Sunday 23 July 2023

                                   THE NEW CITY OF GEELA


The city is now very crowded. so many people come and go, the administrators did not want to lose businesses and citizens, who thought of traveling elsewhere without a home, so after many meetings, it was decided to make site inspections to find a new fertile land, where to build the city and the farms.

   Sir Jovan and Lady Sky, the two administrator 

 they have found the right land, in a lagoon with a natural harbor for mooring ships, the lands before the forest where farmers will be able to grow their products and their herds of Borsk, Tarsk and Veer for milk.

      My job didn't allow me to go with them, but today I finally traveled to the new land with a Tarm, which Kaila booked for me, when I arrived at the land I couldn't believe my eyes, a beautiful city in advanced construction, indeed almost completed, lady Sky, a good 8uilder, has been very busy, still 

 giving the finishing touches to the port and the surrounding streets. I was able to admire the new Theater for the Kajire dance demonstrations and for the dances that from time to time we have in the city. The large Caste palace, with the arena immediately after, and the Scribe Offices very large with a well prepared class, because we have decided to give lessons for apprentice Scribes and to explain the life and laws of Gor which many do not know, of course we know all the caste palaces and dwellings for the citizens.

on July 30th - land time - there will be the inauguration with many events that I will give you details in my next article, for now let's get ready for the big event, pass the word to friends all are invited.


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