Saturday 29 April 2023

merchant ''LADY BOUDICCA''

    I met Lady Boudica while I was wandering the walkways of the city of Klima, as usual in the afternoon, the day had been warm and the sky clear with a sun that gave a sense of warmth, after the end of winter and the beginning of spring, a few Vules flew here and there and a Tarn fluttered high in the menacing sky, I was absorbed in the panorama when I suddenly noticed that woman followed by a slave girl who was wandering around the city like me.

    I'm new to this big city of Klima, I still haven't memorized the streets and walkways that lead to my office
  printing house, of the Gorean Gazette newspaper, located right on top of a large building, from there I observe everything that happens and who arrives from the desert, and it is always nice to watch the caravans that stop at the gate for documents, loaded with their goods, with a row of veiled female slaves in tow, there is always some Slaver who arrives to sell his women.

      I greeted the lady covered up to her eyes by her veil with the gold draped dress that reached her feet, her head covered too, you could only glimpse the deep blue eyes of that woman, but you couldn't give them a face or a age, she answered me politely, looking around warily, she certainly didn't trust strangers, much less men walking around the catwalks with guns.

    I introduced myself saying I was the new Editor of the newspaper, I had been appointed by the Sultan a few days before and I invited her to my office for an interview and to satisfy my curiosity, she accepted, she followed me up many stairs, and finally they brought us to my printing house and headquarters of the Gor Gazette newspaper.

    She told me she was Lady Boudicca, and she had been called by the Sultan to organize the agricultural sector of the new city, the population is increasing day by day and it will take more production to meet the demand, she says that some time before there were many people who worked, but sometimes many work to destroy and not create. I told him that I had written about a recruitment of Caste, and that I had placed my newsstand at the main gate under the landing stairs, so that every citizen could take a copy of the gazette.

After resting for a few minutes, she tells me that she has lived on Gor for a long time, but was not born on the Planet. She remembers having been a spaceship pilot on Planet Earth as a young girl, but when she lost her way once in a radiation storm, she found herself here on the course of the planet Gor, was captured by the Kuurus, and landed in Shendi forest, and was sold into slavery, but got into trouble when I killed a man who had entered the kennel forbidden to him, but had to flee into the jungle, and there I began to get by on my own by hunting and cultivating agricultural products which I then sold to the Panthers and the Talunes, then one day I was captured by an outlaw who kept me with him for a year then I freed myself by giving me the certificate of tampering, he told me you are very good in commerce and you will earn a lot of money, so for a while I worked in a tavern, I learned, working, experimenting, I learned how to cultivate crops, I learned the land in Schendi so fertile ... I learned how to make wine from palma, i never went to an academy... i just used my common sense as a free and as a slave, i was trained fully as a pleasure slave, so those can do all kinds of jobs.

    But I never went back to being a slave, I preferred to go back to the land, farm and trade, I had some men who gave me children who are now traveling the planet with their families but every man was too bored on my farm and ran away, and now here I am hoping to build a large farm here in Klima and start a profitable business for me and for the city.
    Then he gets up and slowly walks away saying hello sir good job.

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