Wednesday 27 July 2022


 meetings with Darian


          She awakes from the back room where the furs are laid.
She smells the clean, fresh air of the tavern. It is slightly chilly, but in a good way, in a nipple-hardening way. She inspect the tavern for dust, dirt, vermin, and stains. She puts more wood into the fireplace in case a visitor comes looking for a warm hearth ... and maybe a warm body to share it with.
She discovers some odd stains on the furs and straw in the next room. She thinks to herself, "I wonder where these white stains came from?"
Perplexed sheI can only assume they were from before her time di lei.
She takes the furs down to the river to wash them. On the way she she remembered how this sort of thing would attract lice and body crabs.
At the river she hears the gently flowing water. She I knows this is not Heaven, but for her it is a grand life.
She take off all her clothes and wades out into the river, "I certainly don't want to get my clothes wet, or she will have to wash them too. Hmm, on second thought," why not "? her clothes and rubs them thoroughly in the water. The feel of the cold refreshing water across her legs feels so good that she wades out further past her hips until she feels her breasts begin to bob and sway with the currents. Going back to the edge of the river she climbs onto a flat rock and dives head first in the water enjoying the cold tingle of her skin.
As she stands up in the water, she reaches her arms into the sky as though hugging the whole world. Never has she felt more alive even while wearing the collar that promises her that she is owned and valued by someone Her body has never felt more alive, beautiful and desired than ever before. The burden of her old life di lei has been lifted. Here her mind and spirit di lei are no longer slaved.
As she climbs out of the water to hang her wet clothes on a nearby tree she sees Master Warrior pass by di lei as he is chatting with her di lei BFF di lei bryn. She waves "Tal Master Warrior, Tal sister bryn"!
Completely unconcerned for her nudity di lei they see her and wave back, although Master Warrior seems a bit distracted.
As she hangs the furs on the trees to dry, along with her clothes di lei, she feels the warm sun on her skin di lei, drying HER off. Since the tavern is not yet ready for business, she decides to enjoy her freedom di lei some more. She stretches out on the grass to get some suntan. Time passes by and she turns over on her back to bake some more.
Eventually she decides to call it a day and return to the river, wash off, dress and return the furs to the tavern.
Remembering that she needs to sweep the floor a little bit, she gets to that task.
After she completes this final task, she locates bryn who has taken an early afternoon nap. Bryn explains she had to leave early to perform her work elsewhere as she was overly tired. Smiling, she hugs her best friend di lei and tells her bryn never needs to explain herself. Bryn is her inspiration of lei and is always there when needed. That is enough.
"So chain-sister, what were you two chatting about?" she asks. Bryn was elusive, but finally admitted that he told her he wants to purchase her virginity di lei at the blood auction Saturday. this girl smiled with happiness, "Really?" "How wonderful"!
Bryn did not seem nearly enthusiastic. Sister, please share with me. I know you find him attractive, what is wrong? "Bryn strained for the words, sometimes we dont know why we are bothered, only that we are. Eventually, bryn shared," well, I am white silk. Master Warrior has fucked a lot of women with experience I do not know the skills he would expect. "I don't even know what a blowjob is except what you shared with me. It doesnt even seem to involve blowing at all."
With mischievous mirth in her eyes and giggles in her throat, this girl told her, "Of course you dont know these things" "This is why he wants to purchase you. He wants to enjoy teaching you these things. He wants to be the first to explore the mysteries of your mouth and your body. All you need to do is follow his lead and he will guide you. " "Oh you are so beautiful in your innocence, that's what I love so much about you."
"Now let's clean this tavern. We need to nail some boards back. Do you know anything about these white stains I discovered?" "No, of course they are not yours, but do we ever have unknown overnight visitors?"

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