Sunday 19 March 2023

                                                     PORT KAR

               DANCE CARNIVAL

     After a long but overall peaceful journey, we finally arrived at the great city of Port Kar, the city of the Twelve Captains.
    In the early years of my career, after having studied as a Scribe, Magistrate, and Lawyer, starting from Port Onli, I reached that city on the lagoon infested by Urt and by Delinquents and Panthers roaming free in the streets, I embarked on a ship and going down the river Wosk, my destination was to be my island, in the Sea of 

      Thassa near the large island of Landa, with its large city with golden roofs, but a storm forced us to take refuge in the delta, first and in the safe port of Kar then, we stayed there for a few days to repair the sails and I was greeted with enthusiasm by the chief of the Scribes, he offered me the job of lawyer, nobody wanted to do it, because there were no people to defend, they were all Pirates and Criminals, the captains always traveling for their trades, and often for their wars, I remember that when they were at war with AR, they circumvented the laws that forbade trade with enemies, bringing merchandise to Brundisum, and from there the caravans to they went inland and then to AR.

     The city hasn't changed much, certainly now instead of the hovels of the past there are some modern buildings, built by good builders, in the stretch of water of the port where once the fishermen of Urt used the slaves as bait, now the people he loves to eat sea fish, so they adapted to fishing, I remember there was a Captain who loved to fish like me, and in the morning we went together to the last shack that overlooked the lagoon to fish from the high pier.

      The bridge that crossed the river with the big gate is no longer there, I remember that I often crossed it for my walks on the road to the mines, and where the village of the Panthers was on the hills, and it was on one of those walks that I met the queen of the Panthers, it was love at first sight, she took me to the village and taught me how to fight.
     But having no work I was forced to leave to reach the island of Leisure, with its beautiful city but that's another story.

I've seen familiar faces, I've lived in Thahari for years, even though my Oasis is always in the south but in Thassa, after a short stroll through the old streets looking for something familiar, I went to the great Arena to watch the show, had already started, but I found a seat next to an Elven woman named Lil Trouble, and to the left of the Ubara Madame Gyrè, (I hope I remember her name correctly) sitting on her throne, next to a Captain     I went back with memories, when I entered that port, the city was celebrating, for their carnival, I'm here for my newspaper and I want to document this great event that has reached the ends of the planet from North to South, up to the Thahari desert.
  I said the show had begun, I love watching the dances of the Kajire, the large audience formed by many men and women with their slaves, on the right side I recognize the Vizier El Taziz, I remember we attended the Scribe classes together, and many other spectators , to my surprise also a group of Kajiuris did their performance with very beautiful and colorful fans.

     in the end I said goodbye to lady Gyrè, and to all the others present, it was time to go back to the En-Kara fair, where I have the stand of the Gorean newspaper. ''Darian travels'', and I hope to be able to tell some more new adventures



Friday 17 March 2023

Twelfth Passage Hand (March 11-15) Southern Cities Fair, Kajurlia everywhere except Ar.



Like every year, the Gorean cities, with their representatives, together with many tribes from all over the planet, met at the En'Kara fair, which heralds the new Gorean year.

The En'Kara fair is an opportunity for the many populations to show their products, many cities participate with their tents and promote meetings and open-air events in the various stages scattered on the surface of the fair, even the dance academies participate with their Kajires, alternating shows to promote schools.
    Like every year, first as a visitor and then as an exhibitor, (promoting my web blog) with my racks (dispensers) of my newspaper ''Darian travels'', I have to thank lady Sabayna for helping me find the stand, and the kajira Mews for availability, together with all the other organizers who worked hard for the success of the event, I don't remember all the names I should write them on a scroll, but I remember kajira Ruby, I reserve the right to name them all in the next article which will come out at the end of the Fair.

   I had many important meetings, wandering here and there among the tents and the stalls, I met the girls of the Pirates of the coast, I had already visited their Covo years ago, in the tent next to that of my sister Lady Lycy the painter who exhibits her marvelous paintings, I met and had a constructive discussion as she too a journalist, Lady Vikki, I met some Warrior women, then Sir Jarod with his kajira Esther from Northern Light Bay, I watched the dance on a small stage of two dancers from Brazil dance, I met my friend sir Nicholas, of course many well-known cities had tents like '' Venna; Olni Port, Sais, Brundisium, Vonda, Klima city, Jorvik village, city of Thera, Corcius village, Turia oasis, Piedmonnt out post, Skol, port Lydius''.
These are just a few mentioned towns and villages featured in the fair.

