Saturday 29 April 2023

merchant ''LADY BOUDICCA''

    I met Lady Boudica while I was wandering the walkways of the city of Klima, as usual in the afternoon, the day had been warm and the sky clear with a sun that gave a sense of warmth, after the end of winter and the beginning of spring, a few Vules flew here and there and a Tarn fluttered high in the menacing sky, I was absorbed in the panorama when I suddenly noticed that woman followed by a slave girl who was wandering around the city like me.

    I'm new to this big city of Klima, I still haven't memorized the streets and walkways that lead to my office
  printing house, of the Gorean Gazette newspaper, located right on top of a large building, from there I observe everything that happens and who arrives from the desert, and it is always nice to watch the caravans that stop at the gate for documents, loaded with their goods, with a row of veiled female slaves in tow, there is always some Slaver who arrives to sell his women.

      I greeted the lady covered up to her eyes by her veil with the gold draped dress that reached her feet, her head covered too, you could only glimpse the deep blue eyes of that woman, but you couldn't give them a face or a age, she answered me politely, looking around warily, she certainly didn't trust strangers, much less men walking around the catwalks with guns.

    I introduced myself saying I was the new Editor of the newspaper, I had been appointed by the Sultan a few days before and I invited her to my office for an interview and to satisfy my curiosity, she accepted, she followed me up many stairs, and finally they brought us to my printing house and headquarters of the Gor Gazette newspaper.

    She told me she was Lady Boudicca, and she had been called by the Sultan to organize the agricultural sector of the new city, the population is increasing day by day and it will take more production to meet the demand, she says that some time before there were many people who worked, but sometimes many work to destroy and not create. I told him that I had written about a recruitment of Caste, and that I had placed my newsstand at the main gate under the landing stairs, so that every citizen could take a copy of the gazette.

After resting for a few minutes, she tells me that she has lived on Gor for a long time, but was not born on the Planet. She remembers having been a spaceship pilot on Planet Earth as a young girl, but when she lost her way once in a radiation storm, she found herself here on the course of the planet Gor, was captured by the Kuurus, and landed in Shendi forest, and was sold into slavery, but got into trouble when I killed a man who had entered the kennel forbidden to him, but had to flee into the jungle, and there I began to get by on my own by hunting and cultivating agricultural products which I then sold to the Panthers and the Talunes, then one day I was captured by an outlaw who kept me with him for a year then I freed myself by giving me the certificate of tampering, he told me you are very good in commerce and you will earn a lot of money, so for a while I worked in a tavern, I learned, working, experimenting, I learned how to cultivate crops, I learned the land in Schendi so fertile ... I learned how to make wine from palma, i never went to an academy... i just used my common sense as a free and as a slave, i was trained fully as a pleasure slave, so those can do all kinds of jobs.

    But I never went back to being a slave, I preferred to go back to the land, farm and trade, I had some men who gave me children who are now traveling the planet with their families but every man was too bored on my farm and ran away, and now here I am hoping to build a large farm here in Klima and start a profitable business for me and for the city.
    Then he gets up and slowly walks away saying hello sir good job.

Monday 24 April 2023


.KLIMA CITY-the untold story (recuitment)

Sono così felice di essere qui nella città di Klima. Sto facendo rapporto qui nel mio ufficio e guardando fuori dalla finestra vedo il sole che sorge dietro le montagne che circondano la città di Klima nel Tahari vicino al Deserto nel deserto. Una vista che cattura i miei pensieri negli anni a Gor. Un senso di pace mi pervade.

Klima è una delle città più belle di Gor, non ti sembrerà di essere nel deserto nella città di Klima. Gli splendidi edifici colorati e le mille luci lungo le passerelle che si snodano nel cielo con un'immensa biblioteca, una delle più belle arene, un glorioso stadio di danza, una taverna, un'affascinante lounge per i visitatori, una locanda e alloggi in affitto in tutta la città. Klima ha tutto ciò che puoi chiedere. Un terreno d'asta unico nel suo genere, completamente automatizzato per la vendita degli schiavi, il che è impressionante

   I will be writing new articles about the city and its citizens soon.
therefore all those who want to come and visit the city will be welcome guests.

