Saturday 27 August 2022



  Of all the citizens I met in the early days of my stay in Port Victoria, the one that intrigued me most was her, Lady Alexandra, a Healer who often walks around the city escorted by her two guards, in fact there is not much work for doctors in the city, new ones arrive every day, looking for a job but we are in peacetime and if there are no wars, there are no injuries, and doctors do not work, they just do the medical visits to the new keys, which need the certificate before being collared by their masters. Daughter of the head of the Green caste, Sir Lib Steele, that is of the Physicians or healers, she studied at Svago and then in Turla, where her father di lei had a class for physicians and in that city she graduated with honors. Although she does not have two children, which is the law of the Planet, she doe not have to have children because her di lei Head of Caste di lei does not exercise that Caste rule.


  She has a slim figure, but from what you can tell under her veil di lei, she also has a beautiful face and expressive eyes that seem to smile when she looks at me. She tells me that her favorite hobby of hers di lei is shopping, which is normal for the women of the planet, they go around the shops spending the cooper they have, mostly for perfumes and clothes. In the house with her, she has a pet snake named Powder. She lets her snake wander in the garden chasing urts. Powder keeps the urts under control around her family home and the infirmary garden. Lady Alexandra has not yet a suitor she is yet too young, but now that she has finished her studies and is working, she is waiting for someone to come forward. Perhaps of high caste to ask her di lei father di lei Sir Lib, permission to court her di lei. I can imagine her father would be happy to find a companion for his daughter di lei with the possibility of having brats between your feet and letting 
them play with their grandfather. To tell the truth, I too have recently arrived in the city, I am looking around to find a partner and form a family. So far, I have not had much luck. All the women I have courted have run away or flew to heaven. Every time I have to start over. In the city of Victoria there is a lot of population, many people run through the streets, while the warriors watch over the walls and piers arresting those who break the laws, but even the 
 Magistrates like the Doctors do not have much to do, only registrations and certificates, the rest do the many Scribes who crowd the tower, I still do not know them all except Sir Trent with whom I spoke, and Sir Amir the head of the caste, while Sir Liam, I think is the Magistrate who works the most in the tower. Many scribes spend our time drinking black wine in the inns. I got a message from Lady Sierra, the scribe apprentice, who lived here with us, she finally found her father and mother di lei, Sir Youroki and Lady Sabayna and went to live with them city of '' Kargash '' where finally her father her. assigned the job by Scribe. 
 They invited me by sending me a message on a scroll, I was the Protector of Sabayna, when the companion was sick, and one of these days I will surely leave to visit them .. By now it is almost night and soon I will return to my house in the palace on the grand stairs, and I will be able to rest, today has been a long day but I am happy, the three moons of the Planet illuminate the sea in the distance, and the lanterns of the ships sway giving their intermittent glow

Sunday 21 August 2022



   Finally something new on the Planet, I have recently arrived in the city of Victoria, the Caste Chief Sir Amir welcomed me with all the pleasantries due to my rank and my fame, he knows me as a great Magistrate, known throughout the Planet, but unfortunately he says in this city the Magistrate nomine him the Ubar, and there are already a couple of them, I told him that I want to rest and feel comfortable after the tragedies of Cartassa and Thentis, I prefer to be alone and observe what happens for then publish it all in my newspaper.

    I am writing  while the dim light of the candle barely illuminates the room but the thought flies to Victoria, who knows if one day I will find happiness there .....

The city is chaotic, many arrive, others leave, like Lady Jasmine the Innkeeper on the dock, or Lady Sierrarose of whom I was in love, she left too and Lady Xarra she also left yesterday with a ship greeted me at the port telling me to visit her one day when she finds a city that will make her happy.
    Lady Tenka is a very active merchant she is always around her business. but she always has a good word for everyone, and she helps the newcomers.
    Sir Amir has left for a long journey I hope he will return soon, because some Scribe is already starting to roar for his lack of direction of the offices, but Sir Liam the magistrate, holds the situation firmly in hand, I met the blacksmith  sir Svein of the same tribe as mine. of the Torvie, although I was born in the desert but was adopted by Lady BB and Sir MIth Arliss, Torvie of Finnur village, sometimes he invites me to his house behind the forge and I gladly take with him a horn of Cos wine that he hides with pride.

