Monday 22 May 2023

 GOR-1st week 3d day 10174(AR time)




Great appointment today on Planet Gor, and precisely at the Arena of the city of Ko Ro Ba, once the dancers had already made a stop in Ko Ro Ba, I had already written an article with photos and presentation, but as the dancers they learn at the 

dance school, under the supervision of the beautiful ''Ruby'' they always build new and beautiful choreographies, this time they were really beautiful they made me emotional, the Kajire are not only tavern or kennel slaves, but they are also good dancers, who 


show their artistic side without ever asking for anything in return, indeed thanking their masters for the opportunities they offer them. I had had an invitation scrool, through some merchants, so a few days before I started my journey, I had 

 invited some of my friends who declined at the last moment because of the prohibitive distance, but not for me, it's not the distance that it scares me, organized a small caravan I left my oasis for Ko Ro Ba, we are in late spring and the sun already warms enough during 

 the day, while at night the temperature drops, you have to cover up. Once I reached the city I went directly to the arena where some slaves were already preparing the choreographies, tired of the journey I sometimes had guesses (I had to relog often) but then finally everything

  ended and I concentrated on the guests and the Ubar of the city together with the his companion L'Ubara, in the place of honor also the Healer with some slaves, who busied themselves in bringing drinks and food waiting for all the Kajirie and kajirus to arrive with 

 their Masters, meanwhile I took notes and made portraits with my guest drawings. The dancing went on all evening until late at night for me (EU time). then all of them after having received their share of applause and thanks from the spectators, one by one all left for their cities or 

villages, except some like me who stopped in the tents outside the walls, waiting to leave again with a new caravan, waiting for the next performance.

Sunday 14 May 2023

The travels of Sabayna 4th(you can pick up a copy in the hotspot of Isfahan the city of Sabayna)


     What I really wanted was to make the pilgrimage, every good Gorean must do it within his twenty-five years, sometimes organized by initiates sometimes real groups are organized, crossing the Sardar is not advisable alone, dangers loom during the journey.
     My journey starts from the city of Nadira in the gulf of Cadonicus, in the North-West of the sea of Thassa crossing the whole plain up to the Sardar mountains, I was in Nadira after escaping from the plague from Bazi, I spoke about it last time and I was there because I had come to visit my sister, I was now twenty-four and the time had come for the pilgrimage, also by virtue of a radical change and to become aware of life.

      I hadn't challenged my father when choosing my mate and I only reproach myself for abandoning Bazi when my creams and herbs could ease the pains of disease in the city, look at the sun below left two black dots, the city of Kasra.

   I didn't have to pray at the shrine for my family or anything else, I wanted to be as close to what the Priest Kings call home, I hadn't agreed to swear on Nadira's stone, I wanted to understand, grow, know what my direction, my true path, even if I had been kindly accepted by all, but I was aware that like others who believe in the Initiates it was the right time to go, understand, pray, the right age before twenty-five.

    The Connoisseur (philosopher) Dupie, I speak with my patron Aiax, gave him a Golden tarn for travel and expenses, they gave me the Pilgrim's staff, I saluted my sister, Aiax, my neighbor Gireaux, my friend Malin , my friend Brianna, the head of the merchants, Dupie said he would come with me to his monastery, I took my briefcase and my bundle of clothes, we left for Cardonicus, the thinker Dupie went down to the platform first, turned around to the captain tapping his stick on the side of the ship and said a prayer addressed to the Priest Kings '' Tu Bosk drunk, miserable Vulo, blue lightning will strike you, you said you know the way, and then you sail the seas drunk for ages without knowing the destination? Thank you Priest-Kings for hearing my prayers and showing us the way! ''.

     Dupie disappeared into the crowd without paying the ferryman, which I did for him too, three copper plates, whereupon when I saw the crowded city I crossed it to the mountains in the distance, there was my journey, until I reached high white walls of a monastery, where a young student of Dupie, opened me and I entered what was the school for new Initiates,
the young monk with shaved hair shows me the great monastery, I would have liked to meet Dupie again but no trace of him, the young man assigns me a room and offers to let me visit the monastery, long parallel white walls that end at a large staircase with a large Temple at the top of the hill, we sat looking into the distance, the gulf and the city of Cardonicus in the distance and certainly further on there must be Nadira, the sound of a bell warned us for dinner.