   It's very big it takes days to turn it all around but I will for sure for now I just wanted to anticipate something .. but I hope to write again and let you know all the events


Tuesday 14 March 2023



also this year in the Spring or New Year last year i took a stand for my newspaper ''Darian life''. 

   I arrived early in the morning with my caravan, after having received a message from lady Sabayna, the mother of lady Sierra, I chose a stand in the central area even if a little away from the main road, but better this way the people who will take the copy of the newspaper will also be able to read it quietly.

     As I expected, many have already set up their stands, both as a city and as individual traders and exhibitors, it is known that they come from all over the planet for this fair.
     After leaving the city of Venna where I was a Magistrate for a long time, leaving to join my family in the North, I stopped at the port of Brundisium, waiting for the winter to end and to be able to leave for Hammersgaard, the city where I the house, when I arrived in the city I found it deserted with very few people, everyone had left for other places, so seeing the tranquility I stopped to wait for Spring, to my amazement I noticed that 


although deserted it was commanded by an Ubar, (even in time of peace there must be the administrator) and his companion, a few slaves and no one else, said that everyone was on their way, while I carried out the practices left incomplete and welcomed the visitors, taking the job of Chief Casta Scribe, they decided to demolish all the old houses and rebuilding them from new took a long time, but the work turned out well even if the rents, although in Gor, were very high.

    As in the city of Venna also in that of Brundisium, I opened my newspaper headquarters, with the local edition, enjoying moderate success and loved by all citizens and visitors, but as often happens in Gorean cities when word of a new city, sometimes destroying them everyone rushes to have their own space that they don't have elsewhere, so it happens that presumptuous men and women arrive who have helped to bring down their cities, but who want to carve out their space as protagonists.

   As Chief Scribe, I did what I could but when women arrive who should be subjected to men if we respect the roleplay of Gor, instead they claim to be Ubare, and Caste Chiefs, rather than playing like a cartoon, I prefer to take my ship and go away, I love adventure and traveling the planet.

      Returning to the fair, I am so happy to be here and I hope that many people come to visit it like last year, I can contribute to spreading it in my small way with my newspaper.
      Thanks to all those who will arrive and to those who exhibit their brand and their merchandise, I promise to write again in the coming days of the events


Tuesday 7 March 2023



 Today is the day of rest that the citizens observe, and I like many others have gone down to the city and after having drunk my usual Blackwine at the Inn in front of the big gate, I love sitting there, I like watching the people who come and go from the port and keep an eye out for some evil intentions.

  After drinking I returned to the palace of the scribes, I had benches put up so that visitors can sit waiting to be received, as I walk I can't help but observe the beauty of the new palaces and streets, built in a short time but very beautiful.

 I sat on one of those benches, on the sides of the staircase of the building and I watched, some Vulos were flying low stopping on the roofs, the sky and the shapes of the clouds draw strange shapes, and the imagination flies by giving a name to all those shapes, while I look in the sky a Tarn suddenly appears, there is a girl who rides him clearly dressed as a kajira of the desert, who approaches and stops her traveling animal right in the large square, and approaches looking around and admiring the palaces .

  The first thing I do is ask the slave her name, while she, seeing me, collapses to the ground kneeling like the Kajire know how to do, I look at her better and she is beautiful with clothes finished with white fabrics with golden lapels and accessories, around her neck a collar with many precious stones and her golden-blond hair, reminiscent of women of the North.

  She tells me her name is Kitten, but the Master called her Kitt, she is the builder father, who left far away when she was little, now that she is grown up she wanted to look for him but she was captured and sold to a kind and good Master fortunately, who knew that he was in In search of her parents she gave him freedom and a camel, when a visitor recognized her and told him that her father might be at the town of Klima, in the Thahari desert, so I set out on the long and perilous journey.       Once she arrived at the track that leads into the Thahari desert, she embarked on the journey with the camel, a long and difficult journey under the sun and with water now finished and without food. when I thought I was at the end, and I was waiting for my last breath, the caravan of a Sultan saved me, fed me and quenched my thirst with their most precious thing, that is water

  He was the great and mighty sultan of Klima, who treats me like a lady, taking me with him to his house and entrusting me with his administration, when he learned that I was capable of reading and writing and arithmetic, and welcomed me into the house of Marleus , also entrusting me with the supervision of the slaves, becoming the protegee of the great Pasha of Klima, but just when he was looking for the secret of the Thahari, we were attacked by the raiders, they killed both, the Sultan and the Pasha, and the city fell to the ground becoming sand .

