Tuesday 29 November 2022



 Today I want to tell you the story of a sweet girl I met.

Little Sierra is sitting on the waterfront, she looks into the distance, looking at the horizon waiting for a ship that may never arrive.

She was born on the line that divides the north from the south, grew up in an anonymous city populated by people who often stay some time but then leave, or by merchants and pirates who stop for some repair or for some trade.


Now grown up, the girl no longer plays with her friends but is busy at home helping her mother and brothers, the father now far away for a long time no longer gave news  of himself and  they lived from the work of the doctor mother, gave lessons to the daughters who helped her in dressings and healing potions

   One day a young pirate arrived at the port, tall blond with blue eyes, I enter the medicine shop for a wound to a leg, and Eli falls in love at first sight, he too is dazzled by the beauty of the young woman, and after a period of courtship he took her as a companion, he settled in the city opened a large warehouse of products that traded between the north and the south.

    Everything was going well they were happy and she was expecting a child from him, but sometimes happiness does not last forever and one day the small town was attacked by marauders who devastated and killed anyone who opposed or defended the walls, The young pirate took his pregnant wife to the nearby woods and hid her under leaves, And he ran along with others to defend and drive out those marauders.

     While some fought others captured women and children and took them on their ship, until they ran away taking those women and children, so it was that the young pirate along with other citizens set up a ship to chase and free those people.

    Sierra passed the danger I return to the house waiting in vain for his companion who gave no more news of him, until one day some passing pirates gave him a parchment where he wrote that he would soon return, but time passed and the girl who in the meantime had given birth to a girl, every day went to the port to get news of her partner.


    One day a ship arrived from the south, and the commander told the young woman that his companion's ship had sunk in the storm and that there was no more news of the pirate.

    She never resigned herself and one day the child had grown up, and had aside a little money earned with her work decided to undertake research and at the same time wanted to study to become a Scribe since not having two children could not practice the profession of healer.

She knew of a new large city very populated and decided to visit it hoping there would be a class, otherwise she would move to nearby Thentis, or to the big city of Olni, or Sais could attend courses there.

   One day she was sitting in the tea room of the square overlooking the docks of the port she saw Lui, a tall young man with shoulder-length blond hair, dressed in blue who was slowly advancing looking around followed by some guards.

   She could not believe her eyes was the image of her now lost companion, the closer she got and the more she noticed the resemblance to the point that getting up she ran towards him, the guards stopped her asking what she wanted from their Emir, it was then that I noticed the difference in features this was much younger and taller,

The Emir invited her to sit with him to drink a black wine asking him who he was and what she wanted from him, she told him her story, and the hope that one day she would see and embrace her love again, the Emir introduced himself as Darian in Nairad,  Andmiro of the Oasi of the seven palms,  in the south of the Thassa Sea,  he is also looking for his missing partner with his newborn baby Lady Harmony this is the name of the woman.



But the friendship did not last long, she attended the course at Scribe's and soon she would graduate, and so as soon as she graduated she was called to the city of kargash, the Ubar Sir Youroki took her as Chief Scribe and with his companion Lady Sabayna decided to adopt her together with herdaughter who one day would embrace again.  to  be able to woo her and take her as a companion,  she very enthusiastic, but Sir Youroki who had also lived in the south, precisely in the city of Landa together withthe emir refused him courtship without a plausible reason.

They lost sight of each other for a few years, in the meantime the Emir abdicated in favor of his brother Orlando, had resumed the name he had when he ran away from the oasis, for the city of Korat, and after the fall of Victoria after a brief visit to the north ofhis mother Lady BB Arliss the Magistrate Ulysses, stopped first in a city called Northerm Lig  th and  then moves  to the newly rebuilt city of Venna, called by Lady Jinni who alreadylived and worked as Scribe.

One day while the Magistrate visited the great lake of Venna, he was called to the port, a friend of his had arrived they told him, he ran to the port and found himself in front of the little Sierrarose, the emotion was great and after talking about the old days and asking her I take her to visit the lake.

He said that the city of Kargash had  fallen and that his family had moved to the oasis  of Cartassa, there, the  magistrate knew everyone for who had worked there, she told him that she had known of a tall  and blond  man who lived in Venna and had believed it was her partner. but the disappointment ends soon, She was happy to see him again and asked him to stay a few days in the city with him, then she would return to her family.

But I always see her sitting by the sea, looking into the distance in search of something that will never come,



Sunday 27 November 2022


                 TH BANK THEFT

A day of the Magistrate



While I was busy studying the case of a Free companion of a Captain of the guards, she denounced her husband for neglecting her, she said that she spent every night in the Inn with the slaves of the city, she asked me to intervene, she could also reject him, the law of the planet, allows the companion every year to confirm her union,  but the husband being Captain of the guards and as a result of an old law of the Planet could make her a slave, the law says: - A woman and free as long as the man allows him to be-

A seemingly easy but somewhat complicated case, no Magistrate would have ever put himself against a Captain at risk of an accident in the night, which could cost him his life.

