Wednesday 30 August 2023


   A sad day, the evening before Lady BB my mother had invited us all to the farm for tea and pastries, there had been some skirmishes the day before, but nothing foreshadowed what would happen, we set off calmly and from start, or at least I will try to write the facts as they told me.

   It all began when I sent a message to Lady Jinny, saying that after Lady Joy's departure, the post of Magistrate had vacated and if she wanted I as Chief Scribe I could assign it to her, and the next day I arrived in Geela with a Tarn, I invited her in the garden of the Book club and we talked a lot about the past and little about the present, then she stopped to say hello to both Jovan and Skylar, (she had already been to live for a few days passing through Geela) I had received an invitation from Sabayna, she told me to join her in the village of Askim Fjiord, there was a collection of medicinal herbs and flowers in the nearby forest, many Healers were invited, I did not miss the opportunity and I rushed with my tarm to the north now that it is summer yes it can fly.... We spent a whole day picking and recognizing the names of flowers and medicinal herbs, then in the afternoon I set off again.

     The next morning I was in Geela, it wasn't like the other days there was something strange going around, the slaves passed with their heads bowed, greeted and went away, and I was waiting for my promised Takama to arrive at his bakery, punctual arrival he asked me what I wanted to eat and drink, he then sat down with me at the table, and when I asked what was going on, he told me that Lady Betty and Lady Dara, my niece had left after conflicting views regarding the running of the Kennel, Lady Betty she had proposed as a slaver, but Jovan who now and our great Ubar explained to him some things to do, but she took it badly, and together with her half-sister, Dara was promised to Jovan, we had made the contract and taken the fifteen piastres that he had paid as a dowry, they decided to leave the city for some adventure, and I lost my word with Jovan and the fifteen piastres, and I also lost a piece of the family, I was very sad, I thought it was my fault too of this, but they all confirmed to me that their decision had been made in advance.

     Meanwhile the preparations continued for the ceremony of my company with lady Takama my adored promise, and lady BB set up the temple with her chairs and pews, everything seemed to go well but the next day I found a message where my mother lady BB announced me to be in expecting a child and wanting to join her husband suir Mith and his family up north, another blow for me, she would not have performed the ceremony if she left, I spoke to Takama who in turn spoke to lady Skylar, and assured him that she will celebrate herself so we needn't have worried. on September 18th we will have our ceremony in Gella and all friends will be invited.

     After so much sadness and disappointment of the loss and betrayal of my adoptive family making me very sad, I have decided to take back my real name ''ORLANDO EL NAIRAD'' my real honorable name, to my Oasis of the Seven Palms I am the emir, as long as Darian and I live after I can become the Khan of the oasis like my father.....
  The preparations for the ceremony proceed, Takama is very busy decorating the temple and preparing the cake, and writing the invitations by hand, soon we can become one, my house will become his, I gave him permission to change the furnishings according to his taste, certainly better than mine, and I only hope to forget those women, and go back to living happily.


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