Sunday 29 October 2023

Padre: Francis (casta verde)

4.564 / 5.000

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She is the daughter of Cintia (perfumer) and Francis (renowned green caste surgeon). Wendy decides to gain acclaim in the world of medicine in her early years, at just 7 years old, when her father goes to another city to take care of her health and that of her sick mother with a soft drink that cures her of pneumonia. finally failing. in her arms. From this moment we are aware that ignorance of the cure is the impotence of not being able to help the sick who have the option of saving themselves if they have sufficient knowledge.

After a day of mourning she knew that she had to turn to Koroba and explain what had happened, but no one else had to be moved by the fact that it was Tharna, Tharna was for her partly a toll of the enemy who had this. She felt guilty about the greens that made her want to believe that if that had been the case, Teo would have survived. Before going to Koroba you talk to several citizens of Tharna and one of them tells you that it seems that you need the green caste so you decide that you want to practice your profession in Tharna but first you have to go to Koroba to explain. What happened to your family, he gets documentation and decides what to do with your children. He goes to the store, talks to your parents, clothes and accessories, essential medications and a first aid kit, asks for the documentation you think is necessary and decides to now leave your two children in the care of your family. He marches with a new mercenary to Tharna with the aim of taking advantage of his profession,

The emptiness of her heart due to the loss of her human heart Isaac enters a depression, taking refuge and finding peace of mind in the temple before the mourning passes. Thanks to her only living baby (Rosa, greenhouse and mother of her father), she learns to read very fluently and to cook, recognizing the child's edible and inedible specialties and accessing the first medical documentation. basic. Before the age of 10, medicinal plants can be collected and grown and the course of an untreated disease can be predicted. At the age of 15 he began to help his father in the clinic, observing on many occasions how animals and even people treated patients, working as a right hand in surgeries, making his first pills, learning to prepare tinctures and ointments in among other remedies.. When she had known Teo for 16 years, a young man born in Tharna, 5 years older than her, belonged to the red caste and had a comforting smile, when she felt protected and her eyes shone in a special way. I heard you many times consult your father with whom you collaborated, always coming to Koroba to meet her with some excuse. The following year, Wendy announced that in the coming months her lovers would be united in marriage. At 18, Elisa married for the first time, 4 years later in Santiago.
When you have two children you will be able to practice the green caste and complete your studies. At the age of 23 she practically obtained the license and officially worked alongside her father as a Green Breed in the clinic. Indeed everything seemed like the seat, yes she really felt happy and happy but this did not last long. Theo continued working in Tharna and went from place to place, often refraining from going to sleep for a few days, but this time he assured Wendy that it would not be 2 moons before he returned, but 3 moons to arrive. He got home and this gave him a bad feeling, the next morning he brought a message informing him that Teo had been injured. According to the word that Tharna wrote in the book and Theo's letter said that she had a deep wound near her heart and he was fighting for her life on the second floor of the infirmary, she wanted to see her so that she would not survive. Wendy went to be heard by a mercenary in a drag cart she was making there but when she arrived it was already too late because she had made a mistake. They explained to her that he was a 35-year-old boy, apparently a debased beggar with one day's pay who attacked Teo and refused to bring weapons into the city... She was completely devastated, and felt depressed in one of them in the hostel rooms for 7 moons, making sure that the slave tavern owners were the ones who visited their room, paying a supplement and going up from there just to get to the temple to pray.


