Sunday 26 February 2023



Franken Awke
       Here we are with our second appointment of the ''Festival delle Kajire'', as you will remember the first evening was organized by the city of Ko-ro-ba, while this time by the big city of Tharna.
     I already knew Tharna, I had been there as a Cartographer years ago, I was pleased to see her again, even if many citizens are no longer the same, sometimes in big cities Warriors and merchants come and go, even the Ubar change, both due to advanced age and for new elections by the Superior Council.  

      I had stopped at the city of Brundisium after leaving Ko-ro-ba, I knew that a delegation would go to Tharna for the dances, we set out together with the Ubar, the mate, the Ambassador, the leader of the Traders and some female slaves, naturally escorted by Warriors.
We arrived at the gate just in time, Lady Jasmine the Captain of the guards was about to close it, I already knew that beautiful haughty woman armed to the teeth, after the recognition she showed us the way to reach the arena where the dances would take place .
         To my surprise I met Pysichian Franken Awke, I had met years before when I was in town on my job as a cartographer.
    Brundi's delegation settled in the last ring of the arena near some representatives of Port Kar and Port Olni, but a great many people from all over the world were crowded in the stands, together with hundreds of male and female slaves who encouraged their brothers and dancing sisters.

    In the stage of honor, the ubar of Tharna with L'ubarina, their Commander, the head of the merchants, the Slaver, and two judges, I don't remember that on the planet there are any other than the Magistrates, perhaps they are the same , and many of their slaves.
 the dances began, people applauded the dancers who in turn performed their choreographies with great pride and passion, even the beautiful and sensual music enveloped the audience in a surreal atmosphere.
        I'm happy with the show, and I thank the organizers, and all the slaves who participated waiting for the next date of the Festival



Thursday 23 February 2023



         The first issue of the new (web) newspaper of the great and honored city of Brundisium starts today.

  What we would like to do and let the Planet know the latest news that arrives through the Merchants, the caravans and the many Pirate ships that sail the sea of Thassa between the North, with trade between the Vikings, and the Torvie or Vagons tribes, and from the South by the large island of Landa, Anango and all the villages and towns bordering or using the ports of the great river Vosk, from the archipelago of Cos to the large island and city of Leisure.

      The city is a crossroads between the Thahari desert, the Shendi region with its large forest, and the large city of AR.

      It is said that in the distant past when Port Kar and the city of AR were at war, merchants circumvented the prohibition of trade laws between warring countries by unloading goods at the port of Brundisium as a free port and from there the merchants to AR.

       Recently a delegation of citizens under the command of a Magistrate went to the City of Venna, but never returned, to cross the Shendi forest infested by wild unscrupulous Panthers, who kill men after using them as fertilizers of women, if males are born they are killed, or sold as slaves and sent to the mines, the case of that delegation is singular, we sent guards to look for them but they are certainly dead, or they deserted by fleeing to some distant place, or died in some ambush.

    The administrator together with the Ubar are reconstituting the caste of scribes and hiring new Slavers to enlarge the kennel.

   The population is invited to disseminate this new journal and participate in its compilation with news or events.

Tuesday 21 February 2023


   For a long time I wanted to review a new contest of Kajires dancers, the last time was when in Port Nykus, I glimpsed my slav Fahima preparing for the dance followed by her new Master not that thief Timmer the player, I chased that thug with some guards but he managed to escape by chaining my Fahima, ... remember he had stolen it with the help of an unscrupulous Slaver, while the city of Victoria was falling they escaped.
    While I waited with other citizens and slaves in the village in the forest, but they escaped with that Player's ship, who knows what happened to my Fahima, I always wonder, but maybe she will be dead, or that player will have sold her , as he had with me when he needed money.

    I arrived at the port of Ko-ro-ba after a smooth journey, and with a favorable wind heading for the arena, I had just left the city of Brundisium after having visited it with its large port overlooking the Thassa sea, crossroads and stopover of many Pirate ships trading between the Vosk River and North and South Thassa.

