Thursday 31 March 2022

Report Interview Lady Tatiana, Tatrix of Village of Lara

It was a rainy day when I started my journey to the Village of Lara again. We had been here some time before and were welcomed very friendly, an agreement was made with our Gorean Moons Gazette and we were also very pleased hear that the Emir is also a Magistrate and I am now an Advocate.
Lady Elosie, the HOC Merchent of Lara, casually told a story that really made me spit, it sounded so unbelievable and sad, and yet so true.
It was a matter of honor for me to get to the bottom of this and so I decided to travel again for an interview with Tatrix Lady Tatiana.
It involved stealing the town's name, which I must point out was the Village of Lara, which was formerly White Water River.
The fact of such theft is tantamount to stealing a Home Stone and should not go unpunished.
It is only thanks to the good nature of the Tatrix that there were no charges or contract killings.

I am now attaching the interview I conducted on 3/31/2022.

interviewed Person: Lady Tatiana, Tatrix  of Village of Lara
hereinafter referred to as Tatrix.

interviewer Person: Bryjana El Nairad, Chief Editor
hereinafter referred to as Gorean Moons(GM).

GM: she takes off her veil and takes another deep breath, although her voice is soft and melodious, there is still the        undertone of a torvie and she smiles:
       "we put a newspaper rack here yesterday, lady, and i heard about the stealing of the town name and would like to         Report about it in the next issue

Tatrix: I am Tatiara Esharham, Village Leader here since we are in the North.
         Callisto Grimwald is who started posting Adverts for the second White Water around March 11th, we Opened Our          White Water March 6th I believe.who started posting Ads for the second White Water.
         they tried saying they had been open since November 2021 but when I went looking for names on the Gorean              Map that were not taken, White Water was not on any Map, there were no groups, no land with the name, so how           if they had been open for so long why could I not find them
         I looked for 2 weeks before picking a name.
         we were a small 1/4 sim so we were just that a small port we are much more, a simple build, a new          type of build like Old Gor used to do.
GM:   i understand i have visit a white water city but here are the owner ayita meastra(naybabe) and Kymir                             Pardus(Gabe Constantine) , it seems there are two sims with the same name, some time ago i visited White                   Water River, these exist no more.
Tatrix:  that second white water was us ,we moved here about a week ago .

GM :  and as for the opening of the stolen white water, you can find out when the sim was bought.
         Have you done anything about this name steal?

Tatrix: I did, LL said, since they weren't full duplicates, there was nothing they could do.  
         She came to our build, read our rules/laws then opened her White Water,her Sims build is similar to ours just                bigger scale with more rl money backing her at the time.
GM:     it's only going to get worse, so the same cityscape* shakes his head angrily Because i would say as an                       that stealing a city name is the same as stealing a Homestone .

Tatrix:   I agree. If they were open in November and closed due to low numbers why reopen after we did.

GM:   one should lay the handwork to these people, so you were forced to build everything from scratch

Tatrix : their build doesnt look gorean in my opinion.It's more like ancient Rome
          or greece. Our build was alot of what you can see here. We were able to get a full sim by the grace of the Priest           Kings and some hard work
GM :    you have a beautiful Nordic village, Lady Tatiana

Tatrix:  Thank you ,   That was our goal .  White Water and Lara are so remote that being all brick or sand would be very            expensive and unrealistic.
           We wanted to start small and grow but many people wont go to a 1/4 sim or a 1/3 sim or even a Homestead.
           perhaps, I think karma will get people when its their time, I have put my focus into our new build, into our new                home, we are 34 people strong and this is Day 5 since our opening here.
GM:      I congratulate you on this success   

Tatrix:   We welcome anyone as long as they follow sim rules and do not bring OOC drama to our sim, we are willing                   to adjust the build within reason if people can prove why something is needed.
GM:     Thank you Tatrix for this detailed interview, I'm sure our readers will be as shocked by this as I am .

Tatrix:   Thank you Lady.

