Monday 29 April 2024


      By now I had settled in the oasis of Tashid, I had opened the headquarters of the Gor gazette, and I was living peacefully. My niece Dara had left after visiting me from the city of Jasmine, but she could not stand the heat of Thahari, the Gor desert. in her long clothes and also covering her face and head, she tried to resist but in the end she left, leaving me alone again.

     Lady Mae assigned me a nice house in the residential area, it's certainly not the palace I usually had as an Emir or Magistrate but I'm fine with it, I didn't have adequate furniture and she took care of furnishing my house in a decent way, I'm happy with this.

    Yesterday a passing merchant with his caravan brought me a message from my niece Dara, she told me that on her way back to Jasmine, she had stopped at the city of Varn, she told me of the beauty of the city, its size and the welcome she had received, and from the happiness of having found her sisters Betty and Mimi, they had arrived a few days earlier, Betty who often supplied me with products from her farm, has sold everything and is now looking for a place to live and work.

    Dara also told me that she had reunited with her suitor Sigmund, and they were looking for a house to live together, inviting me to go to that city to meet her partner and give my approval.

     I didn't think twice, I took my Tarn from the terrace and flew until I reached the city of Varn, I was happy that Sir Abraham, the old Magistrate my friend, was there to welcome me, and after showing me around the city he left, hoping to spend a good time there and thinking about a vacation with my niece, we spent the evening at the Inn all together then spent the rest of the night looking for a house to stay in, but ended up at the inn rooms.

     The next day I got up early and walking through the streets with large buildings I found a beautiful garden with a pond, I stopped on a bench to think and take notes of my journey, while I was absorbed I didn't notice that a beautiful slave was kneeling at my side waiting for my order, when he saw that I was looking at him he apologized saying that he had not disturbed me with his greeting, after having served me a cup of black wine, I asked him first to dance for me, then I told him to rest and tell me the story story of her life, she was initially reluctant to talk, rarely does a slave talk to a master, but I love learning about everyone's life and their experience on Planet Gor.


she made herself comfortable and I began the story:

  Well, when I was young I knew I was different from other children who played freely, but she just watched, she didn't care, the only thing on her mind was to make her parents happy. she cleaned, she cooked, it was the best she could do, and it was the best she did.

   She never ventured into dangerous games because displeasing them would make them suffer, so as she grew up, this strange feeling inside her did not disappear, it became stronger and stronger, all the time my parents spent working hard to make me strong, independent, wise and knowledgeable, they said it was to break the curse so that I would be successful

   I didn't know what they were talking about, the stronger my need to make them happy, the more I needed to know, so I went to university and became a researcher in law, but I was never happy, I tried but I was very lonely, then my mother got seriously ill. Raffi said on his last day don't get angry with us, we tried, you will only be free if you return home. You were brought to us by a slaver on Gor. He said that if anyone knew that his slave would give birth, he would be killed and he would also lose his slave. when you find yourself you will be free so I did some research and I looked even though I didn't know what I was looking for one day in the market I was attracted to this strange man he spoke a different language but he also spoke English He attracted me with His power and my insides exploded soon I was taken away and when the hood was removed from my head I was in this land they call Gor I saw others crying and struggling trying to get but for the first time my heart was at a thousand peace, my pain was going away.


I saw the circle in the sand and I looked up at the man with the whip before a word was said I jumped in dancing like a butterfly I felt a joy I had never known then I realized what my mother was talking about as I danced I tore my skirt feeling free, then I fell to my knees and begged to be kept

being held for the first time felt a collar around my neck safety and security brought me peace as my belly burned with joy and passion the desire to be me was no longer hurt but guided me day after day. He trained me in His kennels to be fully myself and to please the Free, then one day it became cold and distant his heart joined the teacher Camilla, she was bitter but didn't show it. Her love for him turned into anger and jealousy at the man's attention spent on a slave, so I was chased into the forest with my collar unlocked. I spent two years wandering and wandering along the banks of the Thassa under the safety of the tired and empty forest with little strength I just wanted to be myself. I saw the doors of Varn and shook them with all my strength. and Master Ember came and I fell to my knees begging for the protection of his kennel.

That day my heart began to heal and sing again. I was so happy to serve it didn't matter that I was a city slave I was fulfilling my destiny I danced in the tavern at night and cleaned the city by day then again I noticed that I was different from the others and I began to doubt and I wandered in the forest again this time I got lost and couldn't find my way back after three cycles of moons the Master found me and took me back to his kennel The city has changed. The members are all faces of strangers to me, but I am at home. I have a fire again and a mad desire to serve and now I sit in front of You today hoping I haven't put you to sleep.....................

Saturday 27 April 2024


  I have been at the Tashid oasis for a few days, after introducing myself to Pasha Umar Congo,his son Yusud-ashad was with him. and having had the job as a journalist in the new headquarters at the Oasis, I spend my time writing, but I don't disdain taking a few walks, especially when the sun is now far behind the dunes.

  Lady Mae, the Pasha's partner, assigned me a house in the residential area, it's not very big but for me, being alone, it's enough, I have my kitchen, my bed and wardrobes and shelves of books.