   An event on the planet made us euphoric. the Teletus fair. every year in this period the city is filled with foreign visitors, many traders and many slaves around. We left with the caravan a few days ago, now are here, we stay at the inn, today finally an event not to be missed, for a long time I had not seen the Kajires Festival, the slavesthey try their hand at dances, admirsated from hundreds of people, many slaves arrived from everywhere they crowd the dance floor kneeling as the law wants all around waiting their turn, a beautiful thing, many beautiful women with naked breasts, who dance following the music with their molded and firm bodies, I had already witnessed Port Kar ad such an event but this has surpassed it for participation and beauty.

  Now the time has come to prepare our things at dawn we will leave to return to Victoria but we will bring a great memory and we will be able to tell our grandchildren.
While walking through the stalls with the products displayed, I came across Lady Sabayna, you will surely remember her I told you about her on the occasion of is companion Youroki's illness and I becamed is protector in the Oasis of the seven palms, after the greetings and the pleasantries she usually told me that Lady Sierrarose was adopted by her and her partner, and now she lives in Cargash with them and has become a scribe of the small town. and she also invited me to visit them so that I could say goodbye to Lady Sierra, I promised him one day when I return South, I will surely visit her city of hers.

   I am writing  while the dim light of the candle barely illuminates the room but the thought flies to Victoria, who knows if one day I will find happiness there ....

Tuesday 9 August 2022


     The city wakes up early in the morning, from my room at Lady Jasmine's Inn, I was awakened by the shouting of the dockers and the first patrons of the morning, who stop at the tables before going to their work, they are not there yet women around surely come out after taking care of the children and the partner, I get up and go downstairs, some slaves are already fumbling in the kitchen and the smell of Blackwine hangs in the air.
  Early morning greetings are more like grunts than incomprehensible words.
After having drunk my Blackwine, I go out and look at the clear sky, some Volos flutter happily on the roofs of the houses and the bells of the ships at anchor mingle with the noise of the port, wagons full of barrels. merchants waiting their turn and some warriors who stand guard at the columns.
I head to the stairs that lead to the upper floor of the city, I hate the noise, yesterday I discovered a beautiful place just above the stairs, beyond the large gate to the right there is a large terrace with many tables, perhaps another large Inn or a Tea room, but I'm not sure .. I just know that I often sit quietly waiting for Lady Sierra to come too to get her Blackwine.
 I have a certain admiration for that woman who is facing alone the disappearance of the children that her partner has taken away, the children would be indispensable to be able to practice their profession as a Pysichian, you know well that the law of the planet obliges women healers to have at least two children, certainly a bizarre law that has been handed down for centuries, and we certainly won't be the ones to change it.
  Lady Sierra during an interview confessed to me that she privately she is studying to become a Scribe, she does not need to have children, I who have had classes for Scribe apprentices told him that if she needs her I can help her study.
   Now I'm here, waiting, certainly not that I'm sure it will come but I hope so, ever since I lost SHayla who disappeared who knows where, I was left alone without even a slave, and having a woman to talk to and discuss is always nice.
     I have to decide sooner or later, I have to find the palace of the Scribes and talk to the head of the Caste, to have an office job, I have seen some Scribes and Magistrates around, but the city is in great expansion and the Scribes always serve , I know it well.
 While I was sitting this morning in the usual place on the terrace enjoying my good Blackwine made with the beans of Thentis, my old city where I was Magistrate, and where I met Shayla the sister of the healer companion of Lady Monica the Tatrix of the city, who with Sir Ray Lobo they administer it, to tell the truth we did not remain on good terms because Shayla was promised to the Commander of the Guards by her brother, but she fell in love with me and followed me to the oasis even against my will, I told him many times I do not want to create enemies in your city but she fell in love, then given my indifference she thought it best to return to Thentis, at least so I think because once in the Port of the city of Victoria I left her for a short time and did not find her more.
  Now that the sun is high in the clear blue sky I believe that Lady Sierra will no longer come for her Blackwine, so I decide to return to the port maybe I can meet some merchants, I still have the ship full of Cos wine, I can make some good business.

