Wednesday 29 June 2022


     Despite everything I am still here, commenting on the latest events, many have come to my office to learn the truth, some curious, others interested, I have nothing more to say about the past, the water of the river passes and ends up in the sea , it gets confused with it, it loses its sweetness, it becomes salty.
     I was not waiting on the river bank to see my enemy pass, I am not interested in gossip, someone tried to make me fall off the cliff, but I clung and I came back to reality.
   While strolling through the Oasis with the hope of meeting Sir Abu, the Pasha of the oasis, I came across a woman with a youthful appearance, but with the features of a woman from the North, who wandered lost in the streets, barely paved by lady Safina our great builder.
   When she arrived near me I politely greeted her, as befits a free man when she meets a free woman. After the greetings, I told him my name and my noble origin from the oasis of the Seven Palms where I am the Emir, even if lately I have abandoned what were my duties as Emir and chief editor of the three moons gazette.
    I asked him who she was and where she came from and how she never traveled alone without an escort in a Thahari Oasis, she immediately saw that she was very embarrassed not used to talking with high noble personalities.
   She immediately told me her name and that she came from a remote village in Torwsland, and that she traded in herbs, it is known that in the north as well as furs. the main trade is medicinal herbs and certainly suitable for making delicious perfumes for women.
   I continue saying that while from the city of Brundisium they were on their way to the city of Ar, marauders attacked them and her caravan was dispersed in the desert, many were killed, she pretending to be dead managed to escape those marauders, then with a horse remained in the nearby I run away without a precise destination, she had no maps or knowledge of the desert, and so she arrived in the oasis of Cartassa safe and sound. telling me that luckily she had managed to save some herbs, just to make her survive.
     I was impressed by the story of the woman forced to wear the veil here in the desert, which is somewhat frowned upon in the villages of the north, you offer me to entrust him with an escort for the period he would have lived in the Oasis but she with a rather arrogant tone, told me that at the north women know how to stand up for themselves and do not need guards.
   I liked that woman so sure of herself, I invited her to the cafe to offer him something fresh on that hot sunny morning, she cleaned her clothes and shoes from the sand accumulated during the trip and followed me thanking me for the invitation.

  I tell about her family, her people, her village, and the desire she had to get to know the planet and the big cities of the South.
   I told him that I had lived in the north and especially in Finnur the village where my adoptive mother Lady BB took me with her when we escaped from the old Cartassa which fell many years ago.
    I then accompanied her to the inn where they assigned him a room and directed her to the little lady ZonteLotie, the chaste chief of the Merchants because she would surely help her in her trade and maybe her by renting him a shop.    On the way home, which Lady Safina had assigned me next to that of Lady Jinny, an old acquaintance of mine for many years, (with the hope that sooner or later I will not be able to conquer her, but it will be difficult for her to think about career for now) I ran into Lady Sartita the chocolatier. I reminded him of her promise to offer me her chocolates, her specialty ..... but that's another story.

Monday 27 June 2022


    Like every dream this is also over, you wake up in the morning and find yourself alone and sad, the house of cards with all my oasis has collapsed.
  One day, while we were happily strolling in the garden of the new oasis built on the ruins of the old one, a man with an anonymous but quite convincing appearance showed up, essentially talks  my queen, and show him the wealth that he could will have with the extraction of opals from our mines, this man named Stones, and certainly a miner who came from who knows where, for seek his fortune.
     She was dazzled by the prospect of sudden wealth, as if she didn't was enough for him she was the queen of the oasis and the Emir's companion, and indeed she spent her time at our newspaper, though she often excluded me from any decision about articles, but everything was fine the newspaper was selling and certainly producing a profit.
     Meanwhile, I had made contact with the city of Cartassa where I  lived for a long time, to get back my role as Magistrate, I wanted to resume my old job, the life of the oasis bored me, I no longer had any interest in participating in daily life.
    In the meantime the man called Stones began his work in the mines while the woman followed him in his research, I actively participated in the life of the oasis of Cartassa. One evening I entered the cafe, there was Lady Safina and her daughter Lotie, they were discussing with a man who looked like the miner Stones, but it was not him, in the half light I had exchanged him for the other, he was instead a passing slaver who wanted to buy the little Lotie daughter of Safina to make her his partner, but surely. 'he would enslave and sell to who knows who. I did not intervene, I did not know the situation well, and in the meantime Bryjana also arrived and scolded me loudly for having confused the man.
    So it was that she took all her things and moved to the new oasis, giving it a rather bizarre name '' oasis of opals '', I with my caravan, and with my trusted men returned to Cartassa asking for hospitality to Lady Safina who in agreement with the Pasha, she assign myself a house near that of Lady Jinny, who has also returned to the oasis after a lot of traveling.
    The next day I met the Pasha in the main street who accused me of having had contact with the slaveholder who wanted to kidnap Leotia, I confirmed that I was unaware of that matter and that Leotia's uncle in my presence had arrested the man, even if in the night someone made him flee.
  Having cleared up the misunderstanding, I started living in the oasis moving between the houses trying to memorize the streets and squares. I started to have contacts with the population, which I hope will soon become friends.
  About the queen who became ... she lives in the new oasis of the Opals, surrounded by her friends and by some of her trusts, .. there is nothing more to say for now we will see how the story will evolve

