Saturday 19 March 2022



Returning from the mission in the forest to help the tribal chief for the disappearance of his best men, after a few days of rest with my beloved Brjiana, we decided to embark on another new journey, there were  the scrool arrived with a ship, they invited us , in the city of Olni to visit the Equestrian Circus, in my life I had never seen anything like it, only sometimes in the cities, jugglers or wanderers with their wagon, who perform with dances, games. sometimes even illusionists,
    We would have taken advantage of the En-Kara fair which usually coincides with the start of the new year on the planet on March 21, the day of the Spring Solstice. We decided to leave early so that we could rent a stand to make our Moon Gazette newspaper known, and distribute it to all those interested, perhaps giving it free at the fair.
   We organized the trip, we prepared the ship, we would stop in
Brundisium, and then go up the Vosk river to the Olni river delta and reach the city. from there then go up the river to the Thentis delta, and then organize a caravan to the Sardar region for the En-Kara fair, which this year as I said would be on the way to the sanctuary, while last year as you will remember it was organized in the Oasis of the two Scimittarre
   By now the winter was almost over, the river quiet even if very busy due to the many cities that overlook its banks, and finally we reached the port of Olni, moored the ship in a secondary quay and went ashore to climb the large stairways that give to the gates, but we were not welcomed wery good, there was a lot of coldness on the part of the Administrators, remember that I lived in Olni for years as Scribe and Magistrato, and they never forgave me for to have leaving them, but my free spirit always pushes me towards new adventures.
   They had assembled the circus beyond of the Tuchuk camp, where my friend's tribe lives as well lady Kara Serin, on the border with the city of Ti, where I lived for some time before moving to Olni, I was a cartographer in the city of Ti, but I didn't have much work, it was more a village than a city.

   The next morning, with so much disappointment at having been treated by strangers by Lady Lucy, we set out on foot towards the circus. we took some newspapers with us that we would distribute to the visitors.
  The next day we set sail for the city of Thentis. from where we would leave for the fair, the not very wide river  full crossed ships, the city of Thentis and the crossroads of all trade to and from the Sardar, and sometimes also for the North.
     It was not easy to find a place at the docks so we moored in the big Rada and from there the next morning we would leave with a caravan of merchant, already ready to reach the fair.
    After a few days of walking we arrived, and what presented itself to our eyes was something astounding, despite the fair still under construction, hundreds of people came and went through the streets, men
 and free women Kajire and <kajiuris, who were busy preparing the stands.
   We asked the administration for a place to set up our small stand and they pointed us to some, we chose one in front of the large Pysician tent, not very far from the Scribes' tent, we thought it was the right crossroads for citizens willing to read, because many still do not know the second acquaintance, as secretarial clerk I met an old acquaintance the slave Mews, but the principal manager was Sir Gorn, still traveling.
    With the patient and beloved Brjiana we set up the stand, with our banquet and our newsstand, and for the occasion we would have distributed our newspaper for free.
    A few days after the inauguration one evening there was the meeting of the Scribes, the moderator was none other than Sir Robert, I have already told about him, he was head of the Scribes in the city of Olni, even Lady Monica an old acquaintance, was present together to dozens of others, we spoke a little about everything and I raised the question of Magistrate women who could not exist on the planet, there was only a previous Lady Janette, my professor at Campus, so we decided that if a woman was really able to do so, she would become, but not as an interrogation judge because a woman cannot see naked men and against the law.
    The fair still continues, hundreds of people from all over the planet are present and every day Meetings, Tournaments and Slave Dances are organized.                to be continued


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