   In addition, caste recruitment has begun and the following are being sought:



bakers, perfumers,


male and female slaves, 

 fre man - free women)

     The city is located in the desert so expect sun and heat, but everyone will be able to help and support him to make this beautiful city great again.





Sunday 23 April 2023


 THE GREAT DANCE. or rather the celebration of the Nomads, in collaboration with ''GOREAN DANCE CONTEST'' The great city of the person of RAMIUS MARCO.
    presents the dance competition of the Nomadic peoples.

    After writing in my previous article about the chariot nomads '' THE TUCHUK, I left the city of Turmus, crossing the great river Vosk to reach the city of Brundisium with my ship, and then continued towards the plain of Turia with its big city.

     It was not easy to get there, but with a little luck even if late I was finally admitted to the Arena, the ceremony had already started, there had already been performances, but I had some problems in the deserted city, to get information on the road to reach the Arena.
     I had received a message from the beautiful Ruby, of the new Contest of Slaves and Dancing Slaves of Gor, it would take place in Turia this time, I was eager to get there to see and meet old friends and acquaintances, even new Goreans who arrive from all over the Planet .

 It was not easy to extricate myself from a multitude of slaves and free, seated all around on the bleachers, while the Ubar and his collaborators were seated in the seats of honor (thrones) ....

   Impossible to list all the Goreans I knew, in many years in my travels I have met many some of high caste other simple Merchants, but all honorable, (except some women who have caused me damage in the past), but let's not think about this, that what's more and that there was 

a surreal atmosphere, everyone staring, focused on the dancers performing on the large floor, and listening to the beautiful music.
    Naturally everyone was happy with the event in the end, and in my opinion it doesn't matter who wins, the important thing is to participate and demonstrate one's skill.

In addition to the representatives of the city of Turia, I recognized many Ubar or Administrators, warriors, Goreans Torvie and many other strangers, I greeted sir Blasik Pasha of Klima and was very amazed to know that many citizens had fled from the city, to reach Thentis, evidently not they loved the heat of the desert, but it is normal however that during the spring many emigrate towards the north, towards richer and more evolved cities
    I hope that next time I can arrive a little earlier to be present from the beginning of the contest and witness the whole event in my blog articles, of course the journeys are long but I love traveling and writing about my adventures.....thanks to everyone


Friday 21 April 2023

( Today I will tell you about the Tuchuk tribe, a nomadic people who live in the plain of Turia, in camps made up of wagons with large wheels that they use as houses and who live on farms of Borsk, and on commerce, certainly and only a brief historical note that I only took Tribu as a summary, of course anyone can learn more by reading the various books that can be found in libraries, and sorry if I haven't been very exhaustive but mine is an adventure blog, I promise to write a few more story ..thank you )



I'm talking about the tuchuk, I had gayly met those who live in the countryside of the city of Olni, someone will remember Kara-Erin, the princess, but I had never studied enough about their habits and their way of life.
     Initially I will give you some essential hints for their knowledge, some of you will already know others a little less, but I will do my best.

     The tuchuk are part of one of the four tribes of the chariot peoples, their philosophy is personified in the figure of the Ubar Kamchak, a proud, strong, cunning, vigorous and quarrelsome warrior, but at the same time skilled in intellect, hidden in a deadly and aggressive spirit.

These Nomads live in thousands of colorfully painted carts surrounded by many Bosks that they venerate and protected by warriors ready to defend the inhabitants.
  Throughout the day, the camps teem with scarred warriors, kaiila, clothed Kajir slaves, severe freewomen, tame haruspexes and spleens. for this there are no Castes as in cities, but are divided into Clans such as healers, leather workers and salt seekers, including the clan of torturers, The warrior Tuchuk prays to the "Spirit of Heaven" on the kaiila-backand fights his enemies , mainly Turia. the proud Tuchuk loves the simple, vast and beautiful sky, from which rain falls, which, in his myths, formed the earth, the woods and the Tuchuk.