    Early the next morning the young man called me for breakfast, which unlike the Spartan dinner was plentiful, then it was time for greetings and thanks, the boy accompanied me to the gate telling me he would show me the way, but once he turned pale and nervous, I asked him for the reason, and he told me he wanted to follow me on my journey, I asked him if Dupie knew, he said no, I knew he would never give permission to abandon his studies, and I understood from the looks of the young man who was madly in love with me. I was very amazed and I knew that he could not kidnap me and escape we would have no future, I told him that the pilgrimage for me and like his school, ''A Proof'' so I promised to meet him on his return and think about what would be the our future. I liked the boy too and who knows, in the meantime I put the second bronze ring on my stick, my sister had given me the first one, they are the rings that demonstrate permanence in places, three bronze rings, one silver, ten silver a gold one, and I was at the beginning. A total of 58 seats, some empty, others very busy with citizens.

    Saying goodbye to the monastery, I finally got to the point where the climb to Teveh Pass begins. At its narrowest point, the trail leads through the mountains up a long gorge to the pass, then over the top of the pass and finally down the south side to the fields of Sa Tar Na in the great plain north of the Vosk. I could have stayed on the north side of the mountains and passed through Harfax, but then I would have passed Clearchos Forest, which swarmed with thieves and Panrtere, we would have kept to the south side on the other side of the mountain following the safer Theveh pass, but at Rive du Bois it was very close to the forest.

      When I reached the meeting point at the start of the pass road, a happy crowd was already there waiting for the next caravan. Booths were set up where showmen and magicians performed their tricks, musicians played their tunes, kajirae juggled with torches, merchants sold their wares. They were all going to Ko-Ro-Ba down in Vosk, or up the Sardar Mountains. One poet especially struck me. He stood apart, where it was more silent, on a small stage, and he recited touching and beautiful verses than I had ever heard in my life. It was just what I needed to get over the farewell to the Monastery boy, a red haired Kajira wandered around collecting coins for the Poet, but the men preferred to walk towards the Sul-paga booth with their coins, that's when I remembered who the poet and the girl were I had met them in Bazi, his name was Romero she KiĆ¹, I approached, introduced myself, he remembered me and Bazi and offered me his protection and an invitation to travel together.


    The road to Teveh Pass was less dangerous although everyone feared otherwise. It was a splendid sight to see the motley crowd of jugglers, showmen, traders and pilgrims marching through the mountains in a long procession with waving flags and carts. Romero, Kiu and I didn't have a wagon, so together with the group on foot we walked happily looking around the beauties of the place.
We descended the mountain, came to the vast plain north of the Vosk with the vast fields of Sa Tarna stretching between Oak and Ko-Ro-Ba, The path now led us for many hands (days) through the cornfields. There were no big cities or villages, just small hamlets and farms where the farmers let us sleep on straw. During the day the sun beat down mercilessly from the sky, because the En-Var, (summer) we walked for at least 700 pasang through endless fields of wheat before the landscape gradually became greener. Small forests appeared before us, there were streams with clear water where we could refresh ourselves, pastures with magnificent cattle and orchards, we reached the region of Belnend in Rorus we received from the Master Builder lady Kusa the rings for the pilgrim's staff. she was a lovely lady who invited us in as soon as we stopped in front of her door, tired from the long walk, our clothes and hair still covered in straw, we met Bo and his partner Nici. I think I've seen her a few times before, but I didn't know that she was my future companion's faithful brother-in-arms. she gently taps the Piedmontese black wooden stick on the ground, and with his sleeve carefully rubs the precious metal pommel of the Sardar mountains, making him think of his adventures.
  As soon as we entered Rorus I realized that I needed a few days of rest, I asked the builder to assign me a room. Lady Kusa invited me as a guest to her house, while Romero and Kiu were still fit and continued their journey.
    The stay with lady Kusa was the most beautiful thing, she was a good Builder and was also known as an inventor of useful objects, such as my sister's kitchen that she used at home, I asked him if he had any new inventions for perfumers, but he said not yet but if you stay with me we'll do it together, the Sardar mountains are still there anyway.

