Saturday, 27 April 2024


  I have been at the Tashid oasis for a few days, after introducing myself to Pasha Umar Congo,his son Yusud-ashad was with him. and having had the job as a journalist in the new headquarters at the Oasis, I spend my time writing, but I don't disdain taking a few walks, especially when the sun is now far behind the dunes.

  Lady Mae, the Pasha's partner, assigned me a house in the residential area, it's not very big but for me, being alone, it's enough, I have my kitchen, my bed and wardrobes and shelves of books.

    I met a Scribe who works in the Oasis, she doesn't have much experience with the laws of the planet, and I promised to give him some lessons, her name is Lienylah a beautiful name like beautiful and her, I asked the Pasha to be able to woo her , but not without the consent of the young woman, even if she often travels to the desert oases for her representation, however time is our judge and he will decide for us.

    One day while I was sitting under the large tent in the cool in the central square a slave came to serve me, I had never seen her before, she was very beautiful, with golden hair and her slender and generous figure, and after having served me some good mint tea perched on my left waiting for me to talk to him, I asked him about her where she came from and what her story was, she was hesitant at first, then she said I'll tell you the story of my master.


    She I will tell you when my Master was murdered... she had opened a very successful new tavern in Venna. The last evening I saw him the tavern was full of customers and he said that he liked being a tavern keeper.

But at the same time another man had opened a luxury tavern and had no customers. Yes, tell me I tell him while I drink my tea

  When I woke up in the morning my Master was no longer there. The last time I saw him he was talking to a pani man who had a long, sharp sword. She trembles.

  I was worried and started looking everywhere for my master.

  I kept searching the canals of the Vennas slum. That's where the bodies are usually dumped.

  his eyes fill with tears and he sniffs

  I wanted so badly to see my owner one last time. After a few days I asked a doctor if he would be recognizable if I found him in the water. But she said he would probably be so bloated and eaten by fish and eggs that I wouldn't recognize him, his voice cracking as he says I never saw him again. I tried talking to the warriors but they didn't seem to care

A few months later Venna was destroyed by the Gor earthquakes. Do you think it was a punishment, Master?

I think the competitors from the other tavern killed him. and that Priest King punished them


    I was deeply impressed but in Gor such events often happen, of men disappearing or women kidnapped and reduced to slavery, and the unwritten law of Gor, and we Magistrates often do not have the means to resolve these cases

Sunday, 21 April 2024


     Now the Spring fairs were behind us, after the success of the newspaper at the An-Kara fair, with lady Sabayna, we headed to the village of Aros on the west coast, for a regional fair, where many northern villages exhibited their goods,

 I had a stand for my newspaper from Lady ZAna, the fair lasted a few days but I had promised myself to stay in that place to live until the end of autumn, but speaking with a passing merchant he told me that a new oasis had flourished in the Thahari desert, he then told me that the Pasha was none other than my old friend Umar Congo from the tribe that lived in the forest near the city of Cartassa, where I had lived with Safina lady Mae the healer who became the Pasha's companion giving him also many children, with lady Athena and the slave Yiyi, he also told me that many who escaped the destruction of Cartassa and the Silverstone oasis, were putting up their tents at the oasis.

     The memory of Cartassa and the old days when I courted Lady Jinny, of my friend Finthor nephew of Lady BB Arliss the woman who had adopted me, Lady Safina with Sir Bernhard, and many other citizens, stimulates in me the desire to return to the south and return to live in the desert where I was born.