Tuesday 24 October 2023




      A multitude of women have landed on the planet Gor, they present themselves as arrogant and presumptuous, acquiring titles that are not always theirs, wherever you go, in the cities, in the villages or in the tribes. It's the women who have the upper hand over the men, and they don't always play Gor as they should according to the books' directions.
     As for the Scribes... lately in the cities there are more Scribes than citizens, everyone wants to be Magistrates or assistant Magistrates, so it happens that in a city I found: three Magistrates and a Chief Magistrate, a Chief Scribe, an Ambassador, a Warrior , and a Merchant, in the books only a few women became Scribes, because it was a job dedicated to men, but today they all have bright clothes, they all go around with slaves, and they all act like in cartoons.
      I studied as a magistrate, I have had a lot of experience and various cases, now sometimes I come to cities for my newspaper and I feel ashamed to say that I am a Scribe-Magistrate, however I hope that everything continues for a long time to come.
    As for women, they forget their Gorean role, and allow themselves to send notices of warrants to the Magistrates who are untouchable only the Initiates can judge them, there is no court, unless it is played like in the WALT DISNEY cartoon, which lately it is the most popular for life in Gor.
    My thought is this: I just hope they don't destroy the game, many leave GOR because they get bored with the slave roleplay, always the same, and I just hope that Gor doesn't end up like the Vampires, the decline begins when all the women wanted to become Queens


     I want to tell you the story of Ninde Dragon, a splendid girl I met in a village in the north, the first thing I saw as soon as I arrived at the port was little Ninde, her exotic appearance, a mixture of light and dark skin , she did not hide her origins, certainly from the South, perhaps Shendi, but her roots certainly inherited from distant relatives of black skin, her body very sinuous and with accentuated curves, not very tall but with everything in the right place, her brown hair with highlights clear and her greenish and very deep eyes with a honey green in the center, she was not very tall, she could have been 1.65 tall at a guess, with a weight that must not exceed 60-65 kilos, her build however very athletic, with legs muscular, someone who walks a lot, she is very intelligent. she knows how to behave with visitors and is in control if she speaks fluently. and she presents things like a strategist, even if she sometimes gives away her distrust of strangers.
  She welcomed visitors in the name of her owner, she intrigued me a lot and I asked him to tell me about her life, she was a little hesitant at first, she doesn't have a very open and talkative character but my question intrigued her and she tells me that has a particular story of her own written by her in her free moments secretly from her master, and that he would be happy to give it to me so that I can publish it in the newspaper..

I will meet him at the tavern when she has finished her work, and she will bring her scrolls for me.

I start reading her story...... ''she Comes from Schendi, born in the Mamba tribe. She was the daughter of Ninde Naihjara Hjara and an apparently free man whose name we do not know, who according to her mother had Nordic features (big blond hair almost Alvin, pale skin and blue eyes) but she had never seen nor remember meeting.
She remembers a stormy past and only in flashes, of short phrases, screams and moans typical of hatred. That was the night that broke her stability, which she believes made her grow up and stop being a girl to transform in the process of becoming a strong woman, the mamba invasion of her village, seeing it burned, full of dead and losing his mother. above all., she generated great trauma and she filled a lot of time in her heart with pain, resentment, anger, anger and importance. That night she saw her mother die and she as her successor and she remembers with fire her last words of her that she shouted "Run, Run, Nindina"

   At the same time she said "my daughter will kill you all and she will eat dinner on your skulls".
She was hard to suddenly feel alone, young, helpless and have so much darkness inside her, she stayed hidden in the forests for 1 year, hunting alone and talking to animals, plants and trees. In this period of his lonely life, he killed every man he could with his daggers behind the weeds, turning his back on him, and his mother's last words always resonated in his mind and for this reason, with resentment, he tore off his collarbones from back to front and then cut off his head and kicked the ground contemptuously. On some moons she also fed on the human flesh of those she had destroyed, to rejoice in it, as a ritual to the moon and in honor of her mother.

After a year she felt she was going crazy and began to forget many of the knowledge her mother had taught her when she was little: medicine, writing and languages, good manners and dancing, so she began to outline her plan: To enter as a stupid girl and weak in a big city, to one day take revenge on those men who had destroyed his family. Soon she was enslaved and continued in the shadows to plot her revenge, but everything changed her plans when after 6 months: she met Mariash, her sister and together they shared stories for a while and she began to acquire and leave second his most beautiful things slowly. she starts out instinctive and wild, becoming more delicate and following her sister's advice to survive. 


