Friday 21 April 2023

( Today I will tell you about the Tuchuk tribe, a nomadic people who live in the plain of Turia, in camps made up of wagons with large wheels that they use as houses and who live on farms of Borsk, and on commerce, certainly and only a brief historical note that I only took Tribu as a summary, of course anyone can learn more by reading the various books that can be found in libraries, and sorry if I haven't been very exhaustive but mine is an adventure blog, I promise to write a few more story ..thank you )



I'm talking about the tuchuk, I had gayly met those who live in the countryside of the city of Olni, someone will remember Kara-Erin, the princess, but I had never studied enough about their habits and their way of life.
     Initially I will give you some essential hints for their knowledge, some of you will already know others a little less, but I will do my best.

     The tuchuk are part of one of the four tribes of the chariot peoples, their philosophy is personified in the figure of the Ubar Kamchak, a proud, strong, cunning, vigorous and quarrelsome warrior, but at the same time skilled in intellect, hidden in a deadly and aggressive spirit.

These Nomads live in thousands of colorfully painted carts surrounded by many Bosks that they venerate and protected by warriors ready to defend the inhabitants.
  Throughout the day, the camps teem with scarred warriors, kaiila, clothed Kajir slaves, severe freewomen, tame haruspexes and spleens. for this there are no Castes as in cities, but are divided into Clans such as healers, leather workers and salt seekers, including the clan of torturers, The warrior Tuchuk prays to the "Spirit of Heaven" on the kaiila-backand fights his enemies , mainly Turia. the proud Tuchuk loves the simple, vast and beautiful sky, from which rain falls, which, in his myths, formed the earth, the woods and the Tuchuk.



     Your eyes widen going up that hill, ahead of you see hundreds, of carts, all colored as if it is a quilt of vibrant colors, purples, reds, oranges, yellows, greens…all bright and wonderful to see, they are massive in size, some the size of terrestrial mansions, but on oversized wheels, bigger than a human being to support these massive wheelhouses.


  At the bottom near the other ridge you see a more sumptuous cart, inside there are six deposits showing the goods of the raids and trades of that Master, the Ubar. There are walls dividing the chariot into rooms and the like, with silk draperies and richly carved trunks and furniture inside.

 The roofs are made of bosk hides, sewn together and stretched. These roofs are checked in the fall before winter sets in and treated with a mud mixture as a sealant, as are the stitches of the ends, these are maintained and cared for by the slaves. Even the massive wheel axles are maintained and well greased by the male slaves of the camp, to keep them always ready to be moved, we are Nomads.


 The Tuchuk Ubara was a Turiam slave girl taken from Kutaituchik.the Ubar Kamchak kept her with him until her death taking care of her and giving him the title of Ubara.

  There were four Wagon Peoples, the Paravaci, the Kataii, the Kassars and the dreaded Tuchuk."
the Tuchuk people are also referred to as ''of the first chariot''
"To be of the First Cart," said Kamchak, "means to be of the family of Kutaituchik." It is pronounced in four syllables, divided as follows: Ku-tai-tu-chik.
  The throne of Ubar Kamchak and gray covered with skins, next to the chariot was the Tuchuk banner of the four forest horns."

When the year of the Omen ( The term "Omen Year" is somewhat of a misnomer as it is not an actual year. It's actually a period of time that takes up part of two of their normal years.) begins divided into three parts, 1)-everyone gathers in the turia with the herds surrounding the turia, and then everyone goes to the pastures
2) Wintering, which takes place in the extreme north of Turia, the equator being approached in this hemisphere, obviously, from the south;
3) the last part of the Year of the Omen is the Return to Turia, which takes place in spring, or as the Peoples of the Cart say, in the Season of Grass. It is in the spring that the omens are taken, regarding the possible election of the Ubar San, the Unique Ubar, the one who would be the Ubar of all the Chariots, of all the Peoples.

  When everyone has returned to the fields for spring, the branding of the new born Borsks is carried out, the branding is made up of four horns of borsk crossed to form an ''H'' so the female slaves are also marked with the same symbol and not with that Gorean of the cities.( the location of the Omen Valley changes every ten years. Especially since it is located so close to the city of Turia.) The Omen Valley is nestled within a range of rolling hills. At the Valley there will be a large grassy area, about two hundred meters in diameter, where there are hundreds of small stone altars. Each of these altars will have a small fire of wood dung with incense and will be presided over by a haruspex, mostly readers of wood blood and verr's livers. At the perimeter of this grassy circle there will be numerous tents as well as many animals tied up or in cages, future sacrifices. Animals will include verr, tarsks, vulos, sleen, kaiila and bosk. In the center of the field will be a large circular stone platform and on top of this will be a huge quadrilateral altar which can be accessed by steps on all four sides. On each side, there will be the sign of one of the four Chariot tribes. The chief haruspex of each tribe will preside over this central altar

The way the guards greet the commanders is singular, namely: they give a spear blow on the shield for the ten-man commander, two for the hundred-man commander, and three for the thousand-man commander, saying ''Pass Commander'' ( for the next level beneath a Ubar among the Wagon Peoples is that of the Commander of a Thousand.")


The Wagon Peoples are superstitious and fond of divination. While they may claim they don't have much faith in divination,
The haruspexes who perform these divinations are also supposed to have other magical powers and can create items to perform magical spells. They thus sell items such as "charms, talismans, trinkets, philtres, potions, spell papers, miraculous thaumaturgical teeth, beautiful powdered kailiauk horns, and colored magical cords which, depending on the purpose, can be knotted in a variety of ways and worn around the neck .

 The first omen taken
  Each haruspex has a cage of vulos and will throw grain at it. If the vulos eat the grain, the omens are considered auspicious.

 But since there are four tribes it is difficult to elect an Ubar San. this is because for a hundred years there was no Ubar until Kamchak was elected. this is because he defeated and conquered the city of Turia. now it is Ubar San, Kamchak makes a promise to the other Ubars which they all agree on. “Each of you,” he said, “the Kassari, the Kataii, the Paravaci, you have your groves and your chariots, live like this, but in time of war we will all unite together to defeat our enemies





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