Editor's note

White water( who stole the name was on )
bought tue, jun.15. 2021 20.49

It can be seen that this sim was formerly under a different name, which then closed in November 2021 and reopened in March under the name White Water, albeit after the opening of the original White Water River

Saturday 19 March 2022



Returning from the mission in the forest to help the tribal chief for the disappearance of his best men, after a few days of rest with my beloved Brjiana, we decided to embark on another new journey, there were  the scrool arrived with a ship, they invited us , in the city of Olni to visit the Equestrian Circus, in my life I had never seen anything like it, only sometimes in the cities, jugglers or wanderers with their wagon, who perform with dances, games. sometimes even illusionists,
    We would have taken advantage of the En-Kara fair which usually coincides with the start of the new year on the planet on March 21, the day of the Spring Solstice. We decided to leave early so that we could rent a stand to make our Moon Gazette newspaper known, and distribute it to all those interested, perhaps giving it free at the fair.
   We organized the trip, we prepared the ship, we would stop in
Brundisium, and then go up the Vosk river to the Olni river delta and reach the city. from there then go up the river to the Thentis delta, and then organize a caravan to the Sardar region for the En-Kara fair, which this year as I said would be on the way to the sanctuary, while last year as you will remember it was organized in the Oasis of the two Scimittarre
   By now the winter was almost over, the river quiet even if very busy due to the many cities that overlook its banks, and finally we reached the port of Olni, moored the ship in a secondary quay and went ashore to climb the large stairways that give to the gates, but we were not welcomed wery good, there was a lot of coldness on the part of the Administrators, remember that I lived in Olni for years as Scribe and Magistrato, and they never forgave me for to have leaving them, but my free spirit always pushes me towards new adventures.
   They had assembled the circus beyond of the Tuchuk camp, where my friend's tribe lives as well lady Kara Serin, on the border with the city of Ti, where I lived for some time before moving to Olni, I was a cartographer in the city of Ti, but I didn't have much work, it was more a village than a city.

   The next morning, with so much disappointment at having been treated by strangers by Lady Lucy, we set out on foot towards the circus. we took some newspapers with us that we would distribute to the visitors.
  The next day we set sail for the city of Thentis. from where we would leave for the fair, the not very wide river  full crossed ships, the city of Thentis and the crossroads of all trade to and from the Sardar, and sometimes also for the North.
     It was not easy to find a place at the docks so we moored in the big Rada and from there the next morning we would leave with a caravan of merchant, already ready to reach the fair.
    After a few days of walking we arrived, and what presented itself to our eyes was something astounding, despite the fair still under construction, hundreds of people came and went through the streets, men
 and free women Kajire and <kajiuris, who were busy preparing the stands.
   We asked the administration for a place to set up our small stand and they pointed us to some, we chose one in front of the large Pysician tent, not very far from the Scribes' tent, we thought it was the right crossroads for citizens willing to read, because many still do not know the second acquaintance, as secretarial clerk I met an old acquaintance the slave Mews, but the principal manager was Sir Gorn, still traveling.
    With the patient and beloved Brjiana we set up the stand, with our banquet and our newsstand, and for the occasion we would have distributed our newspaper for free.
    A few days after the inauguration one evening there was the meeting of the Scribes, the moderator was none other than Sir Robert, I have already told about him, he was head of the Scribes in the city of Olni, even Lady Monica an old acquaintance, was present together to dozens of others, we spoke a little about everything and I raised the question of Magistrate women who could not exist on the planet, there was only a previous Lady Janette, my professor at Campus, so we decided that if a woman was really able to do so, she would become, but not as an interrogation judge because a woman cannot see naked men and against the law.
    The fair still continues, hundreds of people from all over the planet are present and every day Meetings, Tournaments and Slave Dances are organized.                to be continued