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Friday 20 October 2023


     It wasn't a lucky ceremony, a few days later she left for who knows where, chasing her fame as a baker and baker, famous for her cakes, and for her business, buying products to use in her bakery , abandoning Orlando alone in a city with few people and always busy.
After some considerations Orlando decided to resume his real name of Darian, leave his job as Chief of Scribes and leave for his home in the North, before the arrival of winter, I ordered the Captain to prepare the ship for the long journey from Geela to Hammersberg the Viking village. I left once again sad and alone, sometimes happiness when you think you have it in your hands... it slips away like sand and you are once again left looking for someone.

    We left at high tide, the southerly wind immediately pushed us out to sea, setting our course towards the north. At night I was woken up by the movement of the ship which bounced on the large waves which were formed by the strong northerly wind which swept the deck of the ship. , the Captain gave the order to reduce the sails, trying to maintain the course, for three days we were at the mercy of the wind and the raging sea, which pushed us away without the possibility of maintaining the direction of the course, until the morning of the third day we we woke up surrounded by a thick fog that hid 


everything, the commander had fires lit at the stern and bow and we continued our misadventure without a destination.  The whole day and night passed like this without having a point of reference, until the next morning a sailor shouted Earth, we all went on deck, we found ourselves facing a gray and gloomy island with high mountains, until we were in sight of a majestic fortification, with large boulders that formed the protection of the high and massive walls, to our great surprise other ships were at anchor and some at the docks in the small port, in agreement with the Captain we went ashore and found ourselves in front of the large gate after crossing a bridge suspended between the rocks, we entered and another stone bridge suspended in the void led to the city gate.
    At the entrance a commander of the guards, Sir Liam welcomed us together with his slaves, I introduced myself as Darian the Emir, and as Scribe and magistrate of Gor, after the welcome he showed us the Tavern and the entrance of the Scribe caste , I met Lady Katerina there, assistant head of the Scribe caste and daughter of the Ubar, after introducing myself and giving my credentials, she told me that there were already many scribes and magistrates, but that in a big city they needed new people. I accompanied myself to Sir Marco's office who asked me about my work around the planet, he already knew me by reputation and was proud to have me in the Caste, he asked me what job I wanted to do, but there were already many Magistrates, the I said that I was studying to be a Magistrate, for now since the job of Cartographer was free I accepted it, then I spoke to him about my newspaper, I asked him to open a branch of the ''Gazette of Gor'' he was enthusiastic about the idea I gave him some copies of my newspaper, told me that I could start preparing a copy entitled ''the lost city'' for printing until everyone can read.
     I was also welcomed by Lady Kallist, the aide of the Casta chief and daughter of the Ubar Sir Harry, I remember well having met him other times and now he had built this remote city, calling the best inhabitants of the Planet to live there. I met Lady Joy, also an old acquaintance, and while I was sitting in the square I also met Mr D, a helpful and kind merchant, I still glimpsed Lady Domino with her partner, and many other citizens whose names I don't know but with a I hope to get to know them all in a short time,
    The city looks like this: as soon as we enter the main door we find ourselves in a large square with the four sides occupied by sofas and chairs with tea tables, while in the center a large fountain, on the opposite stairs there are the bathrooms while on the right the caste of scribes, then going up the stairs there are the castes of the Doctors' Warriors and the offices of the Magistrates.
   I often take walks on the city walls, looking at the sea and the distant horizon, trying to glimpse something that can remind me of my lost happiness.



Monday 9 October 2023


      After Orlando's companionship ceremony with Takama, life had resumed happily in the city. The other day Sir Jovan showed up in my office with a request, to give freedom to his favorite slave Kayla and take her under her Protection. Although he was always surrounded by slaves, this time he had fallen in love with the most beautiful one, he confessed it to me openly and he told me that he would soon fulfill their dream of love with the beautiful Kayla, he also said that he had renounced his title of Ubar, to return to being the Kennel Slaver, her sister Lady Skylarr would resume command and administration of the city of Geela.

