Sunday 7 July 2024



 Congo Rashid listens as he takes a sip from his bowl, then takes a deep breath looking at Sabayna......and says: lady Sabayna there's a lot going on that I'm trying to understand, but it's a few people eeee I'm not sure why why they perform these actions, but sooner or later the light will come out of the darkness, but this is not directed at you lady Sabayna.

meanwhile Sir Qaza observes the movements of his Kajira as she serves the guests sitting under the large tent, then asks for some grape juice. Kajira promptly runs towards the servery to fulfill the master's wish.

 Meanwhile, Lady Mae, the Pasha's companion, welcomes her sister, saying that she is welcome even if she travels with other castes and flags.


listen carefully to Congo's words: "Yes, there have been several misunderstandings and lack of information. I have already talked about this with your son recently. Now the question is how can we get the Sandkaiila freed from the quicksand of the dune again."

 Yusud-Asad son of the pasha and lady Mae says: I hope that today Lady Sabyana will take note of what I will say for the transition to the 4 STA from your Comaniaon Rarius, then I hope that everyone will understand.

 Congo Rashid says: listen to it.. well, in the beginning, the truth must be known, there are people who have been here longer and have documentation of things, as you know my land is according to the rules, not a made up story. . this story has been carried forward and respected.. others should know and follow how things are, or at least talk to those who have the history and documentation of things.. clarify things or at least ask for their blessing.. while it does a pause for a while, then speak again.. I am not a harsh or mean man, I am a very understanding person, but I walk with the truth and I am close at hand Lady Sabayna. I will not bend for anyone, while the truth is hidden.. I will not do it nor will my family and my people.. I respect so others give back the same.. but soon you will hear what the truth is. . look son of her... are you ready to tell the truth, son..

Yusud-Asad says: listen to it.. well, in the beginning, the truth must be known, there are people who are here longer and have documentation of things, as you know my land is according to the rules, not a made up story .. this story has been carried forward and respected.. others should know and follow how things are, or at least talk to those who have the history and documentation of things.. clarify things or at least ask for their blessing.. while he pauses for a while, then speaks again.. I am not a harsh or mean man, I am a very understanding person, but I walk with the truth and I am close at hand Lady Sabayna. I will not bend for anyone, while the truth is hidden.. I will not do it nor will my family and my people.. I respect so others give back the same.. but soon you will hear what the truth is. . look son of him... are you ready to tell the truth, son..

 Yusud_Asad says: I think everyone is served "take a sip" let me so if you, my father, give permission to talk about our history and our journey.

Sabayna I think everyone is served "

Sabayna nods to Congo and Yusud: “I am listening carefully and will gladly pass this on to my comrade Yuroki, Vizier. who could not come, but I can assure you that he is on your side, especially since he has lived the whole story himself since Teehra, Cartassa and the Silver Stone Oasis.

 Congo Rashid tells his son about him. please tell the story of our Congo family

let's begin...........

Yusud_Asad says: salaam/tal/greetings to all and thank you for attending this meeting about the Congo family and their journey through Gor.

Let's start with Congo, who was Ibn Saran? We don't know who ibn Saram's parents were, the only thing we know is that he was the son of Saran because Ibn means son of. From the documents we have ((btb) he was Ubarsalt and apparently the creator of this lineage of several descendants, since he was married to Anastazia Bellecoeur Saran, who were the parents of Ibn Saran, we do not know. The only thing we know is that he was son of Saran because Ibn means son of.

From this union they had 14 descendants, we deduce that they are all direct, we do not know which ones were adopted. but we will talk about a direct line of these descendants.

let's not forget that Ibn Sara was an agent of the kurri and that he brings the aerospace ship to destroy all the gor

Sabayna nods, remembering that SARAN and Anastasia once invited her to their Dune Guard Kasbah.