Wednesday 16 March 2022



We set out at dawn on a sunny day that was expected to be warmer

than the others.
   Brjiana wanted to follow us in the new adventure, I had received a message from a tribal chief of the interior just outside the Thahari desert, but who was part of my territories, he was asking me for help for some strange disappearances that had been happening from some time in the own village
   As the Emir of the oasis, I was worried, he had never heard of disappearances for no one apparent reason, and that was dangerous enough even for the citizens of my oasis.
   I took with me some trusted guards, not many to tell the truth, I didn't think there could be a great danger out there, and at the oasis I left the first Commander, with me came the captain of the guards, a trustworthy man even if a little stubborn in his interpretations, after having crossed a part of the desert we entered the forest where the village was located, I had forgotten how difficult it was to walk in the forest, I had been living in the desert from time.
 After a few days of traveling in that damned forest, we finally looking smoke rising high into the sky from a high hill, and we were all happy, we will rest and eat something hot after days of walking.
  The head of the village was a large dark-skinned man, furs covered his body, his hair tied behind very long and an unkempt beard, I explain that in recent months many men had disappeared into thin air, without giving more news of them, i was very worried, if it had been the work of the Panthers surely they would have left traces, they like to let people know about their raids, and I don't think  merchants or slaverswould go that far, they could not have sold the slave without documents, and a voluntary removal seemed unlikely to me .
   After studying with the Captain and the Guide, the map of the area, to find a safe route, and start the search, the next day after a restful night, we took some provisions, enough water and began our patrol. towards the afternoon the forest began to thin out, but a thick blanket of fog enveloped the area, that part of the forest was not on any map, until we found ourselves at the foot of a large fence, very high made of large impassable logs, we set up the field and the tents close to a large stone always in sight of the fence even if we were quite covered by any surprises, and we got ready for the night by organizing guards turn.
    The next morning, now awake and ready to inspect the great wall, in the distance we saw a figure slowly approaching, we hid behind the great rock and waited, until we saw a strange warrior dressed in strange bandages that surrounded his body, a very tall and dark skinned man, like some men imported from planet earth, something that had never been seen, not even among the barbarians who
populate the planet.
   I told everyone to stay hiddens and I went out, trying to have a contact with that man who seeing me becamed aggressive, showing a fighting attitude, I unsheathed my scimitar but to my great surprise the man with a superhuman leap I try to to landing myself colliding, in the impact between the two bodies he turned into another, a cloning never seen before, the guards intervened in the fight, who in a short time had the better of killing both, becoming beings of normal as they were in the their village.
   To my amazement I realized that in the impact with that man I had taken his powers, I felt strong and my body changed into an apologetic color very similar to the earth,
   My subjects, Brjiana, and the captain were terrified, I calmed them by saying that everything was over, but that I wanted to use my change to sneak into what looked like a great fortification surely to
protect a village.
  I ordered everyone to remain quiet and hidden, I will bgo come in to take a look, and so it was. I went through the portal made of logs that the man had left approached, what presented itself to my eyes was a stunning thing, the road from the door led to an immense stone building, with a large staircase and men on guard all around.
   The closer I got, the more guards they all seemed the same. as if they were twins, all dressed in bandages that wrapped their crossed bodies, armed with small spears with a strange shape, as if they were torches, I hear the door closing behind me and men who silently approached pushing me towards the great staircase, I went up escorted by two wings of men, silent without expression, as if they were automatons, until I entered that great palace, at the end of the great  hall of men in long white tunics, like those of the Intiate, they were waiting for me, they asked my name and which area of ​​the planet I came from, I explained to them that I was the Emir of the Oasis of the Seven Palms, and that a tribal chief of the forest had asked for my help, they did not seem threatening, and I was enough quiet, what must have been the Chief I take me to a room, where on the walls so many mirrors and small lights flashing like so many fireflies, and in the mirrors, which he told me to be monitors, men and women of every village and city, each if placed in the foreground seemed to be there with us,
He explains to me that they were the elect of the kings and that they controlled  hall, that they experimenting a kind of new planet warrior, faithful and sure fighter, to form a single army of the planet, that's why the disappearances, they took the mans from the villages and cities, they took them underground where they were educated and cloned, with small receivers in the brain to obey orders.
  I could not believe my eyes, I had read in old books about something like that but never that one day I found myself face to face with the elect of the Kings.