    Lady Kusa took me under her protection, she taught me many things, dressing like a lady, how to buy objects and how to behave, together we studied many things for my perfume shop, and also a cauldron for perfumes which I still have on my terrace today, but eventually departure I left it with her I would have taken it on my return. She organized my pilgrimage with a group of departing Rorus so I could travel in safety. I was there a quarter of a year, the time between one fair and another, the next stop would be Rarn, a small quiet village to the west it was a beautiful place in a small forest, with a water mill, I can't remember a village improve.

   Their quiet life in Rarn suited the village. They were extremely drinkable, but also very hospitable. Many of them lived from the wood industry, there were lumberjacks and boat builders, but also fishermen, a blacksmith, a baker and of course an innkeeper. They are used to pilgrims especially those who come from AR, who cross the Vosk, the road passes by their village, the village elder Gawan and his companion Tanissa welcomed us with joy making us rest and refreshments.
   We leave Rarn and headed north to reach the Shrine, we walked a wide straight road 25-30 Pasang long

the only place of note between Ran and the mountains was a pilgrims' hostel, which we met halfway to the fortress of Saphronicus in the Sardar mountains, the closer we got the more the crowds increased pilgrims from everywhere, I wish I was there at the beginning of SeKar, but the stay in Robur took a long time so I arrived at SeVar, the mountains were already covered with snow, a beautiful sight, we arrived at night, candles and torches lit everywhere, climb to the top the white mountains were majestic, I stood on the Great Palisade Platform for a long time and enjoyed the spectacle. Along the way I had thought a lot about what I 

 wanted to say to the King Priests. What I wanted to thank them for, I wanted to ask their forgiveness, what I wanted to ask them for others. But while I was up there on the platform, I just stood speechless, I stood thinking, with real emotion, joy and gratitude.
I have been eight other times to the Sanctuary but the first time I will never forget

 text adapted by Darianarliss-editor

Tuesday 9 May 2023



     I didn't want to believe it when I received a message from a pirate from my great friend Jinny, I hadn't seen her since the parties from Venna to I don't know where, and now she was telling me that she had finally found her son Aidan; indeed he was the one who had been looking for her for years.

   But the island of the Pirate who had always kept in his heart, the Rock of Skuold was the one who wanted to live happily on his island, and make his home there, took his ships and returned to the rock where he made his headquarters, I send a message to the mother to invite her to join him, he finally wanted to have a family after so many years lived as a Gorean asa Pirate and as a fighter. Now he is finally happy but the happiness is greater because his mother told him that he had a twin brother, he still lived in the south but does not know in which city, he is happy and I order a captain to turn south in look for his brother and take him home, and now look forward to the family reunion.


    He told me to go to an island lost in the Sea of Thassa, far to the north, which the maps do not mention, and until then he was known only as the legend of the pirate who had amassed wealth by pocketing bounties from wanted people around the planet, the legend often told to me my captain told of an island with a hilltop keep lost in the mist and cold of north thorwsland, but no one ever found out, until his son Aidan with his ships going round the thousand islands del thassa managed to discover and make the island and the Rocca his home and abode.

   I was fascinated by this story, even as a young man when I lived in port Kar I had heard of a treasure island, but never any captain of the great fleet of the city had ever found it, so I decided to leave the city of Klima, passing through Telnus in the 'archipelago of Cos, up to Hammersgaard where I bought food for the journey into the unknown, Jinny had sent me a map, but it was not detailed, and the captain of the ship would have studied it.

      We came in sight of the island which, as mentioned, was not mentioned in the maps, the fog enveloped it and the hills covered with snow, we moored at the port where sir Aidan's fleet was stationed, and we prepared to go down, my friend Lady Jinny, he was on the quay to welcome me with his son and his slaves, I was happy to see Jinny happy and radiant, he told me that now he was in charge of the merchandise in the keep there are no castes and the citizens are the sailors pirates of his fleet, sir aidan I invite us in the large hall before taking us to the fortress not in good condition, and once seated at a table and refreshed by the slaves I asked Jinny's son to tell me his story, and after thinking about it for a while he said yes I'll tell you but I don't think so you have enough paper to write about my life, giggling and patting the slave's ass.