Monday 8 August 2022



 I was wandering around the city of Port Victoria desperately, and some encounters made me forget Shayla for a moment, I hope soon I will hear from Thentis, my point of reference in this big and beautiful city and the Inn in the harbor square immediately after the piers where the ships stop and unload their goods, from nearby Thentis arrive the ships with special beans, suitable for making the best blackwine, and from the distant city of AR comes the flour, and from the archipelago of Cos the best wine.

As I sat in the cool of the early morning, when the breeze rising from the Vosk River brings goosebumps, accustomed as I was to the hot, fiery desert mornings, often with the sand that the wind brings. The Inn is run by a beautiful lady with a very familiar name in the wilderness, '' Jasmine ''. for us in the desert, it means Mulberry or Jasmine flower, she stands up to the many customers who crowd the inn, helped by some very good slaves in their work, she serves me personally and I was very happy, for a moment I forgot all my past, I wanted to look to the future, to create a new place, where to live a new adventure happily, and who knows maybe have a job as a scribe or anything that can make me reborn.


    In the meantime I arrive the slave on duty at the inn the beautiful Aiko with yellow skin, certainly imported from planet Earth, we need our blackwine, at the end Lady Sierra said she had an appointment with an Ambassador to find out if he had any news, I leave with the promise that we would meet again and look for our companions together ........ continues

  Then I went up the large stairs that lead to the upper palaces those of the castes, at the top of the stairs on the right a large palace where in its large patio certainly a tea room with many tables, but these unlike those of the port are elegant, with tablecloths embroidered and flowers, there was no one, I sat quietly, took some rolls from my bag reading about the business I had recently done, in the cities visited during the long crossing from my oasis near the island of Landa in the south of the Thassa sea .

 I was so absorbed that I didn't even notice that a free one had approached, waiting for me to notice her, with a cough she attracted my attention, I raised my head and greeted her introducing myself, she said her name was Sierra and she was desperate, the comrade had fled taking his two children with him, he had learned that I was looking for Shayla and asked me if in the ports visited I had heard someone talking about his companion, a Pysichian with two children and difficult to go unnoticed.
  I was very impressed by the story of the woman also Pysichian, I could not know why she wore clothes with very dark colors that did not make her green caste understood, I told him that in the cities on the banks of the Vosk I had not heard anything about them and in my opinion he perhaps he had headed north, taking the track that leads from the Sanctuary to the great north, where I still have my adoptive mother Lady BB and my father Sir Mith, my sister Shani also lives in the North but in Finnur village, while my parents live. case in the village of Jasmine.
    I told him that I would send messages to all the northern villages I know, where I still have many friends especially in Hammersgaard where Lady Nani and Sir Erik live.

   In the meantime I arrive the slave on duty at the inn the beautiful Aiko with yellow skin, certainly imported from planet Earth, we need our blackwine, at the end Lady Sierra said she had an appointment with an Ambassador to find out if he had any news, I leave with the promise that we would meet again and look for our companions together ........ continues

Sunday 7 August 2022



After the renovation of the building, Shayla had wanted to furnish everything according to her tastes, personalizing it, I limited myself to indulging her even though she was of few words, meanwhile another message of threats was sent to us at the Oasis by a passing merchant.

   Now I'm sitting here waiting for some news to help me find it. maybe she will settle here for a while .. let's see

   As usual, the brother did not want to resign himself to the loss of his pupil Pysichian as well as his sister, Monica meanwhile her companion too with the new administrator Sir ray, whom I had met in Cartassa as the niece of Lady Safina, they let me know that only for the fact that Shayla had followed me to the oasis without my having forced her, indeed she often said that they forced her to stay in the city and that soon she would go as a companion to a warrior friend of her brother.
   I certainly did not worry about a Doctor who threatened me in my life I have known many people some good and many bad so one more did not count.
     While we were at the Oasis I realized that she was not happy, she missed her brother and he missed his life as an apprentice Pysichian, I saw her sadness in her eyes, but by now she was with me and said she would follow me all the way. 'hell.

