Monday 4 March 2024



Risultati della traduzione

Risultato di traduzioTHE PRIEST KINGS

THE PRIEST KING During my stay in Fjilsborg I had the opportunity to learn about ancient customs and traditions, there were old books in a large chest and among these I found what was the most important discovery for me. I found the story of an Ubar from the city of AR, where he wrote about the conquest of planet Earth, and I began to read: One morning in the year 3550 Gor, in the Brachland esplanade, some pilgrims passing through on their way to the Sanctuary, saw a large shining dome, some men came down from an illuminated staircase, with lights that were not fires, dressed in strange silver clothes, and strange swords in the hands, which threw small fires killing people without even getting close. The warriors were alerted, the Supreme Grand Council of Gor was urgently convened, everyone had their say, but in the end it was decided to form legions, with men from all the cities and villages, to counter this strange dome that was vomiting out people of silver, after the first assault which cost the lives of hundreds of people, the Initiates questioned themselves, even they with their wisdom could not find a way out, so they decided to question the Priest Kings, the living Gods of the planet.

The Priest Kings that no one had ever seen in his life, called to defend the planet with all its people (they were gigantic insects who lived in the northern caves), responded to the Initiates (the Initiates are Saints who act as intermediaries between the people and the Priest Kings) who would find a solution, and so it was. They dug many tunnels all around the silver dome, creating trenches and many tunnels where the hidden warriors captured the silver men, as they fell into the traps dug by the Priest Kings, until only a few remained in the dome, and surrendered to the legions of Gor. They had an unknown dialect that the Initiates were able to translate, so it was known that they came from planet Earth beyond the Sun, that after having conquered Mars and Jupiter, the largest planets, they were preparing to conquer other planets with life forms. All foreigners were taken to the iron mines as slaves, The great council wondered what to do, both with the great dome which the earthlings said was called Spaceship, and whoever entered that dome was amazed, with the thousand lights that lit up no one knows how, there was another great council and it was decided to ask the Initiates again to study a way to use it and why not some feared the idea of conquering that Planet, the Initiates questioned the Priest Kings again, (some say that there were two of them with their mother, others say that one of the two
killed the other, remaining alone with the mother who never moved from the cave, raising only the children, but no one ever really knew how many there were or how they lived, only what is known is that they were the first to write the laws of
Gor and to enforce them). The Priest Kings who had an uncommon intelligence, studied that spaceship, chose some more intelligent men, inclined to technology and taught them how to drive it and how to get to planet Earth, so it was that the legion of warriors boarded the spaceship, undertook the journey arriving on Earth killing and capturing everyone in their way, and soon the whole planet was conquered, and now it is a source of wealth, both in slave workers for the iron mines, and in the young girls who become slaves in the taverns or
in the Kennels available to the Slavers, and for everything that that evolved people gives birth to on their planet Earth..............


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