Saturday 5 October 2024


Part 2

Sitting around that fire I listened to the words of that old man that I had never met or known but who knew my brother Darian well, which made me quite nervous and annoyed, someone knew my brother more than me. It was terrible, however I came out of my silence introducing myself as Orlando the brother of the Emir, I asked that old man to tell me everything he knew about my brother, he looked at me through his old eyes surrounded by wrinkles, while he sipped his water taken from his canteen.

Even the other men who shared that fire with us and the wine that a woman brought us every time, were very curious to know the adventures of Darian, his name echoed in the desert reaching up to the far north and the vast plains that lead to the Sardar.

The man who said his name was Sven and that he was one of the greatest blacksmiths on the Planet, had followed the Emir on all his travels, since the first day he arrived in the small town of Falswort, he was still young and recently graduated as a Scribe and a Magistrate-Lawyer, he was a tall, handsome young man with his long blond hair, and immediately made an impression on the women especially on the companion of Ubar sir Ming, lady Chiara her name, +one could imagine that the two liked each other every time they met with their languid glances, but Darian was still young and serious, he wanted to make a career and become a Cartographer, he was very good at drawing maps taking inspiration from the news that the Merchants passing by gave him, and sometimes even from Bedouins in the desert for a fee.

Everything was fine until one day a slaver brought to the city an amber-colored slave, tall and beautiful with prominent breasts and long legs, Sir Ming wanted that slave and fell in love with her, and after the demonstrations of Lady Chiara, with her sister Lady Betty the Farmer, Sir Ming became very angry and chased both Lady Chiara and her sister out of the city, I had forgotten that strangely Darian had also fallen in love with that black slave, and for this reason he suffered a lot in seeing her with the Ubar, and in the end he followed the women into exile.

Lady Chiara had an older sister who lived in the north and precisely in Windermeer, so after a few months of travel they arrived at her, the two women settled in well, they found their home in a large well-furnished cave, while Darian was assigned a shack on the edge of the village, in the North there are no castes, and the Tatrix told him that if he wanted to live with them he had to work in the fields together with Betty, but he got angry, took his things and left with the first ship to reach the desert, going down the coast he stopped in the archipelago of Cos and precisely in the village of Edalgo, he had the job of Magistrate and a small office, but in that village they were also dedicated to agriculture, and he was offered to become Magistrate of the merchants, but he suffered that small semi-deserted village where the slave of the Ubar a certain Rosy, commanded her master in secret, and soon revealed himself to be a bitter enemy of the Emir, and he had no choice but to leave again.

From Cos to the island of Svago the distance was short but on the other hand Svago was a large city on two levels with many slaves and many trades, so he decided to stop, he introduced himself to the head of the Scribes who welcomed him with honor without telling him that in the caste he was the only man the other scribes and magistrates were all women who did not give him space in the work leaving him always out of any of their interventions, so he spent his time going from one Inn to another and from one Kennel of slaves to another there were three in the city, also on the hill where they grew grapes there was a cellar where he often stopped to drink.

One day that cellar caught fire, while Darian was sitting outside at a table, and he miraculously survived, he did not go to that hill again, until winter arrived a strong storm came from the north. black clouds that were gathering and a persistent rain was beating on the roofs, it had been raining for days now everyone was desperate, the water like a waterfall was coming down the stairs of the plateau of the castes, and the city was sinking more and more under that rain, many drowned if they left their houses, the Ubar gave the order to evacuate the city and ordered the citizens to leave the island reaching the ships at the port.

also Darian together with other scribes and slaves went down, conquering a place on a smelly ship, while many slaves and farmers fell into the sea trying to climb the gangway made slimy by the rain, then finally we left, there was no fixed destination but we were looking for a place to wait for the end of the rain, until we spotted a deserted island in the archipelago, in that area it was not raining anymore, so the Ubar gave the order to stop and go down to the beach.

end second part

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 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR PART 4 ​​-     Life in the land I saw a certain happiness in the Emir's eyes, everything seemed to be going ...