   One day we received an invitation from a big city called Port Victoria, a city not very far from Thentis, where Shayla lived with her brother and where I had worked as a magistrate and had a class for Scribe apprentices, so I decided to face a new long travel to reach the vosk river, then go up the Olni river to Victoria.
     After a relatively peaceful journey, we only spent some time in the Gulf of Thassa, then we went up the Vosk river with tranquility pushed by the west wind.
   We reached the port one late afternoon we got ready and went down to the quay with some trusted guards, we arrived in the port square where there is a large and elegant Inn, many people crowded the quay at that hour, many tables were occupied, we sat down at a corner where the cool wind reached us, sitting waiting to be served, I realized that I had forgotten my bag with the plates, and cooper, so I told Shayla to expect I would get on the ship and be back as soon as possible.
  On the deck of the ship a merchant was waiting for me for some business, after having listened to him I agreed on what to do, and took my bag I returned to the dock, but to my amazement I saw the empty table and the guards intent on arguing with the commander of the city, I asked Shayla then but no one had noticed her and no one had seen anything.
    I began the search through the streets of the old city, then went up to the palaces of the Caste to the homes of the lords, but nothing
    I spent the night on the pier waiting for some news from the guards but nothing, and I'm still here in the city hoping for her return, now the chances are few and a doubt assails me, maybe the brother who knew of our arrival had come to kidnap her and take it away with you.
 I sent a message to her brother saying that Shayla had disappeared and since he was her protector it was her job to find her, but no answer has arrived.

Monday 1 August 2022


After the departure of Bryjana, for her adventure in the mines in search of Opals, I decided to leave the Oasis, with my ship I reached the port of ShipRock in the province of Shendi, and from there I would continue on foot to the Oasis of Cartassa where before the adventure with Bryjana I had been a Magistrate, hoping to get my job and a decent home back.

After a few weeks of walking in the desert, we crossed the great Vosk River to go up the delta first of the Olni River, then of the Thentis River. Finally reached the great city of Thentis, I noticed that nothing had changed and that now Lady Monica. she relied completely on her Administrator of the city, an old acquaintance of mine, we had never had a good relationship, when there was the opportunity, he was the grandson of the administrator of Cartassa ..
The return to the oasis of Cartassa was not exactly happy, the journey had been quite tiring and with many dangers, bands of disbanded Bedouins raided the caravans, but we managed to stealthily reach the oasis  with a long way into the desert.

    After the first days in the city, I no longer felt at ease, even Bryjana had reached Cartassa to inspect an Opal mine and had founded her own small Oasis nearby, don't can live  with her near me, so I decided to resume the journey towards the North-East, to reach the city ​​of Olni and from there I continued towards the city of Thentis, some merchants had told me that they had no Magistrate and sometimes they called him from nearby Sais.

   Crossing the second gate I ran into two citizens of the Green caste, a man and a woman, who introduced themselves and told me they were brother and sister, the girl told me her name was Shayla and was assistant to her brother and apprentice healer, she who came from the great North, she had already been Scribe completing her studies on Campus, but who wanted to pursue a career as a doctor, she wanted to help the population.
       There was an attraction between us immediately, I felt that that woman could have been my partner, but the Commander of the guards had already set his sights on her and her brother was not at all sorry, she as you know asked me to help her, not he wanted that man of arms as his companion, but he would have preferred someone of high caste like me, a Prince from the South.

   I felt proud of that somewhat unexpected request, and at the same time I did not want to make enemy a warrior who could have stabbed me in the dark of the night in some street, even the brother I seem hesitant did not want to lose his assistant or his apprentice, because he knew that I was constantly traveling without having a destination.

    Now nothing could stand between our love, which suddenly blossomed, I loved that little woman from the North, she too confesses to love me, and we decided that I would go to her brother to ask him permission to court her, but an unexpected event  was happened. I proposed to shayla to visit the house I had chosen to live together, but everyone knows that if a free woman enters a man's house she is compromised and could be arrested and enslaved, the brother and the warrior were already discussing what to do, she sent me a message explaining what was happening, so risked everything for everything , I kidnapped little Shayla and we secretly left for the river where my ship was waiting for us, and after many days of travel in the Vosk river and the Thassa sea, arrived to what was my Oasis of the Seven Palms.

