Monday 18 April 2022



After the end of the Kajires festival with great effort we resumed the return journey to the village of Hammersgaard, I had left the problem of little Bjior in suspense, the son of our friend Nani who I had discovered to be a Panther and now returned to live in his campo together with her sisters, who helped her in the constant search for the baby.
    We arrived at the village very tired, my sweet Brjiana and I, and we rested for a few days in a hut made available to us by our friend Sir Edu, the innkeeper. I wanted to rearrange my ideas so I started asking around for information, nobody knew anything, many didn't even know Nani. One morning at the port a merchant told me that he had seen her in a panther field where he traded in skins, exchanging them for weapons and wine. He made me a fairly detailed map of the area where the village is located so with a few trusted guards I left Brjiana at the village and walked into that forest dangerous for us men.
  After a few days of walking between hills and valleys, finally from a height we saw a wisp of smoke rising to the sky, we headed towards that direction taking care to watch our backs, but the unpredictable Panthers came out from everywhere until they captured us. They are known to take men prisoners because they use them to make women fertile, and then become pregnant and have daughters for the continuation of their race.

 I showed what appeared to be their leader and most armed of all my magistrate credentials, and proof that I knew Nani and her old companion Edu. arrived at the village they locked us in a large guarded tent, until the group of panthers headed by our friend Nani returned from a hunt in the vicinity of a village, taking with them three captured men that they would use as stallions for their fertilization, the sterile ones were used as slaves for cooking or hard work in the forest.
   She was delighted to meet me, I hadn't seen her for some time and I remembered her dressed as a lady with long dresses, while now half-naked covered in skins and armed to the teeth she was another woman, determined and tough willing to do anything to find her little Bjior . In the evening sitting in a circle in front of a fire, where some men roasted Tarsk's meat, I asked him to tell me her story, which after some hesitation I agree to reveal it to

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 was born in a Panther camp in the forest not far from the village of Hammersgaard, in the great North of the planet, we were three sisters, very happy, from an early age they instructed us in hunting and fighting, it was just a short time when my sisters with other friends we could play in the meadows, chasing some little urt or some little newborn tarsk, my older sisters taught me the art of the Staff and all the rest. Everything was fine, but the day of the Moons ceremony was approaching, for us Virgins it would have been the moment of Sacrifice to the Gods for our fertility
 and our camp. The ceremony consists of driving out several males to place them on the cross and we Virgins to dance around them frantically, a way to worship our God and ask for fertility for women and for our fields, and our animals. So one after another the males are used, hoping they will fertilize the women, and fill the field with new women, while the males are destined to become slaves. My sisters and I got pregnant, and my little Bjior was soon to be born, but since there were four boys and everyone had used me, now I don't know exactly who my baby's father is. By now I knew I was pregnant, now the problem was to enter the village without arousing suspicion, otherwise they would have punished and enslaved me, the law punishes pregnant women without a partner. At this point a new baker named Edu arrived, who fell in love with my beauty and asked the great Jarl to court me, obtained the consent he started dating me, but soon he realized that I was pregnant, and I had to tell him to wait a child, for my love he pretended to be the
father until Bjior was born. Edu after some time I leave, his character as a Gorean man prevented him from living with a woman who had a child with another, so I left everything in Hammergaard and went back to the camp to my sisters, but they did not want the little one who was growing up , they would put him together with the slaves. While I was in hammersgaard one day came a great Jarl from a nearby village, with his 1st Berseker named Spoldar, both savage and evil and very cruel men. When he saw me fell in love with me, I worked in Edu's tavern with the hope that sooner or later he would take me back with him. The foreign Jarl wanted me for him and in order not to create friction with our village jarl he demanded that I take his Berseker as a companion and once I arrived at his village take me with him, when I refused he kidnapped my child trying to escape, but the villagers stopped him on the quay and killed him, but
in the meantime Spoldark had fled into the forest with my little boy without leaving a trace. Edu confessed to me that he has birthmarks on his body that if they coincide with those of the child he would accept it, and every day I go hunting for men using them with the hope of finding the Berseker who escapes with my Bjiork. Now every man I catch I want to give me at least six children or else I will kill him, but only to take revenge on the men who made me suffer. Of course in the village of Hammersgaard they do not know that I am a Panther and I often return there and live in a shack intended for free women, with the hope that one day they will hear from Bjior. darianelnairad

