Sunday 5 March 2023

An interesting meeting


   As I went down the staircase of the Palazzo degli Scubi, I came across Sir Hawker, the gureeiero I had met yesterday while escorting Lady Nala, the merchant, just arrived in the city for his businesses, despite being pregnant.

     I was a lot of cottate to see him again, I had noticed immediately when I had spoken to him the first time, that behind his rough warrior attitude he hides a good soul and an intelligence that we hardly find in these hard men, Avezzi to the comingsboard and battles in the mud Gutters of blood, full of scars that determine their value.

    I was heading to INN, as usual and I thought of inviting Sir Hawker to weigh a blackwine with me, to make me tell the story of his life by him, to make her known to the rest of the population of Brundisium.   

    He accepted willingly, even if he seemed strange to him that a high caste scribe stopped to talk to him as if he were of equal caste, but follow me to the INN waiting for me to sit and then sit down too, looking around and He called the slave of the tavern to serve us.

    After taking orders, memorizing our desires disappeared in the kitchen, making the usual noises of broccas and cups, then I looked at that man who bends to tell me what has been his life so far, he sighs and closed his eyes perhaps going Back in the memory, then he sighed and begins his story.
    Saying that I was born in the city of Dura Bois, a city where I had been for a few days when I was a cartographer to the city of Falsgaard, auna north city Thorwsland, where you cannot forgive in the forest and where to hunt before it arrives the Winter, as a child I learned the use of weapons, my father taught me what he knew how to do better, and when I grew up I left to fight wars and Gadagna Cooper.     

   He stops when he sees the slave to bring us our smoking blackwins with an intense smell like only the beans of thentis toasted have.      

  After sipping his drink not before having gave a intense slave look, he resumed telling me his adventures.     

    I fought in armies and in the city throughout the planet on and Jun for the Thassa Sea, always making me available to the right causes and fighting the evil and malice of many peoples, now I am no longer a boy and the scars show me a little Bad species of winter in the cold of the snow, so I decided to find me a job in the warm South Sun, in the Thahari desert, so after a short break to the city of AR, I traveled to the new city recompile as a resort to rest  

     He made another sighing, closing his eyes, surely not a good experience that city for him as it was for me, who after having lived in peace and working in the office and in the newspaper in Venna, the head of the scribes I think well to call His friends and giving them my job by leaving me inert without friends nor anyone willing to share my experience in that city with me, so I left to reach the port of Brundisium in search of a ship for Hammersgaard the Vikingo village where I have the house And many friends, but I fell in love with Brundi and I was getting a good job from the chief of the scribes and reorganize the new newspaper of the city.   

     After some time he resumed his story: I was not happy in Venna I did not have a real job, many people came, but Niete di special, until I was not hired by the passing merchant Lady Nala, traveling to the North, coming from Interior of the desert where he had bought the salt, which he would load on his ship waiting to leave, and here I am told me that the city is taking on warriors for safety, and wondering the caste of the warriors to be hired and live happy here with you.   

     I admired that man who had fought by turning the planet and who was enough for him to live with his honor, because as he said to me: the honor is worth more than any silver plate.

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