   She very happy said that she would live forever with me, and begin to furnish the building according to her tastes, we are happy in the Oasis people love us ....

... continue

Friday 29 July 2022



Shayla and a girl like the others she lives in the North with her family and her older brother, who is already starting to study as a pysichian, while she plays carefree with her friends.
   Life in the North goes by fast they grew up while her parents got older, meanwhile Shayla was learning to read and write because her brother loved her as the most beautiful thing she has on earth, he protects her and gives her the necessary teachings.
  When their parents die, they split up, going to study in different places, leaving their land with its harsh winter climate, leaving her for the school of scribes, while he already advanced with his studies in a short time he became a good healer.
   their happy lives continue working in the cities where they were most needed. while our Shayla continued her studies in her spare time, quickly becoming a lawyer, making her studies available to the Blue caste.
    She had made herself very beautiful and certainly he had no shortage of suitors to live together in her company. but she did not see in those men the one who in front of Odin would become her companion, she aspired to a man of high caste to live happily and have children, because she had decided to abandon the Blue caste to study as her brother medicine and be able to become a good healer.
  One day his brother sends him a message announcing that he would soon take a woman as a mate in the city of Thentis, she knew that name because the merchants praised the beans grown in the hills where the best Blackwine on the planet was obtained.
    So he decided to speed up the journey to reunite with his brother, who would become his protector, so with the first ship leaving for the city he obtained a voyage, in fact it was not difficult precisely because many traders headed to Thentis for the Blackwine and for other prosperous businesses.
   Arriving early in the morning, she was fascinated by the landscape made of green hills and high walls that surrounded the city, she who had lived in the north between snow and ice, often passing the cold days in her big house, around the great fire that warmed everyone.
  She stepped off the ship happy and radiant. her bodyguard who was secretly in love with her followed her in silence looking around always alert, Shayla was amazed looking at the sky to see big Tarls fluttering high with an unusual sound of the beating of their wings sometimes seemed to want to darken the sky, everything it was new to her, the merchants at the portoal flocked to grab the best furs from Bosk or Tarsk.
    The meeting with his brother took place at the main door, the one that overlooks the large courtyard, he dressed in green escorted by two guards was waiting for him with open arms, a new life awaited him in that great city, with its high walls and its great river that flows into the great Vosk river .
......... continues


 The return to the city of Thentis, from my oasis, was happy but with a very long journey ... sailing the Thassa sea to the mouth of the Olni river, and then finally arriving at my old city, where before I was  Magistrate, and I had my own Scribe apprentice class.
   I left with Bryana, my pupil and protégé, who would become my partner, I wanted to introduce her to my Oasis of the Seven Palms, where I was Emir and introduce her to my people, but after a happy marriage, she dedicated herself, body and soul at the newspaper, I was editor-in-chief but then in reality it had become her only commitment, then seeing that the love was over, I left the Oasis to return first to Cartassa and then to Thentis.
   Nothing has changed when I arrived at the port, everything was familiar to me, the quay the distant mountains and the fortified city, on the hill that supported the port.
    Returning home after a long time and always exciting, I hoped that everything would return as before, even if there had been some small misunderstandings, for having me as a candidate to become an administrator, after the old man had left for the North.
    After passing the main door, some guards greeted me with affection, they recognized me, before introducing myself to the palace of the Scribes I decided to stop at the Inn, the one that travelers usually use, on the terrace to the right, there are not stairs but a long and semicircular walkway leading above, trying to maintain balance was very narrow, I managed to climb without damage.
   She visibly embarrassed for letting me know about her private problem, however I promised to help her 

    To my great surprise sitting at the cushions around the table at the back there was a woman with her bodyguard, as usual I politely greeted the woman and her guard, then I introduced myself declaring who I was, they were certainly new citizens they could not know me.
    The woman who wore a green dress certainly of the healer caste, which we call Physician, stands up as the law wants in front of a noble of high caste like I am, being Scribe and Magistrate, she also introduces herself by saying that she is lady Shayla Crannock, Physician apprentice, lived protected by her brother who was a member of the Green caste, and a Physician official of the city, she told me that she followed the lessons in the infirmary.   I reminded her that in order to exercise the law of the planet he obliges women to having two children before becoming healers.
   She told me that she knew well, but that for now she was willing to learn, then she would also think about her children and family.  She told me that she had already taken courses for Scribe on Campus and as a lawyer, and that if I needed help I could count on her.