Sunday 17 April 2022


After the end of the En-Kara fair. life starts again normally, we spent the time writing articles for our newspaper, with my sweet Brjiana. Often due to our agreements with the villages and cities, we made long trips up to the far north, where after the agreement we set up our newsstand, and where everyone can get a copy of our Gazette dell Luna, which gradually more people he begins to love, and the profits partly pay for the expenses of the voyages on our ship.
    Now we were in Hammersgaard. they had called us for a bad story that took place in the village, to our friend Nani and her partner Edu the innkeeper, and that is to say they had kidnapped the little son of both of us who, as you will remember, had witnessed her birth in the lake of waterfalls.
 As Magistrate I began to investigate, questioning the parents, first Sir Edu who after various hesitations, I confess that he was not sure he was the father of the child, a bolt from the blue, in the sense that I had always judged the couple to be tranquil and happy ,
 but he didn't want to say anything else, so we went to the tent outside the village, where what was Lady Nani has now become the Nani Panther, had returned to take on the role of her origins.
  We were disappointed, but at the same time curious to know the truth about the woman and the disappearance of the child. after hugging us and saying goodbye she burst into tears, a desperate cry, and told us that while I was training outside the walls, a warrior Commander of a ship who lived in the village with his family,
demanded to have her as a companion, and it was so that after Nani's no he raped her, she never said anything to her partner. and she continued her life until the birth of the child, she was sure that  was the warrior's because the agreements with the companion dom by law were that she arrive a virgin at the ceremony. When the warrior learned of the baby's birth, he organized a kidnapping by taking him away with him, and then entrusting him to his relatives, because in the meantime he was engaged in a war with an enemy village, but was killed in a fighthing.
Now no one knew where the kid had been taken and which of her relatives was involved in the kidnapping, and Nani have taken back the Panther clothes and insignia to hunt down the kidnappers and get the baby back.
    A moving and at the same time contradictory story, because she would have had to follow her warrior who for love had raped her, and now she was venturing into a desperate adventure, I as Magistrate explained that the law of the planet in these cases if the malefactor he dies, his relatives and his family are persecuted and if they do not collaborate, the women and men sent to the iron mines to serve their sentences are enslaved.
  Despite our efforts in Hammersgaard the investigations were at a standstill, we received an invitation as a newspaper to go to  festival of the Kajires, which would take place in a village much further north, so we decided to go there to looki.
    We arrived after a few days of walking by now the snow was melted and the slopes were clear to follow, as soon as we arrived we realized that it was certainly something big, many people crowded the village, all the tribes and every race had concentrated there . for the Festival of dances, Kajire, Talunas, Tuchuk, Wagons, Dancers of the desert, Dancers from the far south with yellow skin, and Cities Dancer. the more evolved ones with a more  culture than the wild of the forests.
  We watched happily and with admiration at those dances, I had already seen something like this in my life, a Kajire festival in the city of Port Kar, where I worked as a lawyer, let's say that in recent years both musicians and dancers have evolved.

    For the return we stopped in a new village in the forest where we made the agreement for the newspaper and then left again for our Oasis.



