Sunday 13 February 2022


Although still immersed in pain and fear that the whale could cause infections to other citizens, the painter Hannah, my adoptive sister, was called by the city Ubar for explanations.
  He asked him about the facts and she explained that while she was at the beach, the carcass of the whale had polluted the sea and caused skin infections, in her case on her hands and the consequent deterioration of her boots. She had gone to the doctor who had examined the water and declared the beach uninhabitable, after
treating her for her infections.
     Meanwhile, Ubar when he heard of the news that the whale was polluting the port, I order sailors loyal to him to expose the carcass with gunpowder, contributing even more to the pollution because the thousand pieces of carrion spread everywhere. .
   At this point the Ubar, which I don't think is the most honest, I entrust her case to the judge accusing her of having caused panic and having removed the pieces from the sea and the beach, causing damage to the ground where she had buried them.
   As a judge, I thought the case was entrusted to me. but I was wrong, they gave it to a woman who improvised herself as a Magistrate, now women do everything on the planet even what is not theirs being women.
  During an interview with the aforementioned Magistrate, a grumpy, rude and irreverent type, she told me that they in the city already had her as judge and that they would not need me.
As usual, I politely pointed out that she, being a woman, could not carry out the work of a judge, only as an assistant, as she already is, she had said so, of the chaste leader.
     The painter asked for my advice, I explained to him that she was out of the law and as such they would have condemned her, the reason and logic when a free citizen notices some problem must notify the caste leader who in turn will notify the doctor then Ubar, for this reason I would have sentenced her to hard labor in the library and in the archive as a cleaner.
    but the process in shortened rite. she has sinned of abuse of authority by not giving the painter the possibility of having a lawyer to defend her. he gave her the maximum penalty, humiliating her by flogging in public and paying the expenses.
   The law does not always triumph .. sometimes it makes it difficult to distinguish who the criminals are, but the city is managed dall'ubar that in page time promulgates the laws of him sometimes sews them on like a dress.
    Now there are two ways to follow, escape from the city by taking refuge elsewhere, or call any relative or hire a warrior who challenges the Ubar to a duel, the slaver who carried out the flogging and the judge or someone for her for having condemned her even if innocent.
   We will see how events proceed ... continue

Wednesday 9 February 2022


We left windermeer after our eight-veil company ceremony, an ancient ceremony, we went down the Wosk with our ship, we had the intention to reach my family in the north, the last message received said that they had settled in the agrigolo village by Finnur.

Leaving the delta we entered the great gulf of Thassa, a storm forced us to take refuge in the Cos archipelago, luck would have it that the current dragged us towards the island of Tira, the capital of the archipelago.
   The wind had dropped we rewound the sails leaving only the bowsprit to reach the port, we were greeted by few people, by now all the citizens were in their homes, we reached the central square with Brjiana my bride, luck wanted us to meet Lady Hannah, a my old acquaintance, she was an artist a painter, years ago on the island of Jad she had her art gallery, then we had lost sight of each other, she left for the north and I for the south, to return to the oasis of new Cartassa in the Thahari desert.
      Sitting in the shelter under the pergola of the inn, we talked of this and that, of our memories, of the past, Brjiana participated in the chat and immediately had sympathy for that beautiful painter, I was amazed to hear that Lady BB Arliss my mother had also adopted her , in Finnur Fiord together with his brother, so we discovered that we are brother and sister even if only adopted, but still of the same family, and true lady BB has many adopted children on the planet, after her daughter Safina, and son Bernhard, the 'they had disowned by joining the Combo tribe.
   Brjiana was also very happy, she that the family had lost her as a child like me, now she had brothers and sisters even if acquired, after having talked about so many things, we retired to the rented room at the inn.
   The next day, still not knowing anyone in the city, we set out in search of Hannah but no one had seen her, when we reached the port they told us, that a free woman bathing on the shore, not noticing the carcass of a whale left not very long. far away, having removed the grease and the benti, they had left her not very far on the shore, the decayed whale had released an acid into the sea, which burned the feet and hands of the beautiful Hannah and we were told that they had taken her to the infirmary.
    We reached the infirmary, where a doctor, a beautiful free woman was preparing to cure her, while she was still half-naked as they had taken her to the port to take her to the doctor in a small barrel wagon.
We waited a few hours until it was medicated, then with an uncertain gait he joined us in the shadowy part of the building, and I tell us the story of the whale, and of the intention to sue the sailors who had abandoned the carcass, Lady Brjiana nevertheless has not yet achieved the lawyer diploma took the matter to heart saying he would assist her, while they asked me to be a judge at the trial. .......... darianarliss