      It is said that since the city of Port Kar and the large city of AR were at war, the Pirates circumvented the impositions by unloading the goods in the port of Brundi, so nobody had anything to say about the prohibition of trade between enemy cities.

      Many people were already sitting on the bleachers of that arena, in order to have a complete view of the track and the dances, I sat at the top,
  to the left of the seats intended for the high representatives of the city with the ubar in the centre, I was amazed by the many seated spectators, and by the many male and female slaves who occupied an area of the arena getting ready.

      The dances were fascinating, I have always loved to attend, since my early days in Port Kar where I lived as a lawyer and who often organized the ''Kajira contest dance'' in those other times, Port Kar was the center of commerce of the planet, and with his Twelve Captains, who with their ships plowed the Thassa the Vosk and all the tributaries of the river.

     After a few hours, the wonderful dances over, I stopped to talk to the lady Arète nigth, HoC about the scribes of Ko-ro-ba, we talked about the newspaper and the possibility that soon I will be able to visit their city, perhaps one day they will organize a trip to reach them and visit them, and who knows maybe stop me for a while to write about them.

     Late at night I returned to my ship to rest, the following morning at high tide we would set sail to sail up the Vosk and return to Port Olni, where there would be the Company Ceremony of Lady Kara Na-kos, which I had met, when I was courting Kara Serin of the same tribe as the Tuchuk, who live on an island in the vicinity of Olni.


Monday 20 February 2023



   I had long wanted to return to the Sardar, after the pilgrimage when I was still twenty, hurried back to my scribe class in Olni.

Since I haven't had work lately, after leaving Venna, I reached the port of Brundisium and took a ship to sail up the Wosk river, I wanted to return to Port Olni for a long time, I hadn't been there, I wanted to review the places of my first years of study and work .

 The first city you meet going up the river Olni and Sais. I had been there with Brjiana for my Gazette of Moon newspaper. but the people were all far away I don't know why and the city was deserted.

  I continued to port Olni, the great port and the great city with the camp of the Tukhucs on an island outside the walls, I knew that camp there lived Kara-Serin the woman I courted.

 I arrived in the afternoon, I climbed the great staircase that leads to the gates, I rang and Lady Lucy herself came to open the door for me, we talked between one gate and another, then she invited me to the tavern to drink a Blackwine and talk about the old days, she told me citizenship papers in case I want to stay and live with them.
 I left the city after having visited it, to remember the old places and my old house now inhabited by a tribe escaped from the fall of their village, and continued taking the derivation of the river Thentis until I reached the city. I was counting on meeting Lady Monica, or Sir Knight, but they too were far away I don't know where the guards had orders not to reveal their destination, and after loading water and food, we continued to the mouth of the river, then continued on foot towards the Sanctuary, I wanted to visit it again, and continue east towards the Pani village, they had invited me after reading my article dedicated to them in the newspaper.
 Everything seemed to go according to our forecasts, when the sky darkened, lightning on the horizon illuminated the sky, thunder seemed to wail in the distance, the further we went on the worse the weather became, rain, wind and everything became dark, the Merchant Warriors and Slaves of the caravan found refuge in some caves, previously seen on the side of a mountain.
  It was certainly not a storm that could stop me, I kept walking until I lost the path wandering aimlessly, after a few hours when by now I thought I wouldn't get out of that hell alive, I glimpsed a cave hidden among tall bushes, and I decided to enter rest and dry off a bit.

 Although the entrance was small, the cave became a cave with tunnels and paths, I thought it was an abandoned mine, but when I arrived in a large cave, I realized that I was experiencing what for many on the planet they thought was a legend, i.e. I had arrived in the center of the Sardar, between stone columns the large stone of the house turned without having any foothold sending a blinding emerald light while on the sides many sharp crystals came out of the ground. on the walls screens with thousands and thousands of lights that move, and at the feet type of boxes with lots of lights and clocks.