    After drinking from his cup he looked at me and said: After the fall of Cartassa in the desert, a slave girl hid me in a basket, taking me to a tribe of chariots of the Kasar, they welcomed me and taught me many things of life and of the earth, I was fascinated by the creation of handmade objects, and the tribe taught me the art of the torturer, and this led me to travel from city to city until I landed in Port Kar where with my skills I became captain of a ship, and with my cutthroat pirates I amassed riches until I had nine ships in my fleet, and selling my sword and fleet to the highest bidder, I missed my mother, so I began to tour the cities from north to south for many years but in vain, and it was then that during that search I found the pirate's treasure island

     In reality it was an old fortified fortress built on a hill surrounded by fog, the sea in that stretch was always very agitated by currents that meet between the Thassa and the islands of the far north, the old Pirate had accumulated wealth with the proceeds of bounties pocketed by capturing or killing wanted people throughout Planet Gor.
    After renovating the island, the fortress and the port, to make it his lair, he sets out again in search of the mother he never forgot, and after many searches I find her in an anonymous southern city with powerful Torvsland leaders.
    finally the family was reunited, while he was with her he was summoned to a small outpost of the city of Venna to extract a confession from a slave, (as you know the testimony of a slave in trials is valid only if extracted by torture, because slaves they can't talk in the presence of freemen), then had another escort job for a freewoman in a village in the north, later found destroyed, thence across the north from village to village to Thornhall, embracing Northern culture, even though he realized that up north they were mostly Southern transplanted men who hated Southern politics and foibles, he looked for a place to call ''Homestone'' and found them a bond, now he had a home a mother and a wife slave who gave him the heat of the fire and the love of the earth.


Monday 1 May 2023


         region imperial world

      Here I am still travelling, after having visited the new city under construction of Turmus, I returned to the Desert to the city of Klima, where I had opened my headquarters of the Goreani Gazettes, finally I could rest, while I was as usual on a walkway observing the caravans arriving, I was pleased to see my merchant friend Lady Alika in the crowd, I rushed to say hello, I hadn't seen her for some time, we were happy to meet and spent the morning in the tea room, reminiscing about times gone by, it was then that she told me about a city in the Archipelago of Cos, which is called Telnus, I lived in the archipelago but in the village of Degalbi, a village of peasants dedicated to agriculture and mainly to the production of wine, very famous throughout the Planet for its goodness.

     Telnus told me it was a beautiful island with its houses perched on the mountain, but surrounded by white sandy beaches, I was very curious to know this part of the archipelago that I didn't know, and I asked Alika to tell me more about its location, who they were their Ubars and commanders, she told me about their trade and the great port at the foot of the mountain, and I made notes, then told me that I had heard that there would be a Roc tournament, a new card game, based on the game of the ''lonely'' planet earth, this game was invented by sir Toran.Thais, the creator of the game ''Zare and Kaissa'' then it was remade and improved by sir Zane Kante, who promotes it in Planet Gor, organizing tournaments, in cities, he explained to me that the game is played with cards that 

 represent real Gorean men, who fight for the glory of their city, or village, if he is a slave he plays for the glory of his Master, usually the battles are fought between North and South, in cards as the culture of Gor wants, like the old battles represented in paintings or written in books, with sword and bow, and as usual the slaves are very good at this game, but lately even free men are rediscovering beauty and antagonism.

  the game is called ''caste rank'' known as ''ROC'' created in memory of well known lady Rockin Babbi, gem of Fina smiles.

Sir Zane says this is the first major tournament in Telnus but there will be more soon, and soon (4th May I believe) there will be another ROC tournament, and there will be a purse of **3K-2K-1K-500, from 1st to 4th we have the black board, we hope many participate, and true many are used to sword tournaments in the arena but this too is fun and there is no bloodshed.

     We left together Alika and I and after a long and tiring journey we arrived in sight of the Islands. but a storm blocked us in the sea, lightning thunder and strong rough sea, when we finally arrived at the port, we went down trying to reach the beach of the tournament, but by now it was over, I will try to write more about this interesting game, and while Alika was returning to the ship for his goods I walked towards the secondary entrance that leads from the beach to the city, naturally climbing the long stairs to the beautiful square of the tavern, with a breathtaking view, we were at sunset and the sun plunged into the sea on the horizon, the white houses turned red at that sunset and the first lamps lit up on the tables and in the streets of the city.
     The maidservants told me that L'ubara was Lady Adara Sciarri, a familiar name I may already have known. and I promised myself to meet her the next day to have the possibility of stopping for some time working in the city

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...