    Without having had time to say goodbye to Lady Ana and the other inhabitants of Aros, I boarded a ship leaving for Vonda, the first one I found available, and after some time we arrived at that port, I had never been to that beautiful city, even if one of my Scribe teachers was a native of the place, I got off the ship waiting for some other ship to Brundisium or Shendi, then I would join some caravan headed to the desert oases.   Vonda was a beautiful city with high walls and large towers for the castes and a whole swarm of hard-working people in the streets, and a beautiful garden immediately after the entrance gate, there I was lucky to meet the Praetor who showed me the city and the tower of the Scribes, I was perplexed when I heard that the head of the caste was Lady Firelly, I have already spoken about her, we met in other cities where she was often at the top of the caste while I as a magistrate begged for a job, this was one of the

 reasons why I left the cities where I met her, however I promised myself to wait for the Ubar, to talk to him and understand if I could open an office for my newspaper, but he was traveling, I didn't arrive and in the meantime a Pirate ship headed to Shendi was departing, I boarded.    The journey was long and tiring, even though it was spring the sea was often battered by cold winds coming from the north, in the end I landed in Dazi, in the large market I met a merchant who was organizing a caravan, first for the Oasis of the Two Scimitars and then for the Oasis of the Four Palms. eventually he would pass through Tashid Oasis.


    It wasn't a walk in the park, but I had the opportunity to stop at those Oases, the largest in the desert and have the opportunity to advertise my newspaper, then finally we arrived at the new Oasis. It was not yet well defined, still many tents and houses under construction, I crossed what would become the main square with the market, and stopped at the large tent where everyone in a circle was sitting on soft cushions, I immediately recognized Sir Congo Rashid Umar the Pasha , lady Mae, and a young high majesty who they introduced as the Vizier Sir Yusud. Asad Jab Umar Congo their son, and a beautiful lady named Lienyah Kozlowsky, said she was a granddaughter of Mae. we spoke of the old times of the stories that the young they didn't know, then finally the time came to retreat to the tent set up by my slaves, we would later talk about my desire to stay with them and open a newspaper office.

Sunday, 31 March 2024


The Aros Fair

     By now the fair in En-Kara was over, I spoke with lady Sabayna, she was with the caravan from the city of Isfhan, in the Thahari desert, in the deep south, we were talking with other merchants, about the return journey, when a Viking from Thorvasland , mention of a fair that would soon be held in the village of Aros, Sabayna and I looked into each other's eyes and as if we had the same thought, we said we could go on the track to the North instead of going down the Sardar following the track of Tehntis, Sais and then Olni and from there take a ship to go down to Brundisium or continue to Shendi then we would have split up, I would have returned to my Oasis of the Seven Palms and she to the city of Isfahan.

sir Bjorn
     After a careful study of the maps that I always carry with me we decided the best and safest route to Aros, the next morning we left, we had decided to follow the pilgrims' path, the one that leads to the Sanctuary was the safest then we would take a ship from Port Kar and go up the Thassa to the village of Aros, I would have stopped for a few days at the village of Hammersgaard, to say goodbye to my friend Nani and tidy up my little house, then I would have joined them at the village which is not just a day's drive away voyage.


In the forgotten reaches of Gor lay the North, a harsh land steeped in dark shadows and mysterious forests. Uppsala, the Norse temple, rose majestically above the hills. Its walls, covered in moss, bore the signs of time. Inside, pale candles flickered, illuminating a maze of passages that led underground. The cave under the temple contained not only the words of believers, but also the echoes of the 9 worlds that hid in the shadows of the rocks. In Aros, the trading city has awakened from the ruins of Lauri as if it were a living being itself. The streets pulsated with activity as the sun shone through the rooftops.

But even in daylight you could sense the mysterious aura that permeated the city. Merchants' pavilions danced in the wind as people went about their business in the market, knowing that not all intentions were revealed in the light of day. The surrounding Northland area was a patchwork of shady forests and majestic mountains. The trees whispered mysterious stories as their branches swayed in the wind. Dark shadows darted through the leaves and the grass bent under the weight of hidden secrets. In the caves beneath the mountains, deep within the earth, dark secrets lingered, waiting to be dragged into the light

The movements of the trees told stories of ancient times, of forgotten legends and secret pacts. The wind whispered dark melodies and the leaves rustled like faded pages of an ancient book. Even the grass seemed to have a life of its own, swaying to the beat of a long-forgotten ballad.