While I was absorbed in those thoughts, I heard an excited voice coming from the street, I looked out on the balcony and asked the guard

-What is this hustle and bustle, you can no longer work in peace in this city-

The guard who was usually stationed atmydoor, after consulting with a passer-by said:

-Sir Ulises robbed the central bank, taking away all the gold plates-

This was my job, I rushed to the bank which was several blocks from my office, arrived in front of the door I saw the Commander of the Guards and the Chief of the Scribes together with Lady Lucy the Ambassador, already on the spot investigating, I asked for news and Sir Robert told me

-Last night someone broke into the bank stealing only the gold plates, leaving the silver and iron ones in their place, just now that the director of the bank is hospitalized in the infirmary for an illness he had the other day-

A rather strange case, while I was looking around some signs of burglary, I remembered that the day before I had met a free of low Caste, with a scar on his right cheek, who answered my questions whose questions he was.

-My name is Bry, I came to town looking for work and Ubar assigned me the job as a Black smith-

-we already have a black smith in town, tell me who you are otherwise I'll get you arrested-

He visibly worried told me:

-In truth I am a magician arrived in the city withmy bandwagon, we will perform in the central square as  soon as possible-

That said, while I was looking for evidence of what he said disappeared from my sight, maybe he was really a magician, but at that moment I didn't think about it, I went into the inn to have a drink. I asked the Captain if they had notified the bank manager and he replied.

-I don't think anyone wants to do it, he has a temper and could get angry-

So I decided to go in person to the infirmary, arrived at the door I heard laughter and shouting coming from inside, I lent my ear and I heard clearly the banker say to his slave:

-We will no longer have problems small, with the gold coins that I stole from the bank, we will go to a big city and make the good life-

In silence I retraced my steps when I arrived at the bank and called the captain and told him:

-Take two guards we will go to search the house of the director-

The captain obeyed and after forcing the door and making a meticulous search we found in the barrel of Paga wrapped in skins the gold plates, I sent the captain to arrest the banker I would have tried him the next day and the slave I entrusted to theSlave to  put her in the Kennel at the disposal of  the passing Pirati.

The trial did not last long he confessed the misdeed, and said:

-I went back to my house at night, going through the back door evading the guards, from there I went into the bank, then you know the rest-

I condemned him to forced labor in the iron mines at the foot of the Sardar mountains. The head of the scribes Sir Robert was radiant, having recovered his gold plates, even the lady lucy very happy, I returned to my work for the complex case of the captain and his companion, whom I would have summoned as soon as possible to see for myself if it was her husband who neglected her or it she who could not satisfy him, a question that I liked too much, I would have touched with my hand .................. Go on

Sunday 20 November 2022



I am finally integrating myself into this city, normally called ''Resort'', and actually the population lives in its comfort and in the beauty of its streets, squares and multicolored houses, in the afternoon I often stop in the tea room, to enjoy my usually Black wine, made with the best beans of Thentis, a habit I have taken since years ago I was living in Thentis as a Magistrate, I was happy, I had my class for Scribe, and a pupil of mine lady Brjiana who became my companion for a few years, then for a coup by the provisional Regent, I, who was destined to become Head of Caste, had all the requisites, she with some of her trusted ones, including slaves in disguise change the outcome of the vote. I and Brjiana left the city to reach nearby Sais, where we lived for some time, before reaching my Oasis of the seven palms on the island south of the sea of ​​Thassa..

Finished drinking my Blackwine, I got up and headed towards the port, going down the great stairways to reach the sun gate, to go out into the port square before arriving at the quays, where ships usually arrive with their wares, sometimes I stopped to look at those busy people who work for the well-being of the city.

That day the sun was particularly hot for autumn, and the sky was blue, with some clouds veiling the sky, now summer is just a memory, winter is already upon us, some merchants told me that in the North there 'snow is already covering everything, I remember it well, I lived a long time in the North and I know that the snow always arrives on time at the end of autumn.

As I approached the big door, I noticed two men furtively looking around looking for I don't know what, I got curious and decided to stop them, as a Magistrate I have a duty to protect our city.    I ordered the two guards to stop them, and I got even closer until I was a few steps away and I could clearly see that they were neither merchants nor common visitors, they had neither bags nor weapons and this reassured me, but you could see the signs of a past certainly not happy on the scarred faces of those two individuals.

When I was close enough to be able to talk to them I asked them who they were and where they came from, one said he came from the North and the other from a nearby city without giving me his name or anything else, they were certainly not quiet men, then looking at them well in the light, I noticed on one of the two the tattoo worn by the adventurers of Port Kar, I lived there, sometimes as punishment for some petty theft or other they marked themselves with tattoos, while the other continued to be evasive by naming improbable places on the planet, not I had no proof that they had come to do any wrongdoing, so I asked them what they wanted to do, stay or visit and leave. They told me they just wanted to go to the tavern to have a drink and rest in some room, to leave the next day with a ship to the archipelago of Cos, a very long journey I thought, but better that way I would have been calm without those two around .

I looked around and noticed the little slave Nur with a basket as she returned from the market not far away, I asked her to accompany the two guests to the tavern, but at the same time I told a guard to escort them and keep her eyes open, never trust those arriving from Port Kar,

I followed them with my eyes until they entered the tavern and little Nur went quietly away, and I continued my walk towards the port.

The next morning I reported to the steward sir Yen, and to the head of the scribe caste sir Argos of the incident, and they sent guards to check at the port whether indeed the two foreigners were leaving the city, and so it was.

In the new cities, the first to arrive are the drifters, the adventurers and the players, and with them comes trouble and the guards must constantly keep tabs on who comes and who goes.


 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...