Thursday 17 October 2024


PART 4 ​​-

    Life in the land I saw a certain happiness in the Emir's eyes, everything seemed to be going as he expected, he had been telling me for a long time that his dream was a big city where he could live and practice the profession of his caste, and now the opportunity had presented itself in this beautiful Island.

We crossed that little bridge where the path that led to the nobles' villas started, Lady Blue showed us her house, the first on the right then making our way we climbed that little hill and at the top there was the emir's villa, a beautiful house in Arab style, with arches and domes, and a breathtaking view you could see the sea on every side and the city at our feet.

Lady Blue after showing us the inside of the house went away, saying that she had some work in the infirmary but that she would be happy to meet Darian as soon as he was settled, in the meantime the slaves had brought our boxes with clothes and books and the material necessary for personal care, I as a person following the Magistrate had been assigned one of the many houses on the bank of the river that crosses the city, in the sandy area, before the docks for unloading goods begin.

The next morning I was sitting on a bench outside my house waiting for Magistrate Darian, I saw him come down that path happy and cheerful for having finally slept on a comfortable bed, after many days of traveling on that stinking ship of Pirates, with the Urts running around on the deck and in the holds, he asked me if Lady Blue had come out. I replied that since dawn I had been sitting outside but no one had passed by, except the commander who lived alone on the hill near us, he thoughtfully said we will wait for her here, he will be our guide to know the roads to get to the palace of the castes.

Lady Blue arrived, she was splendid in her green healer's dress, she had not put on her veil, and her beautiful face caught Darian's gaze, she stood up and ran towards him, helping her cross that little bridge and happily wished him good morning, asking her to accompany him on those new streets, the night before there had been no way to memorize them, she showed us the best street that ran alongside a large palace, surely of some rich merchant, then a beautiful fenced garden with a large fountain and at the end a winter garden with many flowers and plants, we passed a small square with enormous columns that overlooked on one side a canal that brought water to the center of the city, at the end of the street we finally arrived in the central square, Lady Blue said goodbye to us and headed to the infirmary in the corner opposite the caste palace, with its huge staircases, I left Darian and headed to the port to register as a merchant, while he went up to the floor where there were the Scribes' offices waiting to be received by the Ubara or from the head of the caste and take possession of his office.

I found the Emir sitting on a cushion under the large tent, with him a man with a very dark complexion and armed with a shield and sword, I greeted and sat down in a corner, the Emir told me that he was the companion of the Ubara lady Zypera, and that his name was Sir Youroki, he was the builder of the city, and from what I had seen he had done a great job, we drank some good tea brought by a slave and after the introductions and a few words of ritual we got up and headed towards the part of the square occupied by the many shops, stopping at that of the perfumer, a comely woman, who knew how to convince customers, and she sold the Emir some perfumes that for me smelled but that she said women liked, then walking along those large columns interspersed with large palm trees we arrived at the infirmary where lady Blue was busy preparing some bandages in case they were needed by the warriors, at that time the Torvie warriors, often tried to land with their Tarl on the island, we waited for him to finish his work, he checked the few sick people then he went out and together we headed to the tavern for our lunch, it was all new to us but we would soon get used to it.

Darian, you could see from a mile away that he had a crush on that beautiful woman, even if not very tall but well built with an angel's face, he looked at her in ecstasy and smiled at every word, and when he learned that his family had been kidnapped by the panthers the year before he cried with her.

Meanwhile a slave came running to warn Darian that the Ubara was waiting for him in his large office in his palace, he greeted Lady Blue and set off with the slave towards that palace, Lady Zypera welcomed him with all the honors, she had heard about him and was happy that he wanted to live with them and work as a magistrate, the head of the Scribes was away for meetings with his colleagues in the distant city of Tor

l’Ubara ordino allo schiavo di preparare l’ufficio e assegnare una schiava al Magistrato Darian, poi gli dette le chiavi della città e lo saluto augurandogli buon lavoro, lasciamo il palazzo ci dirigemmo verso l’ufficio. 