Yusud continues:

Eleonora Bint Saran, one of the daughters of Ibn Saran because Bint means Daughter of, was the companion of Java Hakim, who had the following children Sarana Bint Hakim, Avalon Bint Saran, Junayd Ibn Hakim, from the documents we have, but we know that there are they are others until such time as we currently have your documents. he nods

: Sarana Bint Hakim went with Lux, who later became known as Nazım al-Malik Ibn Yusuf, one of the descendants of the family descended from Hakimm whose lineage dates back more than 4 years. generations, the fact that such a union was permitted under Gorean civil laws, who had several descendants:

Firstborn son: Ra'id Ibn Hakim

Second son: Básim al-Asad Ibn Yusuf

Third son: Jabari Adheem Ibn Yusuf,

Daughter: Zakera Qandi Bint Yusuf, Safiwah Elmas Bint Yusuf

Granddaughter: Ta'alah Bolour Bint Yusuf

Grandson: Abu Hârûn ibn Jabari and Khalil Farras ibn Jabari are born. It should be remembered that Sarana Bint Hakim was the granddaughter of IBn saran or ubar salt, as there was a hakim in that lineage, so one of the hakin lines became ubar salt by descent starting from one of his sons to this day, his son Ra 'id Ibn Hakim

Yusud recalls that the sons of Sarana and Yusud were pashas of some Oases Jabari Adheem Ibn Yusuf of teehra with his compagnon

Risultati della traduzione

Risultato di traduzione

later Jabari Adheem Ibn Yusuf became known as Jabari Hideo Ibn Yusuf became high pasha of teeehra and aretal, his companion Mariah bint Zuhayr having his sons and daughters:

Abu Hârûn ibn Jabari

Khalil Farras ibn Jabari

Zainab Gul-e-Rana bint Jabari

Zulaikha Allat bint Jabari

Rashid Umar ibn Jabari later known as Congo Rashid Umar ibn Jabari

Tarek Mus'ad Ibn Jabari

Jabari Adham ibn Jabari

Sadiq Ala'al din ibn Jabari for the references and what we know, Pasha of Red Rock

Salome al-Aliah bint Jabari

Jada Ara bint Jabar father warriors (Jabari Hideo Ibn Yusuf)

(Sabayna seems impressed by this extraordinary genealogy.)

Jabari, victor of the Aretai, owner of the land of sand and salt, right flank of the Thousand, guardian of the gates and master of a thousand slaves confer on my son

Khalil Farras ibn Jabari, the title of High Pasha, Victorious of the Aretai, Son of the Mountain, Right Flank of the Thousand, Guardian of the Gates and Master of the Thousand Slaves

Abu Harun ibn Jabari, triumphant of the Aretai, son of the mountain, right flank of the Thousand, protector of the gates and right hand of Teehra

We also know that after the Battle of Red Rock Oasis, and when the Tashid were defeated, this tribe became vassal of the Aretai, Red Rock is still a vassal of the Tashid and sub-vassal of the Aretai.

The oasis of Tashid and his tribe were ruled by one of the descendants of the aretal by a son or grandson of Java Hakin and later by one of the descendants of Yusud. and it still remains so today.

As in every battle, whoever loses things changes, including the pashas of these places, nothing more natural, consequences of war another thing is natural that when there are alliances between oases, cities and towns or settlements, fixed or nomadic, often these pashas, ​​tribal leaders, revoke these alliances and befriend their descendants from different tribes or oases to be companions and have sons and daughters, thus keeping the bloodline broader and strengthened and these will then become your pasha children , the most natural thing for this to happen. therefore our descendants are scattered in different oases such as pashas and others and throughout Gor.

Congo Rashid Umar ibn Jabari, one of the sons of Jabari Hideo Ibn Yusuf and Mariah bint Zuh, as we have seen above, was also a warrior and commander of a group of fighters, including his position in the strategic defense of Teehra as well as in the battle , however I am going to become a healer or doctor for many years, where he met his pupil Mae, who later became free companion and a passion and unconditional love and dedication for each other. Later he was called by Jabari his father because he needed him and began to teach him the steps of Pasha, since he was prince of the Aretais and Teehra tribes.

he taught him this subject and was later sent to Cartassa to gain experience as a Pasha. For a few years he resumed the theera and subsequently, after a short time, the seals of Teehra and the testimony of the high pasha and head of the aretal and the pasha of Teehra. who until now maintains this position, where he was forced to stop being a healer to become a pasha, although even when necessary he still helps in the infirmary because he loves being a healer.