The guard who had been silent all the time showed up with a grunt without my understanding his name, he told me about an alleged assault by a free man against Lady Monica, but who could not stop that one man because the city administrator had already dismissed him of all charges.
  He was visibly nervous and irritated by him, He said women are sacred, forgetting that women on the planet are free as long as the man decides, but I didn't pay him much attention because I admired the beautiful Shayla despite her veil, deep eyes could be seen and bright, they seemed to smile, I noticed that she was visibly excited and shy, talking to an unknown Magistrate, imposing like me, who are very tall compared to her.

    At one point the guard was called to the gate and the beautiful Shayla I confess that he wanted her as a companion, he had asked him to be able to court her, but she did not want to engage with anyone yet, she just wanted to study, and asked me if I could help her , but I replied that I had just arrived I had no assignments and first of all I did not want to make enemies, especially warriors, who in the night could stab you in the darkness of some street.

   She visibly embarrassed for letting me know about her private problem, however I promised to help her .. looking for a kind way to persuade the guard to desist from continuing to court her, I hope she comes to my office, she promised me to tell me about her life and help me sort out the various scrolls that I always carry around .......... continue

Wednesday 27 July 2022


 meetings with Darian


          She awakes from the back room where the furs are laid.
She smells the clean, fresh air of the tavern. It is slightly chilly, but in a good way, in a nipple-hardening way. She inspect the tavern for dust, dirt, vermin, and stains. She puts more wood into the fireplace in case a visitor comes looking for a warm hearth ... and maybe a warm body to share it with.
She discovers some odd stains on the furs and straw in the next room. She thinks to herself, "I wonder where these white stains came from?"
Perplexed sheI can only assume they were from before her time di lei.
She takes the furs down to the river to wash them. On the way she she remembered how this sort of thing would attract lice and body crabs.
At the river she hears the gently flowing water. She I knows this is not Heaven, but for her it is a grand life.
She take off all her clothes and wades out into the river, "I certainly don't want to get my clothes wet, or she will have to wash them too. Hmm, on second thought," why not "? her clothes and rubs them thoroughly in the water. The feel of the cold refreshing water across her legs feels so good that she wades out further past her hips until she feels her breasts begin to bob and sway with the currents. Going back to the edge of the river she climbs onto a flat rock and dives head first in the water enjoying the cold tingle of her skin.
As she stands up in the water, she reaches her arms into the sky as though hugging the whole world. Never has she felt more alive even while wearing the collar that promises her that she is owned and valued by someone Her body has never felt more alive, beautiful and desired than ever before. The burden of her old life di lei has been lifted. Here her mind and spirit di lei are no longer slaved.
As she climbs out of the water to hang her wet clothes on a nearby tree she sees Master Warrior pass by di lei as he is chatting with her di lei BFF di lei bryn. She waves "Tal Master Warrior, Tal sister bryn"!
Completely unconcerned for her nudity di lei they see her and wave back, although Master Warrior seems a bit distracted.
As she hangs the furs on the trees to dry, along with her clothes di lei, she feels the warm sun on her skin di lei, drying HER off. Since the tavern is not yet ready for business, she decides to enjoy her freedom di lei some more. She stretches out on the grass to get some suntan. Time passes by and she turns over on her back to bake some more.
Eventually she decides to call it a day and return to the river, wash off, dress and return the furs to the tavern.
Remembering that she needs to sweep the floor a little bit, she gets to that task.
After she completes this final task, she locates bryn who has taken an early afternoon nap. Bryn explains she had to leave early to perform her work elsewhere as she was overly tired. Smiling, she hugs her best friend di lei and tells her bryn never needs to explain herself. Bryn is her inspiration of lei and is always there when needed. That is enough.
"So chain-sister, what were you two chatting about?" she asks. Bryn was elusive, but finally admitted that he told her he wants to purchase her virginity di lei at the blood auction Saturday. this girl smiled with happiness, "Really?" "How wonderful"!
Bryn did not seem nearly enthusiastic. Sister, please share with me. I know you find him attractive, what is wrong? "Bryn strained for the words, sometimes we dont know why we are bothered, only that we are. Eventually, bryn shared," well, I am white silk. Master Warrior has fucked a lot of women with experience I do not know the skills he would expect. "I don't even know what a blowjob is except what you shared with me. It doesnt even seem to involve blowing at all."
With mischievous mirth in her eyes and giggles in her throat, this girl told her, "Of course you dont know these things" "This is why he wants to purchase you. He wants to enjoy teaching you these things. He wants to be the first to explore the mysteries of your mouth and your body. All you need to do is follow his lead and he will guide you. " "Oh you are so beautiful in your innocence, that's what I love so much about you."
"Now let's clean this tavern. We need to nail some boards back. Do you know anything about these white stains I discovered?" "No, of course they are not yours, but do we ever have unknown overnight visitors?"