Saturday 18 June 2022

Kara Erin Na'kos-2


 the event happened in the city of Olni, but inexplicably the trial would have taken place in the city of Sais, 

where you will remember with my sweet Bryjana we lived for some time, and where our friend Sir Nicholas live, who I later learned would been the Magistrate .
    I was very surprised by this, because in the city of Sais I had been Magistrate, but that Monica, in order to repopulate the city, had given the job to a Merchant that I had met in Thentis, he arrived with her partner, his daughter. and her slaves. a breath of fresh air for the city preparing for the tournament of the Tsar game, it was then that with Bryjana very disappointed and angry we returned to the desert and conquered an island where we then founded the oasis of seven palm trees.

     Sir Jarek did everything he could to get her convicted, but Sir Robert managed to dismantle all the man-made house of cards, and it was so that after a long reflection Sir Nicholas the Magistrate acquitted the woman, (a good sentence I myself would have made as many) freeing it. but he did not precede himself against the man because no one had filed a complaint against him, but I believe that his reputation has suffered a lot, after that fool made in court, and I do not know how Kara Erin will still be able to face her family ready to getting her condemned, however, is something we will know over time
I said of the surprise, I expected that they would call me as Magistrate, because I had already been Magistrate in Olni and in Sais, but they did not because I had been Lady Kara's suitor, and it would not have been regular, but at least I expected to be called as a witness. but let's get to the facts.
     A slaver who had just arrived in the city of Olni, naturally without bringing any slave with him, denounced Kara Erin of having courted him with winking words and lewd attitudes, and for this reason the law of the Planet provides for slavery for women.
    I told you that Sir Robert would be the defense attorney and him undertake  to dismantling all the charges, while Sir Jarek the prosecutor I bring to testify both the father of Kara Erin sir Tuor, that the brother hitherto unknown to me, an idler who wandered around the taverns of the cities and who had found work as a warrior in Olni,
   Despite his daughter, his father loved him and he returned to the tuchuk camp and resumed his duties as head of the family, and in the interrogation he said that his daughter had sometimes needed some punishment for her life conduct. While his brother Sir Turgon asserts that as he passed the tavern door he saw his sister sitting on the slaver's knee, recalling that he had also heard cries for help from inside.
     It was bad if even family members testified against it, but Sir Robert managed to get the man to admit that he had pulled Kara Erin on her legs and that at his attempt to kiss her she had freed herself screaming for help, and the warrior Turgon who he ran inside and was forced to arrest the woman because the slaver was asking for it.
  Lady Safina from the oasis of Cartassa in the Thahara desert was also called to testify, she has a brother who lives in OLni with the family, asserting that one day while walking with her child, KaraErin would have complimented the little one appreciating him for her beauty, another theestimon against.
     It came to light that the woman had asked the man if she was still officially engaged, since is partner was known to have fled with two men away who knows where. and that she would ask him if she was interested in having a partner in her life.
    I, who knew Kara, knew well of her solitude in the camp and on her farm, and that she would have liked to have a family and children, the man short of slaves had taken the opportunity to have her imprisoned and if she had been sentenced. she would become a city slave then his.


