Sunday 25 September 2022



 Surely you remember my friend Nani, the one who was a panther of the tribe who lived in the hammer forest, but who was in love with Sir Erick, worked with him in his tavern, who then took over the disappearance of her companion (perhaps murdered) by whom she had a child stolen from the cradle, and made to disappear by her companion Erick. at the hands of a slave girl who was later discovered to be her own, but of the child no trace, it was said that Erick's parents had taken him away with them to a village in the interior of the great Thorvaldsham.

   The beautiful Dwarf Panther, while I had just arrived in the city of the island of Tira, sent me a message asking me to join her to put all the documents in order and set up the small library, even though in that village I don't think anyone knows the second knowledge, which is reading and writing and the history of the planet.
I had not yet met Sir Skand, the chief scribe and administrator of the city of Tira, even though I had spent three days sitting in front of the fireplace in the scribes' palace. In the meantime, I had spoken with a scribe and public prosecutor of the court, Lady Cyra, to whom I had asked for explanations about life in the big city, but even though the weather is not particularly cold, she too spends her days sitting in her house next to the palace, in front of the fireplace with her favourite slave.
   Lady Dara the woman I had met in Victoria and who had invited me to Tira, although she had the job at Scribe's and had a beautiful house on the hill, with a panoramic view, as soon as I arrived I found her on the quay about to leave for I don't know where, was quite evasive.
     As soon as I arrived at Hammersgaard to wait for me on the wharf, I found Nani who welcomed me with his best and trusted subjects, and at the same time the opportunity presented itself to lend a hand to the village, because with another ship a merchant had arrived, speaking a different dialect but which I knew, I saw the embarrassment of the merchant chief and I told him that I would translate that dialect of southern Thahari, and I gained the trust of the people.
   The beautiful Nani fully armed, told me that she had become the Queen of the village and asked me to follow her taking me to the main street of the village and assign me the best hut they had, with a beautiful fireplace and fully furnished, and with provisions on the shelves. She told me that she had some commitments at the port and that we would meet again late in the evening in the big house, where everyone gathers to eat, while the slaves dance.
   Life in the North is not that of large city streets or large marble buildings, here everything is simple, they only know the language of their defense and their pleasure in having fun.
I do not know how long I will stay in this village but certainly the time it takes before the big snow that blocks the sea and the ships 


arrives, as Dara had left me a message that I had put in my bag and I had not yet read it told me, that she was disappointed by the city, where absolute calm reigns, only sex between them, and despite the fact that she liked me, but I had never noticed anything, I was with my slave Fahima, I don't know what happened to her, surely closed in a brothel available to foreigners and warriors. I'll send a message to beautiful Dara as soon as I know where she lives, so we'll see if friendship turns into love.

Thursday 22 September 2022


After the fall of Port Victoria everything changed, with my slave Fahima we had a house with some Tarsk in the forest outside the walls of the new town that was to be called Kasra.
  I had already lived in the town of Kasra many years ago before its fall at the hands of the pirates who destroyed it, and Lady Monkey is now rebuilding it on the ruins of Port Victoria.
   I, as usual, awaited events, which were not long in coming. As I entered the new town while the little fahima was busy at her work among the animals and the house it was not difficult to meet lady Monkey, who yes, was an ape like those you import from earth but this one is a humanoid species, and with an inclination towards leadership and construction.

 After making me swear in haste on the house stone. and got the job as scribe with the promise of soon becoming a Magistrate, after completing all the rituals and various paperwork I asked if I could have a house in the city, she called the housing officer who assigned me a house which on a good look was better the Kajilla stables. small, dark, and set in a remote corner of the city, nothing to do with the palaces of the high castes which I am.
   In the meantime events precipitated, the new (improvised) Slaver arrived in town without slaves, by now these thugs arrive with the pretence of being slaveholders with other people's slaves, and so while I was out of town to visit my friend Dara of Tira, he chained my shiava Fahima, with the excuse that the documents I owned were from the fallen city.
  I approached the kennel where he kept her locked up and heard her cries of fear and despondency. From the window she asked me to intervene, but I could not open the cages so I went to the house of sit Timmer her old master, with the hope of redoing the documents with the new name of the city of Karsra, but to my astonishment and he like so many of my friends and fellow scribes along with Sir Amir the old head of the caste, was leaving to go far away from this new and dreary city populated by people without honour who steal slaves from others and who appoint an obese woman without a known history of her own, the new head of caste.
   It was the end of everything those few moments of happiness I had experienced in the great city of Port Victoria, vanished in the face of characters who live cooped up in their rooms, without ever going out into the streets and meeting people, they just use the slaves for sex, and it all ends there.
  As my only contact in the city, I only had Lady Tenka, the head of the merchant caste, who is also locked up in her house and only sends gossipy messages in the group.
    After a relatively short journey we landed at the town of Tira, I had been living with Brjiana the woman who had left me to look for opals there we had the newspaper kiosk which I no longer saw on the wharf, 

Lady Dara I carry around and to my amazement I realized that she had rented my old house. then in the palace of the Scribes, where I spent the night in an armchair in front of the fireplace.