Friday 8 July 2022



                       isle of landa city               

  Arrived at the island of Landa with a pirate ship bound for Anango, what amazed me was the beauty of the city seen from the port, many palaces with golden domes soared in the sky.
    I went down the ship crossing the jetty and walked following some pilgrims to the large main door, protected by a very high iron gate, but what amazed and horrified me most were some heads impaled on spears placed on the sides of the road leading to the entrance .
   I introduced myself to the guard at the gate, him call his commander, they did not often see Magistrates arriving in their city, they escorted me to the great palace of the castes, passing between very high columns and many palm trees placed on the sides, we arrived in a large square where all the shops overlooked, from the perfumer to the butcher to the blacksmith. and many others all around that square where in the center there was a large canopy that shaded many cushions with a central table, at the end of the square there was the large building with immense stairways, each floor was intended for a caste , starting with the warriors and ending in the area intended for the Scribes, the library and the court of the tribunal.

    My wonder did not ended because all was made of very precious marble certainly imported, I don't think there was any on the island, and so many luxuriant plants looked like a great Eden, we arrived at the door of the Chief of the caste of the Scribe, il Commander after knocking, I enter introducing myself to the women who were working in the great hall at that time, I remember well Lady Moon, Lady Blue, and Lady Zypero, who told me she was the Tratrix, companion of Sir Youroki, who was the builder in the city, but whom I would meet the next day because engaged in the work of the underground.
      I introduced myself to everyone saying that I was only Darian of Korat, I never said that I was the emir of the Oasis of the seven palms, I wanted to live quietly in that beautiful and very rich city, Lady Zypero told me that I could work in the caste, I replied that I wanted to try for a week before accepting the job of magistrate, in the city was missing, after the last one had left for the great North.
    Then it was the turn of my house, Lady Moon said that the villa above the hill where she lived was empty and if I wanted I could occupy it even if it was a little far from the city, but it had a wonderful view of the sea and the hills.
I accepted because I didn't want to live in some building that overlooked the always crowded central square, I preferred the tranquility of a house in nature. On the hill opposite mine was the house of the commander of the guards, a big man I had already met at the port.
    I started my job, mostly I checked all the old documents and the various pending lawsuits, including that of the slave who had stolen bread in the oven, and in the meantime with Lady Blue day after day I noticed a beautiful affinity, I liked that woman who she was always by my side helping me in my work, often in the evening I accompanied her to the gate of her house at the foot of the hill immediately after the river, I chatted with her discussing work and telling us about our life on the planet.
    We were meant destined to fall in love and I asked him to be able to be her suitor, of course she who was protected by the commander of the guards, told me to ask him if I could, and with her permission I began my relationship with her .
     One day while I was on my way to Shendi, a Marauder apparence for Blue on the deserted waterfront road and capture her, taking her away on her ship moored in the harbor bay.
    When I returned I learned of the fact, and that the commander had left to look for her, but it was all in vain for her they never found her. I began to investigate because I was sure that someone in the city had favored that man, but I was groping in the dark, until one day while I was sitting half-hidden in the square in the shade of a large palm tree, I noticed something strange in front of the perfumer's shop , I became curious and without attracting attention I approached hidden by the columns, I saw very well a panther coming out of the perfumery, I called two guards who immediately captured that woman, I entered in perfumery it until I discovered a secret passage that led to the port, I had the panther in jail and told the guards to bring me the perfumer for questioning.
  Meanwhile, the commander had the perfumer delivered and had her locked up in a dungeon.
     Then with his guards he went out on patrol to capture any other panthers, but no one would ever suspect that the commander was an old Torvie and that, according to the perfumer, he had revealed the passage, so while he was patrolling outside the walls, two Torvie on the their Tarl. they flew in front of the gate, telling me to hand over the city keysto them ....
........ continue