   The High Priest, so he said I had to call him, knew very well that he was speaking to a great and valiant Emir, he told me that they were hosting me until the Grand Council had decided what to do.
   On the evening of the following day the Captain, not seeing me return, took a trusted guard with him and ventured to climb the fence, he too entered the great palace with the favor of darkness, and found himself in that great hall surrounded by the guards, the Priest who had seen the man climb the fence and enter the hall, but he recklessly with a feline shot took the High Priest hostage, ordering him to free the Emir and themselves, at that point I who had witnessed the scene, I took part in the action by capturing another Priest, I said to order the men to let us pass, and go away in peace.
  The High Priest i order the guards to let us go, not before making us swear not to reveal the place and location of the Temple, otherwise the KINGS will take revenge on the peoples of the planet.
so it was.
 We returned to the oasis without going through the village, I told Brjiana what I had seen, saying it would be our secret that we will carry within us for life

Saturday 12 March 2022





/ my throat clears and stands in front of his guests and friends and looks at them each with a smile, raises his senor voice and begins to speak:

Dear Family, Friends and Honored Guests
It is an honor for me to welcome you here to the Seven Palms Oasis and thank you for coming.

Many know me as Darian Arliss, the Magistrate, but few of you know who I really am.
I am Prince Darian El Nairad, son of the great Sheikh Lester El Nairad.

Our city Nairad, in the desert east of Korat, was the victim of a vicious and devious attack by savages, who rushed into the city at night when everyone was asleep and killed everyone.
A nanny saves me and my brother Orlando. I was first taken to the North where I spent 2 years of my life.with Lady Chiara and Sir MIngh, Later adopted by Lady BB and Sir Mith Arliss, who took me to the city of Cartassa where I entered the blue caste and I studied Magistracy.

I lost sight of my brother Orlando for many years, but fate would have it that we found each other again, Orlando, who is older than me, returned years later to the ruins of Nairad and took over the regime and the legacy of our father. he was the legitimate heir.

During my many travels through the countries of this planet I have found this oasis and expanded it, took back my birth name and accepted my new assignments.
Even as an Emir, I remain a Magistrate because this is anchored in my heart, as is my legacy.

Here in the Oasis of Seven Palm Trees we, my beloved Princess Bryjana and I,
we moved the headquarters of our Gorean Moons Gazette publishing house. I thank the gods every day for this love of my life,

Ave El Nairad !!

Family, friends and dear guests, let's celebrate happily, eat, drink and dance, forget our daily worries for a moment, thank the gods and ask for help for peace in the country!

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Like every year, in the month of March the beginning of the new year is celebrated, the 20th of Marrzo (barbarian time) and for millennia the En-Kara fair has been organized, in the Sardar, we as the Moon Gazette newspaper, have set  our own little stand, both for sale and to let the people of the planet know the existence of the
newspaper itself.
   Despite the fact that we have been traveling to cities and villages for months to make ourselves known. But this is the most important place, all the cities and villages have their  stall, their representatives, they meet and discuss the new laws and new provisions that the elders, or great Magistrates receive from the Initiates, and they from the Priest Kings. ,
    Lately this planet is also changing, today many new citizens no
longer respect the laws, forgetting even to respect the Caste, sometimes we meet Slaver in some cities who become Ambassadors, or worse still become Magistrates and even Administrators, distorting roles and rules.
 There are no longer many who follow the rules of the role-playing
game, they improvise Mediators, without knowing exactly the meaning and what they should exercise, some do it only to preempt others by imposing their pride, and desire for power.
    The women then upset everything that the books teach, the slaves no longer study, they think only of sex and wear fashionable clothes made by designers, instead of wearing the classic tunic of different colors based on their destination, White for virgins, then  tunic red, the green and the yellow, few now kneel in front of the Masters, and few know the rules of serving at the table or in the Inn, or the art of dance.
   Free women now they improvise Doctors, without respecting the rule of having two children before exercising the profession, other Scribe Chiefs, not respecting what the law of the Planet requires, that is, the Scribes must have a marginal role, as women and have always has been beings inferior to man.
    Lately I happened to meet in a city a woman who improvised
herself as a magistrate, with rather bizarre clothes, who was friend of the Administrator, without having the know of the ''Second Knowledge'', in the millennia of the planet (in 35 books you have never heard and a female Magistrate's ). There have been great women, Warriors, Panthers, some Warriors because they are daughters of Warriors, but none can improvise herself in the role they like best.
     As I said, the fair also serves this purpose, determine new laws to be handed down and written into the laws of the city, it serves to confront each other to trade and make known one's village or city, ... in the next episode I will write about the events and news


Friday 4 March 2022


After so many preparations, the big day has finally arrived. Brjiana organized a guided tour of the city for all the guests, even from the distant Hammersgaard, but I was concerned with entertaining and welcoming guests on the large pier.