  I could not believe my eyes, I continued passing into the next cave, I found myself in a large room with stairs and many indescribable things and on the right, furniture and tables, I turned my gaze and a huge animal like a gigantic insect with four legs and two arms with hands coming out of its belly, I had seen those huge insects, in some drawings on ancient parchments, I was terrified, the animal didn't speak but transmitted the words to my brain.
 He told me that he was the only survivor after the mother for power had killed all her children, starving too, he was the only survivor living here directing life on the planet and planning the present and the future, he also told me that the recently very populated planet was sometimes difficult to manage, I show myself on a screen where the caravan was, telling me now go and never come back.

 A unique experience, I had met a Priest king .. but I would not have told anyone the place of the meeting depended on my life and on all those who arrived here.

 I decided to write it because my job as a reporter requires me to.
  I will always carry the memory of that day..


Wednesday 15 February 2023




Backstory Thentis A new Life starts Travel & Blood Auction The strange Form The Testament Encounter, Suprise,Family reiunification Missed Person Return to Life The Exam On to new shores Surprising changes and a FC The Isles of Tira Kill Willy The bad Site of Tira One new borns in Hammersgaard En`Kara Fair Circus on Olni Village of Lara and the stolen Name The kidnapped Baby Cloudy Thoughts Lara - The Downfall Cuidada de Tharna Cartassa Desert & FC Renewal Cartassa Desert & FC Renewal Our travels took us far north where we were able to strike deals at Gudvangen, via Jasmine, Isle of Anango, back via Port Kar into the Vosk Delta, down the Thassa Cartuis to Cartassa, A caravan awaits us from the river bank, leading us through the desert to the gates of the oasis town of Cartasa Dessert, whose golden towers gleam in the evening sun that almost blinds them. 

As soon as our caravan could be seen on the horizon, some warriors and Lady Safina Uma Bin El Congo, daughter of the Pasha of Cartassa, gathered. Unfortunately, Pasha Congo has been missing for some time. However, we have heard that Cartassa is not giving up the search for her pasha and has appointed an interim pasha, Sir Abu Jabari. Safina is a distant relative of Darian's whose mother is Lady Mae, an aunt of Darian's, and throughout the journey I could feel the joyful uneasiness in him at seeing his family again. We saw the crowd of people at the gates of Cartassa, who apparently prepared themselves for a fight as a precaution when they saw our caravan with our entourage.

 Only when they recognized Darian in his magnificent robes of the Emir's, a cheering of joy broke out and we were greeted warmly and entertained. The joy of the reunion was great and Darian was able to clear up some misunderstandings from the past with his relatives, So came what was inevitable, we were asked to stay, however aware of the responsibility of our own Oasis of Seven Palms and its people ,we agreed to frequent longer stays and visits and agreed to a service contract as Magistrate and Avdocate with the City of Cartassa It was already getting dark and the sun was sinking its last rays onto the hot desert sand. We had much to talk about and they set us up a house where we could work on the Gazette undisturbed when we were here in Cartassa.

 There were nice private quarters above the Gorean Moons branch. Soon the 3 moons would be circling high in the sky and as I looked up at the sky my heart got heavy, very heavy and I choked back my tears. With all this reunion, Darian had forgotten that today, when the moons are up, our free social contract expires. I lifted my head proudly, I don't want to show any weakness, even if the pain is deep and the disappointment great, but that's life for a woman on this planet. 

Darian and I were just outside the house when I thought it was all over. I took off my veil and stood on tiptoe and kissed him tenderly on the mouth one last time before turning and hurrying to the INN where I would take a room as I was no longer allowed to live in that house. The pain in my heart suppressed hope that I could at least continue my work at Gorean Moons.

 Tired and sad, I sat down on the bed in the common room, still fighting back tears, when I heard the door open and Darian burst in with two mugs of Ka-la-na wine, took off his shoes and sat on the bed and handed me the cup. I would appreciate his gesture, but both he and I knew it wasn't legal, so I just shook my head so he wouldn't see the wet glint in my eyes. 

" No"! I said firmly "it wouldn't be legal and you know it and I won't submit to though I will always love you." I lifted my chin defiantly and my eyes sparkled but with anger and disappointment "but the time it's over, it's too late!" Darian's silence made things even more difficult, his breathing ragged and his eyes darting to the heavens when he suddenly jumped up without a word and put his shoes back on as he ran, not realizing that he'd grabbed two different shoes and was running out . THAT WAS IT !! I saw the goblets on the floor, the wine sloshing across the floor as Darians dropped them, and now I couldn't hold back my tears. 