     Today another day I hope to meet the head of my caste soon and talk to him, in the meantime I talked to a Scribe told me to be the Prosecutor, a friendly woman, I hope I never have to flee a city again

Monday 19 September 2022


Everything seemed to be going well, but a great earthquake shook the city of Pot Victoria and razed it to the ground.
  As luck would have it, the whole population was engaged in a ceremony on the hill, and they were able to witness the destruction from afar, I was on my way to the city of Thentis where the seamstress Lady Mizuki was waiting to meet me, she had sent me a message asking me to join her and be allowed by the ubar to be courted by me.

 You know very well that I lived in that city I was a Magistrate, I had had some quarrels with the administrator lady Monica, so it was necessary to take her permission as well, which she granted me without adding anything else.
    Meanwhile on my return to Port Victoria, Sir Timmer arranged for me to meet him outside the city for our agreement for the sale of the slave girl Fahima, he gave me all the possible documents and medical examinations, when I had checked everything calmly I gave Sir Timmer the sum of two silver plates (silver tarsk). we drank the cup of wine, as an engagement between gentlemen and everything ended there with the agreement that little Fahima would come to his house from time to time, for cleaning and nothing more.
     One morning Lady Mizuki arrived at Thentis place, as usual covered up to her feet and not even the upper part of her face could be seen, she said that on the day of our company ceremony I would see her without veils, even if a bit strange I accepted to take her with me, I introduced her to the people I met as my next companion and little Fahima accepted to serve her as if she was already my family, slaves don't give any sign of feelings, by law. and asked Lady Tenka to assign me a house on the seashore, not far from the wharf where the ships often arrive. and one for Mizuki too.

While we anxiously awaited the end of the construction of the new ciity, we decided to join friends of Mizuki in the Thahari desert, precisely in the Oasis of the four palms, I happily accepted the new trip, I hate the sedentary life, I prefer to move.
 After a few days of sailing and a week of walking in the desert we reached the oasis, we spent the day setting up the tents and in the evening we entered through the gate of the great walls, to meet the emir, but he was busy with a delegation from the city of Lydiu, so we postponed the meeting until the next day.
  It was not possible to meet the next day either, the emir was called to an operation against the desert panthers, and after talking to the commander of the guards, we returned to Victoria.
  On the way back we stopped at a tuchuk camp for some problems with the sails and ladi Mizuki who knew the area well offered to let me visit the village,
She didn't tell me that the people there adopted strange creeping beings resembling iron daggers that attacked the foreigners, so while she was running away I was attacked, surrounded and captured.
      Now we are in the house by the sea, with little Fahima and we are waiting for the city to be finally completed, although now I no longer have the woman to woo, but from Hammersgaard Dacia arrived, she was living there with Nani my great friend and she sent her to help me knowing that I was alone and for now she will stay here until we make the journey to her village to celebrate with them 

Tuesday 13 September 2022




    A lot of things happened, many of them quite hard, the innkeeper Sir Ulir, chased away from the wharf in front of his inn, a foreigner who was having intimate relations with a slave girl, and on the Planet it is not allowed, first I advised the man to go to some hidden garden, then having no answer he called the guards who arrested the man who was then released and chased out of the city
   As usual I live in Victoria always looking for a decent job, suitable for a Scribe, but the competition is ruthless, so many Scribes and so many Magistrates, crowding the palace in an impressive comings and goings.



  The other day a notice was posted outside the palace for voting for the chief Scribe, and I, being an old Scribe and a magistrate and lawyer, decided to take part in it by registering myself on the list. There were only three of us, but I don't think anyone will ever give me their vote as I am unknown to many, even though my stories in the newspaper are read widely by citizens.
Along with me on the list is a lady magistrate who comes and goes from the city because some merchants say they have seen her in other cities at work.
   In the meantime, the new praetor, Magistrate Ulisses, and the new chief magistrate, a lady whose name I can never remember because it is very complicated for me, being from the south and speaking a different dialect, I had also asked to work as a magistrate but I don't think they will ever do it.

      You want to know about little Fahima, well you remember I had sent a message to sit Timmer the kaissa player, telling him that I would buy his slave that he was neglecting for his travels around the Planet for the gaming tournaments, the slave when I met her outside the inn sweeping the floor heard the news his eyes sparkled, we know well that slaves cannot express feelings of any kind.
   Finally I got the answer he told me he would soon arrive with his ship in Victoria and we would do the deal.
    Yesterday while I was sitting quietly at the harbour inn for my usual vinonero, I saw his unmistakable ship arrive, and I waited for him, after a while I saw one of his guards approaching, he told me that soon his lord would come down and he would speak to me.


   He was a man of few words, he told me that we had mutual friends and that he would soon be leaving, and he was happy that his fahima slave was in good hands, he assured me that the little one who had dark amber skin, surely an import from planet Earth, was a good and faithful girl who kept his house clean and served him diligently.
   I bought her for two silver tarsk (silver plates) in turn he gave me all the necessary documents and medical examinations done by the little one, with the promise that when he returned to town the girl would keep his house in order.