    We were welcomed by a beautiful lady named Estrella (Stella) who immediately called her assistant the young Ana, she accompanied us to the fair area to have our own display place, Sabayna would have exhibited her perfumes, I would have set up my newsstand newspaper the Gazette of Gor, many people walked around the village made of wooden houses on stilts overlooking the sea with long walkways connected by stairs. I preferred to take a place on the less busy secondary road while the beautiful Sabayna took some positions on the beach.

 the fair began with many visitors coming from the many villages of the northern coast, and many merchants coming from the south taking advantage of the spring and the melting of the snow, to trade their products in exchange for skins and artefacts of all kinds.


    We are here now the fair and at its peak business is going well, my newspaper has sold many copies, even if not everyone knows how to read, but it has been a positive experience and I hope to stay here for some time to get to know the people and the area, I will draw some maps of this remote place and I will give my availability as a lawman in case they need it.........



Mittlerweile war der Jahrmarkt in En-Kara vorbei, ich sprach mit Dame Sabayna, sie war mit der Karawane aus der Stadt Isfhan, in der Thahari-Wüste, im tiefen Süden, wir sprachen mit anderen Händlern über die Rückreise, Als ein Wikinger aus Thorvasland einen Jahrmarkt erwähnte, der bald im Dorf Aros stattfinden würde, sahen Sabayna und ich uns in die Augen und als ob wir die gleichen Gedanken hätten, sagten wir, wir könnten stattdessen auf die Strecke nach Norden gehen den Sardar hinabzufahren und dabei den Spuren von Tehntis, Sais und dann Olni zu folgen und von dort aus ein Schiff zu nehmen, um nach Brundisium hinunterzufahren

oder weiter nach Shendi, dann hätten wir uns getrennt, ich wäre in meine Oase der Sieben Palmen zurückgekehrt und sie in die Stadt Isfahan.

       Nach einem sorgfältigen Studium der Karten, die ich immer bei mir habe, entschieden wir uns für den besten und sichersten Weg nach Aros. Am nächsten Morgen, als wir abreisten, hatten wir beschlossen, dem Pilgerweg zu folgen, der zum Heiligtum führte, war damals der sicherste Wir würden ein Schiff von Port Kar nehmen und die Thassa hinauf zum Dorf Aros fahren, ich hätte ein paar Tage im Dorf Hammersgaard angehalten, um mich von meiner Freundin Nani zu verabschieden und mein kleines Haus aufzuräumen, dann würde ich es tun haben uns ihnen in dem Dorf angeschlossen, das nicht nur eine Tagesreise mit dem Auto entfernt liegt.


In den vergessenen Regionen Gors lag der Norden, ein raues Land voller dunkler Schatten und geheimnisvoller Wälder. Uppsala, der nordische Tempel, erhob sich majestätisch über die Hügel. Seine mit Moos bedeckten Wände trugen die Zeichen der Zeit. Drinnen flackerten helle Kerzen und erhellten ein Labyrinth aus Gängen, die in den Untergrund führten. Die Höhle unter dem Tempel enthielt nicht nur die Worte der Gläubigen, sondern auch die Echos der neun Welten, die sich im Schatten der Felsen versteckten. In Aros ist die Handelsstadt aus den Ruinen von Lauri erwacht, als wäre sie selbst ein Lebewesen. Auf den Straßen herrschte reges Treiben, während die Sonne durch die Dächer schien. Aber selbst bei Tageslicht konnte man die geheimnisvolle Aura spüren, die die Stadt erfüllte. Die Pavillons der Händler tanzten im Wind, während die Menschen ihren Geschäften auf dem Markt nachgingen, wohlwissend, dass sich nicht alle Absichten am Tageslicht offenbarten. Das umliegende Northland-Gebiet war ein Flickenteppich aus schattigen Wäldern und majestätischen Bergen. Die Bäume flüsterten geheimnisvolle Geschichten, während ihre Äste im Wind schwankten. Dunkle Schatten huschten durch die Blätter und das Gras beugte sich unter der Last verborgener Geheimnisse. In den Höhlen unter den Bergen, tief in der Erde, lauerten dunkle Geheimnisse und warteten darauf, ans Licht gezerrt zu werden.