Only a few Ehns seemed to have passed, which felt like Ahns when there was a knock on the door and a deep voice asking for entrance. A massive Kajrius, presumably from the silver mines of Tharna, now stood in the room with his legs apart, after kneeling down briefly in greeting and asking me to follow him, he seemed to be in a hurry. "Why should I?" "Mistress, follow me, otherwise I'd have to carry if you don't come, that's my job!" So before I let this guy pick me up and throw me over my shoulder, I silently nodded and followed him, but I don't know why.

   He led me into the cafĂ©, where the smell of black wine and fresh pastries hit me, but God knows why, I didn't feel like black wine. So I lifted my face and saw people standing in the cafe, there was Darian, Lady Safina, a lady in blue, obviously a scribe and a warrior. Darian smiled and learned who these people were, the warrior was Sir Ace and the scribe was the HOC of Cartassa Lady Lam's caste. Lady Safina now speaks for me and asks loudly: "Are you ready and willing to extend your FC's contract, time is of the essence but it is not too late, the contract is valid from the signing and not from the contract start ceremony, we should." " hurry up, if you agree, we should go to the Scribe Tower quickly! With wide eyes and a halting voice, I nodded and just said. I want...!"

 Our contract was quickly renewed, we drank the wine of love again, promising to love foreverand honor each other again, each in their own words from the heart. And behind me, indeed, I heard a heavy sob from the warrior as he heard our mutually renewed vows. Even though everything happened in the last EHN, it was the best thing that could have happened to me anyway and I beamed at Darian, relief and a smile could also be seen when Lady Lam handed him the signed and sealed extension contract for good, also signed by the witnesses Sir Ace and Lady Safina and her self. 

We thanked him, and after a while Darian urged us to leave, we entered the newspaper house that had been prepared for us and went upstairs to our chambers.

 We held each other tightly on the bed for a long time until tiredness closed our eyes....


Monday 13 February 2023



  I'm leaving the city of Venna for a new trip.

My mother lady BB Arliss sent me a message saying: Ioi and your father sir Mith the builder have moved to a new village in the forest, he tells me that in ancient times that village was inhabited by the Elf tribe, a race surely imported from the planet land, which I met on my journey, little men with elongated ears who dressed in green, they lived in trees or in huts, in the most inaccessible forest

  I was very impressed with the new move of my adoptive parents, in the last few years they have moved so many places for my father's work as a builder, when my mother lived in Cartassa the city in the desert she lived safely alone, and worked as an Officer, but in the North she followed her husband, otherwise she wouldn't be able to survive without hunting, her age now doesn't allow it.   


 From Finnyrfjiord to Windermeer, then to Jasmine city, then to Filsborgfjiord, now in this new village under reconstruction.

  the Arliss Family once had many components, but gradually it left many components along the way, who going around the Planet took on new names, sometimes Lady Hannah Arliss my sister sends me messages just to say hello, she lives far from the cities in one remote village in the Sardar, at the foot of the mountains.

 Of my brother Finthor after the fall of Cartassa, I have never heard from him again as well as Sir Bernhard my uncle, nor of Safina who becomes the companion of a warrior of the Combo tribe, and lady Mae with her now grown daughter, with a companion, also I have never heard from them again.
      When in the cities they arrive Adventurers, sooner or later the city falls, I have counted many falls for people who arrive and take over the lead by changing the rules,
   I am organizing my new trip to the North, I will make the first stop in Brundisium with its large port at the crossroads of many maritime traffics, coming from the North and South especially from the archipelago of Cos with its very good wine, and from the cities located on the banks of the great river Vosk, from Thentis which exports its precious beans from which the best balakwine is made.
   I will go up the Vosk to the river thentis, then the river Olni to the great and honored city of Olni of which I have the honor to have been a part first as a pupil of lady Janette(rip) and lady Lucy, then as a scribe and Magistrate, I have lived there the best years of my life, then when I left Lady Kara Serin my courtner, she loved her farm more than having a family, I left Olni going down the river Vosk I stopped some time in Port Kar, the city of the twelve Captains, all criminals.

