Sunday 11 June 2023





The rescue of the captain of the guard.

      With the Captain late in returning to the port of the City of Victoria and voices of concern for the lack of news for several days, the Lady of the red caste looks for one of the Medici Ladies, saying she is lost and distressed by the disappearance of her companion, the poor woman, she couldn't even sleep due to so much worry, having also been hit by some fainting episodes. It was at this moment that the alarm of the Medici High Caste sounded, as they sensed that something of extreme importance and danger might befall the Captain and his men.

Commander Otto then decides to organize a small team consisting of Rarius and Medici, after all they didn't know what frame or gravity they might find when they arrived at the battle site. From the holds of the powerful vessel where we were squeezed between crates and barrels, in order not to alarm the crew with the presence of women on board, the roar of the great wooden beast was heard as it sailed in the stormy waters of the great Volsk river and with its keel fearless, she practically ripped through currents as if they were sharp fangs.

A wise decision of the expert Warrior, as soon as the Captain was found unconscious, the result of a terrible clash with the Pirates of Volsk, he disappeared in a huge pool of blood from a serious wound to the abdomen and, as all indicated , several ah in a row. The Ladies Physicians leapt into action. The picture was not only daunting, but serious. The warrior caste man's complexion grew more morbid as the hours passed, and his pulse was rather weak. In addition to an arrow that pierced his abdomen and nearly pierced his body from side to side, countless cuts slashed the man from top to bottom.

There were sighs and prayers whispered from the tight, parched lips of those who saw the deposit as more than a garment. After all, was it not said among the Rarius that the true Homestone of the warrior is called battle? Only by looking at those faces petrified by such a contained emotion, could I finally have the dimension of that sacred bond.

Something to really admire is the coolness of those green-covered creatures. One of the men is quickly asked to serve as a blood donor for the dying man, which is done promptly and skillfully. With the patient receiving the fluid of life in the veins directly from the veins of the new blood brother. The wound was sealed with towels pressed into place.

An injection of adrenaline was injected by the highest ranking physician into the captain to make sure his heart didn't stop before a good amount of blood was flowing through his veins again. As well as an injection of antibiotics and antidotes. After all, it wouldn't be for them to judge the origin of the arrow or the honor of the pirate, if a pirate has any notable honor.

With this, you will soon notice death fleeing the enclosure and with it taking all the heavy air of the place with it. The sounds of lungs inflating were almost audible in the silence of the ship. For a moment he imagined he was one of the sails taking a heavy hit from the high peaks of Ko-ro-ba. A sign of good news and new directions.

The Medici then decided to operate on the warrior right there, because a trip to the hospital would have been too long and as soon as it was strong enough, the bullet was removed with complete mastery by the smallest doctor and to the amazement of all present, the suture in silk used for the external sutures is not in the medical kit but the smaller Doctor and with great bravado, did not hesitate even once, removing from the head of a furry a long and strong lock of hair which, after being disinfected, is used for the final suture..

A few hours later and with the successful rescue of the Captain of the City Guard, by the collective of mutual efforts, it was finally possible to set sail, returning to the safety of the walls and gates of Victoria. And the rest of the story you already know.

We are Ranna Vallona and Patssy of LionHeart, High Caste of Physicians and we wish you well.

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