest pit,

Where the shadows play and the demons sit.

Yet, for every tear that I've shed in vain,

I've learned to stand in the storms of my pain,

To hold on tight to the hope that's within,

The strength to fight till the battles thin.

You think you know me, so high and so proud,

But I'm just a girl, lost in a vast crowd,

Looking for the path that's true and right,

In a world that's black and white by day, colorless by night.

by Jules 


I will survive 

In the shadowed vale of despair, where darkness often reigns,

Where the whispers of doubt and defeat lay their heavy chains,

I emerge with a heart that's aflame, untamed by the night,

With a soul that soars high above the fray, reaching for the light.

I am not a leaf in the storm, blown by fate's fickle whims,

But a mighty oak with deep roots, growing strong, steadfast, and grim.

You'd think to break me with your trials, to force me to bend,

But I stand tall and proud, my spirit will never end.

Oh, I won't just survive, I'll thrive, I'll rise above,

Your words of doubt are but the wind that strengthens my love.

Can't write my story, it's a tale untold,

I'm beyond the archetype,

by jules 


I will survive 

In the shadowed vale of despair, where darkness often reigns,

Where the whispers of doubt and defeat lay their heavy chains,

I emerge with a heart that's aflame, untamed by the night,

With a soul that soars high above the fray, reaching for the light.

I am not a leaf in the storm, blown by fate's fickle whims,

But a mighty oak with deep roots, growing strong, steadfast, and grim.

You'd think to break me with your trials, to force me to bend,

But I stand tall and proud, my spirit will never end.

Oh, I won't just survive, I'll thrive, I'll rise above,

Your words of doubt are but the wind that strengthens my love.

Can't write my story, it's a tale untold,

I'm beyond the archetype,

by jules 


  Saturday, March 8, 2025 ON THE ROADS TO SARDAR EN-KARA 2025 (10177 YEAR PK)     By now it was in the air, everywhere we went everyone was ...