 I had a job as a lawyer but I had few clients, so I left, went down the Thassa and stopped at the island of Landa in the south, the city with the golden domes, it was there that I met sir Youroki, and there I fell in love with lady Moon, the Pysichian, me while the preparations for our Company Ceremony were in full swing. we were attacked first by the Panthers and while the warriors chased them in the forest The Torvie warriors riding their larls invaded the city and captured the women taking them away, now the city was destroyed and I left first for Shendi and then with a caravan I reached Cartassa... ...........

Saturday 11 February 2023





Many events have happened lately, the beautiful Nani, do you remember the Panther who worked in the tavern in Hammersgaard for love of Eric the tavern keeper?, she sent me a message, with a merchant from the North, she tells me that the new village has been rebuilt in new land, safer, protected by high mountains, the village overlooks a small gulf so it becomes difficult to attack it, he tells me that at the port sir Derek a great warrior watches day and night who comes and who goes, with his men.

 He also told me that Tania the other Panther is fine and she too helped in the reconstruction, and my house will soon be ready, they always keep my house ready.

 I admire those women who stop at nothing, even when all seems lost, they start over and live by hunting and fighting for their lives and their freedom.

 I think that as soon as spring arrives and the snows in the North melt, I will organize a trip to that new village and celebrate the Spring Solstice with them.

 In the city of Venna where I currently live, events change quickly, they come from everywhere, you know when word of a new great opportunity spreads, everyone tries to grab their own space to demonstrate that they are great.

  The other day a large ship arrived in the port, everyone ran curious, I too walked slowly as usual towards the gate, from that ship a delegation from the great city of Brundisium got off, I know I have been there a few times from my travels, for that it is a large port of connection between the North and the South and the arrival point of the ships that descend the Vosk river, from there with the caravans I ventured first into the Scendi forest to then cross the Thahari desert and arrive at my Cartassa.

   I have always loved as I loved the citizens, Lady Safina, Lady Mae, her daughter, Sir Bernhard my chaste leader, my brother Finthor, the fair, and the fair slaves Athena, and YiYi, and the fair lady Jinny, whom I have always loved and who became my companion for some time before the city fell and we each escaped to different destinations, then I met her in the city of Victoria but after a few days she left, texting me, saying she lived in Victoria nna, and I joined her but also from here she left for a new destination, for a better job and I stayed here alone.
  Even though the city is very large with many inhabitants, it is difficult for me, coming from the north, to integrate with their laws and their way of doing things, and after a few minor mishaps at work I decided to move to the lakeside residence and relax and take a proper decision on what to do, I am thinking of returning to my Oasis of the seven palm trees, I would like to find my people and my friends and the people who love me, now here in the city there are two other magistrates, indeed a Magistrate and a Chief Magistrate appointed from sir Argos, and guess who it is....and the Magistrate who landed on the big ship, with the Brundisium delegation, came for a military alliance, and now has deserted, has taken Venna citizenship and the Scribe chief caste, his friend appointed him in turn head of the Magistrates......

 Now I'm here I look at the lake sparkling in the morning sun I look at the geese and swans gliding lightly on the water and the fish jumping far away....