Saturday 9 April 2022


In uno dei miei viaggi insieme alla mia compagna Brjiana ci siamo fermati al villaggio di Lara, in ricostruzione dopo che degli eventi negativi l 'avevano distrutto.
Arrivati al porto, chiedemmo di parlare con il Comandante oppure l'Amministratore, ci dissero che ancora molti cittadini erano in viaggio per ritornare dopo la fuga, nel frattempo una Tatrix dirigeva le costruzioni e il buon andamento del villaggio. Chiedemmo di poterla incontrare e una guardia ci accompagno in quella che diventerà la grande piazza al centro del villaggio.
   Si vedeva che i lavori erano attivi . molti operai lavoravano le pietre delle pareti e i legni che sarebbero diventati assi dei soffitti,
 e finalmente incontrammo la Tatrix .. Lady Tatiara, ricordai subito lei e la sua figura, sempre abbronzata dai raggi del sole, ci eravamo incontrati alla grande città di Cartassa, quando vivevo con la mia grande famiglia Arliss, con mia ,madre lady BB arliss e mio padre sir MIth arliss, mia zia lady Mae, mia sorella aquisita lady Safina, l'altra sorella Shani e Irene con mio fratello Finthor, diciamo che mia madre nei suoi tanti matrimoni aveva adottato tanti figli, e voleva bene a tutti.

      Ricordo che io spesso mi confondevo con i nomi, Safina con Sarina, nei primi tempi in citta, offuscato dalla bellezza di lady Jinny  che divento mia compagna per poco tempo prima che fuggisse con un Capitano di una nave, non era soddisfatta del suo lavoro di Scribe, ma questa è un altra storia.
   Dicevo incontrai li lady Tatiara, non ci fu un rapporto di amicizia ma di semplice conoscenza, in quanto io Magistrato ero impegnato con il mio lavoro e facevo poca vita di città.
   Ora me la ritrovavo d'avanti come tatrix di un villaggio in ricostruzione, che impartiva ordine alla costruttrice, e diventata una grande donna,Io mi presentai come Emiro dell'oasi delle sette Palme, lasciai a Brjiana il compito di definire gli accordi del giornale e dell'edicola, da mettere nel porto per la vendita dei giornali, poi lei mi invito alla sala da te dove seduti parlammo del passato e del presente, lei mi disse che aveva il compagno che preferiva essere un Guerriero anziche fare vita di ufficio, lei sapeva che io ero Magistrato del Pianeta, mi invito a vivere nel villaggio  come Magistrato
provvisorio, sapeva bene che io ho la mia Oasi con il mio popolo, io accettai di buon grado, e bello aiutare gli amici, gli chiesi se la mia Brjiana in quanto Avvocato potesse  lavorare con me,  e fu cosi che ci destino gli uffici di fianco alla corte.     Ora tra un viaggio e l'altro  mi fermo qualche giorno per sbrigare lavori di ufficio, e registrazioni varie, non ci sono delinquenti nel villaggio, e nessuno che trasgredisce la legge quindi il lavoro è poco.
    Presto ci saranno le votazioni per eleggere il Comandante, io ho proposto come osservatore esterno la scelta di un uomo autorevole e determinato, si è fatto il nome del compagno di lady Tatiara.. ma staremo a vedere...



 On one of my trips with my partner Brjiana we stopped at the village of Lara, under reconstruction after negative events had destroyed it.
Arrived at the port, we asked to speak with the Commander or the Administrator, they told us that many citizens were still on their way to return after their escape, in the meantime a Tatrix was directing the construction and the good running of the village. We asked to be able to meet her and a guard accompanied us to what will become the large square in the center of the village.
  It was evident that the works were active. many workers worked the stones of the walls and the woods that would become ceiling boards,
 and finally we met the Tatrix .. Lady Tatiara, I immediately remembered her and her figure, always tanned by the rays of the sun, we had met in the big city of Cartassa, when I was living with my big family Arliss, with my, mother lady BB arliss and my father sir MIth arliss, my aunt lady Mae, my acquired sister lady Safina, the other sister Shani and Irene with my brother Finthor, let's say that my mother in her many marriages had adopted many children, and she loved everyone.
   I remember that I often got confused with the names, Safina with Sarina, in the early days in the city, overshadowed by the beauty of Lady Jinny who became my companion for a short time before she ran away with a Captain of a ship, she was not satisfied with her job as a Scribe, but that's another story.
   I said I met them Lady Tatiara, there was not a relationship of friendship but of simple acquaintance, as I Magistrate was busy with my work and I did little city life.
    Now I found her in front of me as a tatrix of a village under reconstruction, who gave orders to the builder, and became a great woman, I introduced myself as Emir of the oasis of the seven Palms, I left Brjiana the task of defining the agreements of the newspaper and of the newsstand, to be put in the port for the sale of newspapers, then she invited me to the tea room where we sat and talked about the past and the present, she told me that she had the companion who preferred to be a Warrior rather than lead an office life, she knew that I was Magistrate of the Planet, I invite me to live in the village as a provisional Magistrate, she knew well that I have my Oasis with my people, I gladly accepted, and nice to help my friends, I asked him if my Brjiana as a lawyer he could work with me, and it was in this way that we set up the offices next to the court. Now between one trip and the next I stop for a few days to do office work, and various recordings, there are no criminals in the village, and no one who breaks the law so there is little work.
    Soon there will be the votes to elect the Commander, I have proposed as an external observer the choice of an authoritative and determined man, the name of Lady Tatiara's companion has been made .. but we'll see

