Monday 22 May 2023

 GOR-1st week 3d day 10174(AR time)




Great appointment today on Planet Gor, and precisely at the Arena of the city of Ko Ro Ba, once the dancers had already made a stop in Ko Ro Ba, I had already written an article with photos and presentation, but as the dancers they learn at the 

dance school, under the supervision of the beautiful ''Ruby'' they always build new and beautiful choreographies, this time they were really beautiful they made me emotional, the Kajire are not only tavern or kennel slaves, but they are also good dancers, who 


show their artistic side without ever asking for anything in return, indeed thanking their masters for the opportunities they offer them. I had had an invitation scrool, through some merchants, so a few days before I started my journey, I had 

 invited some of my friends who declined at the last moment because of the prohibitive distance, but not for me, it's not the distance that it scares me, organized a small caravan I left my oasis for Ko Ro Ba, we are in late spring and the sun already warms enough during 

 the day, while at night the temperature drops, you have to cover up. Once I reached the city I went directly to the arena where some slaves were already preparing the choreographies, tired of the journey I sometimes had guesses (I had to relog often) but then finally everything

  ended and I concentrated on the guests and the Ubar of the city together with the his companion L'Ubara, in the place of honor also the Healer with some slaves, who busied themselves in bringing drinks and food waiting for all the Kajirie and kajirus to arrive with 

 their Masters, meanwhile I took notes and made portraits with my guest drawings. The dancing went on all evening until late at night for me (EU time). then all of them after having received their share of applause and thanks from the spectators, one by one all left for their cities or 

villages, except some like me who stopped in the tents outside the walls, waiting to leave again with a new caravan, waiting for the next performance.

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