Die Bewegungen der Bäume erzählten Geschichten aus alten Zeiten, von vergessenen Legenden und geheimen Pakten. Der Wind flüsterte dunkle Melodien und die Blätter raschelten wie verblasste Seiten eines alten Buches. Sogar das Gras schien ein Eigenleben zu führen und schwankte im Takt einer längst vergessenen Ballade.


    Wir wurden von einer wunderschönen Dame namens Estrella (Stella) begrüßt, die ihre Assistentin sofort die junge Ana nannte, sie begleitete uns zum Messegelände, um unseren eigenen Ausstellungsort einzurichten, Sabayna hätte ihre Parfüme ausgestellt, ich hätte meine Zeitung am Kiosk aufgestellt In der Gazette of Gor spazierten viele Menschen durch das Dorf, das aus Holzhäusern auf Stelzen mit Blick auf das Meer und langen, durch Treppen verbundenen Gehwegen bestand. Ich zog es vor, einen Platz auf der weniger befahrenen Nebenstraße einzunehmen, während die schöne Sabayna einige Positionen am Strand einnahm.

   Die Messe begann mit vielen Besuchern aus den vielen Dörfern der Nordküste und vielen Händlern aus dem Süden, die den Frühling und die Schneeschmelze nutzten, um ihre Produkte gegen Häute und Artefakte aller Art einzutauschen.


    Wir sind jetzt hier, die Messe, und auf dem Höhepunkt des Geschäfts läuft es gut, meine Zeitung hat viele Exemplare verkauft, auch wenn nicht jeder lesen kann, aber es war eine positive Erfahrung und ich hoffe, noch einige Zeit hier zu bleiben, um dazu zu kommen Ich kenne die Leute und die Gegend, ich werde einige Karten dieses abgelegenen Ortes zeichnen und ich werde meine Verfügbarkeit als Anwalt zur Verfügung stellen, falls sie es brauchen.......

Sunday, 24 March 2024


 Pisichian stand

Mews the Keeper

the inn (Tavern)


brazil dance Gorean




Sunday, 17 March 2024


                    The Glorious Egeria.........

   I was in disarray, after leaving Falsworth following Lady Chiara, Sir Ming's companion, he had repudiated her by taking his slave as his companion, but in that small village in the North if I remember correctly it was called Fjilsborg, it was winter and the days we all passed together in the large hall, eating and drinking and accompanying the slaves, it was not the life I wanted, I had studied a lot in the great city of Olni as a Magistrate, Lawyer and Scribe, I suffered and as soon as the first merchant ships arrived in spring I left that village for an unknown destination, I was born in the desert I didn't like the cold and the life of the hard men of the north.

                             MARCUS BRANDON

       Naturally the first stop, the ships going down the Thassa Sea, made it to the Cos archipelago to load wine and sell the skins bought in the north, and so it was that while I was on the pier of a city called Degalbi, I met a merchant in a tavern headed to the island of Mistic Cove in the city of Egeria, he enthusiastically told me about the beauties of that city and the luck that everyone spoke our southern dialect, strangely that man had the same name as me, Darian Bonetto who made sure I was introduced to him The steward of Egeria, who was called Marcus Brandon, was a great, honorable and powerful man.


    I entered that city with great enthusiasm, with the hope of having a job, a house, to live happily and perhaps meet a woman at my side, we crossed the large gate and emerged in a square with many buildings on the sides and in the distance on a hill the fortress, where Brandon lived, I went up that steep road, while Bonetto remained in the square to meet the merchants, I presented myself at the guardhouse at the central door, gave them my credentials and waited sitting on a bench under a large tree for them to call me for the audience with the regent.