As time went by, the Congo healer or doctor became a great provider in this matter as well as one of its elders, helping with his knowledge many cities and people around the world and widely recognized as the Congo doctor throughout the country, saving many people with your knowledge.

as Lady Mae said, she was a student from the Congo, where they fell in love and later, after Lady Mae's studies ended, they would become free companions, understanding up to this point and maintaining it.

Lady Mother also has an interesting and important lineage, her mother was the blessed healer Alethia, descendant of the Tuchcuk and her father the blessed Torvie and the High Jarl, he calls it all the clans united against the great invasion of the Kurri against Gor ( (documented and mentioned in the books)), who won this battle, we know that they had 18 descendants (sons and daughters), their grandfather, a great leader of the tuchucks, they did something among the wagons, who was the one who succeeded to unite the tuchuck tribes well, don't worry, you'll know

now let's talk about your lineage as my mother's brother

later other tribes not like the tuchucks, for example the napoliam tribes among others, who are scattered throughout the gor like unian chariots of all the tribes. from her companion everyone heard about Lady Kaiila, the eldest of the doctors and creator of study methods for all new students, and approved by the entire gor. This is the lineage of Lady Mae and who later became companion of Congo and Pasha katoun of the aretais and of teehra now of the tashid and their oases, from whom they had the following descendants:


Emine Umar Cider

Yusud-Asad struck Umar Ibn Congo

Emine Umar Cider

Safina Umar bint El Congo

αмвεя υмαя вιηт εℓ cσηgσ

I burn Windstar Umar ibn Congo

Adira Umar Bint El Congo then Adira Tolnus

Jabari Umar ibn Congo

Lilly Bint Congo as Lilly Sands Congo King knows

The South Umar Ibn Congo knows the South, the turning point of Nadira Umar Bint EL Congo

Jane Bint Congo from her lost daughter

 Tanzima Umar defeated Congo

nieces and nephews: the list of existence as well as nieces and nephews and cousins ​​and so on

It's about the lineage of both Congo and Mae and where they fit into Gor's roleplaying, who they were and what they are as well as their dispositions from Gor, we have them spread across all castes except an Initiate. as far as we know eehra chuckles we talk about it a bit as well as tashid and why we are in tashid.

Teehra is the capital of the Aretals, located At the southern end of the Voltai mountain range, near the lower Fayeen River, lies Teehra. It is an essential outpost to support and preserve the mercantile trade and the precious salt caravans departing from Tahari. The people inhabiting Teehra are divided into four groups; Dayf Alsharf or, Guest of Honour, Badu or, Nomads, Rijal Qabayil or, Tribe and eabd or slave Teehra is a land held by the proud Aretai, whose vassal tribes include; Arani, Luraz, Raviri, Tashid, Ti and Zevar. Tajuk in some situations

Mae tells him: have you forgotten Sidra he replies laughing...she is older than me

Sabayna nods, "A truly remarkable genealogy, Vizier. Without a doubt, you are one of the oldest and most respected families in southern Gor."

Yusud says ~ yes and as from the chariots and clans trives

Teehra is an amalgamation of people and it is their lifestyle that separates them. The people of Teerha are divided into large groups, the nomadic ones, called Badu, who prefer to travel, and the Rijal Qabayil, who are settled. The Badu are driven by simple needs; independence, pastures for the sustenance of the flocks, water, food. They prefer to camp outside the city walls when the need to trade brings them into the city. Rijal Qabayil, known to the Badu as "the other half", is still. They are artisans, traders, farmers and craftsmen. People who need to travel, such as doctors or tinsmiths, are considered Rijal Qabayil because their life is linked to the city.

the Pasha nods

we can forget about the tahariThe Badu consider themselves equal to each other, which cannot be said of the Rijal Qabayil, whose wealth inequality leads to disparities that do not exist in Badu Culture.

