Monday 9 October 2023


      After Orlando's companionship ceremony with Takama, life had resumed happily in the city. The other day Sir Jovan showed up in my office with a request, to give freedom to his favorite slave Kayla and take her under her Protection. Although he was always surrounded by slaves, this time he had fallen in love with the most beautiful one, he confessed it to me openly and he told me that he would soon fulfill their dream of love with the beautiful Kayla, he also said that he had renounced his title of Ubar, to return to being the Kennel Slaver, her sister Lady Skylarr would resume command and administration of the city of Geela.

     I was happy to prepare his documents of Manumission and Protection on his part towards lady Kayla, who had now become a lady and needed protection according to the law of Gor, I returned to the bakery, on the corner behind the large building, Takama was waiting for me with the my favorite freshly baked biscuits, while I was sitting with her immersed in her deep eyes, chatting and deciding about the future, a slave announced to me that the Ubara was waiting for me in my office for an urgent communication, I said goodbye to Takama my partner and headed towards the palace.

     As soon as Lady Skylarr entered, beaming, she announced to me that she and Sir Franken, the leader of the Pysichians, had decided to become companions, Franken had been hanging around the beautiful Skylarr for some time, everyone in the city knew that sooner or later he would decide to ask her as a companion, by now the courtship period was over and he told me that they wanted to have the ceremony on the beach instead of in the temple like mine.

     I prepared the contracts for him, I gave him their copy to sign and give me back one with their seal for the archive, we decided the date of the ceremony - October 5th (earth time) - as a ceremony I proposed that of the Ribbons, the most short and less boring especially for warriors and merchants who always wait for the end to gorge themselves on food and Paga or Ka la na.

       Now everything was ready, one day I was called to the book club on the beach, Lady Skylarr was present with Sir Franken, and Sir Jovan with Lady Kayla, Lady Skylarr asked me if it was possible to have two consecutive ceremonies, she and her brother would be happy to getting married on the same day, I told them that it had never happened to me, but that I would make sure to keep them happy, when the big day arrived we celebrated a great event with many guests, I wore the dress of a great Judge (Praetor), they in their glittering dresses appeared before me happily and we celebrated their companionship ceremony

   Sir Iovan now has his partner Lady Kayla
   Sir Franken ............................Lady Skylarr

      Geela's life has resumed happily, Takama has become a great baker and goes from city to city with her goods, I have resumed my life.
We will finally have another great event in Geela, sir Jovan and lady Kayla will have a child who will be their heir, sir Jovan proudly announced it to me today, meeting me in the central square, I am also happy for them...
We will anxiously await the birth of little Snow


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