 I left again on a camel, always looking for a new land and always hoping to meet my old Father, leaving the desert towards the Sea of Thassa, where I hoped to find a good teacher in a big city.

  I arrived here in Brundisium and I hope to be able to return as soon as I hear from my father, get on his tarm and fly away ........
darian el nairad

Sunday 5 March 2023

An interesting meeting


   As I went down the staircase of the Palazzo degli Scubi, I came across Sir Hawker, the gureeiero I had met yesterday while escorting Lady Nala, the merchant, just arrived in the city for his businesses, despite being pregnant.

     I was a lot of cottate to see him again, I had noticed immediately when I had spoken to him the first time, that behind his rough warrior attitude he hides a good soul and an intelligence that we hardly find in these hard men, Avezzi to the comingsboard and battles in the mud Gutters of blood, full of scars that determine their value.

    I was heading to INN, as usual and I thought of inviting Sir Hawker to weigh a blackwine with me, to make me tell the story of his life by him, to make her known to the rest of the population of Brundisium.   

    He accepted willingly, even if he seemed strange to him that a high caste scribe stopped to talk to him as if he were of equal caste, but follow me to the INN waiting for me to sit and then sit down too, looking around and He called the slave of the tavern to serve us.

    After taking orders, memorizing our desires disappeared in the kitchen, making the usual noises of broccas and cups, then I looked at that man who bends to tell me what has been his life so far, he sighs and closed his eyes perhaps going Back in the memory, then he sighed and begins his story.
    Saying that I was born in the city of Dura Bois, a city where I had been for a few days when I was a cartographer to the city of Falsgaard, auna north city Thorwsland, where you cannot forgive in the forest and where to hunt before it arrives the Winter, as a child I learned the use of weapons, my father taught me what he knew how to do better, and when I grew up I left to fight wars and Gadagna Cooper.     

   He stops when he sees the slave to bring us our smoking blackwins with an intense smell like only the beans of thentis toasted have.      

  After sipping his drink not before having gave a intense slave look, he resumed telling me his adventures.     

    I fought in armies and in the city throughout the planet on and Jun for the Thassa Sea, always making me available to the right causes and fighting the evil and malice of many peoples, now I am no longer a boy and the scars show me a little Bad species of winter in the cold of the snow, so I decided to find me a job in the warm South Sun, in the Thahari desert, so after a short break to the city of AR, I traveled to the new city recompile as a resort to rest  

     He made another sighing, closing his eyes, surely not a good experience that city for him as it was for me, who after having lived in peace and working in the office and in the newspaper in Venna, the head of the scribes I think well to call His friends and giving them my job by leaving me inert without friends nor anyone willing to share my experience in that city with me, so I left to reach the port of Brundisium in search of a ship for Hammersgaard the Vikingo village where I have the house And many friends, but I fell in love with Brundi and I was getting a good job from the chief of the scribes and reorganize the new newspaper of the city.   

     After some time he resumed his story: I was not happy in Venna I did not have a real job, many people came, but Niete di special, until I was not hired by the passing merchant Lady Nala, traveling to the North, coming from Interior of the desert where he had bought the salt, which he would load on his ship waiting to leave, and here I am told me that the city is taking on warriors for safety, and wondering the caste of the warriors to be hired and live happy here with you.   

     I admired that man who had fought by turning the planet and who was enough for him to live with his honor, because as he said to me: the honor is worth more than any silver plate.

Friday 3 March 2023


Lady Nala Ɓєiηmjσlηiя

The reconstruction is almost completed, the builder is doing miracles so that at the end of Mano everything is ready for the assignment of houses and palaces to the Caste.

The Ubar sir Thaddeus, these days runs like crazy, from one part of the city to another personally checking every little detail, as he is also a great builder.

   As for me, I just returned from my trip to the city of Tharna, where I attended the Kajires festival, and as soon as I got back I published an article about the event with many photos of the arena packed with enthusiastic people, including our Brundisium delegation .    

    Today I have just received the task of directing the caste of Scribes, which I will do with diligence and honor, hoping for the rebirth of the city which is already underway.