Thursday 7 April 2022


great city of port Olni
After the En-Kara fair, many things have changed. with Brjiana we travel a lot lately, from village to village from city to city.
      We had left our ship at the port of Olni, where a time i lived, and where Lady Lucy lately burdened with many problems has changed her attitude towards me, but I left my heart in that city, I started the my firsts study with lady Lucy and lady Janette (unfortunately she disappeared in real world), I was pleased to meet again the Pysician sir Ronmag, but he too was leaving for the city of Helenos, where he would join his companion, we invited him to the Oasis, and he I accept, for a few days I stay with us on the island, then he resumed the journey towards his new adventure.
    Good news made us happy or at least for me .. lady Safina after the destruction of the oasis by the desert Marauders, with the help of her tribe and her companion the pasha Combo, has rebuilt the oasis in full desert, I was busy with the city of Lara where from time to time they call me for my job as a Magistrate, and for the new alliance.

My sweet Brjiana with a caravan reached the Cartassa Oasis, stipulating contracts with Lady Safina and placing our Gazette of Moon newsstand in the entrance of the oasis.
    Something has changed in Hammersgaard, we received rumors of change and decided with Brjiana to go and visit the village and meet again Lady Nani with her baby and Sir Edu the innkeeper, waiting to be received by the village chief for the new alliance.
    In the meantime we have entered into alliances and contracts with the village of Bergwik, we have passed by to the great Jad on the island of Cos for distribution,
 we made an alliance with the city of Kasra, passing through the Thahari desert we stopped at Red Rock, a new great Oasis and the Pasha a really smart man hosted us for a few days.
The Oasis of Seven Palms
    On our way to the sea of ​​Thassa we came across a new large village, Lara the her name, still under construction but already determined and I with Brjiana agreed to work for them as Magistrate and Lawyer her  when they will need, then we left the village to reach our Oasis, we stopped to the island of Landa. rebuilt after the flood that destroyed it, remember I was a Cartographer on that island but I was forced to flee and find shelter in a desert island, where we then with Brjiana built our Oasis of the Seven Palms.
    I forgot .. while we were in the desert I remember that I was lived for some time at the oasis of Theera as a Magistrate, at the time there also lived there sir Youroki and sir Lc, my bitter enemy from the time of the first Cartassa,
village of Hammersgaard
then passing from Mirkwood Sa-Pasheen tribe, we also concluded with their alliance.
    While we were working on the newspaper and at the big party for our return that we would soon have at the Oasis, we received the news that in Port Kar, a new Commander had taken power in the City so we decided to go up the Sea of ​​Thassa to stipulate a new agreement, but once we arrived we met useless resistance from the new Commander, he said that they did not need to read but preferred taverns and slaves as a pastime, we left quite disappointed by that gentleman want  to give us lessons behavior, he who at first glance seems to me a rough commander accustomed to plowing the seas and certainly descended from some Pirates who infest the Thassa sea and the Vosk River.
.... Now we are at home and we are happy to prepare the party with my beloved Brjiana.

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...