     Your eyes widen going up that hill, ahead of you see hundreds, of carts, all colored as if it is a quilt of vibrant colors, purples, reds, oranges, yellows, greens…all bright and wonderful to see, they are massive in size, some the size of terrestrial mansions, but on oversized wheels, bigger than a human being to support these massive wheelhouses.


  At the bottom near the other ridge you see a more sumptuous cart, inside there are six deposits showing the goods of the raids and trades of that Master, the Ubar. There are walls dividing the chariot into rooms and the like, with silk draperies and richly carved trunks and furniture inside.

 The roofs are made of bosk hides, sewn together and stretched. These roofs are checked in the fall before winter sets in and treated with a mud mixture as a sealant, as are the stitches of the ends, these are maintained and cared for by the slaves. Even the massive wheel axles are maintained and well greased by the male slaves of the camp, to keep them always ready to be moved, we are Nomads.


 The Tuchuk Ubara was a Turiam slave girl taken from Kutaituchik.the Ubar Kamchak kept her with him until her death taking care of her and giving him the title of Ubara.

  There were four Wagon Peoples, the Paravaci, the Kataii, the Kassars and the dreaded Tuchuk."
the Tuchuk people are also referred to as ''of the first chariot''
"To be of the First Cart," said Kamchak, "means to be of the family of Kutaituchik." It is pronounced in four syllables, divided as follows: Ku-tai-tu-chik.
  The throne of Ubar Kamchak and gray covered with skins, next to the chariot was the Tuchuk banner of the four forest horns."

When the year of the Omen ( The term "Omen Year" is somewhat of a misnomer as it is not an actual year. It's actually a period of time that takes up part of two of their normal years.) begins divided into three parts, 1)-everyone gathers in the turia with the herds surrounding the turia, and then everyone goes to the pastures
2) Wintering, which takes place in the extreme north of Turia, the equator being approached in this hemisphere, obviously, from the south;
3) the last part of the Year of the Omen is the Return to Turia, which takes place in spring, or as the Peoples of the Cart say, in the Season of Grass. It is in the spring that the omens are taken, regarding the possible election of the Ubar San, the Unique Ubar, the one who would be the Ubar of all the Chariots, of all the Peoples.

  When everyone has returned to the fields for spring, the branding of the new born Borsks is carried out, the branding is made up of four horns of borsk crossed to form an ''H'' so the female slaves are also marked with the same symbol and not with that Gorean of the cities.( the location of the Omen Valley changes every ten years. Especially since it is located so close to the city of Turia.) The Omen Valley is nestled within a range of rolling hills. At the Valley there will be a large grassy area, about two hundred meters in diameter, where there are hundreds of small stone altars. Each of these altars will have a small fire of wood dung with incense and will be presided over by a haruspex, mostly readers of wood blood and verr's livers. At the perimeter of this grassy circle there will be numerous tents as well as many animals tied up or in cages, future sacrifices. Animals will include verr, tarsks, vulos, sleen, kaiila and bosk. In the center of the field will be a large circular stone platform and on top of this will be a huge quadrilateral altar which can be accessed by steps on all four sides. On each side, there will be the sign of one of the four Chariot tribes. The chief haruspex of each tribe will preside over this central altar

The way the guards greet the commanders is singular, namely: they give a spear blow on the shield for the ten-man commander, two for the hundred-man commander, and three for the thousand-man commander, saying ''Pass Commander'' ( for the next level beneath a Ubar among the Wagon Peoples is that of the Commander of a Thousand.")


The Wagon Peoples are superstitious and fond of divination. While they may claim they don't have much faith in divination,
The haruspexes who perform these divinations are also supposed to have other magical powers and can create items to perform magical spells. They thus sell items such as "charms, talismans, trinkets, philtres, potions, spell papers, miraculous thaumaturgical teeth, beautiful powdered kailiauk horns, and colored magical cords which, depending on the purpose, can be knotted in a variety of ways and worn around the neck .

 The first omen taken
  Each haruspex has a cage of vulos and will throw grain at it. If the vulos eat the grain, the omens are considered auspicious.