 keep it going

Thursday 3 February 2022

blog of Brjiana

Surprising changes and a HR

Weeks went by for our first issue of the Gor Gazette,
We spent a lot of time on ships and caravans, traveling to foreign towns and villages, promoting the newspaper, making new friends on
these trips made time fly like a flash.

And finally the day came
Day 2 Hand 4 Year 10172 Contasta Ar
We sent our messengers across the country for our Edition 1, which was very well received.
Surprising journey and Annunciations
But if I thought I could get some rest and final preparations for our ceremony, I would have done the dedication calculation without Darian.
As soon as our 1st edition was among the people, I had to pack my new clothes for another trip, the destination of which was not revealed to me.

We boarded the ship in Windermeer and I noticed that Darian was whispering with a mischievous smile to the captain, who was nodding, laughing and bowing.
The ship sailed along the Vosk delta to Port Kar and then into the Gulf of Tumber. When the ship entered Mar Thassa and sailed the coast there, I was glad I didn't have to go out to sea, because despite the many journeys we had to make in the last few weeks and months, I had never really overcome my fear.
But seeing the coast up close, with the magnificent cities of Bazi and Schendi, calmed my trembling nerves a little.
Three times I tried to get Darian to tell me the destination of the trip, but he just shook his head with a smile on his lips, I wanted to kiss, and he just said, "Patience, my love, patience, soon you will. “Experiment!” So ​​I didn't ask any more questions and tried to enjoy the ride.
 We were passing Korat and the island of Landa was already in sight, not far away would be Kargash, when the ship slowed down and approached the shore.
Don't believe my eyes when a small oasis came into view, hidden by tall palm trees and dunes, yet the fertility of the land was evident thanks to Thassa's proximity.
A small group of people gathered at the dock as the ship reached the harbor, shouting "Hail Darian, Hail Oasis of the Seven Palms, Hail Prince Darian!" as they waved colored flags,
I thought I couldn't believe my ears what people were shouting and I looked in surprise at Darian, who was standing by the wall to say hello and then looked at me.
He grabbed my hand and smiled and what he said then shook the ground beneath my feet and no, it wasn't the ship.
"You know, I told you my parents died and Lady BB and Sir Mith adopted me, but I only changed my name, not my origins. I am grateful to my adoptive parents for the good education and carefree childhood , but I am the son of Sheikh Al Nairad The empire was headed, my birth parents killed, my brother Orlando, you met him in Thentis, living in the ruins, trying to rebuild and taking the inheritance of our Father as my sheikh During my travels I found this oasis, I called it the oasis seven palm trees and I settled here with a small group of faithful followers.
Yes ... I'm Prince Darian, but also a magistrate. Few people know of my true identity when I work in cities and as a magistrate, but they know that after our FC you are not a scribe and capored actor, even the princess of the seven palms!
I listened to Darian silently,
It's too late for a new dress and I'm wearing this 8-veil white dress tonight. And when the day ends, I'll be Darian's FC. I drank the empty cup, put it on a small table near the tub, took the scented soap and washed my hair and body thoroughly. Hygiene has always been important to me and maybe today I washed a little too much, as if I have to delay further as if I have to further delay my time in the hot water The dress. Really a white silk dream with a bust line of deep blue flowers that flowed softly at the waist and also framed the long train, the colors of the Magistrate.My hopes were that the weather would change by evening as I didn't feel like swimming up to the altar with the dress hanging on a hook in the room and suddenly I didn't like it at all anymore.
unable to get a word out of my mouth. Princess????????? Hey???????????????
If I could look in the mirror right now, I would realize that my mouth must have remained open and I would look stupid because the smile the captain gave me while he looked at me speaks volumes.

Darian grabbed my hand with a reassuring smile as we walked down the bridge together into the resulting crowd.
I was struck by the simple elegance of the buildings and the palace.
The oasis lay in the evening sun not in a boastful or pompous way, but with a pleasant glow.

