Saturday 13 July 2024


Another appointment with the stories of Gor's famous characters, this time with Sir Sigfrid of the Red Rock oasis telling us about his long life of adventures on the planet.


From the dreaded city of Trève, Sigfrid is a young Gorean, just 6 years old, shy and candid but also tonic and playful, a little blond boy who ran around and was mischievous... father a mercenary commander and leader of the city, his mother a healer.

His father wanted to make him his heir, but his soldiers didn't see it that way and he became their whipping boy in the shadows, subjected to touching, humiliation and other light torture and sadistic abuse... They used to laugh at him, scaring him, grabbing him by the throat, pinning him up against a wall, beating him, and he would regularly come home with bruises and gashes... 

      Sig was mentally subjected to this harassment, their aim was supposedly to make a man of him... to toughen him up, but at that age... He was no match for these men and they succeeded, because at the age of 6, much to his father's disappointment, he decided to become a physicist's apprentice. 

It was then that his father gave his older sister Kassandra as a companion to his best mercenary, the city's first sword, making him the future leader. After 4 months, his sister became pregnant, thus providing the family line with an heir.


As for Sig, his choice for the green caste did not spare him, as some soldiers continued their sadistic games on the young child, taking a certain pleasure in it, even though he did not yet have the maturity or strength to stop them... 

Another two long months passed between suffering and latent fears at night... There were rumours that the Torvis, known for their violence and carnage and who had come by boat on the Vosk, were attacking closer and closer...

Until suddenly, at nightfall, thanks to a ruse and a betrayal, the Torvis were able to penetrate the fortress of Trève, sacking, burning and slitting the throats of the citizens, with orders not to take any prisoners. In this way, they were able to reign in their strength, making the cities that were recalcitrant pay their tributes and give part of their harvest. 


When this terrible attack began, Sigfrid and Kassandra managed to get away with a few jumps, thinking they could look after the wounded, but their father ordered them to flee. While the mercenaries defended the heart of the city with their lives, their mother stayed by her husband's side to care for the wounded... 

It was amidst panic, howling and bloodshed that, after a long march of hundreds of pasangs, they arrived at a boat on the banks of the Vosk and were able to escape unharmed... well, almost... But Kassandra was wounded, and a bad shock caused her to miscarry, losing her life in her womb, in tears and blood, with her little brother in her arms, panicking at the thought of leaving his parents behind, their family, their landmarks, while the whole city burned, leaving a trail of smoke and a glow in the skies that could be seen for hundreds of pasangs around...


But was the worst yet to come? 


Kassandra managed to steer the boat, with the help of her little brother, despite her worsening state of health. However, they still had to find treatment, food and drinking water. Reaching the city of Schendi, his sister was able to receive care and help from her caste. However, little Sig was distraught, as they heard much later that their city had been besieged and her family decimated.

His sister recovered as the days went by, unable to look after her little brother, who, cute as he was, was watched over by the green caste. He was learning languages, his first and second skills, as well as medicine, because if life could be snatched away so easily, he wanted to be able to protect it. Losing his mother was hard, because she was the one who taught him their caste. She had passed on her passion to him, just as his grandfather had done with her.

On a trip south to the city of Kasra, Kassandra had to find a mentor to become a healer, so she entrusted her little brother to a nanny. She had to leave for Tor, where she was given an opportunity to learn. 

But once again, fate had its way with the little blond boy. For this nanny was in fact a woman with tanned skin, from a tribe of talunas, covered like a city trader, concealed behind gentle attitudes. 

Looking for the right moment, fascinated by the little blonde angel, she decided one day, without warning, on the pretext of going for a walk with the child... to take him to a boat on the banks of the winding river... However, not understanding why she insisted on getting him into the boat, he began to whine. So she decided to drag him by force to the boat! 

Perhaps the priest-kings had decided otherwise this time, because not far from the scene, a woman was strolling along the banks, accompanied by a muscular man in a red sarrouel, who was talking passionately to her about salt and trade and mines.

This woman was going to be a great help to him, because he gave her a look of such concern and expressiveness that she didn't think the nanny's attitude was very natural, and even less of the 6-year-old's struggle to argue that he shouldn't stray far from home. 


 The boat was taking him back to so much unhappiness... It was then that the woman warned her companion.

The man with the tanned skin ran over to the child and grabbed the shady woman's forearm and pulled the blond boy against his leg, Sig clinging to the leg as if for dear life. The fake nanny realised that her plan was not going to work and jumped into the boat, saying ‘we'll meet again one day...’.

The taluna simply abandoned the child. This warrior crouched down in front of the little man with a gentle smile, pushing back his blond locks. Sigfrid burst into tears. The man put the boy's forehead on his shoulder and whispered ‘Don't worry, little fellow, you'll be all right, you're safe now’. 

The woman approached in turn and realised that the child had almost been captured, and the couple exchanged glances. The woman then said ‘You're not alone any more, tell us where your family is’. But knowing nothing about it, he confided in them that they were all dead except for his sister, who had traveled to the Tahari to learn. 

The situation was delicate and they decided to take the child under their wing. 

The man said ‘I'm Spin, pretty little blond boy’.

The woman smiled at him and stroked the tear from his cheek, ‘I'm Youssou, what's your name, little angel?’

The child replied, ‘Sigfrid, lady. He grabbed the man by the neck and said in a heartbreaking voice that day ‘Thank you for protecting me, my nanny scared me’.

The pasha of Klima lifted the child in his arms and walked with his companion back to the city. 

That day, a lucky star had finally crossed the path of this child with an uncertain destiny.

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