Monday 29 August 2022




I was sitting as I usually do at that time in  afternoon, in the Inn on the harbor, although there is no innkeeper lately, and almost all the property slaves do their best but are not expert table servants, Lady Jasmine. which I had had a friendly conversation days before and SHEleft without giving more news of himself.
    In the distance I see a slave arriving whom I remembered having seen in front of the blacksmith's forge Sir Svein also of my own tribe, he was running right in my direction, when arrived near my table with breathlessness trying to tell me things, I said to him: slave take breath and then tell me what you have to say.
    He kneels on my left as the law requires and catched my breath I begin the story: My master Sir Svein, while he was outside his forge to rest an little with a her friend  who arrived in the morning on a ship from  to  the South was verbally attacked by Lady Helena the butcher, who came for a slave and spat on his boot, my master chained her and now he is taking her to the Magistrate, and asks you to be present in the tower of the Scribes, because he does not speak the language very well Northern, but we speaks our desert dialect.
   I immediately worried I not want him to do things that he would later regret, he is normally so closed and calm never that I remember he have had problems with the law and does his job with skill, and we do not know well the customs and habits of this city I got up, suddenly and told the slave to follow me, while he was telling me that he had been present at the discussion between free, but I know well that as a witness they cannot hear him, slaves can only report facts with torture between free.
   Arrived in the Hall of the tower I immediately see the blacksmit with the butcher Helna on a leash, cursing, while the Magistrate on duty, not knowing where to start, I send for the other elderly Magistrate a woman, who landed after a flight from I don't know where exactly in the middle of the hall, like an orange cloud, to everyone's amazement, she immediately claimed to take charge of the dispute, while the Magistrate continually intimated the blacksmith to give him the woman's chain.
    The blacksmith's version was however lawful, a woman cannot be arrogant nor offend a free person, because the old law of the planet provides for collarism, that is, she can become a slave, if the Magistrate after a trial declares her guilty, but in my opinion between two free same Caste as they are, can very well reach an agreement and close the matter, in the city there are enough slaves and feeding another is not the case. Meanwhile the woman did not stop cursing and offending the blacksmith, while I arrived, a free woman who I do not remember her name because she was new to the city, said she had been present at the event and that the woman had spat on the boot of man.
   It was clear that things were going badly for Helena so Magistrate woman took over the situation, sending away all those who had not been present at the event and also the witness and the slave were sent away.
  I being a Magistrate for many years on the planet, I know the law and the procedure well, I told them tha i can help them with the result of being thrown out of the tower of the Scribes as unwelcome, humiliating myself, I tried to counter by giving him some advice on the resolution of the case , but they were adamant, so I waited outside, until after a few hours the blacksmith came out very angry for having been accused of assaulting the woman and the freed woman.
    What was missing was the trial that should have taken place listening to the witnesses, but in my opinion, having a friendship with the butcher, they closed the case, without investigating or opening a proceeding ....
     Do you want to know how the story ended ?. Well Sir Svein together with his friend witness, they have left city with the first ship, because according to them the city is not impartial and does not respect the laws that the two magistrates do to their liking, taking away theyr slaves and other tribe citizens.
A nice case solved ...... you look for an word that can define it I do not find the adjective.


                       LOST BLACKSMIT  HOUSE

( the mystery is revealed ,,, the butcher in agreement with the magistrates made the blacksmith go away to take possession of his house and the shop placed right in a central area of passage for the houses .... them thought it so well ... who knows where the new blacksmith's shop will be )



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