Sunday 27 November 2022


                 TH BANK THEFT

A day of the Magistrate



While I was busy studying the case of a Free companion of a Captain of the guards, she denounced her husband for neglecting her, she said that she spent every night in the Inn with the slaves of the city, she asked me to intervene, she could also reject him, the law of the planet, allows the companion every year to confirm her union,  but the husband being Captain of the guards and as a result of an old law of the Planet could make her a slave, the law says: - A woman and free as long as the man allows him to be-

A seemingly easy but somewhat complicated case, no Magistrate would have ever put himself against a Captain at risk of an accident in the night, which could cost him his life.

While I was absorbed in those thoughts, I heard an excited voice coming from the street, I looked out on the balcony and asked the guard

-What is this hustle and bustle, you can no longer work in peace in this city-

The guard who was usually stationed atmydoor, after consulting with a passer-by said:

-Sir Ulises robbed the central bank, taking away all the gold plates-

This was my job, I rushed to the bank which was several blocks from my office, arrived in front of the door I saw the Commander of the Guards and the Chief of the Scribes together with Lady Lucy the Ambassador, already on the spot investigating, I asked for news and Sir Robert told me

-Last night someone broke into the bank stealing only the gold plates, leaving the silver and iron ones in their place, just now that the director of the bank is hospitalized in the infirmary for an illness he had the other day-

A rather strange case, while I was looking around some signs of burglary, I remembered that the day before I had met a free of low Caste, with a scar on his right cheek, who answered my questions whose questions he was.

-My name is Bry, I came to town looking for work and Ubar assigned me the job as a Black smith-

-we already have a black smith in town, tell me who you are otherwise I'll get you arrested-

He visibly worried told me:

-In truth I am a magician arrived in the city withmy bandwagon, we will perform in the central square as  soon as possible-

That said, while I was looking for evidence of what he said disappeared from my sight, maybe he was really a magician, but at that moment I didn't think about it, I went into the inn to have a drink. I asked the Captain if they had notified the bank manager and he replied.

-I don't think anyone wants to do it, he has a temper and could get angry-

So I decided to go in person to the infirmary, arrived at the door I heard laughter and shouting coming from inside, I lent my ear and I heard clearly the banker say to his slave:

-We will no longer have problems small, with the gold coins that I stole from the bank, we will go to a big city and make the good life-

In silence I retraced my steps when I arrived at the bank and called the captain and told him:

-Take two guards we will go to search the house of the director-

The captain obeyed and after forcing the door and making a meticulous search we found in the barrel of Paga wrapped in skins the gold plates, I sent the captain to arrest the banker I would have tried him the next day and the slave I entrusted to theSlave to  put her in the Kennel at the disposal of  the passing Pirati.

The trial did not last long he confessed the misdeed, and said:

-I went back to my house at night, going through the back door evading the guards, from there I went into the bank, then you know the rest-

I condemned him to forced labor in the iron mines at the foot of the Sardar mountains. The head of the scribes Sir Robert was radiant, having recovered his gold plates, even the lady lucy very happy, I returned to my work for the complex case of the captain and his companion, whom I would have summoned as soon as possible to see for myself if it was her husband who neglected her or it she who could not satisfy him, a question that I liked too much, I would have touched with my hand .................. Go on

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