Tuesday 22 August 2023


     While everything seemed to go well, we were all busy with the works in the city, not neglecting the preparations for my companionship ceremony which soon on 18-September-2023 (earth time), the ceremony will be officiated by my mother lady BB Arliss who for a few days she has arrived in the city together with the great Mith my father, and she together with Takama my promise prepare the temple of the ceremony with decorations, altars and chairs for everyone.

       The other morning a ship arrived in the port, it was not the usual commercial ship, but an omen of doom hovered over it, there was something that made that ship gloomy, and we were not proved wrong, because a little later a messenger got down on the quay, asked to be received by the regent or the administrator, the commander of the garrison at the gate accompanied him to the great palace where sir Jovan and lady Skylar were meeting for some decisions on the city, the commander announced the man, who after having greeted took a scroll from his belt, and handed it to Jovan, he calmly looking at the man suspiciously broke the seals and unrolled the parchment.

      From the expression on his face it was immediately clear that there was something serious written, he finally said to Skylar I have to tell you some bad news,
she worried asked to be able to read it in person so it was, Jovan handed the parchment to Skylar who while reading some tears slid down her face getting lost under the veil that covered her sweet face, in the meantime I learned of the traveler, I arrived in the office noticing the sadness in the faces of our administrators, I asked what was going on and Jovan in a low and emotional voice said .. we have just learned that the father of Lady Skylar the old Ubar of the city died in combat on his ship attacked by ships of Nordic tribes who descend to the South in estatre to raid and kidnap women to take with them, I too was saddened, I could understand at that moment what the beautiful Skylar felt, whom I had learned to love, because she was always available to everyone

     I dismissed the message man and stayed with them for a few minutes, then we looked at each other and agreed to meet again the following day to calmly review the situation. The next day we all met in the Caste room, I Franken Jovan Skylar Dara was also present, and before starting the meeting Jovan asked me for permission to court Dara my niece, I accepted with pleasure I wanted my niece to settle down and then Jovan he was also of high caste as a Regent.

     Meanwhile, Lady Skylar said that she had important news to give us, rummaging through her father's papers, she had found a parcel behind a column, a slave freed the parcel from hiding and Skylar thus learned that Sir Jovan was the son of a loving woman of the father, who gave birth to what is now his half-brother and then died, the father the Ubar never said of this child, but followed him from afar it was written that now he could finally declare that child son of the Ubar and direct descendant to the throne of the city.

     Lady Skylar asked Franken the healer to verify her brother's blood group and DNA, to be sure it was really him, after a few days Franken told us that the tests were favorable and that Jovan was Skylar's half-brother. caste council established with certainty that the evidence was real and that soon we would appoint Jovan Ubar of the city of Geela, while Skylar would continue to be administrator and head of the builders caste, and all finally finished as well as possible


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