Thursday 3 February 2022

blog of Brjiana

Surprising changes and a HR

Weeks went by for our first issue of the Gor Gazette,
We spent a lot of time on ships and caravans, traveling to foreign towns and villages, promoting the newspaper, making new friends on
these trips made time fly like a flash.

And finally the day came
Day 2 Hand 4 Year 10172 Contasta Ar
We sent our messengers across the country for our Edition 1, which was very well received.
Surprising journey and Annunciations
But if I thought I could get some rest and final preparations for our ceremony, I would have done the dedication calculation without Darian.
As soon as our 1st edition was among the people, I had to pack my new clothes for another trip, the destination of which was not revealed to me.

We boarded the ship in Windermeer and I noticed that Darian was whispering with a mischievous smile to the captain, who was nodding, laughing and bowing.
The ship sailed along the Vosk delta to Port Kar and then into the Gulf of Tumber. When the ship entered Mar Thassa and sailed the coast there, I was glad I didn't have to go out to sea, because despite the many journeys we had to make in the last few weeks and months, I had never really overcome my fear.
But seeing the coast up close, with the magnificent cities of Bazi and Schendi, calmed my trembling nerves a little.
Three times I tried to get Darian to tell me the destination of the trip, but he just shook his head with a smile on his lips, I wanted to kiss, and he just said, "Patience, my love, patience, soon you will. “Experiment!” So ​​I didn't ask any more questions and tried to enjoy the ride.
 We were passing Korat and the island of Landa was already in sight, not far away would be Kargash, when the ship slowed down and approached the shore.
Don't believe my eyes when a small oasis came into view, hidden by tall palm trees and dunes, yet the fertility of the land was evident thanks to Thassa's proximity.
A small group of people gathered at the dock as the ship reached the harbor, shouting "Hail Darian, Hail Oasis of the Seven Palms, Hail Prince Darian!" as they waved colored flags,
I thought I couldn't believe my ears what people were shouting and I looked in surprise at Darian, who was standing by the wall to say hello and then looked at me.
He grabbed my hand and smiled and what he said then shook the ground beneath my feet and no, it wasn't the ship.
"You know, I told you my parents died and Lady BB and Sir Mith adopted me, but I only changed my name, not my origins. I am grateful to my adoptive parents for the good education and carefree childhood , but I am the son of Sheikh Al Nairad The empire was headed, my birth parents killed, my brother Orlando, you met him in Thentis, living in the ruins, trying to rebuild and taking the inheritance of our Father as my sheikh During my travels I found this oasis, I called it the oasis seven palm trees and I settled here with a small group of faithful followers.
Yes ... I'm Prince Darian, but also a magistrate. Few people know of my true identity when I work in cities and as a magistrate, but they know that after our FC you are not a scribe and capored actor, even the princess of the seven palms!
I listened to Darian silently,
It's too late for a new dress and I'm wearing this 8-veil white dress tonight. And when the day ends, I'll be Darian's FC. I drank the empty cup, put it on a small table near the tub, took the scented soap and washed my hair and body thoroughly. Hygiene has always been important to me and maybe today I washed a little too much, as if I have to delay further as if I have to further delay my time in the hot water The dress. Really a white silk dream with a bust line of deep blue flowers that flowed softly at the waist and also framed the long train, the colors of the Magistrate.My hopes were that the weather would change by evening as I didn't feel like swimming up to the altar with the dress hanging on a hook in the room and suddenly I didn't like it at all anymore.
unable to get a word out of my mouth. Princess????????? Hey???????????????
If I could look in the mirror right now, I would realize that my mouth must have remained open and I would look stupid because the smile the captain gave me while he looked at me speaks volumes.

Darian grabbed my hand with a reassuring smile as we walked down the bridge together into the resulting crowd.
I was struck by the simple elegance of the buildings and the palace.
The oasis lay in the evening sun not in a boastful or pompous way, but with a pleasant glow.

We spent 2 full days in the oasis and relaxed and enjoyed the union until we left, we had to get back to Windermeer in time for our FC ceremony.

-------------------------------------------------- ---
Woe and glad well
When we arrived in Windermeer we immediately started to visit the FC headquarters, the slaves were running back and forth excitedly, carrying flowers and benches. Assigned blue and white ribbons tied and hung from the pillars, unrolled deep blue carpets, the tables were laid.
 I went back and forth nervously checking one thing and the other, tweaking it a bit and examining everything fincuntil I was satisfied.

Suddenly a deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts: "What's the hustle and bustle here on the Administrator's square?"

Surprised, I turned and looked straight in the face at the angry face of a man who introduced himself as Sir Vance, one of the High Council, but we had never seen him before. Lady Tasia gave us permission to decorate and use this space for the FC, but the Lady wasn't in Windermeer because she hadn't been there in a while. There were rumors that Lady Tasia would be dedicated to other tasks, where she obviously neglected the tasks as HOC.
Sir Vance screamed his displeasure in a thunderous, indignant voice, and my face slowly flushed with anger, but also with fear that everything would eventually be undone. In my mind I saw that we were holding FC on a pasture field
Unfortunately, my temperament did not allow me to remain calm for too long, so I explained to the gentleman. Actually he should know that a FC would be on hold, as the invitations have gone to all citizens. Presumably they would collect dust on his desk, unread.
 That Lady Tasia has prescribed the post for us and that the interim administrator, Sir Metric, has been informed. Luckily Sir Metric showed up and cleared everything up and they apologized.
"Well, this happens when you have been away for a long time, Lady Bryjana, do you accept my apologies?"
Relieved, I smiled and offered him my hand in peace and friendship: "It would be an honor to appoint you as our best man, Sir Vance"!

To our delight, he agreed and we were able to end the day in peace. We are only a few hours away from the FC ceremony and we may need some rest so we have each retreated to our rooms.

The ceremony

Pouring rain drummed on my window as I woke from a restless sleep at dawn, got out of bed exhausted and tired, feeling like I hadn't closed my eyes all night.

A city slave with fiery red hair was placed in my service. I walked into my bedroom with a smile but sleepy eyes. "Madam, the water in your bathroom is ready!"
With a cup of strong black wine in hand, he climbed into the tub with the pleasantly warm water that smelled of jasmine and roses and I hoped it would take away my tiredness.
 Worried, my gaze went over and over to the window, the rain was getting heavier and heavier as if the world was about to end and Odin would pour the whole Thassa on Windermeer.
   Oh great ............................. FC would be a wet event ......... .... why ???? ??? The gods are not on my side today ????

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