Sir Jerico the Elder was the first to arrive, immediately after the Countess Irene de Tulle, who arrived from the far North, the ship of the Vikings of Hammersgaard arrived just after sunset the sky was clear and the red of the sun that disappeared into the sea gave a light bronze to the houses of the Oasis.
First the servants and slaves went down to help in the services, then Sir Edu, with Lady Nani, then Sir Erik arrived with his beautiful companion, bringing his Dragon on a leash, who together with the little Dragon, crouched in a corner without giving the slightest annoyance.
Then the ship of Lady Red also arrive, the sister of Lady Chiara, my first mother adopt me when we escaped from Korat, together with sir Ming, lady Red with together with her partner the great Thor, from Thorvsland, they live in their earth  with creating events.
Lady Soraya, she arrive very late, but just in time to participate in the dances that had started in the meantime, Soraya and an old friend of mine from the South, she lived in the Oasis for some time waiting to embark on her journey for the world of dance with his sisters.
    As usual, I gave the welcome speech to everyone, briefly recounting the vicissitudes of my life, from the escape from Korat after the city was attacked and destroyed, with Lady Chiara and her companion  sir Ming, who to tell the truth he was running most of all, but behind the slaves, and so it was that one day she chase away Chiara Me and her slave, to marry a dark-colored slave imported from planet earth, we found refuge in the North in the village of Fjilsborg, and I when I reached the age of development I was sent to study by Scribe, in the city of Olni, where lady Lucy and lady Janette, with the slave Cristha took care of me, making me a good Scribe, Magistrate and Lawyer, then I began my travels first as
Ambassador, then as Cartographer from city to city, going up and down the Vosk, turning the Sardar, going into the Thahari, desert up to the village of Finnur fiord where Lady BB Arliss took a liking to me and adopted me, but I never revealed that I was the son of a Sheikh of the desert, and that on one of my trips I had discovered a deserted Oasis and was slowly building my castle there, for me and my subjects.
I was happy to see that everyone was amazed by my story, the only one who never arrived was my brother Orlando who had re-
appropriated the Caliphate of our Father Lester el Nairad, as he was the eldest son, I was very sorry but a commander of a ship told me it was on its way to Sardar for the En-Kara fair that would soon take place.
    The long party takes time and at the end one after the other the
guests left the Oasis leaving me and Brjiana, sitting alone by the sea to admire the three moons of the Planet, happy embraced until morning


Monday 28 February 2022


.... You could feel it in the air
men women children all
glued to the video dazed
how was this possible
dreams, hopes, desires
all over, in a moment,
   He spoke little, he didn't say much
just a word, just a sentence
his expressionless face
the coldness of the ice,
and we astonished to look at it
how could it ever be
how this could happen
yet we lived happy,
we dreamed of the future,
than him in an instant
with a few words he destroyed,
and we astonished to look at it
children roll up their toys
mothers pack
what were their memories, the objects of a life,
enclosed in a suitcase
towards a new horizon
towards freedom, escape death
and he imperative who threatens us
our God and his, with different clothes
and they bless him, they bless his banners
they bless his weapons
and we astonished to watch

(dedicated to ukraine)
ulysses1 (Darian el Nairad)

