Sunday 17 April 2022


After the end of the En-Kara fair. life starts again normally, we spent the time writing articles for our newspaper, with my sweet Brjiana. Often due to our agreements with the villages and cities, we made long trips up to the far north, where after the agreement we set up our newsstand, and where everyone can get a copy of our Gazette dell Luna, which gradually more people he begins to love, and the profits partly pay for the expenses of the voyages on our ship.
    Now we were in Hammersgaard. they had called us for a bad story that took place in the village, to our friend Nani and her partner Edu the innkeeper, and that is to say they had kidnapped the little son of both of us who, as you will remember, had witnessed her birth in the lake of waterfalls.
 As Magistrate I began to investigate, questioning the parents, first Sir Edu who after various hesitations, I confess that he was not sure he was the father of the child, a bolt from the blue, in the sense that I had always judged the couple to be tranquil and happy ,
 but he didn't want to say anything else, so we went to the tent outside the village, where what was Lady Nani has now become the Nani Panther, had returned to take on the role of her origins.
  We were disappointed, but at the same time curious to know the truth about the woman and the disappearance of the child. after hugging us and saying goodbye she burst into tears, a desperate cry, and told us that while I was training outside the walls, a warrior Commander of a ship who lived in the village with his family,
demanded to have her as a companion, and it was so that after Nani's no he raped her, she never said anything to her partner. and she continued her life until the birth of the child, she was sure that  was the warrior's because the agreements with the companion dom by law were that she arrive a virgin at the ceremony. When the warrior learned of the baby's birth, he organized a kidnapping by taking him away with him, and then entrusting him to his relatives, because in the meantime he was engaged in a war with an enemy village, but was killed in a fighthing.
Now no one knew where the kid had been taken and which of her relatives was involved in the kidnapping, and Nani have taken back the Panther clothes and insignia to hunt down the kidnappers and get the baby back.
    A moving and at the same time contradictory story, because she would have had to follow her warrior who for love had raped her, and now she was venturing into a desperate adventure, I as Magistrate explained that the law of the planet in these cases if the malefactor he dies, his relatives and his family are persecuted and if they do not collaborate, the women and men sent to the iron mines to serve their sentences are enslaved.
  Despite our efforts in Hammersgaard the investigations were at a standstill, we received an invitation as a newspaper to go to  festival of the Kajires, which would take place in a village much further north, so we decided to go there to looki.
    We arrived after a few days of walking by now the snow was melted and the slopes were clear to follow, as soon as we arrived we realized that it was certainly something big, many people crowded the village, all the tribes and every race had concentrated there . for the Festival of dances, Kajire, Talunas, Tuchuk, Wagons, Dancers of the desert, Dancers from the far south with yellow skin, and Cities Dancer. the more evolved ones with a more  culture than the wild of the forests.
  We watched happily and with admiration at those dances, I had already seen something like this in my life, a Kajire festival in the city of Port Kar, where I worked as a lawyer, let's say that in recent years both musicians and dancers have evolved.

    For the return we stopped in a new village in the forest where we made the agreement for the newspaper and then left again for our Oasis.



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