We spent 2 full days in the oasis and relaxed and enjoyed the union until we left, we had to get back to Windermeer in time for our FC ceremony.

-------------------------------------------------- ---
Woe and glad well
When we arrived in Windermeer we immediately started to visit the FC headquarters, the slaves were running back and forth excitedly, carrying flowers and benches. Assigned blue and white ribbons tied and hung from the pillars, unrolled deep blue carpets, the tables were laid.
 I went back and forth nervously checking one thing and the other, tweaking it a bit and examining everything fincuntil I was satisfied.

Suddenly a deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts: "What's the hustle and bustle here on the Administrator's square?"

Surprised, I turned and looked straight in the face at the angry face of a man who introduced himself as Sir Vance, one of the High Council, but we had never seen him before. Lady Tasia gave us permission to decorate and use this space for the FC, but the Lady wasn't in Windermeer because she hadn't been there in a while. There were rumors that Lady Tasia would be dedicated to other tasks, where she obviously neglected the tasks as HOC.
Sir Vance screamed his displeasure in a thunderous, indignant voice, and my face slowly flushed with anger, but also with fear that everything would eventually be undone. In my mind I saw that we were holding FC on a pasture field
Unfortunately, my temperament did not allow me to remain calm for too long, so I explained to the gentleman. Actually he should know that a FC would be on hold, as the invitations have gone to all citizens. Presumably they would collect dust on his desk, unread.
 That Lady Tasia has prescribed the post for us and that the interim administrator, Sir Metric, has been informed. Luckily Sir Metric showed up and cleared everything up and they apologized.
"Well, this happens when you have been away for a long time, Lady Bryjana, do you accept my apologies?"
Relieved, I smiled and offered him my hand in peace and friendship: "It would be an honor to appoint you as our best man, Sir Vance"!

To our delight, he agreed and we were able to end the day in peace. We are only a few hours away from the FC ceremony and we may need some rest so we have each retreated to our rooms.

The ceremony

Pouring rain drummed on my window as I woke from a restless sleep at dawn, got out of bed exhausted and tired, feeling like I hadn't closed my eyes all night.

A city slave with fiery red hair was placed in my service. I walked into my bedroom with a smile but sleepy eyes. "Madam, the water in your bathroom is ready!"
With a cup of strong black wine in hand, he climbed into the tub with the pleasantly warm water that smelled of jasmine and roses and I hoped it would take away my tiredness.
 Worried, my gaze went over and over to the window, the rain was getting heavier and heavier as if the world was about to end and Odin would pour the whole Thassa on Windermeer.
   Oh great ............................. FC would be a wet event ......... .... why ???? ??? The gods are not on my side today ????

Monday 31 January 2022


   During our stay in Windermeer we worked hard for the publication of the first issue of the newspaper, we visited many cities and villages in the north, establishing business relationships with them, installing newsstands on the docks where travelers and visitors arrive.
    Bryanna tirelessly did everything in order, not neglecting at the same time the preparations for our company ceremony, which we will soon make in Windermeer, we had asked my mother lady BB first, but she said she would be traveling, so we turned to the administrator of the city, Lady Tasia, she accepted immediately, then during a trip to Sardar, she had an accident falling on a cliff now they are treating her, Sir Metric said that she will not be able to walk by at least two hands.
   In the end we turned to Sir William an old Scribe chief of the city of Genesian, he initially a little hesitant, then I accept, the ceremony would have been that of the `` eight veils '', even if I am a certified master of ceremonies, I did not know anything of the kind. , so I had to reread the procedures, we returned to file the contract that he will view and sign during the function.
   Meanwhile, between one thing and the other with Bryanna we decided to return to my Oasis, she did not know her, and I was anxious to let her visit. because it would have been our winter residence, I no longer want to spend cold and snowy days, I prefer the heat of the desert.
   Bryanna did not believe her eyes, when she saw the palace, the harbor and the luxuriant palm trees, my subjects welcomed me cheering, not many for the truth, many are traveling for our trade, my faithful guards always in their place, to protect my home.
    Bryanna had a great idea, she asked me to open a branch of our newspaper in a wing of the building, I liked the idea and allocated a wing with an independent entrance for the newspaper, surely she would not be bored in the oasis burned by the sun, surrounded by the sea on two sides and bordering a nearby fiefdom inhabited by pirates, and Marauders, there is a very high wall, built to defend us.
    Today we returned to Windermeer for the final preparations, unfortunately there were misunderstandings among the administrators, (Windermeer has four) and due to a delay in notification between offices, a traveling administrator Sir Vance returned angry for not having contacted him for the allowed, then everything was resolved for the best, and the day after tomorrow we will finally have our ceremony .... May Odin assist us.