Friday 25 February 2022


By now the works in the Oasis were finished, only small details remained, but the builders would take care of everything.
  With Brjiana, my beloved partner, we were dealing with the newspaper, and many requests for newsstands came especially from the north.
   A Pirate who usually shuttles between the Oasis and the cities of the North, told us that a village named Thorhall was interested in our newspaper, because he was curious to know what was happening on the Planet. It is difficult for the Vikings of the north to be interested in reading, but obviously someone who has traveled to the South and knows the customs wants his people to learn the cultures of other peoples as well.
   As you well know, I do not like to stay still in the oasis to
 administer a quiet people, I prefer to navigate and discover new horizons and new Villages and cities of our planet, and we are also in the middle of winter, with the snow that has now covered the whole hemisphere. We decided that before the grand opening of the oasis, we could take a trip to that village called Thorhall.
   As usual, we loaded the ship with good wine and products from our land, along with carpets and perfumes that our perfumer was dedicated to inventing, and she was also very successful.
While I was personally checking the preparations on the ship, the Countess Irene arrived with her ship, passing through, returning from the island of Landa, she did not know about our trip, so after she had him visit the new Oasis and placed in an empty house, the we invited to the palace for as long as we would still stay, after which we said goodbye and left early in the morning, the sky was clear there were no clouds on the horizon and a light breeze was blowing from the south, the sea slightly rippled by the wind was flapping below the bow, many Vulo birds passed through their migration was a good omen for a peaceful journey.   We headed north. after two days of navigation, having crossed the great gulf of Thassa, towards evening we were in sight of the archipelago of Cos, we would have stopped only to load the best wine on the planet together with the much sought-after Jad grappa.
 We left the next day at high tide and headed for Hammersgaard, the village we know further north, we would have stopped for a map, from the commander of  city.

   In winter, venturing into the ice is not advisable unless you have a good map of the area, and the village Cartographer gave me a fairly accurate one, so the next morning we left for the village of Thorhall, we reached the area in the evening, we could see the signal fires on the rocks, but we waited for the morning to dock and go ashore, we did not find anyone around, but we know the people in winter live in the great hall all together, so we went up the steep road and arrived at the entrance, after having knocked we entered, we found some Warriors and free women sitting at the tables and some slaves strictly naked as required by the Northern law, who went around to serve.
    They called the wife of the village commander who arrived immediately after, I explain that his companion was seriously ill, I explain that his consort was seriously ill, but I believe that Sir Dante was asleep or was engaged with some kajira and that she knew nothing about what he had arranged for the newspaper, she said she would meet the council of elders to decide, but not earlier than a week or two (barbarian time), we disappointed we left the village, not after exchanging wine and perfumes for skins that we had sold at our market.
    Returning to the ship I told the Commander to prepare everything that the next day at high tide we would leave for the Oasis.
  This time we weren't happy with our trip, but not always everything goes as we would like it to be


Wednesday 23 February 2022


   Filly everything is ready, we have come a long way, from a small
oasis with a few houses now to a real city, my Emirate, finally now we have a port, a new road that crosses the whole island up to the buildings, crossing, the houses , skirting the small lake of the falls, up to the new bridges over the river.
   The new buildings with their golden domes soar into the sky, now we have the infirmary, and we have the public toilet for women, the guards have their new white uniforms, and Brjiana has planted
flowers and trees all around.
 It was my dream to rebuild the emirate, I had sniffed it out to my dying Father after the incursion and destruction by Bedouins along with the panthers, and finally here it is, citizens will proliferate as soon as they know about the new enlarged oasis, they will be able to live happy all together, I very much hope that my brother orlando can come back with us and take his rightful place.
    I have already sent messengers to the islands and mainland cities all over the planet for the big party that will take place on the day (2-3-2022 barbarian time), I hope that many will come to our party bringing your companions and your bond to serve guests, we will look forward to be happy with you for a few moments all together ..... thank you


