a new travel
After the company ceremony with the beautiful Suya, life at the oasis resumed quietly, the population was happy to finally have a Queen.One day while I was walking along the road that leads to the docks of the port a messenger came running bringing me a message received from a merchant from Sir Hans, who invited us to join him in his new village, located on the north bank of the river that leads from Vonda to Piedimont.
I talked about it with Suya and when I saw her eyes shine I knew that she would be happy to go and visit that new village and find her friend Hester, the regent Hansen and all the members of the new village, she lived with them for a long time in the city of Ranir.
Together with the captain of my ship we organized the trip, we would go east passing through the island of Landa and land at Korat in the region of Shendi, we would then take a caravan to head to the oasis of thashid, and then continue north and arrive at the river Wosk crossing it to reach first the city of Varn, then Tharna, then Saliria a newvillage built by the commander who lived in Ranir, and then the last stop at the village ''Hansen's house''.
We left at high tide, the breeze from the North pushed us slowly eastwards, we passed the island of Landa, I had lived in that city with its buildings with golden roofs, its tall columns and its large square where together with Youroki I often spent my afternoons under the tent sheltered from the hot sun, I had beautiful memories of that place but also of great disappointments, there I had loved Lady Blue the healer then captured and killed by the Torvie warriors, the partial destruction of the city and the consequent escape to Port Kar.
We got off at the port of Korat, called Ship Rock. Today very busy, when I was rescued in the desert by lady BB took me to Korat and I was adopted by her and her companion Sir Mith, until the city of Korat was destroyed by the Panthers together with the Talunes, despite the city was located on a promontory at first sight impregnable, we fled to the North to return to the village of lady BB Arliss, in Finnur fjiord.The caravan headed for the Tashid Oasis would leave two days later and we took the opportunity to visit the

places of my childhood up to the border with the forest of Shendi, and finally we left for the Thahari desert, Camels are known to be very uncomfortable and tiringespecially for women, I had a basket built for Suya to be more comfortable, and after a few weeks of travel we arrived at the oasis, there I had a house and the headquarters of my newspaper the Gazetta of Moons, I was missing from the company ceremony of Yusud Lady Mae's son, she was always like a mother to me when we lived together in Cartassa before its destruction, then rebuilt by Safina, I remember that with Lady Brjianna my partner at that time, we built our oasis not far from Cartassa, then she ran away with an Opal seeker leaving me alone with the Oasis destroyed and raided by her friend, at the Oasis there was the young Yusud crown prince who welcomed us with all honors, finally we could rest in a real bed after weeks of travel, I then met Sir Umar Congo the Pasha and his daughters, then after a few days we left for the north to get to the Wosk, keeping away from the big city of AR that is often at war with everyone, I have never been to that city but I hope one day to go there and write an interesting article about its history.
meeting in Varn city |
There were no major problems in crossing the Thahari desert, only an annoying wind that raised the sand blinding us, then finally we reached the river, we took aship that took us to the mouth, from there we would leave for our first destination. The city of Varn.
They had just rebuilt it, after Sir Hermes left taking his slaves with him and caused the fall of the city, when Sir Varn returned from his long journey the reconstruction began and I must say that he did a good job, we arrived at the port, some guards accompanied us to my old house on the avenue leading to the wood, there we cleaned ourselves up and were ready to be received by the notables and by Sir Varn, we found them outside the tavern near the great gate, they were sitting around the dance floor where the kajires dance entertaining visitors and citizens, I lived in Varn city, twice, and knew almost everyone including Sir Marlenus the slaver my old friend and Sir Abraham the Magistrate, my friend for years.
Sir Varn offered me the possibility of working with them as head of the caste of the Scribes and as editor of the newspaper, the proposal was tempting, finally working in a big city avoiding sedentary village life, but I had not reckoned with Sir Abraham who at first said nothing but then the next day he summoned me to his office telling me clearly that the boss was him and also the Magistrate, I just had to be a publisher, I have several offices scattered around the planet I can work wherever I want, sodisappointed we left for the city of Tharna, I knew that they were recruiting there too and having lived for some time I was curious to visit it and introduce it to Suya.
Meeting in Tashid oasis |
As usual at the gate there was Lady Jasmine the commander of the guards, who in the absence of Lady Juice, she directed, it was not easy to enter because of old grudges of Lady Janette towards me but finally we entered, they had modernized it and from an old city with old houses it had now become splendid, he showed us everything from the houses to the caste palaces I asked him about the city to write an article but she was vague. But time was running out and we set off again, the next stop the new city of Saliria.The little town had been built on the side of a hill and the streets were uphill, it was as if there were several floors but it had beautiful taverns, and although small it had everything from the houses to the caste houses and the palace of the Ubar, Admiral Goran-Tor administrator and commander of the guards, even if he was traveling. Her slaves welcomed us and took us around until the evening that after having refreshed ourselves at the tavern we rested in the rented rooms and in the morning we would leave.
Finally Hansen's House, Suya was not in the skin she would see her friends and Ranir's old friends again, we arrived at the port and they told us that everyone was meeting in the large Hall, it was accessed by a small street that went up to the main door and we entered, we were welcomed with joy, we sat at the long table while they discussed the preparations for the ceremony that would take place shortly thereafter, we took advantage of the food on the table, we hadn't eaten so well for a long time, Suya was happy with her, we stayed for a few days in that village and left for our Oasis of the Seven Palms...............Darianelnairad editor
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