Thursday 9 February 2023



I have been in the city of Venna for a long time now, after the fall of Victoria, I visited some cities where presumably I could find my slave Fahima kidnapped by sir Timmer the player of the Tsar, they told me during the trip that some merchants had seen him in port Nykus a city rebuilt by many citizens of Victoria, who slowly restored it to its former glory, but if they had brought down Victoria how could they revive another? mystery.
    Arriving in that quite beautiful and well-built city with a nice port, I met old Lielar, whom I had met in a tavern. and he told me that there was going to be the Kajiras dance festival, and I advise you to wait for a Hand to attend and maybe who knows, maybe I would even meet the criminal thief and my slave girl whom I had paid two piastres of silver.
     Naturally he had been right and one morning I glimpsed the two of them at the port, but I didn't have time to call the guards that they, with the help of some citizens who lived with them in Victoria, managed to vanish into thin air.
     On my way back North to Hammersgaard, I stopped at a town called Northern light bay-Kasra, so I decided to stop for a few days and have a look around.
I discovered that they were two neighboring cities, divided by high walls, but the port was that of Southern ligth, so I presented myself to the Scribes who assigned me lodgings,
I attended a few of their meetings in the large tea room on the terrace of the scribes' palace, but nothing important, another very closed and empty city.
      a few days later I decided to visit the city of Kasra. I went through the small door that led to their houses that I had never seen in any area of the planet, incomprehensible and funny houses, I approached the small square where some citizens were gathered including the Administrator and the Commander, a sour and mean woman, I he said clearly that I was not welcome, so I returned to Nothern, in the tavern they told me that my old companion Brjiana was a close friend of the Commander and she had just arrived to put up the newsstand of the newspaper, once mine, and I had not found any traces of Fahima I set out for Hammersgaard, to meet my friend Nani, but to my amazement they had all left for a new safer land and to rebuild their village,
    Winter was upon us and the snow would block everything, I decided to return to Cartassa, we disembarked at Brundi and with a caravan we first entered the Shendi forest and then the Thahari desert, and on the way we stopped at the city of Venna where still alive and working as a magistrate, I learned in Venna that Cartassa had been destroyed, I met Jinny the Scribe my old friend who after a few days left as Ambassador but never came back.....
    I often think of my Oasis where I left her heart and where one day I will join her, not before having found my brother Orlando, I promised it to my father on his deathbed ..

Monday 6 February 2023



06-02-2023(Earth time)

The first council of the city took place in the great hall inside the central palace of the Court.In the presence of the administrator Sir Minus, the Nameless Initiate, HoC Srcribe Sir Argos, HoC Si Edric, Hoc Sir Jakis, HoC of the builders was absent Sir Argos had the delegation, and many representatives of the lower castes and the entire population.

After the welcome presentation by Sir Minus. The nameless Initiate took the floor assuring that from now on the Temple will always be open, at each Hand we will have a public function, with the blessing and the whole population is invited.

In order of caste everyone took the floor ensuring the maximum commitment in the city, then when it seemed everything was over the HoC sir Edri of doctors took the floor saying he wanted to appoint as an assistant a woman named Hana, once she was a slave, but now become free and apprentice healer I myself as a Magistrate with Sir Argos we filled out the certificate,  but this aroused the opposition of both Sir Argos and the old doctor born in the north, but worked in many cities as a physician and healer, and after a long discussion, on the advice of the nameless initiate it was decided that the woman should finish the apprenticeship and then take an examination that is not biased,  Although she has shown to have good healing skills by treating a wounded man stabbed in the back.

-There has been much discussion about the role of women and their work, but sometimes we lose sight of what are the rules at the foundations of Gor, namely "the woman and free until the man decides that it is" even if in recent years many things have changed but the rules of Venna that provide not to appoint women in key roles as Sir Argos hopes that it is and that also the Initiate to reiterate,  this is confirmed by the fact that if a woman becomes a companion of a scribe she takes his caste, but she will never have an important assignment other than to work as an assistant or in the archive or to have an office in the Kennel palace for the registration of slaves.

I have recently seen slaves arrive in the city who after a few days have become free with slaves in tow, protected by warriors, and slaves who do not have adequate preparation and who do not respect the main bases, in the sense that they do not greet the free passing by, some do not kneel and sometimes face discussions as if they were free.
But it is not a problem of Venna, almost everywhere the same happens, in my travels I have seen many impossible situations for the good functioning of the city.

Another simple rule is this: if someone sees strange things of stealthy men who wander around or who do outlaw actions, they must report the incident to the guards who in turn warn the commander who will then report  to the Magistrato to issue an arrest warrant or to promote investigations, no one can take initiatives to safeguard their health and safety of the city.
    For further developments we will talk about it at the next edition


 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...