Thursday 22 September 2022


After the fall of Port Victoria everything changed, with my slave Fahima we had a house with some Tarsk in the forest outside the walls of the new town that was to be called Kasra.
  I had already lived in the town of Kasra many years ago before its fall at the hands of the pirates who destroyed it, and Lady Monkey is now rebuilding it on the ruins of Port Victoria.
   I, as usual, awaited events, which were not long in coming. As I entered the new town while the little fahima was busy at her work among the animals and the house it was not difficult to meet lady Monkey, who yes, was an ape like those you import from earth but this one is a humanoid species, and with an inclination towards leadership and construction.

 After making me swear in haste on the house stone. and got the job as scribe with the promise of soon becoming a Magistrate, after completing all the rituals and various paperwork I asked if I could have a house in the city, she called the housing officer who assigned me a house which on a good look was better the Kajilla stables. small, dark, and set in a remote corner of the city, nothing to do with the palaces of the high castes which I am.
   In the meantime events precipitated, the new (improvised) Slaver arrived in town without slaves, by now these thugs arrive with the pretence of being slaveholders with other people's slaves, and so while I was out of town to visit my friend Dara of Tira, he chained my shiava Fahima, with the excuse that the documents I owned were from the fallen city.
  I approached the kennel where he kept her locked up and heard her cries of fear and despondency. From the window she asked me to intervene, but I could not open the cages so I went to the house of sit Timmer her old master, with the hope of redoing the documents with the new name of the city of Karsra, but to my astonishment and he like so many of my friends and fellow scribes along with Sir Amir the old head of the caste, was leaving to go far away from this new and dreary city populated by people without honour who steal slaves from others and who appoint an obese woman without a known history of her own, the new head of caste.
   It was the end of everything those few moments of happiness I had experienced in the great city of Port Victoria, vanished in the face of characters who live cooped up in their rooms, without ever going out into the streets and meeting people, they just use the slaves for sex, and it all ends there.
  As my only contact in the city, I only had Lady Tenka, the head of the merchant caste, who is also locked up in her house and only sends gossipy messages in the group.
    After a relatively short journey we landed at the town of Tira, I had been living with Brjiana the woman who had left me to look for opals there we had the newspaper kiosk which I no longer saw on the wharf, 

Lady Dara I carry around and to my amazement I realized that she had rented my old house. then in the palace of the Scribes, where I spent the night in an armchair in front of the fireplace.

     Today another day I hope to meet the head of my caste soon and talk to him, in the meantime I talked to a Scribe told me to be the Prosecutor, a friendly woman, I hope I never have to flee a city again

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