Tuesday 5 July 2022



I was born in an oasis in the Tahari desert, Me and my brother Orlando, sons of the sultan of the Oasis of the seven Palms, located on the road that leads from the Shendi region to the great Oasis of the two Scimitars, ours was not a great Oasis, but my brother Orlando the eldest son and I were happy, our mother she died giving birth to me, and a woman who would later become my adoptive mother, I have grew up his breastfeeding, until one day Panthers women trespassed from the great forest of Shendi attacking us with the aid of some marauders took possession of the oasis. my father the Sultan was killed and impaled, while all the others were captured and taken away, the men to the mines and the women sold as slaves, left the old men abandoned to their fate in the desert.

     My stepmom who was named Busybee wrapped us  in rugs  which she rolled into the pond while she pretended to be dead, finally when all was over she took us with her and collected some clothes and food with water and we walked towards the track that led to Shendi.
     After many weeks of walking we met a carovan headed for the town of Korat in the Shendi region. they took us with them, then entrusting us to the Notary of the city, took us to his house and began to give us lessons to become Scribe, Mrs. Busybee, whom everyone called Lady BB was taken under the protection of the commander of the guards, Sir Mith, who soon him adopt me and my brother Orlando two years older than me.
   But luck soon abandoned us, the city was again attacked by the Panthers who lived on the hills, lady BB and sir MIth took us through a secret passage that led to the port of ship Rock and from there we took a ship that sailed for Port Kar, but during the stop in the port of Brundisium, we met some notables passing by who from the island of Landa they return back to the city of OLni where they lived, like Scribe and traders, lady BB I entrust us to them so that we continue to study in one of the cities where  live the best Scribe of the planet, that is Lady Janette and Lady Lucy, we would continue to study with them ..
     Our adoptive parents leave us to continue their journey north to the village of Finnur, while we, when we arrived in Olni, resumed our studies.
   Orlando and I became scribe myself as a cartographer and Orlando as an Ambassador and soon he leave , and I was left alone I had nothing to do but continue studying, Lady Janette take the professorship in the University of the Campus, she move there and I followed her starting his studies as a lawyer and magistrate, also attending a course as a master of ceremonies. After the degrees obtained as Lawyer and Magistrate I returned to the city of Olni where I had the job of Magistrate, but for my young age I immediately made enemies, so I decided to leave, going down the Vosk river, stopping in the city of Port Kar, where I had a job as a lawyer, but I didn't have much to do, since in that city they were all criminals, i spent the days outside the walls towards the hills, one day a Panther from the village located on top of one of the hills, she took myself, but  do not bring me to village because by love at first sight we fell in love starting a relationship, she tried to teach me how to fight, which I did quite well.
   One day she told me that there was a tournament in the Black city and that she as queen of the panthers wanted to participate in the competitions, I followed her even if I did not have to fight, but unfortunately she lost her balance during a fight and fell on pointed spears and died in a short time.
     I suffered a lot, I did not know what to do, luckily at the port I found a ship bound for the city of Svago in the archipelago of Cos, and I left.
   That big and beautiful city was ruled by women, few men and many slaves, like Scribe I was forced to work with evil women and after a few months I left for the city of Landa, where I got my first real job as a Magistrate .... ......keep on

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