     Finally he received me and after the pleasantries I told him about his city, and I wrote his words below:



The city of Egeria was founded in March 2018. It was born on the island of Mystic Cove, north of Cos and south of the port of Lydius, as a trading center, kajirae training, neutral place to make agreements or resolve disputes.

The growth of the population leads the council to improve its position and so the city grows, gradually becoming larger until it becomes a real fortified city state, with its own rules and laws.

After overcoming several wars and catastrophes, today it has expanded its territory even further by moving the glorious Home Stone to the continent, to be precise along the Cartius River.

It is divided into three areas, the fortified city, the port and the forest.


The city, protected by high and powerful walls, lies on the east bank of the river, towards the interior. The Cartius flows into the Vosk starting from the south, bordering the Shendi forest, moving in a northerly direction and therefore connects important economic areas, making it full of naval traffic.

Entering through the sun gate we find ourselves on the first level of the city. We find the caste headquarters of the scribes and builders, the central bank of Egeria, the Temple of the Home Stone and various commercial activities, such as the Golden Tarn and the forge. There is also the rich library of Egeria, an obligatory destination for Gor scholars and historians, eager to learn about the events of the Gorean city which they express in our language.

Going upwards we find the residential area of the high castes. Noble and elegant buildings embellished with green spaces. Going further up we find the Ubar residence and the tall cylinders that remind everyone of the greatness and history of the city.


This area is the vital center of the city's social and economic life. Located on the west bank of the Cartius River, it controls naval traffic and every passage. The move of the Home Stone was decided precisely to locate it in a place capable of offering greater development possibilities and the port is its nerve centre. The toll you pay to cross the city is one of the best examples of this. The Customs is the control and supply post, as well as being the structure for collecting money from commercial ships in transit.

Businesses, such as the Bosk Tavern, the Black Pearl Inn and the Talender Tea House offer refreshment to travelers who wish to stop for a few days. The port village also offers the open market, the flower market, the brothel, the spa as well as hosting city structures such as the City Hall, the Hospital and the headquarters of the merchant 

Risultati della traduzione

Risultato di traduzione

On that side, being adjacent to the forest, there are walls and a guarded door. THE FOREST The wooded area was left to allow wild animals, panthers and travelers without permits to enter the city to have a free zone in which to do business and trade. Natural caves and rocks offer temporary shelter to those who need it without having to submit to the laws of the city. No offense will be caused to anyone who stops in the forest, but every hostile act will be repaid with the same coin. POLITICAL ORDER Ubarato is currently in force in Egeria. Nonetheless, decisions are often made collegially, through meetings at the City Hall, where all citizens have the right to speak and, if necessary, all caste leaders the right to vote. The reasons for the presence of an Ubar are to be found in the presence of enemies who have repeatedly attempted to attack the city in its previous location, as well as a constant uncertainty in the positions of head of the high castes. If these two elements were missing, the Ubar would not hesitate to hand over power to the will of the High Council of Egeria. ECONOMY At Egeria every action and transaction must be settled through correct payment (Zcs wallet). These transactions must appear in the RP report. Every citizen will have the right, if in possession of evidence, to bring non-payers to court. If they are citizens, the trial will include a fine or imprisonment. In the case of travelers not willing to accept the possible penalty, the temporary BAN based on the severity of the action. HOUSING Every resident citizen will be entitled to housing based on their position and caste. No fee will be required for first homes. For commercial activities, contracts will be stipulated with the city administration, and payments will obviously be in zcs coin. The real estate market will be open to all, but the merchant caste will have pre-emption on the purchase of properties. Resident citizens will have 50 prims available to furnish their homes. By resident citizens we mean those active in roleplay. Absence from the land for a period exceeding 30 days will result in the loss of accommodation and the return of the prims. The resident citizen will be able to give advance notice of an absence exceeding 30 days (without necessarily specifying the reasons) and in that case he will not lose either accommodation or prims. ADMINISTRATION Contracts of any nature, whether for the sale or rental of real estate, land, livestock, slaves or any other kind, will ONLY be valid if validated by the seal of the blue caste of Egeria. The city of Egeria is owed 5% of any contract by the seller and buyer in taxes. The red caste will be required to report any suspicion of wrongdoing, and the parties will be asked to show ownership documents and sales contracts. Both parties can report breaches of contract. Marcus Brandon

