Tuesday 15 November 2022



Strange rumors reached the Oasis, some merchants arriving from the north asserted that the Emir Darian had disappeared, together with his ship, which had departed from Northern Ligth Bay to reach the oasis, but never arrived.
   My worried brother Orlando sent me a message, he wrote me that the Emir was reported missing at sea, I, the youngest brother of the family, lived on my little island, where I spent my time studying and writing about my travels as did my brother Darian.
  I arrived at the Oasis of the Seven Palms, you could see that there was something wrong in the air, the population watched the sea waiting for the Emir's ship to appear, and there were no more parties for foreigners.

   Orlando I explain his concern and beg me being the youngest of the family to set off to find our brother Darian.
   Time to organize a ship, load the provisions, and the water we set sail, the destination would be Port Northerm, the city where they had last seen him, and after some weeks of navigation, we arrived at the city, unknown to me, entered the large square I could not meet anyone, certainly all in their homes, I asked the guard in front of the gate and he explained to me that the land is divided into three different cities, or rather two cities and a village in the forest of the slavers, a tribe dedicated mostly to raids on neighboring cities, while the other was Kasra, which more than a city looked like a fairy-tale village, made up of strange houses with steepled roofs, I told the guard to report me to the palace of the Scribes
 Finally a Scribe named Lady Joy arrives, after having welcomed me with kindness, I talk to me about my brother, who had lived there for a few months, but who had left following a woman, who did not remember the name, but who perhaps a friend of Darian's told me she would give more information, that friend was called Jinny, I had heard of her, when we all lived in the city of Cartassa, I asked where I could find her, she told me that after the fall of Victoria many citizens left for por Nykus, so I could ask there.
   We resumed our journey to port Nykus, I knew that island had been rebuilt on the ruins of the great city of Leisure in the Cos archipelago.
    I must say that the new city had been built well, when I arrived at the port I went directly to the tavern there surely someone had seen it, and in fact a certain Sir Ulir told me that he had spent some time with them, wandering around the port and in the city, alone and out of work, and that he had discovered disguised as a musician, his slave Fahima together with her old master Timmer in the city during the festival of the Kajires, but that they had disappeared again, and he decided to go after them, I don't know for what place, at this point I asked him about Jinny, and he told me that a pirate from the great city of Venna had met a beautiful woman named Jinny,
   We left again for Venna, I didn't know that city, even if I had heard of it, still being rebuilt on the ruins of the old one.
   In the port of Venna, many ships at the docks, many people bustling about the port, I asked for information and they told me to enter through the gate and climb the grand staircase that ended in a beautiful square with beautiful colors and all around buildings with many columns,
while I was going up, I asked a slave who was also going up, if she knew Lady Jinny, she told me that surely I would find her at the palace of the scribes, offering to take me, and it was she herself who called the Scribe and got her out of her office, after introduced myself, I asked him about Darian, and that he hadn't returned to the Oasis, she told me, he was always after women who betrayed him punctually, making him suffer, I explain that in Victoria he had a slave girl who later disappeared, during the fall of the citta, which had a woman who had taken him to a Panther willage to have him killed, but he had managed to escape, then remembering a detail he told me that a certain lady Dara had invited him to her castle not far from Venna , she didn't know anything else, she was also very worried because she loved Darian very much they had shared work in many cities.
  But while I was organizing the journey to Lady Dara's castle, some pirates at the port told me that the castle had fallen but that no one knew about Darian, so I decided together with Lady Jinny that I would stay in the city waiting for some news, I ordered the commander of the ship to return to the oasis and report to Orlando, the news that I had learned and that when I discovered something I would inform him.
    Lady Jinny and I spoke to the Scribe head caste for a job, and a house fit for a Prince as I am, and so it was, I now live in Venna, hoping Darian will show up, and often go in the afternoon with Mrs Jinny at the tea room and there we drink a nice blackwine, talking about him and his adventures

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