Tuesday 5 July 2022



I was born in an oasis in the Tahari desert, Me and my brother Orlando, sons of the sultan of the Oasis of the seven Palms, located on the road that leads from the Shendi region to the great Oasis of the two Scimitars, ours was not a great Oasis, but my brother Orlando the eldest son and I were happy, our mother she died giving birth to me, and a woman who would later become my adoptive mother, I have grew up his breastfeeding, until one day Panthers women trespassed from the great forest of Shendi attacking us with the aid of some marauders took possession of the oasis. my father the Sultan was killed and impaled, while all the others were captured and taken away, the men to the mines and the women sold as slaves, left the old men abandoned to their fate in the desert.

     My stepmom who was named Busybee wrapped us  in rugs  which she rolled into the pond while she pretended to be dead, finally when all was over she took us with her and collected some clothes and food with water and we walked towards the track that led to Shendi.
     After many weeks of walking we met a carovan headed for the town of Korat in the Shendi region. they took us with them, then entrusting us to the Notary of the city, took us to his house and began to give us lessons to become Scribe, Mrs. Busybee, whom everyone called Lady BB was taken under the protection of the commander of the guards, Sir Mith, who soon him adopt me and my brother Orlando two years older than me.
   But luck soon abandoned us, the city was again attacked by the Panthers who lived on the hills, lady BB and sir MIth took us through a secret passage that led to the port of ship Rock and from there we took a ship that sailed for Port Kar, but during the stop in the port of Brundisium, we met some notables passing by who from the island of Landa they return back to the city of OLni where they lived, like Scribe and traders, lady BB I entrust us to them so that we continue to study in one of the cities where  live the best Scribe of the planet, that is Lady Janette and Lady Lucy, we would continue to study with them ..
     Our adoptive parents leave us to continue their journey north to the village of Finnur, while we, when we arrived in Olni, resumed our studies.
   Orlando and I became scribe myself as a cartographer and Orlando as an Ambassador and soon he leave , and I was left alone I had nothing to do but continue studying, Lady Janette take the professorship in the University of the Campus, she move there and I followed her starting his studies as a lawyer and magistrate, also attending a course as a master of ceremonies. After the degrees obtained as Lawyer and Magistrate I returned to the city of Olni where I had the job of Magistrate, but for my young age I immediately made enemies, so I decided to leave, going down the Vosk river, stopping in the city of Port Kar, where I had a job as a lawyer, but I didn't have much to do, since in that city they were all criminals, i spent the days outside the walls towards the hills, one day a Panther from the village located on top of one of the hills, she took myself, but  do not bring me to village because by love at first sight we fell in love starting a relationship, she tried to teach me how to fight, which I did quite well.
   One day she told me that there was a tournament in the Black city and that she as queen of the panthers wanted to participate in the competitions, I followed her even if I did not have to fight, but unfortunately she lost her balance during a fight and fell on pointed spears and died in a short time.
     I suffered a lot, I did not know what to do, luckily at the port I found a ship bound for the city of Svago in the archipelago of Cos, and I left.
   That big and beautiful city was ruled by women, few men and many slaves, like Scribe I was forced to work with evil women and after a few months I left for the city of Landa, where I got my first real job as a Magistrate .... ......keep on

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...