    I giorni passavano e la città sempre in fermento molti commerci tra pirati e mercanti della zona Darian aveva il suo da fare con i certificati, ma non perdeva occasione per corteggiare lady Blue, ormai si vedeva che i due si amavano, L’Emiro alto con i suoi lunghi capelli biondi era bellissimo, lei con il suo vestito verde orlato con fili d’oro, formavano una bella coppia, fu così che Darian chiese all’Ubara di poter corteggiare lady Blue, ottenuto il consenso inizio la frequentazione, non perdevano occasione per dimostrare le loro effusioni e il loro amore, ormai i preparativi della cerimonia di compagnia erano alla fine fin che non successe qualcosa che cambio la vita di Darian, una mattina mentre erano seduti all’ombra della grande tenda, degli uomini travestiti da guerrieri  senza fare alcun rumore aggredirono l’Emiro alle spalle colpendolo alla testa facendogli perdere conoscenza, legarono lady Blue imbavagliandola, scomparvero come in silenzio come erano arrivati, quando L’emiro si sveglio mezzo tramortito capi che avevano rapito la sua innamorata e uno schiavo che aveva cercato di difenderla era morto a terra, dopo aver dato l’allarme arrivarono le guardie con il comandante, che escluse che i suoi uomini potessero averlo fatto, e il Magistrato Darian ordino delle indagini e delle pattuglie furono sguinzagliate in perlustrazione nel deserto che circonda la città. 


   Dopo tanti giorni di indagini niente venne fuori, le guardie al cancello erano sicure che nessuno fosse uscito quindi c’era qualcosa che non andava ma le indagini non si fermarono, mentre il Magistrato Darian era sempre più triste, aveva assaporato la felicità ma gli era sfuggita di mano. 

Fine parte 

Sunday 13 October 2024



part 3-Landa the city with golden domes

 The old merchant paused, took the water bottle from the belt of his robe worn by time and dirty by the desert sand, looked around, turning his eyes towards infinity, as if he wanted to peer beyond that sky, then calmly said: I will not tell you about the long journey by ship towards the South but only about the arrival on that island with its great city, shining with buildings with golden domes.

We arrived at the port early in the morning, many people were already crowding the docks, in the distance after long walkways you could glimpse the walls with their very high gates, along the stretch of road that led to the entrance many crosses with the corpses of criminals or certainly thieves, placed there to discourage any ill-intentioned people.

I remember the Emir telling me: here we are just travelers looking for a home and a job, so forget my title, from today I will only be a Scribe-Magistrate, having said that I sent myself on a scouting mission to see if we would be welcome, I told the guards at the gate that my lord would like to meet the Regent or the Ubar of the city, I told them that having escaped the flood on the island of Svago, Sir Darian was looking for a new home and a job in the offices of the scribes, a guard heard of the arrival of a Magistrate and ran to call the Commander, he was about to go outside the walls to patrol the surrounding area, they said that some Panthers had been seen wandering near the warehouses of the port, he stopped for a few minutes talking to Darian explaining to him that the palace of the Scribes was at the end of the colonnade, on the large square where a tent had been raised in the center to protect the citizens or merchants from the scorching sun, and went away ordering a guard to accompany us to the Palace.

The palace was majestic with large staircases, on each floor were the offices of the Castes. Naturally those of the Scibi were on the penultimate floor, there were marbles and friezes everywhere, it was like entering a fantasy world. Darian looked around happy to have chosen the island of Landa as a destination, the guard accompanied us to the large hall with a fountain in the center, where the majestic doors to access the offices overlooked, I knocked in vain on the door of the head of the Caste, perhaps it was too early for work, the guard called a slave and ordered us to visit the city while waiting for the Ubara to be available, when Darian asked the name of that woman the guard said her name is Lady Zyphera Kimono, her companion the Warrior Builder was called Sir RariusYuroki, of course he said the city is large with a thousand problems and it is difficult for her to have time but she receives the nobles of the high Caste in the afternoon before the sun sets.

Darian was a little annoyed, but he knew well that in big cities everyone is busy with their work, the slave took us around among the marble colonnades and the many flower gardens and very tall palm trees that gave a little shade from that scorching morning sun, the slave left us under the large tent in the square where the many shops crowded with people and merchants overlooked, and went away to prepare us an adequate and quiet accommodation, before leaving he said to the Emir, I will find you a house outside the walls on the residential island where only the nobles of high Caste can access by crossing the river from a walkway that starts from the beach up to the top of the hill, he said I remember that the last Magistrate left it empty before leaving, but the furniture is there, he ran away quickly due to disagreements with the Commander.

We sat down waiting for the oven slave to come and take the orders, the voices of those people became more and more insistent but Darian didn't seem to notice, until finally someone arrived, she was a splendid woman dressed in green, definitely a Healer, she sat on a cushion on the other side of the table leaving the escort outside, Darian had sparkling eyes, that woman with her green dress with gold embroidery and her veil also gold, haughty elegant but at the same time polite, she greeted Darian with a smile introducing herself, I am lady Blue she said, I am the Pysichian of the city, I have no family anymore, my companion died at sea during a trip while my two daughters are far away with their companions, she willingly agreed to accompany Darian to the house that had been assigned to him upon request made by the slave at the builder's office, she stood up begging Darian to follow her.