 But since there are four tribes it is difficult to elect an Ubar San. this is because for a hundred years there was no Ubar until Kamchak was elected. this is because he defeated and conquered the city of Turia. now it is Ubar San, Kamchak makes a promise to the other Ubars which they all agree on. “Each of you,” he said, “the Kassari, the Kataii, the Paravaci, you have your groves and your chariots, live like this, but in time of war we will all unite together to defeat our enemies





Monday 10 April 2023


      I arrived in the city with a caravan, coming from Brundisium, I left my ship anchored in the port, my brother Darian sent me a message telling me that he had stopped in Klima and I could reach him, to finally meet him and spend some time together, then I would return to the north before winter, where I have lived for a long time with my family.
       My name and Orlando Arliss, Darian's older brother, as children we lived happily in our Oasis, until it was destroyed by the Marauders of the Thahari desert, slave girls hid us in some baskets until we were found by merchants from a caravan, and they took us to the city of Cartassa in the desert, there we were adopted by the beautiful Lady BB Arliss with her companion Sir MIth the builder, until the fall of Cartassa by the Combo tribe, or so I believe, we were small, she saved us from death, I take us to Korat in the Shendi region, until that city too was destroyed by the panthers who lived in the forest. we escaped again and embarked on a 
 Pirate ship, after many days of travel maybe a month, we reached the cold village of Windermeer, in the north of Gor for a few years, then the village of FinnurFjord where we stayed until we were grown up and in the age of the studio we were separated, I was sent to the city of Olni, on the homonymous river, while Darian was sent to the city of Falsworth, both to study, I was the older brother, he finished his studies on campus and moved to port Kar, while he studied stopping at the city of Olni for a long time.

     Our paths then divided never to cross each other again, but always looking for each other, until after so many vicissitudes and many cities visited, he conquered a small island in the south of Thassa where he refounded our Oasis of the Seven Palms.

     Occasionally pirates from the south would hear from him but I was happy in the north and let him live his life, I later learned that the Oasis had fallen into the hands of a woman and an opal-seeking adventurer, the island had a rich deposit, and they sent him into exile.

    He wrote me that because of that woman he was often banished from the cities he visited, until he sent for me to live with him in Klima.

       Arrived in the city I found it deserted, there was no trace of Darian, I asked around but few knew him, some told me that they often saw him around the city alone and sad, until a salt seller in the market told me that he had talked to him and had confided in him the possibility of returning to the North, in a village called Hammersgaard, I had heard of this village but they were not Goreans but Vikings, I was rather annoyed, days and days of travel for nothing I still found myself once chasing my handsome but unfortunate brother.

      I just made time to catch up with a caravan going to the coast, they were citizens of Lydius returning to their city after being in the market, from there I would go to Brundisium and get back to my ship and return to Finnur to our mother, but I hope that I and I Darian we will meet sooner or later, even if Gor is big. but my hope is always alive.

Sunday 9 April 2023

WHEN IT ALL BEGAN (first part)

 My father then showed me a letter my sister had written. Kareen had heard of my ordeal and had invited me to come to her in Nadira to recover from my fright. I thought it was a good idea, because after all the people of Bazi gossiped about me. My reputation had been somewhat tarnished by my stay at Rarir. So it couldn't hurt to get away from Bazi, and my perfume shop was still closed anyway. So I accepted the invitation.

   I have already told you about my departure from Bazi, about the ghost ship that brought the plague to Bazie about my arrival in Nadira and my misadventures .. up to the departure for the sanctuary for the pilgrimage. One day the exalted Khan asked me to tell him about my life, I didn't know what to tell him or where to start the story, so I decided to start from the beginning. because memory is like a Sleeen it lies in us and the memories live forever.

       ( Bazi is the only city in Gor built directly on the equator, where the equator meets the coast of Thassa. The city has a large port from which ships go everywhere: to Anango, Kargash, Kamras, Port Schendi, Ianda, Brundisium, Cos, Telnus, Lydius and even Kassau. To the north, a road leads to Genesian Port. Directly south of the city begins the jungle of Schendi. Only the city wall separates Bazi from the jungle. At night we could hear the jungle animals scream and roar.

