Thursday 13 October 2022

Interview with lady Dara


Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Greetings my name is Lady Dara. Free Woman, Scribe, freelance journalist and reporter of Gor.
Today I have the honor and great opportunity to visit with Darian el Nairad of the great home of Oasis of Seven Palms. Thank you for agreeing to my Interview and welcomeing me to your lovely home.Ill be asking you a series of questions about yourself,family and of course your wonderful Homeland. Do not feel obligated to answere any that you may prefer to ignore and we will move onto the next.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Lets begin with
What is the full name of your Home and where on the planet would we be located?" Tapping her quill into the ink pot and looking quietly at the Magistrate waits for his reply...

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): my family's 0asis was located on the edge of the shendi region on the way to the big city of AR, then after so many vicissitudes that I will tell later .. we conquered an island not far from the island of Landa the city with golden domes, and I rebuilt my oasis by giving it the name of `` Oasis of the seven Palms ''

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles nodding and writes on the scroll "Sounds lovely Please tell me more?"
Her eyes smile softly at him as she waits patienly for his reply. Redipping her quill and twirling it between her gloved fingers.

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): when our Oasis was destroyed by the desert bedouins along with the panthers of the Shendi forest my father and my mother were killed and my brother Orlando and I escaped to Korat one of the three cities of Shendi, and we were adopted by Lady BB Arlis and her partner Sir Mith, one of the greatest builders of Gor and when they finished their work they took me with them to the north. We became great together with my family we moved to Cartassa city .. my father built the city also My oasis and his work.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Writes quickly listening intently nodding and hanging on his every word.
"Well that is a wonderful tale Sir. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): I lived my life traveling around the planet visiting villages and cities after taking the diplomas of magistrate and lawyer and Sribe and in every city I visited I lent my work making myself known as a man of letters and a good judgement.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): ponders my last question and writes..1. Hardworking 2. Diplomatic 3. man of good judgement 4. Well educated and 5. Very handsome" she smiles under her veils and looks for his approval

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): smiles

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "What is your philosophy of life?"
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): elegant
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è la tua filosofia di vita?"


DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): I live Gor like a true Gorean, I don't live for slaves. for me they are only a component of the planet. I live to enforce the laws and apply them, sometimes in contrast with the Ubar of improvised cities that create their own laws without the help of a magistrate.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): writes upon her scroll nodding and listening

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Now some fun easy questions "What is your favourite Foods and drinks?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): In gor I prefer Veer meat because it is the softest and sweetest, sometimes I also eat dried bosk meat but only if necessary when I am in the north. Then every day I go to the tavern to have my tea with chocolate tears cookies while drinking sometimes I drink pay but I prefer the wine of Cos where I lived
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): paga*

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles and writes "I do enjoy those chocolate cookies with tea myself. What's your most prized possession and why?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è il tuo bene più prezioso e perché?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): In my life I have had many loves and many ended up in nothing, the one I love most is my freedom, I will never get involved in actions that would deprive me, sometimes I am in contrast with some caste leaders because I do not submit to theirs bullying

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I would have to agree with you, Freedom is a prized possession indeed. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done, and why did you do it?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è la cosa più spaventosa che tu abbia mai fatto e perché l'hai fatta?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): The thing I have regretted and still regret is having left the city of Olni where everyone loved and respected me including Lady Lucy, one of my guardians, but I was chasing a woman I left her and the city repenting.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): take a cup of tea from table

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I see so that was scarey because it was hard to leave?"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): yes I follow a women that was for me a  princess but she become a wizard early and I lost a piece of my heart.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "I find that too many Goreans rush into free companionships without taking the proper amount of time to court and then most FCs end up dissolved in a years time. Its just life in Gor"

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Moveing on and thank you your responses are very good. I know we have a bit of a language barrier but I think we are doing very well. Now.....What’s something that not many people know about you?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è qualcosa che non molte persone sanno di te?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Sometimes I can't express what I really am, some misunderstand me, others see me as a potential enemy. Women who out of jealousy exclude me from their life, but not everyone knows my goodness and my great love for Gor.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Women arrive on the planet Gor with the hope of finding the sex they do not have on earth, thus distorting the reality of Gorean life.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Smiles and nods "Haveing known you for some time now Darian I can first hand agree with you that you are a good hearted person that does have a loyalty and honor to the planet of Gor and all its peoples."

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): smiles thanks

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Barbarians of Earth rarely ever become Free Women ...chuckles"

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): yes

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "So just a few more personal questions if you dont mind Sir?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): and slave too last time become  free women for have a chance of command in city.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): just shakes my head gently "Yes too many get away with murder Sir. Are you single?"
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Sei single?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): Enter in the desert destroying a part of my Oasis, wealth sometimes dazzles women, I hope one day to meet the woman of my dreams to live together in our kingdom together with my subjects.
Yes I am currently single after my last partner escaped with an Opal hunter in the desert destroying a part of my Oasis, wealth sometimes dazzles women, I hope one day to meet the woman of my dreams to live together in our kingdom together.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "So that is a yes to single and searching for the Free Woman of his dreams..." dips her quill and writes quickly.."Almost done Sir, just a few more questions"

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): If you had a warning label, what would it say?
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Se avessi un'etichetta di avvertimento, cosa direbbe?

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): takes a sip of tea and cracks her fingers...

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): please ask with other words.
DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): tell me with simple words.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Thats ok we can move on...What’s your favorite way to unwind?"
Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): Qual è il tuo modo preferito per rilassarti?

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident): good  wait i answer

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident): smiles

DARIAN el Nairad (ulisse1 Resident):When I am in the northern villages I love to go fishing on the rivers and relax in peace. While if I am in the cities I take long walks outside the walls always remaining vigilant for any aggression by panthers.

Lady Dara (AthenaYiYi Resident):Nods gently "Sounds like a very nice way to relax Sir." "Well thats all the questions I have for you today! Thank you so much for giving me your time and attention to do this interview. It was a pleasure and a honor. I will contact you when this article is published. Well wishes to you."

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