Friday 21 January 2022



 Leaving the Sardar path, the one that leads to the Sanctuary, we took the path that leads to the North, we are in winter and certainly there are days of cold and snow ahead.
    By now Finnur Fiord was just a memory, we had not been able to meet any administrator, all left for the city of Sais for the Tsar
     We had heard of a village called Skjen, on the shores of North Thassa, the weather had deteriorated, great black news on the horizon, the bitter cold of that Nordic region, convinced us to stop.
   We came within sight of the village by now almost evening, we climbed the slope that through a stone portal opened onto a clearing and all around small houses, and snow everywhere, we slowly crossed those houses looking around cautiously, often backwards for fear of being attached to the shoulders.
 I ordered the caravan to stop in that fairly protected place, and prepare to put up the tents as soon as we had permission.
     Bryanna and I walked up the steep path that leads to the great hall, there was no one around at that time, but when we knocked on the house a beautiful woman opened us and greeted us warmly, made us sit and offered us some warm wine from Cos, and after the usual introductions, she will guide us around the village showing us her beauty, she was a cordial welcome, we spent the whole evening talking about our travels and the cities of the South and the different way of living the Planet.
  The following morning we left Skjien to reach another not very attractive village, also on the coast where we were advised that they had good skins to trade, so we left when that winter sun was already high, we had a few hours of light so we reached Hammersgaard in forced stages. .
  Unlike Skjen, here people welcomed us as soon as we arrived at the pier of the port, where the entrance to the village is located, what I noticed immediately and Bryanna I confirm it, was that there were few men around but many few women. dressed, despite the bitter
cold. they welcomed us in the great hall even here they were very kind even if they had a different dialect from ours, they told us that soon that evening, they would have the village council, everyone arrived at the big house greeting us and taking place at the long tables, what seemed an authority he told us to set up the tents and the next day they would invite us to offer us their products.
   So it was that we stopped in that welcoming village full of beautiful women, hard from the North with their faces red from the cold without a veil, without losing their sensuality, even with those skins on not very elegant.
   Bryanna and I retired to our tent, updated our travelogue. It had been a beautiful day our men sat around the fire, drank and ate pieces of smoked Borsk meat, happy too.

Thursday 20 January 2022



First of all, a greeting from me, Darian Arliss editor.
    I want to start with the news that I never wanted to give, the fall of the oasis of Cartassa, once a noble city of ancient origins, where I lived a happy time, working and living the city before, the oasis after, once there big family Arliss lived happily, Lady BB the mother, Lady Safina, Lady Mae the aunt, sir Mith, sir Sigmond, sir Berhard, sir
Finthor my brother, Lady Shani my sister, then the mother fell in love with the chief of a tribe who lived in the forest and abandoning us, but it did not end well because the city was attacked by the panthers and was destroyed.
   We all found shelter in Finnur Fiord, while my ex mother with her new companion, a prince of the desert, built the Oasis
   A merchant who arrived in the city told me that the Bedouins, pirates of the desert attacked and destroyed the oasis, now there are only ruins left, and the citizens do not know what happened to them dispersed in the desert, to my great chagrin and to all. the Goreans.
   The city of Cartassa was also closed after an epidemic. the citizens and the many slaves of the school found shelter in the swamps of the city of Olni, Lady Lucy welcomed them, Sir falconer took care of the slaves by renting the large house of the Olni lighthouse, waiting for the city of Callera rise again.
    I have heard that the Captains of Port Kar have finally found an agreement and the city is flourishing again and full of people, Traders and Pirates flock to the port.
    Tsar's tournament continues in the village of Sais, they come from many cities, the players will see who wins the tournament, I hope it is Lady Tuka, a great woman who lives in the city of Olni.
   In Windermeer we will soon celebrate our union, I Darian with my next partner Lady Bryanna, all Gorean citizens who pass through the city are invited to the great ceremony, in the square in front of the council palace.
    Thanks to everyone who reads