    The people living in the jungle, indigenous to the villages of Ushindi, mambas, pygmies and talunas, came to our city from time to time to trade whatever they gathered: spices and herbs, scented petals to make perfumes, Kailiauk skins from which our leatherworkers produced the finest gloves, myrrh resin from the coastal forest belt that stretches from Bazi to Port Schendi Bay, and, occasionally, some fine glittering gemstones.

    The relationship between us city dwellers and jungle dwellers was very good. Because Bazi owed his prosperity to the goods of the jungle. As a result, the goods were also well paid. Many Bazi families had also lived in the jungle in the past and moved to the city at some point. I too have ancestors who came to Bazi from Ushindi long before my time

Bazi is rightly called the city of perfumes. This is mainly due to the fragrant Bazi tea, which is sold all over the world and for which Bazi is best known, but also to myrrh and jungle herbs and last but not least the perfumes that are produced here. The heavy sensual fragrance oils extracted from the leaves of the jungle flowers and the balsamic reverberations that we draw from the woods are typical of Bazi. Having trained there as a perfumer, I also created such perfumes.)

I was born in Bazi as the second daughter of Bruno Bazani, the magistrate of the port. We lived in the port district, the lower town of Bazi, right next to the port. My father had a very important job as a port magistrate and was therefore highly respected. All vessels entering and leaving were to be reported to him and recorded by him.

My mother did like me today. She was a healer and herbalist and she ran a little perfume shop down at the harbor where I learned. She too was called Sabina, and for this reason they called me Sabinilla, little Sabina, throughout the city to distinguish me. It wasn't until many years later, when I moved to Tahari with my partner Rarius Yuroki, that my name was changed according to local custom. Since then my name is Sabayna, which means nothing but Sabina.

I also had an older sister, Kareen. She soon left our home and formed a company with the warrior Ajax, with whom she and her two children lived at Nadira. These are my two nephews Alex and Bresi. We visited each other from time to time. In Bazi I was one of the "Free Maids" of our city, the free girls. We came from all castes: with Hannah, Mary, Margo and Poppy, the healer caste formed a strong core. Marie and Pamela were from the scribal caste. The merchant caste was also well represented: Zee came from a large trading house, Zanitta belonged to the slave traders and G of her sold tea from her plantation. Ambergris was an art painter and Gabby was the daughter of the innkeeper of Hafeninn. The two sisters Bella and Stella belonged to the caste of bakers. Later Rosa from the wine merchants also joined us

We have performed our flower dance on special occasions. It was the only dance we knew, but it was used on all official occasions, at the commencement of En'kara as well as at homage, council changes, and receptions for foreign legations.

Tea merchant G taught us how to serve Bazi tea to the guests of our city. that was our job, not Kajiras'. We did it in a very contemplative, almost meditative way that only free girls can make tea. We filled boiling water into tea glasses, carefully laid the tea leaves over the water, and carefully placed the sugar on top of the leaves with small spoons. We then let our guests watch in silence as the sugar pushed the tea leaves down and the hot water gradually took on the color of the tea.

We also regularly attended arena sword tournaments with the great fighters and watched the competitors we wanted to take on as mates. We each had one that we loved. We suffered with our favorite and rejoiced when he won a fight. The contests of Tharlarion, however, did not take place. Whenever there was a Tharlarion race, the riders were always so clumsy that they fell off their horses or rode in the wrong direction. We never warmed up at Tharlarion's contests; the free girl heroes of my generation were the swordsmen.

I learned many things about cures, herbs and perfumes from my mother, the great Sabina. However, she died when I was not yet 15 years old. Shortly thereafter, on my fifteenth birthday, I received a letter from the High Council saying that I was destined to be a healer. I would be given two armbands, one of which would always be taken off when I gave birth to a child, and when the second band was taken off, I would be allowed to fully practice as a healer.