     I was happy to prepare his documents of Manumission and Protection on his part towards lady Kayla, who had now become a lady and needed protection according to the law of Gor, I returned to the bakery, on the corner behind the large building, Takama was waiting for me with the my favorite freshly baked biscuits, while I was sitting with her immersed in her deep eyes, chatting and deciding about the future, a slave announced to me that the Ubara was waiting for me in my office for an urgent communication, I said goodbye to Takama my partner and headed towards the palace.

     As soon as Lady Skylarr entered, beaming, she announced to me that she and Sir Franken, the leader of the Pysichians, had decided to become companions, Franken had been hanging around the beautiful Skylarr for some time, everyone in the city knew that sooner or later he would decide to ask her as a companion, by now the courtship period was over and he told me that they wanted to have the ceremony on the beach instead of in the temple like mine.

     I prepared the contracts for him, I gave him their copy to sign and give me back one with their seal for the archive, we decided the date of the ceremony - October 5th (earth time) - as a ceremony I proposed that of the Ribbons, the most short and less boring especially for warriors and merchants who always wait for the end to gorge themselves on food and Paga or Ka la na.

       Now everything was ready, one day I was called to the book club on the beach, Lady Skylarr was present with Sir Franken, and Sir Jovan with Lady Kayla, Lady Skylarr asked me if it was possible to have two consecutive ceremonies, she and her brother would be happy to getting married on the same day, I told them that it had never happened to me, but that I would make sure to keep them happy, when the big day arrived we celebrated a great event with many guests, I wore the dress of a great Judge (Praetor), they in their glittering dresses appeared before me happily and we celebrated their companionship ceremony

   Sir Iovan now has his partner Lady Kayla
   Sir Franken ............................Lady Skylarr

      Geela's life has resumed happily, Takama has become a great baker and goes from city to city with her goods, I have resumed my life.
We will finally have another great event in Geela, sir Jovan and lady Kayla will have a child who will be their heir, sir Jovan proudly announced it to me today, meeting me in the central square, I am also happy for them...
We will anxiously await the birth of little Snow


Tuesday 19 September 2023

Ceremony in Geela

     Already from the early hours of dawn the guests arrived at the port, a delegation was there to welcome them, the festively decorated city of Geela sparkled with golden banners and garlands of white flowers along the streets up to the temple of ceremonies.
     I spent the morning walking around Geela, from one place to another checking everything, everything seemed perfect, I went to the tailor to pick up the dress he had made for me, looking at it it was beautiful white and gold with the blue belt band, I did it brought to my office I would have dressed there, I didn't want to enter the house that Takama had furnished and prepared for us, the seamstress told me that Takama had already collected hers and that she was certainly trying it on, after the tour I returned to my office and reread the company contract, I certainly hadn't written about my properties, but it was superfluous, Takama loved me and didn't have a Father who demanded a dowry, but I had told her about my Oasis of the Seven Palms, one day I would take her to that paradise to live happily with my people, but for now we would stay here and work, me as Chief Scribe and her as Baker until a new one came to take her place.

     The day before Takama had come to my office for documents to change her name to my El Darian, a formality but all the papers were ready and after the signatures I took them to lady Skylar the tatrix for her seal, much to my Surprised she told me that she wouldn't celebrate, but Sir Jovan, I was unprepared for that news but in the end Jovan would also be up to the task, he was still Tatrix's brother.

    In the evening I went to the temple well in advance, some guests were already seated, the candles were lit and the flowers perfumed the environment, the slaves were running from one place to another and the musicians were preparing their stage, we would have danced after the end of the ceremony , and the cutting of the cake, meanwhile the time was approaching, Jovan was already on the altar fiddling with bottles and rolls of parchment,
I stopped at the top of the stairs at the entrance under the columns and waited... after the room was filled with guests Takama finally arrived in her white dress embroidered with diamonds and white ribbons, she was finally here, I took her under my arm to my right and I took her to the altar, the ceremony was very emotional, the slaves were crying and applauding, Jovan was confident, I was a little less embarrassed but as you know, it's normal.

