Thursday 21 December 2023



   After the first day in that village, I realized that it was not the life I wanted, seeing lewd men and women eating and drinking and making love even in the presence of others was against my culture as a high caste Scribe, and Magistrate, I was in a lot of pain, Lady Chiara with her always lewd companion, accompanied by male and female slaves, I realized that the woman I had loved was not that one.

      I suffered a lot, having those slaves willing to do anything at my feet didn't make for a better life, one day while talking to a merchant, who had also stayed in the village due to the snow and ice, he told me that Lady BB, the woman I adopted after the death of my mother, she lived in a village called Finnur fjiord, not far from here, I would have waited for spring to arrive and go down with some ship to Finnur, where I hoped to reunite with my adoptive family, luckily the winter did not it was very long, so after having said goodbye and thanked everyone including Chiara I left that village, without nostalgia, I had suffered those months stuck eating and lounging in the great Hall.
     Once we reached Finnur fjiord a bad surprise awaited me, my mother had left with my adoptive father Sir Mith for another village called Windermeer, many miles further south, he was a great builder and went from one place to another where they required the his work.
I stayed just long enough to take another ship that went down the coast from village to village to that new place, but even there they told me that my parents had left,
and this time for a city named Jasmine, I was very disappointed, the possibility of reuniting with family was once again gone.

      The life of those Viking villages was not for me, I suffered when I saw those half-savages, they had no laws, no one wrote or read and they spent their free time drinking in the taverns:

One day a slaver told me about a large and beautiful city in the Cos archipelago, its name was Svago, he told me that they had three Kennels (slave houses), and it was located on two levels, on the upper floor lived the high castew and was accessed both from the woods and from a device such as a wooden platform operated by ropes connected to wheels that the slaves turned and the wooden surface rose, I would finally be able to return to civilization and work as a Scribe or Magistrate.

     I left for that new adventure, I didn't know what I was going to encounter, but I loved working in big cities, so I boarded a Pirate ship headed to the Cos archipelago, they would load them with the best wine on the planet and take me to the south, the journey it wasn't one of the best, at that time of year the sea was always very rough due to the spring cyclones, and I practically didn't move from my bed.

     We finally arrived in that large port, many ships were at the docks, and people filled the large square in front of the port, I stopped at the inn on the left just outside the dock, I ordered a Pay, and I looked around trying to understand how they lived, the the lower city was mainly built on a long road that from the prisons and the bank reached a large square, where the merchants had their stalls, from there stairs went up to the upper forest.

     A slave accompanied me to the guard post, a Captain offered to take me to the high caste area, I guided myself to that new instrument which I carried on it in a short time, dropped me off in front of the Chief Scribe's office, and left saying goodbye , the palace was located at the end of a beautiful square full of flowerbeds and benches, with many flowers and fountains, I sat outside the door, greeting the guard on duty and watched the people coming and going, mostly women, I was curious that there were so many women in front of the caste buildings, it wasn't a good sign, then I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, I saw my whole life up until then in an instant, and I tried to imagine the future...... ..continues

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