So far so good, but there was a problem. The thing with the kids and the tapes should be done as soon as possible, before I turn 18. Therefore, my father had already chosen a powerful mate. Unfortunately, this was not one of the elegant and agile swordsmen we were so fond of, but a wealthy and handsome jungle spice merchant. The groom chosen for me was called Enzi and he had built a trading house in Bazi

After all, that made me cringe at that man. I was quite angry with my father who had chosen someone like that for me. Outraged, I rejected his request. I tried to wriggle out by saying that my mother had taught me more about making perfume than healing. But, of course, my father knew better; he had witnessed me being taught the art of healing at home as well.

I was already thinking about going to the Taluna's when I remembered my friend Maria as a way out. Maria belonged to the healers and had always been very interested in medicine. She liked to come to our house when my mother was teaching me. She always curiously hung on my mother's lips and in the end she possessed even more knowledge than me, because she learned so much more avidly. So what could be more natural than her proposing her to the High Council as the new healer? And I did, because Maria was a very sweet, shy and modest girl who would never apply for this position.

My plan worked: the High Council agreed! Dear Mary accepted the offer with great gratitude. I think it was really her big dream to become a healer. And she did it really well. As for the spice merchant Enzi, we too found a solution: Maria entered the company of Whisper, who was our ambassador and had been courting her for some time. Enzi didn't take Maria or me. He then took the tea merchant as his companion to him.

Tuesday 4 April 2023


From one of his stories


     The first years of my childhood I spent in Bazi, with my sister Kareen and her family, now grown up, I made the decision to travel to the city of Nadira, I wanted to go there to recover and rest after suffering from being kidnapped.

     We left at dawn at high tide, I stayed on the deck until everything disappeared, the coast, the mountains and my beloved city, I woke up the next morning, I went out on the bridge and a thick fog enveloped everything and a damp cold that was felt in the bones.
     Suddenly out of nowhere emerged a ship that almost rammed us if it were not for the readiness of the helmsman who with reckless maneuvers managed to avoid it, but the ship despite us screaming to make us hear, without any answer disappeared into thin air, as it had disappeared in the direction of Bazi, ghostly scene, shortly thereafter the fog disappeared and a warm sun illuminated the Thassa in its majesty.

    In Telnus, a city of the archipelago of Cos, I left the ship and boarded another that I took to Lydius, the navigation was quiet, the sea calm, a light breeze pushed us slowly,

Finally we arrived in sight of the port of Lidio at the mouth of the Laurius.

But as soon as they docked at the dock of the port, the Praetor with guards boarded, as the practice dictates to ask for the documents of the passangers and goods, together with them there was also a Healer named Dahny, who with a stern voice said: is there anyone from Bazi? I with my naivety came forward, immediately the guards with their spears pushed me to the side of the ship, I frightened shouted what was happening, the Healer said that an epidemic had broken out in Bazi, and before getting off the ship she had to visit me.

    I was out of this world, I couldn't believe what he said. while the guards very abruptly told me: let yourself visit otherwise we will throw you into the Thassa. Then with some reluctance I took off my veils and I uncovered my arms. She looked carefully, first in the eyes that were not yellow, then if on the body I had signs of bubbole, pustules or spots that could be proof of smallpox; Typhoid, Cholera, the Healer after realizing that there were no visible signs told me to follow her to the infirmary, she would visit me completely, it meant stripping naked and lying on the bed.

    She made the visit, took blood samples and withdrew to examine them. After two hours of trembling and worried waiting, she arrived saying you are negative, I burst into tears I thought I was going to die, but Lady Dahny told me calm if you are negative and for that you are healthy, you have no sign of disease. We had news yesterday that in Bazi the plague and the people die. The praetor ordered that travelers from Bazi be thrown directly into the Thassa or the pits of Dar Kosis, but the Healer with her authority managed to make the visits in advance and I was saved.

    Lady Dahny asked me what I wanted to do., I told her that I wanted to go to Nadyra, where my sister and her partner were waiting for me and she advised me to leave immediately, so that if they had known in the city that I came from Bazi she did not know what could happen. People were very busy and in a panic, so I took the land route rather that the ship otherwise at the port would have checked me again.