Sunday 5 June 2022



  I had already told you about Lady Kara Erin Na'kos, the daughter of the great Builder Sir Tuor .. of the Tuchuk tribe, who lives in their Vagons outside the city walls of Olni, where I was Magistrate before meeting Lady Bryana in the city of Thentis , then with my trusted warriors we conquered the island of seven palms, in the sea of ​​Thassa, a small oasis not far from the island of Landa. Kara Erin was a merchant In the city of Olni, she sold the products of her farm that she had in the hills bordering the city of Ti.

      While I was at the Oasis, Bryjana and I, just returned from a long journey from the towns of Thentis, Cartassa, Hammersgaard and other villages encountered along the way, a merchant arrived on a ship bound for Anango, the pirate island. at the extreme south of the sea of ​​Thassa, while it was going down the Vosk river in the gTurgon Na'Kosreat gulf, he had had a lot of damage to the sails due to a storm, and they stopped in my Oasis, for the repair of them, talking with this merchant that in the city ​​of Olni had arrested a merchant of Tuchuk origins.
    Hearing his words hit my heart, I had lived in Olni and knew the Tuchuk tribe well. for a while I had courted the queen's daughter, lady ....... then after the three months of courtship I leave without the consent of my father Sir Tuor, a great warrior who has traveled for a long time, and everyone knows that if there was no authorization from her father she would never have been my partner.

      In fact the merchant said that they had arrested Lady Kara Erin, for having had an obscene attitude towards the new Slaver just arrived in the city, I did not believe my ears, I knew that woman well and I never thought that she had similar attitudes towards a man , even if in the tribes there is always a freedom of expression and behavior different from the free women of the cities.
      I was very angry and at the same time bewildered, I talked to Bryjana about it and we agreed that we could go on that long journey to witness the trial, and understand what actually happened, and write an article for our Gazetta delle Lune.
    We left as soon as the ship was ready to sail, the journey was very long and demanding, going up the sea of ​​Thassa, then the great gulf, and then sailing the long Vosk river. at the mouth of the river Olni.
   The journey was very tiring, luckily the weather was mild and everything went smoothly until we reached the port of the city, but when we arrived at the pier the guards warned us that there was no one left and that all had moved to the city of Sais, where the trial was to take place.

    I knew the city of Sais I lived there once for a while, it was at the confluence of the Olni river with the Thentis river, and after having stocked up on water and food we left, the port not very large, but already full of ships, at the pier I recognized Lady Safina Umar BInt el Congo companion of sir el Congo Pasha of the city of Cartassa in the desert of Thahari, we have an office in that city, where we stop on our long journeys especially for the city of Ar, I was amazed by her presence, then I remembered that her brother Ordoro el Congo lived in Olni, and part of her family, I would know after she had been called to testify to the trial that would begin the next day, in the great court of the tower of the scribes.
    I inquired and was told that the magistrate was Sir Nicholas Eel, one of the administrators of the city of Sais, and Lady Kara's defense attorney would be Sir Robert Livingstone, head of the scribal caste of the city of Olni, and the accusation would be sir .Mσяgσтн Ƙσвιcнєηкσ Ɗαηѕє
     With Bryjana we sat in a place far enough away that we could take notes without disturbing anyone, the Court filled up when both witnesses and spectators arrived, Sir Nicholas arrived taking the place of the Magistrate, while Sir Robert walked up. and down nervously waiting for the guards to take his client to court.
      Almost all the citizens of the Olni and Thentis castes were there, even some from Sais but not many, Lady Safina was with Lady Lambada, who had taken off her shoes for many steps and was massaging her feet from time to time,
      The whole Na'ks family arrived, mother, father and a son Turgon Na'Kos who had returned to Olni after long years to fill the position of warrior, but had nothing to do with the haughty and immense figure of his father Sir Tuor a great builder in Olni , and I had lived there for many years, I had never heard of this son, who in my opinion even his father did not esteem him very much. since he had the attitude of a longshoreman and not a warrior, I honestly wouldn't trust one like that.
     The Slaver also arrived ............ who had do imprisoned lady Kara

to be continued

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...