Friday 20 October 2023


     It wasn't a lucky ceremony, a few days later she left for who knows where, chasing her fame as a baker and baker, famous for her cakes, and for her business, buying products to use in her bakery , abandoning Orlando alone in a city with few people and always busy.
After some considerations Orlando decided to resume his real name of Darian, leave his job as Chief of Scribes and leave for his home in the North, before the arrival of winter, I ordered the Captain to prepare the ship for the long journey from Geela to Hammersberg the Viking village. I left once again sad and alone, sometimes happiness when you think you have it in your hands... it slips away like sand and you are once again left looking for someone.

    We left at high tide, the southerly wind immediately pushed us out to sea, setting our course towards the north. At night I was woken up by the movement of the ship which bounced on the large waves which were formed by the strong northerly wind which swept the deck of the ship. , the Captain gave the order to reduce the sails, trying to maintain the course, for three days we were at the mercy of the wind and the raging sea, which pushed us away without the possibility of maintaining the direction of the course, until the morning of the third day we we woke up surrounded by a thick fog that hid 


everything, the commander had fires lit at the stern and bow and we continued our misadventure without a destination.  The whole day and night passed like this without having a point of reference, until the next morning a sailor shouted Earth, we all went on deck, we found ourselves facing a gray and gloomy island with high mountains, until we were in sight of a majestic fortification, with large boulders that formed the protection of the high and massive walls, to our great surprise other ships were at anchor and some at the docks in the small port, in agreement with the Captain we went ashore and found ourselves in front of the large gate after crossing a bridge suspended between the rocks, we entered and another stone bridge suspended in the void led to the city gate.
    At the entrance a commander of the guards, Sir Liam welcomed us together with his slaves, I introduced myself as Darian the Emir, and as Scribe and magistrate of Gor, after the welcome he showed us the Tavern and the entrance of the Scribe caste , I met Lady Katerina there, assistant head of the Scribe caste and daughter of the Ubar, after introducing myself and giving my credentials, she told me that there were already many scribes and magistrates, but that in a big city they needed new people. I accompanied myself to Sir Marco's office who asked me about my work around the planet, he already knew me by reputation and was proud to have me in the Caste, he asked me what job I wanted to do, but there were already many Magistrates, the I said that I was studying to be a Magistrate, for now since the job of Cartographer was free I accepted it, then I spoke to him about my newspaper, I asked him to open a branch of the ''Gazette of Gor'' he was enthusiastic about the idea I gave him some copies of my newspaper, told me that I could start preparing a copy entitled ''the lost city'' for printing until everyone can read.
     I was also welcomed by Lady Kallist, the aide of the Casta chief and daughter of the Ubar Sir Harry, I remember well having met him other times and now he had built this remote city, calling the best inhabitants of the Planet to live there. I met Lady Joy, also an old acquaintance, and while I was sitting in the square I also met Mr D, a helpful and kind merchant, I still glimpsed Lady Domino with her partner, and many other citizens whose names I don't know but with a I hope to get to know them all in a short time,
    The city looks like this: as soon as we enter the main door we find ourselves in a large square with the four sides occupied by sofas and chairs with tea tables, while in the center a large fountain, on the opposite stairs there are the bathrooms while on the right the caste of scribes, then going up the stairs there are the castes of the Doctors' Warriors and the offices of the Magistrates.
   I often take walks on the city walls, looking at the sea and the distant horizon, trying to glimpse something that can remind me of my lost happiness.



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 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...