Monday 21 February 2022


By now our plans in the north for the newspaper were resolved, we had a good reception everywhere we went.
 the North, as much as it is said on the planet, is always welcoming
towards travelers or traders, especially towards us, although few read our newspaper, many still do not know how to read, while others use their dialect to express themselves, but despite this we were successful, now we have so many more friends,
Lady Nani with her partner and their little offspring have remained in our hearts and we have promised ourselves to return to them as soon as possible.
    We left one morning when the fog had cleared a little, and the light north wind would have pushed us out and then headed south, Brjiana is very satisfied with the success of our newspaper, we have sold many copies, and we will soon prepare our next issue to be released on the first of next month (March 1, 2022 barbarian time). Back to
the island together with Brjiana we decided to make many changes to the oasis, build many more houses for the people and finally we would build the infirmary, and public baths, with stone tubs and hot water.
starting the renovation of the port, expanding it, then redoing all the much safer streets and the headquarters of the Gazzetta in the side of the building.
   The works are still going on today, many things have to be completed, we plan to finish everything before the great heat and the arrival of the sandstorms.
  A surprise that made me very happy was the arrival of a ship from the city of Jad, capital of the archipelago of Cos, some warriors announced the arrival of the commander of the city who was none other than Sir Jeriko, we had met in korat I as a child and he guarded and trained Tharlarion and also organized running competitions with them, then lost sight of, I knew that he had retired to his big farm with his partner Betty, but time passes and things change.
  He was happy to see me again Prince d'ell Oasis, he had left me as a young student, now I was here with my people, he arrived at the palace with his entourage and his faithful Kajira Rosa, We talked a lot about the past, he told me that Lady Betty was she left a few years ago and never returned, perhaps she too tired, and he had moved to the great city of Jad as commander.    He told me he was traveling from the island of Landa had brought them the grappa of Cos, and some barrels of Cos wine the best on the planet, he had heard about our newspaper and curious he wanted to know us and know more about it.
  We explained to him that they could have our newsstand in their city, and surely it would also bring them a lot of publicity on the planet, he enthusiastically invited us to Jad to place our newsstand, so we followed him with our ship until we reached the island, I I had already lived in the great city of Jad I had been a magistrate, then with the death of the Ubar and the arrival of a new one, things fell
apart and I left the island, but now the Ubar is always traveling they told me, and Sir Jeriko rules, personally inspecting all kajires that arrive.
    A lot has changed since I left, but you know things change over time.
   We set up our newsstand on the large jetty to access the port, after having said goodbye to the Comandate again, we left for the oasis, many problems to be solved awaited us, not before passing by the Kajira Rosa for the bureaucratic matters and we set off again.

Friday 18 February 2022


At the oasis life was not very busy, on our return a sandstorm
covered the quay and the central square, and all the terraces of the houses and the castle, we rolled up our sleeves and with the citizens
we cleaned up everything, it's not it was easy it took a lot of work and a lot of patience.
  Brjiana, she too was busy preparing food together with the other women for those who worked, and it was evident that she too was not very happy with the return and the monotonous life of the Oasis.
   We regretted our voyages to Thassa, and to Wosk, although sometimes the storms suddenly surprised us, especially in the great gulf of the North.
     We have moved the headquarters of our newspaper to the Oasis, setting up the machines and equipment in a hall at the rear entrance of the castle, and now we can work calmly, until we make other trips to the continent. Other cities have joined the sale of the newspaper by putting newsstands in their cities, a good sign means that we are on the right path.
    When everything was settled and after we resumed our work at the newspaper. One day a pirate ship arrived from the north, to unload skins and barrels of Meal and northern kalana, the captain came to greet me and I brought a package with a message from a Jarl from a northern village named Bergvik, in the Torvalsdland, Jarl Sir Bergson had heard of our newspaper and invited us to bring them a newsstand, where we could sell copies, even if in the north few know how to read well, but he tries to emancipate his people in a way that they become like the citizens of the south, and not remain rough Vikings, who spend their winter in the big common house drinking and having fun with the slaves.
    After consulting with my partner Brjiana and the commander of the guards, we decided that a trip north would not be bad as we would visit a few ports along the way and wonder if they didn't sell other copies.
 The trip by ship strangely for the winter period slips lightly and without encountering thunderstorms or storms as usually found in the great gulf of Thassa, the wind from the south pushed us making us increase speed, after a short break in Tira to supply us with drinking water , we continued north, stopped in Hammersgard, to meet our friends Nani and Edu and their little offspring that was growing well, the next day we left, in the evening we reached Finnur fiord, where my sister Shaina still lives while my mother lady BB and left for the south with my father, my sister Shaina has a large farm in the village of Finnur and you supply us with every good that she grows together with her fellow citizens.
we left early in the morning and in the afternoon we were in sight of the village of Bergvik, we couldn't see much the deep snow

submerged everything the smoke from the chimneys rose to the sky, and the bitter cold made us wear warm clothes and furs, before going down to the pier where guards were waiting for us who took us to the village .
..... continue

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...