Friday 25 February 2022


By now the works in the Oasis were finished, only small details remained, but the builders would take care of everything.
  With Brjiana, my beloved partner, we were dealing with the newspaper, and many requests for newsstands came especially from the north.
   A Pirate who usually shuttles between the Oasis and the cities of the North, told us that a village named Thorhall was interested in our newspaper, because he was curious to know what was happening on the Planet. It is difficult for the Vikings of the north to be interested in reading, but obviously someone who has traveled to the South and knows the customs wants his people to learn the cultures of other peoples as well.
   As you well know, I do not like to stay still in the oasis to
 administer a quiet people, I prefer to navigate and discover new horizons and new Villages and cities of our planet, and we are also in the middle of winter, with the snow that has now covered the whole hemisphere. We decided that before the grand opening of the oasis, we could take a trip to that village called Thorhall.
   As usual, we loaded the ship with good wine and products from our land, along with carpets and perfumes that our perfumer was dedicated to inventing, and she was also very successful.
While I was personally checking the preparations on the ship, the Countess Irene arrived with her ship, passing through, returning from the island of Landa, she did not know about our trip, so after she had him visit the new Oasis and placed in an empty house, the we invited to the palace for as long as we would still stay, after which we said goodbye and left early in the morning, the sky was clear there were no clouds on the horizon and a light breeze was blowing from the south, the sea slightly rippled by the wind was flapping below the bow, many Vulo birds passed through their migration was a good omen for a peaceful journey.   We headed north. after two days of navigation, having crossed the great gulf of Thassa, towards evening we were in sight of the archipelago of Cos, we would have stopped only to load the best wine on the planet together with the much sought-after Jad grappa.
 We left the next day at high tide and headed for Hammersgaard, the village we know further north, we would have stopped for a map, from the commander of  city.

   In winter, venturing into the ice is not advisable unless you have a good map of the area, and the village Cartographer gave me a fairly accurate one, so the next morning we left for the village of Thorhall, we reached the area in the evening, we could see the signal fires on the rocks, but we waited for the morning to dock and go ashore, we did not find anyone around, but we know the people in winter live in the great hall all together, so we went up the steep road and arrived at the entrance, after having knocked we entered, we found some Warriors and free women sitting at the tables and some slaves strictly naked as required by the Northern law, who went around to serve.
    They called the wife of the village commander who arrived immediately after, I explain that his companion was seriously ill, I explain that his consort was seriously ill, but I believe that Sir Dante was asleep or was engaged with some kajira and that she knew nothing about what he had arranged for the newspaper, she said she would meet the council of elders to decide, but not earlier than a week or two (barbarian time), we disappointed we left the village, not after exchanging wine and perfumes for skins that we had sold at our market.
    Returning to the ship I told the Commander to prepare everything that the next day at high tide we would leave for the Oasis.
  This time we weren't happy with our trip, but not always everything goes as we would like it to be


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