We walked through half the city until we reached the small houses of the citizens along the sandy bank of the river, until we reached that footbridge, which gave access to the road that went up the hill and at the top, the slave said, was our new house.


Saturday 5 October 2024


Part 2

Sitting around that fire I listened to the words of that old man that I had never met or known but who knew my brother Darian well, which made me quite nervous and annoyed, someone knew my brother more than me. It was terrible, however I came out of my silence introducing myself as Orlando the brother of the Emir, I asked that old man to tell me everything he knew about my brother, he looked at me through his old eyes surrounded by wrinkles, while he sipped his water taken from his canteen.

Even the other men who shared that fire with us and the wine that a woman brought us every time, were very curious to know the adventures of Darian, his name echoed in the desert reaching up to the far north and the vast plains that lead to the Sardar.

The man who said his name was Sven and that he was one of the greatest blacksmiths on the Planet, had followed the Emir on all his travels, since the first day he arrived in the small town of Falswort, he was still young and recently graduated as a Scribe and a Magistrate-Lawyer, he was a tall, handsome young man with his long blond hair, and immediately made an impression on the women especially on the companion of Ubar sir Ming, lady Chiara her name, +one could imagine that the two liked each other every time they met with their languid glances, but Darian was still young and serious, he wanted to make a career and become a Cartographer, he was very good at drawing maps taking inspiration from the news that the Merchants passing by gave him, and sometimes even from Bedouins in the desert for a fee.

Everything was fine until one day a slaver brought to the city an amber-colored slave, tall and beautiful with prominent breasts and long legs, Sir Ming wanted that slave and fell in love with her, and after the demonstrations of Lady Chiara, with her sister Lady Betty the Farmer, Sir Ming became very angry and chased both Lady Chiara and her sister out of the city, I had forgotten that strangely Darian had also fallen in love with that black slave, and for this reason he suffered a lot in seeing her with the Ubar, and in the end he followed the women into exile.

Lady Chiara had an older sister who lived in the north and precisely in Windermeer, so after a few months of travel they arrived at her, the two women settled in well, they found their home in a large well-furnished cave, while Darian was assigned a shack on the edge of the village, in the North there are no castes, and the Tatrix told him that if he wanted to live with them he had to work in the fields together with Betty, but he got angry, took his things and left with the first ship to reach the desert, going down the coast he stopped in the archipelago of Cos and precisely in the village of Edalgo, he had the job of Magistrate and a small office, but in that village they were also dedicated to agriculture, and he was offered to become Magistrate of the merchants, but he suffered that small semi-deserted village where the slave of the Ubar a certain Rosy, commanded her master in secret, and soon revealed himself to be a bitter enemy of the Emir, and he had no choice but to leave again.

From Cos to the island of Svago the distance was short but on the other hand Svago was a large city on two levels with many slaves and many trades, so he decided to stop, he introduced himself to the head of the Scribes who welcomed him with honor without telling him that in the caste he was the only man the other scribes and magistrates were all women who did not give him space in the work leaving him always out of any of their interventions, so he spent his time going from one Inn to another and from one Kennel of slaves to another there were three in the city, also on the hill where they grew grapes there was a cellar where he often stopped to drink.

One day that cellar caught fire, while Darian was sitting outside at a table, and he miraculously survived, he did not go to that hill again, until winter arrived a strong storm came from the north. black clouds that were gathering and a persistent rain was beating on the roofs, it had been raining for days now everyone was desperate, the water like a waterfall was coming down the stairs of the plateau of the castes, and the city was sinking more and more under that rain, many drowned if they left their houses, the Ubar gave the order to evacuate the city and ordered the citizens to leave the island reaching the ships at the port.

also Darian together with other scribes and slaves went down, conquering a place on a smelly ship, while many slaves and farmers fell into the sea trying to climb the gangway made slimy by the rain, then finally we left, there was no fixed destination but we were looking for a place to wait for the end of the rain, until we spotted a deserted island in the archipelago, in that area it was not raining anymore, so the Ubar gave the order to stop and go down to the beach.

end second part

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR PART 4 ​​-     Life in the land I saw a certain happiness in the Emir's eyes, everything seemed to be going ...