     As I walked down from my office I ran into Sir Awker escorting a lady who had just disembarked from his ship to port, she was visibly pregnant, I stopped by to greet them as I saw her holding a cloth around her neck to cover a wound that was still bleeding even if little.

    They asked me if I knew where to find the Pysichian, to be treated before the wound got infected, ruining the lady's beautiful neck, after introducing myself, she told me her name was Nala Ɓєiηmjσlηiя, that she was a merchant from the North and had trades in the oases and cities of the South, bringing skins and Nordic objects and buying salt that brings to the North, a precious and sought-after element.

    I replied that yes, I had seen the Doctor but he was in a hurry, perhaps to assist some sick citizens on some ship or in the woods outside the walls, I said that he will arrive soon, in the meantime, if we go and sit down somewhere, I will give you a little medication. I took courses for Pysichian, but only for first aid because in case of war you need men trained to treat the wounds of warriors.

   While we are sitting outside the tea room, on the soft cushions and after ordering some green tea with mint, I ask him to tell me about his life and why now and here, and she sips her tea first, then touches the wound that I had cleaned up after making sure it wasn't bleeding, he took a long breath and with downcast eyes he told me.

    I was born in the North when I was still little my mother died and my father took care of me, making me grow healthy and strong, when I was old enough I became part of the merchant caste. I have been ''Se'Merchant of Tor'', continuing my mother's work, then carrying The Golden Lily on the paths of Gor, I trade especially from the Thahari desert buying salt to take to the North even if it is very dangerous.

     I have never been well accepted by my adoptive family, so I have taken a partner with whom I am expecting a child, and I hope that as soon as the snow melts in the North he will come and visit me.

   I asked him who had wounded her, he told me that as he was entering a city not far from here, a warrior clad in black, stopped her with a knife at her throat while calling for a Magistrate, and after being questioned and shown my documents set me free and I escaped here to Brundisium, where Sir Awkir took care of me by escorting me and promising me his protection, and for now I will live in the inn waiting for my companion to arrive and rent a house.

    I think she is a great woman capable of traveling the planet in her ship and trading, and I hope her child grows up as healthy and strong as I believe her father is.

   I saw her walking away towards the inn with her protector and I hope to see her again to chat again and talk about the great North where I lived.



Thursday 2 March 2023


                                                             THE EMIR THANKS THE READER



Greetings to all my readers, thank you for reading my articles-stories, I am very happy with your visits to the blog.

     Some of you have made very constructive criticisms of me, others a little less so, but I just wanted to remind you that this is not a journal that recounts chronological events, but I write about what I see, what I experience, and what I remember, I have not never wrote about rhetorical things.

     As for female slaves, I wanted to clarify that on planet Gor there is only one law and education for female slaves for the whole planet, except for those in the North who are used to being closed in the long hall for months, together with the Masters, Warriors and Hunters, they get a certain familiarity with them forgetting the basic principles.
Thanks again for reading my stories-articles and help me publicize this blog which is ours and not just mine....greeting

   nb: I forgot to remind that woman who often puts me in trouble against others, life on Gor must be lived in peace, warriors are Warriors and Scribes write, so think about living in peace, do your job as alone....I don't copy anything from anyone

Wednesday 1 March 2023



     During my afternoon tour, before stopping for my usual Blackwine at the Inn, very close to the palace of the Scribes, I said, I went down the stairs that lead to the gate that overlooks the road that leads to the Thahari desert tracks, usually it was always crowded with merchants and pilgrims.

    I was intrigued by the approach of a caravan from the trail that comes from the Shendi region, a trail that avoids crossing the great forest infested by Panthers, Talunes, and Marauders.

 Among the many people who lined up approaching the Prundisium Gate, I saw in the distance a known person, a free woman who, with her retinue, proceeded quickly towards me, stopped just outside the large door.

   My astonishment was great when I recognized my old friend, not that adoptive mother of my promised companion Sierra, I'm talking about lady Sabayna, we were together in the city of Cartassa in the desert before it collapsed due to the malice of many citizens, then we met in the city of port Victoria, of course she a business woman who traded between the desert and the gitta, it was there that I met Sierra, who studied at Scribe and who was later adopted by lady Sabayna and her companion sir Youroki, editor of the newspaper of Gor, I met Youroki, when after the flood that destroyed the city of Svago, I took refuge in the large and rich city of Landa called '' the city of golden domes '' he was then the builder in the city, and we often met in the large square surrounded by columns, after the destruction by the Torvies with the help of the Panthers, we fled into the desert taking different routes, I took refuge in Cartassa, he thinks he was in Kasra for a period to then build a private Oasis, starting his life as a journalist and Publisher.