    Once the ceremony was over everyone applauded happily, we cut the cake and offered a piece to everyone, while the painters drew the scene, then the dancing began and continued throughout the night, in the end tired we retired to our new home, tired but happy, finally I had seen Takama without a veil and I had been able to kiss her on the lips.

     We postponed what would have been our new life until the next day.


Sunday 17 September 2023


     Sono appena ritornato da Falworth
dopo aver intervistato la Pantera Cree, con mia grande sorpresa mentre raggiungevo la nave, incontrai una Shaman, conoscevo per sentito dire ma non avevo mai incontrato di persona, una figura spaventosa per chi non è preparato all'incontro, mi si paro davanti all'improvviso. proprio mentre scendevo il ripido pendio che mi avrebbe portato al porto dove la mia nave aspettava, avevo mandato via le guardie perché preparassero la partenza, ed ero solo e disarmato. Lei con un balzo felino mi attacco bloccandomi con il suo lungo bastone, dove in cima aveva infilato un teschio umano, mentre ero li disteso guardavo il suo viso dipinto da mille colori e le guance bianche spettrali.

    Mi chiese come ero arrivato in quel villaggio di Pantere e cosa volessi da loro, dopo avergli spiegato che ero un giornalista e che aveva già avuto un'intervista da Cree la giovane pantera gli dissi che conoscevavo bene la loro regina Rikki, avevamo già avuto modo di incontrarci in Thentis e nella fiera di En-Kara, anche lei una brava giornalista, inoltre mi mostro dopo avermi liberato il cerchio Magico dove loro ossequiavano i morti, tutti i Goreani morti avevano i loro nomi scritti su un grande muro nero e molte lampade accese in suffragio.

    Parlammo molto di Gor e delle pantere, finche incomincio a fidarsi di me e mi porto nel loro vero villaggio, nascosto oltre le caverne della montagna, non credo che nessuno mai fosse arrivato in quel villaggio senza essere ucciso, fu un grande onore scoprire la vera vita delle Pantere e mentre parlavamo prendevo appunti e disegnavo la donna e il villaggio, lei mi disse che Shekinah Arani era l'unico grande villaggio rimasto ai margini della foresta di Shendi, e l'unico che ancora manteneva le loro tradizioni, gli chiesi da dove veniva, e mi disse che lei arrivava dal Nord, insieme alle guerriere più forti quelle che riuscivano a sopravvivere al viaggio e alle imboscate, intanto si sentivano gridare di richiamo da parte delle mie guardie per la partenza, salutai lo Sciamano dicendo che sarei tornato per parlare con la loro regina (EN) Rikki e continuare la storia emozionante, e ritornai alla nave.

      A Geela fervevano i preparativi per la cerimonia della mia compagnia con Takama, tutte le schiave affaccendate agli ordini di Takama e Skylarr con ghirlande e fiiori arredavano il tempio, la cerimonia sarà celebrata domani 18settembre (earthtime), ore 12slt, lady Skylarr sarà l' officiante, presto andro da lei per delle modifiche al contratto poi andro dalla sarta per l'ultima prova del vestito, mentre Takama felicissima mi guarda con gli occhi dell'amore, la casa e già pronta e arredata, ho mandato gli invitati agli amici altri li mandero oggi, ......che dire son felice.....


Friday 15 September 2023


       I always remember it, that city remained in my heart, I thought about it the other evening while looking at the sea on the horizon, and the mountain behind me with its unexplored reliefs, yes I'm talking about the city where I started my career and had them the first job at Cartogrago, I would have preferred to become an Ambassador but it wasn't very big, we lived on fishing and farm products.

    Sir Ming was the Ubar, at that time Lady Chiara's companion, he took a liking to me, I became his trusted friend and I lived in the palace together with his family, until a beautiful slave arrived, tall, dark-skinned with feline and sensual movements , as soon as I met the slaver I bargained her for two silver plates and took her to my quarters in the palace, I believed that happiness had finally arrived, but Sir Ming also set his eyes on the black slave, meanwhile Lady Chiara never missed an opportunity to launch me fiery looks, I didn't know her yet but she never missed an opportunity to bring slaves into her rooms.