Saturday, 16 March 2024


En'kara opening ceremony

The sun dipped low on the horizon as the Ubar of Genesian Port, Collin Daines, stepped forward to open the ceremony, his voice ringing out with gratitude for the gathering crowd. Alongside him stood the Lady Annike, Ubara of Genesian Port, radiating regal poise, and the blessed High Initiate of the Oasis of Two Scimitars, Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini, his presence commanding respect. The air buzzed with anticipation as the audience, representing peoples from across Gor, settled into the wooden seating area encircling the stage.

Before the solemn sacrifice, the Ubar spoke solemn words, invoking the spirit of En'kara and emphasizing the fair's ethos of peace and unity. He stated, "As you know the fair is one of peace. There is no combat here except in this arena,  and no one should be enslaved. ... It is a time to celebrate and come together. ... Despite any differences we might have."

With reverence, he passed the ceremony to the High Initiate, who raised his arms towards the Sardar peaks, chanting prayers to the sacred ones.

The High Initiate's address echoed through the arena, urging all present to seek purity and honor the Priest-Kings. With a ceremonial gesture, the initiate Quintius performed the ritual sacrifice, collecting the bosk's blood and liver as offerings. With bated breath, the crowd awaited the High Initiate's pronouncement of the omens, greeted with relief as he declared them favorable.

"Ta Sardar Gor!" echoed the crowd in unison, a chorus of gratitude to the Priest-Kings. As the carcass was dissected and distributed to feed the hungry, the High Initiate bestowed blessings upon the assembly, invoking the protection and guidance of the Priest-Kings.

As the ceremony concluded, a sense of unity and purpose filled the air, binding the community in shared reverence and celebration. In the fading light, the legacy of the Sardar Fairs lived on, a statement to the enduring spirit of Gor.

by Alika

a humble scribe.

Friday, 15 March 2024


 Alika's letters to Darian.

Chapter Two - Journey through the Northern Forest.

There was a stillness amongst the caravan, save for the air rustling through the leaves on the trees bordering the lane. One or two of the handlers could be heard quietly discussing something between themselves as they sat on the wagon in front. Instinctively the bosk, shifted in their harnesses in anticipation. Some of the handlers moved amongst the bosk, checking harnesses, and ensuring that everything was securely fastened for the journey ahead. Others were seated at the head of their wagons waiting for the signal.

At the front of the caravan, the marshal, who had previously walked the line, stood aside in the lane, observing, and checking the procession. He then raised a small horn-shaped instrument to his mouth and emitted two short but distinct blasts before retreating out of sight to his own wagon at the head of the caravan. Instantly, the bosk began to take up the slack, their handlers in front urging them on with cries of encouragement to pull the heavy wagons into motion. Amidst the cacophony, the sounds of creaking wagons and the jangle of metal workings binding leather harnesses added to the sounds.

In a sudden jolt, our own wagon lurched forward into motion and Cyrus added encouragement as he joined the chorus coaxing the beasts onward. Gradually, the wagons began to move forward, albeit slowly. Soon, the caravan settled into a leisurely but steady pace, easily matched for a man on foot, barely faster than brisk walking and the cries of the handlers faded away.

We were not on the coastal road for long before the caravan turned off to the right onto a narrow trail that disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Soon towering Tur trees on either side loomed overhead, their ancient branches stretching towards the sky and casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of earth and tree scents, and a closed dense ambiance enveloped us as we delved deeper into the forest.

Amidst the tall trees, the woods teemed with life. Dense ferns carpeted the undergrowth. Hermit birds tapped rhythmically upon tree trunks, their pattering beats echoing through the dense foliage. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze high in the canopy, and distant cries and calls of wild creatures added to the symphony of sounds that surrounded us.