Saturday 15 January 2022


                                FINALLY -WINDERMEER-

    By now we had traveled all over the river olni,It seems like yesterday when with my beloved Bryanna we embarked at the mouth of the Olni river, a

tributary of the great Wosk river, after visiting the city of Olni, the city of great towers, we also visited the village of Ti, not far from Port Olni, then in  Thentis, the great city of the Barrens plateau, in the same Region of thentis, we were there for a long time, we had a good job, the city twinned with Genesian was very busy. sight of a large village and we stopped, it was only for food, but they welcomed us well and asked us to stay, I rented a beautiful house in the hills, while Bryanna found her in the city where we began work on the new newspaper that we would publish shortly thereafter, she takes care of the administrative part I of the drafting of the articles which she then corrects and typeset

    It was there that I met my scribe apprentice who after taking the Scribe exam she became my assistant, and we fell in love.
 We lived a good period of work, I as Magistrate her as my assistant, but sometimes good things do not last long, and I found myself in the middle of a machination by Lady Monica who had a warrior nominated administrator, using me as a second choice , you know I was new and they chose him it was obvious, the post of head of the scribes was still empty, but even in that case, they chose another much older.
  There was a revolution in the city all change, slaves who became scribes and women without knowledge became second magistrate, naturally when I tried to enforce the law the administrator who also acted as commander, created new ones hindering me, so after many discussions with the Chief of the Scribes, a woman who adapted to the new rules, we decided with Bryanna to leave the city.
   So it was that, going up the river, we arrived in

   Luck did not help us, everything seemed to go well, but even here the same story, people coming from the ruins of the oasis of Cartassa (which they themselves had helped to destroy) bewitched the administrator, who with the excuse of the oath took me away the work as a magistrate, even if nothing dangerous had ever happened in the city everything was always so quiet, then the village was invaded by people from all over for the tournament of the Tsar game, so we had no more space for us so we are we left again going up the river to reach a town called

 visit store
Windermeer, where my mother, Lady BB Arliss and my father Sir Mith lived, but they told us that she left for the south but that she will return soon.

    So now we are here we have the house and we are furnishing the office and the headquarters of the newspaper, BRyanna and happy finally has more space and soon we will become companions building our family.

Thursday 13 January 2022


  Going up the wosk with our ship, Bryanna and I decided to venture into the Tenthis region, we were undecided which branch to take, the river Thentis and the Olni river were two tributaries that go up the deltas crossing different villages including Sais, where we taken
home and where we will soon publish our newspaper, and Ti, a neighboring village, we preferred to visit the city of Olni first, with its large port and a large Tukhuk camp bordering the city.
    I had already been in that city at the beginning of my career, I had worked first as a scribe then as a magistrate, then to follow a woman I left Olni to live in an oasis in the Thahari desert together with Lady Harmony, my partner, who later disappeared but I already have you talked about her.
Now with bryanna I wanted to visit all the cities where I lived and worked, and why not advertise our next newspaper that we will publish on the Planet.
  Lady Lucy Bronet this is the name of the referent of the city who, together with sirRoberT and my grandfather, sir Bry, have been running the city for years. I forgot there is also the doctor called Pysician, who is called Sir Ronmag an old friend of mine.
   Lady Lucy was very happy to see me again I spent beautiful moments there, even if a little aged, with her partner Sir Jarek my friend, she hosted us in the tea room for the customary pleasantries, we talked about everything, even the newspaper She was enthusiastic about the idea, but time is known and tyrant, so we returned to Sais where we have a rented house and where we have the newspaper office.
   We said goodbye, promising to meet again.

Wednesday 12 January 2022


   Lately the city has experienced a moment of glory, with many players coming from all over for the Tsar competition, all challenging each other, men and women, even the slaves fought that game, even if it would not be allowed but you know on the planet it gives free space for inspiration.
      Bryanna always scrupulous as she has never followed the competition closely to send news and results to other cities, with our new newspaper, she is also enthusiastic because she already sees our next profits.
     As far as I'm concerned, my daughter Margareth arrived in Sais waiting for my marriage to Bryanna, my brother Orlando, passing through the sanctuary, will also stop for a few days waiting for the same. many scribes, coming from destroyed cities, there is no work for everyone but it is nice to live peacefully all together.
  Sometimes people arrive who are not what they prove to be, and often those in charge give them all possible availability.