     Sir Ming had the slave imprisoned and threatened to kill me if I tried to free her, while he ordered the guards to capture Lady Chiara and take her to the Kennel as a slave, because she had argued a lot with Ming about that slave, Chiara was very jealous, a trusted guard I told myself about the imminent capture, and I, aided by trusted guards and slaves, took Lady Chiara and escaped with a ship leaving for Port Kar, Sir Ming was happy not to have to kill me and make her companion a slave, he gave the slave her freedom and he took her as a companion, I later learned that they had left the city of Falworth to move to an island in the Cos archipelago.
"there could be more.....
     With lady Chiara things did not go well she loved every man she met and demanded that I be present and participate with her in her sexual encounters, so I took my things again and left for the city of Egeria, I would return to Port Kar later as a lawyer.
      I really wanted to see the old places again, Falworth is not very far from Geela, only a stretch of sea divides the island from the city, so I organized a trip with the excuse of proposing a treaty of friendship and peace, I set off. Once at the port there was no longer the old city with its docks and its houses all around the large square, but only some shacks used as port warehouses and a road that led to the mountains.

      I was very disappointed, I loved that city even though over the years I have seen many, some of them very beautiful, I decided to follow that road and find out where it led, I arrived in a clearing after climbing the steep road, I then found myself in front of a portal, there 'It was written Shekinah Arani, I couldn't understand until I glimpsed the palisade, definitely a Panther village, perhaps the same ones they had destroyed, Port Korat not far away, where as a child I had taken refuge with Darian, escaping from our Oasis, having arrived at the door made of logs, I stopped waiting for someone to open the door or for someone to arrive.

     While I was sitting I thought about the journey and the vanished city, like a flash a Panther arrived, armed to the teeth and with a threatening tone I asked myself who I was and what I wanted from his village, I told him of my intentions to see my first city again and of the opportunity to write an article about his tribe.
     He told me his name was Cree, and that he was a young panther even though his sisters did their best to teach him all about fighting and raids and mountain survival. I asked him about Shekinah, he told me it was perhaps the last great panther village. of Shendi and the forest, he also told me that their Queen (EN) is called Mariko, but now on a trading trip, (or at least I understood it) I asked him to tell me the story of his life, before she was suspicious and looked at me in silence, then he took a breath and started speaking. (and I'll tell you exactly what she told me).

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

*Cree's Arrows Fly*

A slaver voice gets range to Cree -
And shouts 'whos slave are rutty thee!?'

-- growls silently at surprise unwelcome
when picking the rippened berries --

"Born on the wings of time,
Not easy to define.
Don't think born Late,
Just in time.
The island was sinking,
So I was taken to sky.
twas in Tarn,
Only now I know."

"Dropped in to the sea,
And washed ashore.
That's what Im told,
Is all I know."

--Slaver stopped by ear intrigued--
--Cree bought the time to quiver ready--
"We love other things
From this time,
The spiders orb,
The silent snake,
a waters voice,
The blood of wound,
Or flesh with roast
Wrapped in greens.
These are my parts---
---And make my bow TIGHT!"

Aiming now,
with the Priestess's strength
who controls all evil,
squints the taught Shaman's sharp blink of eye,
and swift ponders on Slavers reply --

-- Hard to grow here?
What is this thought

But they never ask the tree,

Risultati della traduzione

Risultato di traduzioBut they never ask the tree,

or 3 day flower, A Crawler, leg minus, or a forest they carve. She mainly just glares, her eyes of her hunting fore. Quaves to berrie baskets, --Prays voice in tender-- "Forest sisters show the way, Fair Goddess Diana Oh Break all illusions, show this conclusion, And be no rules here. True fight - I go" -- Cree's Arrows fly -- Here's what he told me.. while a guard came running in telling me that the tide was going out and we had to leave immediately, I had a Caste meeting in Geela the next day but I would be back as soon as possible.....I said goodbye to Cree and I ran towards the port to leave again.....

671 / 5.000

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 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...