As we rode on, Cyrus began sharing his wisdom and insights about navigating the forest, commenting about the creatures responsible for the sounds we heard. With each passing moment, I found myself growing more captivated by his knowledge and expertise, realizing there was much to learn from this seasoned traveller.

Soon, Cyrus began to share his personal history with us. He spoke of his humble beginnings as a peasant farmer, much like Elisha or myself, toiling under the sun and tending to the land with his own hands. However, Cyrus's fortunes changed when he seized an opportunity to assist the merchants who travelled the road between Helmutsport and Kassau.

He had carved out a niche for himself in the world of trade, working for a local merchant, developing an innate understanding of commerce. With each journey he undertook alongside the merchants, Cyrus gained experience of the trade routes, and he prospered, eventually earning enough to acquire his own wagon. In time, he finally achieved his goal of independence, branching out on his own and establishing himself as a respected merchant in his own right. As Cyrus shared his story with us, I couldn't help but admire this gentle older man who had through the trials and tribulations of his past, gained success and prosperity, inspiring me to continue pushing forward on my own path, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.


We continued along the forest path for the remainder of the day and as the sun dipped below the tree line, casting a golden hue over the forest, we finally reached the southern side of the great forest. The fading light prompted the handlers to draw the wagons into a protective circle, a makeshift barrier against the unknown dangers that lurked within the forest.

Around us, a camp sprang to life. Some of the merchants erected small lean-to tents against their wagons, providing shelter for the night, while others busied themselves with building a campfire in the centre of the circle. The aroma of cooking soon filled the air, as I helped with the preparation. We made pan bread and a hearty meal of tarsk stew served with warm paga.

As I settled into the comfort of the camp upon my bedroll, I found myself reflecting on the day's journey and the valuable insight I had learned from Cyrus. His words of wisdom echoed in my mind, reminding me of the need to recharge and regroup before facing the challenges of the road ahead.

Amidst the gentle murmur of conversation and the crackling of the fire, I felt the weight of exhaustion begin to tug at my eyelids. Yet, as sleep beckoned, I observed Elisha taking out a large gem-like crystal covered with a cloth and showing it to Cyrus. The two of them engaged in animated discussion, their voices hushed as they pondered its significance before sleep devoured me.


With the dawn of a new day, the caravan stirred to life once more, resuming its journey along the path of the Laurius River. As we travelled beside the gentle flow of water, the landscape unfolded before us in a panorama of natural beauty. Rolling hills stretched out into the distance, adorned with lush meadows and colourful wildflowers swaying in the breeze. The soothing sound of flowing water provided a comforting backdrop to our journey, offering a sense of tranquillity amidst the bustle of travel.

Our trail followed the meandering course of the river, tall grasses swayed in the breeze, wildflowers dotted the banks, and the horizon broken by the occasional ka-la-na tree. Eventually, we arrived at the ford—a shallow crossing where the river's waters flowed lazily across the path. With careful precision, the caravan navigated the ford, the bosk stepping cautiously through the shallows as we crossed to the other side. In the distance lay the city of Piedmont nestling among gentle slopes.

As we arrived in Piedmont, it was time to bid farewell to Cyrus as he prepared to enter the city to deliver his cargo. With heartfelt gratitude, we expressed our appreciation for his guidance and companionship during the first leg of our journey. His wisdom and camaraderie had been invaluable, and we knew we would miss his presence on the road ahead.

With our goodbyes said, Elisha and I set out to find passage onward towards Sardar. The bustling streets of Piedmont beckoned, promising new adventures and challenges on the road ahead. Yet, as we made our way through the city, my thoughts returned to the gemstone that Elisha carried. I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity, eager to learn more about its origins and significance. In our travels to come, I would uncover more about this mysterious gem.

CEREMONY AT TASHID OASIS SIR YUSUD-LADY CHIARA       It had been a while since I had heard from Tashid Oasis. The place where I lived and wh...