Despite these differences in lifestyle, Badu and Rijal Qabayil coexist and consider themselves "one tribe" in Teerha, Aretai. They share a common language, a common culture and a common code of ethics and behavior that shape their daily lives; honor, home, family and hospitality.

The district of Teehra is large because it occupies the entire extent of the vassal oasis, as a commercial city it is also a station or one of the trading posts in the entire tahari, as TOr one of the vassal oases of the Aretals, and its pashas descendants of Ibn Saran and Hakim, the one who took their descendants were rich and great pashas, ​​since for Tashid after the loss of freedom he became a vassal of the aretals and ruled by pashas descendants of the aretals, as was done with the red rock, thus increasing his dominion As far as it's about the war between aretal and tashid, the reason was never really defined, but as always the Tajuk spread rumors and rumors about things that never happened, they just do To have a war and participate in it, this tribe of Tajuk became or joined the Aretai They reportedly found that some warriors found a member of this tribe, lost in the desert, fed him and treated his wounds. He survived, apparently, and then became a vassal of the Aretai.

In the battle against IBN Saran and his followers, when the great leaders of the Aretai and Kavar were mortal enemies, the day

In the battle against IBN Saran and his followers, when the great leaders of the Aretai and Kavar were mortal enemies, on the battlefield, after learning that they had been deceived by IBN Saran and a group of outlaws led by Tarna, a woman warrior, they gathered and marched together for the first time with all their vassals. before they decided to leave, the Tajuk khan only shouted that he was going to war and that he wanted war, a decision between the two great Tahri tribes to go to war, which destroyed the kabash (fort) of the dune guards and where ibn sran who Was Ubarsalt and that residence of Ubar,

: Kilma never had nor any Ubar live there. but rather a salt master that every inhabitant of Kilma is a free man condemned to live and die in the Kilma salt mines, there are only those coded as slaves in the mines, their skills as free from their castes were used to document salt records, wound treatment, etc. One of the best known salt masters is Tzet, when the dune guards arrived in Kilma there are only keneels and nothing else, such as historical curse records

hen the dune guards arrive at KIlma, they stand close together, they don't even go into their kaillas, they unload their supplies and load the salt cylinders and release them and mark the KIlma fort, if you may say so.

In the aftermath of this battle, the enemies shared salt and water and established themselves as Tahari according to Tahari traditions and customs.

From this meeting between all the tribes, a new Ubarsalt was named, as we have seen, a descendant of Hakim and Bint Saran, and his descendants still remain because all the tribes decided so, including for a certain period also that of Ubarsalt.

When Teehra was engulfed in an extreme sandstorm, Quakl was completely buried, its citizens took refuge in several oases scattered throughout Tahari, Congo and many of its citizens took refuge in the Tashid Oasis, which was for these inhabitants and tribe proclaimed his pasha and chief, thus becoming head of two tribes and two oases, teehra swallowed by the storm and the aretal and the tashid. The Ba'du tribe has returned to the position of teehra as well as other nomadic tribes, to bring forth teehra, they are supported by water, food and everything they need to live in such a place by all aretals and gods their vassals. Who knows if one day we will get Teehra back.

 about the pasha of red rock as Spin knows, one day he will visit our oasis and ask my father if he is Tarek's family, yes, he is Tarek Mus'ad Ibn Jabari was the point of reference for a pasha of Red Rock and his private descendants are the pash

as of the Red Rock Oasis

This is the story of the Congo family, Teehra and Tashid and why we are in Tashid. and if one day teehra returns to osi of Tashid she will have a pasha's price designed by my father

Lady Mae Leidolf El Congo

: She gently taps my shoulder in Gorean applause. Thank you, my son. If you ever get tired of becoming Vazier, I think you could make a living as a storyteller

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