(Later I would have learned from the survivors of Bazi who took refuge at the mountains of Sardar, that a ship arrived in the port ramming the quay. The guards boarded but did not find anyone alive, all dead. My father the Praetor with the Healer Maria investigated, then gave orders to burn the ship, but by now the guards who had boarded had become infected, They went to report to my father and the healer, infecting them in turn, my father died immediately, while the healer fights like a tiger to defeat the disease that was said to be smallpox, but too many people died, it was later known to be the Plague).

     The nearby cities, Genesian Port, Port Schendi and, Kamras, made the naval and land blockade and ordered the archers to kill anyone who approached the walls or the  port. The cities near Bazi installed catapults to send food into the closed city, now in the grip of famine and hunger and death. But only a few food arrived others were plundered by Pirates, Brigands and Savages. There was only the possibility of escaping at night in the forest but few survived.

     After eighteen months finally the plague ended, the survivors of the jungle returned to the city, after two years a delegation of international healers entered Bazi and announced the end of the disease, declaring it was smallpox, by now the ship was burned with its dead and documents, but I never believed it was smallpox, It doesn't bring so much death.

     I talked to the people who took refuge at the Sardar mountains and the  symptoms were not of smallpox, (they said that their eyes and skin turned yellow and their body was filled with spots and bubbles the temperature was normal, but they had trouble breathing and an itch that tore their skin) after three more years, There was a second report attesting that it was indeed the plague, and for this I do not give myself peace, I will study this disease, soon I will hold a seminar in the city of Isfahan on infectious diseases and the plague.

     I resume from my trip to Nadira, where my sister Kareen was waiting for me with her partner Aiax with their two sons Alex and Bresi and  their Kajira  Silvi. They ran a small bakery in the city. When I arrived, Brianna,  the head of the merchants assigned to me a perfumery in the central square of the city, near I had one of our nieces, she had the shop as a seamstress. Chellie is her name, I also made friends with Lady Malin a Healer. Together we tried to investigate on Bazi without coming to any conclusions. I lived in the house of Aiax who became my protector, being my closest relative.

     My southern perfumes were not well accepted by the noses of the ladies of Nadira (near the Gulf  of Cardonicus, southeast  of Lydius and north by Ko-Ro-Ba). Fortunately a short distance away there was a bathhouse and I could earn coins by selling scented oils for the body. I also wanted to make soaps but there was already another producer and did not want to compete, When I had earned enough, I could afford a house, and at that time the builders built the new white city with lime walls. I took a house where in the evening I sat on the terrace listening to the music of the musician Gireaux, thinking of my beloved Bazi.

     The chief merchant Brianna was very active and always organized big fairs and markets and many people came from Belnend, from lydius, from Kasra, from En-Kara and even from the Oasis of the Four Palms, I remember Gireaux playing at every market, people gathered for dances. Sometimes I went out into the forest to make agreements with the Wild to have petals for my perfumes, but the suspicious Panthers did not believe my offer to exchange their petals and bottles.

   I got along very well with the people of Nadira, with the exception of Commander Anatisti, he always looked at me with suspicion for that I did not want to swear on the Home Stone, I always stayed in my heart in the town of Bazi. Fortunately his slave Fire loved perfumes and often put a good word for me, Even though he knew that I was protected by Aiax his sergeant, but still I tried not to make him an enemy.  Then it happened that the companion of Anatist escaped with his two children into the desert to the Oasis of the Four Palms, and all of us were close to him even in the trial that was held at the Oasis, We were there to cheer for him, but the Emir after the long and great trial declared that the children could stay with their mother. Anatisti returned to Nadira sad and disconsolate. And so understood that he was right in wanting me to swear on the Home Stone.

    The first merchant Brianna, advised me to change the caste, becoming a candle maker, (better than perfumes) and to swear in the new Home Stone of Nadira, Tt seemed to me a betrayal but I did it by changing my life.

    By now I was twenty-four years old. All the Goreans go in this age to the mountains of Sardar for the pilgrimage. A holy man named Dupie offered my brother-in-law Aiax a gold tarn as soon as I left, and he not having much income as a Sergeant agreed, and I left for the Sardar blessed by Dupie, leaving my sister Kareen my brother-in-law Aiax and my nephews, and here I am.


released for Darianelnairad

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...