    In Cartassa I met Lady Sabayna for the first time, the fact that she had very dark skin like that of Youroki, certainly a tribe far to the south of the planet, was something special and new to me.

    We were happy with the meeting after a long time, she gave me news of her adopted daughter Sierra, she had had a job as a scribe in a new city in the desert, but soon or at least I hope she will come to see me.

    I guided her to the Inn, where she has a table with chairs outside, I offered her a tea drink while I had my usual Blackwine, the slave Thascia, she was happy to serve us with true professionalism, and while Sabayna and I were talking I found out that the beautiful little Kajira, she was also a slave Istruitas master of the second knowledge, and worked in the office and had worked with a Scribe, I proposed him to help me in the translation of scrolls with different dialects in my articles in the newspaper..but his Master will decide.

    We talked for a long time with Lady Sabayna about the past of our friendship, their Oasis in the desert and that I would always be welcome, and I accepted with pleasure, I had promised many times to visit them, despite comrade Youroki, and always skeptical in entrusting me his adopted daughter Sierrarose.

    We talked so much that it was evening, without realizing the time spent chatting, we said goodbye with the promise that she would return, and that we would meet again soon...

Sunday 26 February 2023



Franken Awke
       Here we are with our second appointment of the ''Festival delle Kajire'', as you will remember the first evening was organized by the city of Ko-ro-ba, while this time by the big city of Tharna.
     I already knew Tharna, I had been there as a Cartographer years ago, I was pleased to see her again, even if many citizens are no longer the same, sometimes in big cities Warriors and merchants come and go, even the Ubar change, both due to advanced age and for new elections by the Superior Council.  

      I had stopped at the city of Brundisium after leaving Ko-ro-ba, I knew that a delegation would go to Tharna for the dances, we set out together with the Ubar, the mate, the Ambassador, the leader of the Traders and some female slaves, naturally escorted by Warriors.
We arrived at the gate just in time, Lady Jasmine the Captain of the guards was about to close it, I already knew that beautiful haughty woman armed to the teeth, after the recognition she showed us the way to reach the arena where the dances would take place .
         To my surprise I met Pysichian Franken Awke, I had met years before when I was in town on my job as a cartographer.
    Brundi's delegation settled in the last ring of the arena near some representatives of Port Kar and Port Olni, but a great many people from all over the world were crowded in the stands, together with hundreds of male and female slaves who encouraged their brothers and dancing sisters.

    In the stage of honor, the ubar of Tharna with L'ubarina, their Commander, the head of the merchants, the Slaver, and two judges, I don't remember that on the planet there are any other than the Magistrates, perhaps they are the same , and many of their slaves.
 the dances began, people applauded the dancers who in turn performed their choreographies with great pride and passion, even the beautiful and sensual music enveloped the audience in a surreal atmosphere.
        I'm happy with the show, and I thank the organizers, and all the slaves who participated waiting for the next date of the Festival



Thursday 23 February 2023



         The first issue of the new (web) newspaper of the great and honored city of Brundisium starts today.

  What we would like to do and let the Planet know the latest news that arrives through the Merchants, the caravans and the many Pirate ships that sail the sea of Thassa between the North, with trade between the Vikings, and the Torvie or Vagons tribes, and from the South by the large island of Landa, Anango and all the villages and towns bordering or using the ports of the great river Vosk, from the archipelago of Cos to the large island and city of Leisure.

      The city is a crossroads between the Thahari desert, the Shendi region with its large forest, and the large city of AR.

      It is said that in the distant past when Port Kar and the city of AR were at war, merchants circumvented the prohibition of trade laws between warring countries by unloading goods at the port of Brundisium as a free port and from there the merchants to AR.

       Recently a delegation of citizens under the command of a Magistrate went to the City of Venna, but never returned, to cross the Shendi forest infested by wild unscrupulous Panthers, who kill men after using them as fertilizers of women, if males are born they are killed, or sold as slaves and sent to the mines, the case of that delegation is singular, we sent guards to look for them but they are certainly dead, or they deserted by fleeing to some distant place, or died in some ambush.

    The administrator together with the Ubar are reconstituting the caste of scribes and hiring new Slavers to enlarge the kennel.

   The population is invited to disseminate this new journal and participate in its compilation with news or events.

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...