    I met a Scribe who works in the Oasis, she doesn't have much experience with the laws of the planet, and I promised to give him some lessons, her name is Lienylah a beautiful name like beautiful and her, I asked the Pasha to be able to woo her , but not without the consent of the young woman, even if she often travels to the desert oases for her representation, however time is our judge and he will decide for us.

    One day while I was sitting under the large tent in the cool in the central square a slave came to serve me, I had never seen her before, she was very beautiful, with golden hair and her slender and generous figure, and after having served me some good mint tea perched on my left waiting for me to talk to him, I asked him about her where she came from and what her story was, she was hesitant at first, then she said I'll tell you the story of my master.


    She I will tell you when my Master was murdered... she had opened a very successful new tavern in Venna. The last evening I saw him the tavern was full of customers and he said that he liked being a tavern keeper.

But at the same time another man had opened a luxury tavern and had no customers. Yes, tell me I tell him while I drink my tea

  When I woke up in the morning my Master was no longer there. The last time I saw him he was talking to a pani man who had a long, sharp sword. She trembles.

  I was worried and started looking everywhere for my master.

  I kept searching the canals of the Vennas slum. That's where the bodies are usually dumped.

  his eyes fill with tears and he sniffs

  I wanted so badly to see my owner one last time. After a few days I asked a doctor if he would be recognizable if I found him in the water. But she said he would probably be so bloated and eaten by fish and eggs that I wouldn't recognize him, his voice cracking as he says I never saw him again. I tried talking to the warriors but they didn't seem to care

A few months later Venna was destroyed by the Gor earthquakes. Do you think it was a punishment, Master?

I think the competitors from the other tavern killed him. and that Priest King punished them


    I was deeply impressed but in Gor such events often happen, of men disappearing or women kidnapped and reduced to slavery, and the unwritten law of Gor, and we Magistrates often do not have the means to resolve these cases

Sunday 21 April 2024


     Now the Spring fairs were behind us, after the success of the newspaper at the An-Kara fair, with lady Sabayna, we headed to the village of Aros on the west coast, for a regional fair, where many northern villages exhibited their goods,

 I had a stand for my newspaper from Lady ZAna, the fair lasted a few days but I had promised myself to stay in that place to live until the end of autumn, but speaking with a passing merchant he told me that a new oasis had flourished in the Thahari desert, he then told me that the Pasha was none other than my old friend Umar Congo from the tribe that lived in the forest near the city of Cartassa, where I had lived with Safina lady Mae the healer who became the Pasha's companion giving him also many children, with lady Athena and the slave Yiyi, he also told me that many who escaped the destruction of Cartassa and the Silverstone oasis, were putting up their tents at the oasis.

     The memory of Cartassa and the old days when I courted Lady Jinny, of my friend Finthor nephew of Lady BB Arliss the woman who had adopted me, Lady Safina with Sir Bernhard, and many other citizens, stimulates in me the desire to return to the south and return to live in the desert where I was born.

    Without having had time to say goodbye to Lady Ana and the other inhabitants of Aros, I boarded a ship leaving for Vonda, the first one I found available, and after some time we arrived at that port, I had never been to that beautiful city, even if one of my Scribe teachers was a native of the place, I got off the ship waiting for some other ship to Brundisium or Shendi, then I would join some caravan headed to the desert oases.   Vonda was a beautiful city with high walls and large towers for the castes and a whole swarm of hard-working people in the streets, and a beautiful garden immediately after the entrance gate, there I was lucky to meet the Praetor who showed me the city and the tower of the Scribes, I was perplexed when I heard that the head of the caste was Lady Firelly, I have already spoken about her, we met in other cities where she was often at the top of the caste while I as a magistrate begged for a job, this was one of the

 reasons why I left the cities where I met her, however I promised myself to wait for the Ubar, to talk to him and understand if I could open an office for my newspaper, but he was traveling, I didn't arrive and in the meantime a Pirate ship headed to Shendi was departing, I boarded.    The journey was long and tiring, even though it was spring the sea was often battered by cold winds coming from the north, in the end I landed in Dazi, in the large market I met a merchant who was organizing a caravan, first for the Oasis of the Two Scimitars and then for the Oasis of the Four Palms. eventually he would pass through Tashid Oasis.


    It wasn't a walk in the park, but I had the opportunity to stop at those Oases, the largest in the desert and have the opportunity to advertise my newspaper, then finally we arrived at the new Oasis. It was not yet well defined, still many tents and houses under construction, I crossed what would become the main square with the market, and stopped at the large tent where everyone in a circle was sitting on soft cushions, I immediately recognized Sir Congo Rashid Umar the Pasha , lady Mae, and a young high majesty who they introduced as the Vizier Sir Yusud. Asad Jab Umar Congo their son, and a beautiful lady named Lienyah Kozlowsky, said she was a granddaughter of Mae. we spoke of the old times of the stories that the young they didn't know, then finally the time came to retreat to the tent set up by my slaves, we would later talk about my desire to stay with them and open a newspaper office.

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...