 I who had just had the appointment of Magistrate within a day was revoked, another arrived who knows where to take my place, Lady Tygera is good and bad weather, but she can afford it and head of the caste, and I have withdrawn silently to the sidelines, waiting for events to improve.
   Yesterday there was the oath in front of the House Stone of a warrior and a lady, (to tell the truth sir Ulir Nyborog (the next day a merchant wanted to refuse the oath it was evident that he does not know the laws) the administrator asked me if I wanted to confirm my presence with the oath but I asked him a few days to settle in the city, for this reason lady tygera revoked my appointment as magistrate.
 It doesn't matter, I told him that the house stone is where man lives and where he works and where he loves the earth he treads on and the woman he loves, and I am Magistrate of the planet and I am also in my heart.
Lady BB my mother is planning for our wedding we have already done a first test later we will do others, I'm happy that Bryanna will be able to become my partner .. and I will always love him




Saturday 8 January 2022

                                                    THE CITY OF SAIS  

 Finally with Bryanna we are integrating with the city, she has made some female friends with whom to spend the free time from office commitments, but I still find it hard to get to know everyone, sometimes I stop in the square and talk to people, but still no friends.
   Today I had a nice chat with Lady Shaia under the arbor of the tea room, I'm starting to get to know someone,
but tonight I finally met sir nick the administrator, I mentioned my plans and the upcoming wedding that will take place between me and Bryanna, my apprentice Scribe whom I have taken care of since the first moments, when I met her in the city of Thentis, before that we arrive here in Sais.

 In thentis I had been called to work as a Magistrate, the work was not very peaceful, so we decided to open a school for Scribe, the newly arrived Lady Bryanna, rescued at sea by a pirate ship and entrusted to the city. that in her turn the manager in second place of her I entrust her, I as her tutor.
After a few months of lessons she finally gave the exam and was passed with full marks now and a complete Scribe, and soon my partner, here in the city of Sais, welcomed us very well, even if the work for us is not much, already there are other Scribes and Magistrates, but that little we do well.
 Soon there will be tournaments and dance competitions in the city, I can't wait to admire and watch the games, it is always an event for people to come from many countries and we could compare.
  Good for today and all for tomorrow with more news


 I start today to publish the story of the citizens of Sais .. not in order of importance, I hope that everyone will give me their availability


                                                   SHAIA SONATA(scribe)


Today while I was walking through the central square, the one that overlooks the main entrance, with its large fountain and the Scribe palace
  I knew my next mate Bryanna was not coming, she is busy preparing for the ceremony. cosimi I went to the cushions where there is usually always some hot blackwine, and to my surprise I see a lady sitting, sipping her coffee.After saying goodbye I sat on the other side of the pillows and I also took a cup of blackwine , I had already met this young lady because she too scribe and I had seen her go around the palace.
   It is not usual to meet a woman alone at the bar, it is dangerous but she said to me:
-I am protected in Sais by the administrator Sir Nicholas, whom I met and met once here in the square, I became curious about that slender figure and asked him about her and her life.
- I say I was born in KO-RO-BA my parents were wealthy they lived in one of the city towers, my father was a magistrate and my mother a scribe, and since I was a child they taught me their high caste work and I became a Scribe .
I liked living in that city, I liked wandering knowing sometimes I went out with friends outside the walls we climbed the plateau to admire the hills to the north-east and dream of the world far beyond the horizon.
  At the death of my parents who became obese, I was left alone I had no other brothers or sisters so a family of merchants adopted me, finally taking me far towards the Sardar up to the city of Sais. where I now live even if by now my adoptive parents are also dead and I am now under the protection of the administrator,
   Happy work waiting for a few more years to pass before ingesting the stabilizing serum that the women of the planet have when they are young.
   I don't have many memories of my hometown I only remember that they called it the city of morning towers, or the city of merchants, so on the way to the sardar and the caravans that lead from the wosk and Tambler rivers to the inside up to the Sanctuary or up to the Sardar plain before the mountains.
   Now I am happy here to work as a scribe in the slave house and I hope someday she can have a family and children.

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...