 In the meantime I had placed an advertisement in which I was looking for a free woman for companionship, and the other day a skier at the harbour brought me a message from a Thentis merchant, a seller of very beautiful fabrics and clothes, she too was looking for a companion, I announced my visit to Thentis even though I had had a few disagreements with Lady Monica the administrator, after a short journey I reached her in her town, we stayed hours and hours talking to get to know each other, stipulating the promise to woo her and afterwards after the necessary period was over we will do the ceremony of companionship, but not before talking with my mother lady BB Arliss, for I hope she will be the one to celebrate.


 A serious fact today in the city a strong earthquake destroyed all the houses and buildings, I remembered the flood and destruction of the city of Svago, we fled to the island of Vagons, all the citizens camped out waiting for the builders to do their work and rebuild the city more beautiful than before.

Translated with (free version)

Friday 2 September 2022





    I was intrigued when I saw getting off a ship, a dark-skinned slave girl who looked like she had been painted with chocolate.
   You could see it that she did not know the city, she looked around in search of I do not know what, and when she passed I stopped her, like a good Kajira she knelt down thinking she had to serve me. I was sitting at a table in the Inn of the port, now managed by Sir Ulir, I told her  take calm down and explain to me the reason why she was going around alone, without a Master and lost, I asked him if she had escaped from the ship, but she told me that her teacher Sir Tinner a slaver of a large fleet, said that an old friend of hers lived in Port Victoria, had sent her to bring him an invitation message for a big party in his city.
  The name of this gentleman did not tell me anything, also because I live in Victoria for a few Hands and I don't know many people. 



An exciting story that I hope you will enjoy reading and telling your grandchildren one day,

 I told the little chocolate-colored Kajira that I didn't want to be served I already had my black wine, but I'd like to know her story, I'm always curious to know who I meet to write and put in the archives.
  After taking a breath and relaxed, she putt her hands behind her back  and tell me his story.
I was born in the oasis of the Four Palms in the Thahari desert, a place for the Kashani and all the vassals of Kavar, my father Tuchuck, my mother Kataii, I was growing very well and becoming more beautiful every day and my mother house because she feared that I would become more beautiful than her.


 While wandering through the desert I met a nice gentleman who was traveling with his caravan, he was very kind and caring and I invite me to follow him in his sumptuous palace surrounded by high walls and desert sand, decorated with filigree decorated with gold, there were tables richly decorated everywhere sets, jewels and precious stones all around, he got dressed in black clothes like the night, and before leaving he said to me: you can go around the house anywhere but going away he close the main gate.


  After some time I heard voices approaching so I hid and silently escape sneaked out into the desert, walked for days until I came close to an expanse of water, followed the coast until I reached a pier where a ship take me on board , and leaving to an unknown destination on the desert coast, in a village while  them loading and unloading goods I ran away again, while I ran I ran into a man who looked at me sternly and I thought he was a Slaver I threw myself into the river I swam to the other bank where some women picked me up and took me to their village, they gave me food and drink saying they were Panthers of the forest, one offered to share her hut with me, later instead of killing me they took me with them they taught me to hunt and fight .
  Captured more times by warriors and always ran away, I returned to the forest where I met a pirate who was doing business with the village, but after so many promises he never showed up again.
One day I went to the river to get wet and while I was swimming happily, I was trapped in the nets that pirates had put, they dragged me aboard and took me to the captain.
      I don't remember his name, an imposing man who was always severe and arousing fear, he was perhaps the best Slaver in the Vosk and his slaves were the best there were on the Planet, while those who did not have the right requirements he fed them to the Sleen .


    While we were sailing towards Port Kar on a hazy night, we ended on of rocks and the ship sank, we thought that the helmsman had a lot of Paga in his stomach, we woke up me and another man on a beach, exhauste and wet
We waited on the island for many Pahns until a passing ship took us aboard, but in the meantime that we was in isle he theach all i knows, the Paci Kaissa in his bag gave me all that,  he teach me to writing and reading, using fish ink as a sign. to write .
     Captain Sir Tnner took me with him as a  Kajira of house and I helped him in the accounts and in the chores, becoming his trusted slave and first slave, and now Master i'm here told me.



An exciting story that I hope you will enjoy reading and telling your grandchildren one day

Monday 29 August 2022




I was sitting as I usually do at that time in  afternoon, in the Inn on the harbor, although there is no innkeeper lately, and almost all the property slaves do their best but are not expert table servants, Lady Jasmine. which I had had a friendly conversation days before and SHEleft without giving more news of himself.
    In the distance I see a slave arriving whom I remembered having seen in front of the blacksmith's forge Sir Svein also of my own tribe, he was running right in my direction, when arrived near my table with breathlessness trying to tell me things, I said to him: slave take breath and then tell me what you have to say.
    He kneels on my left as the law requires and catched my breath I begin the story: My master Sir Svein, while he was outside his forge to rest an little with a her friend  who arrived in the morning on a ship from  to  the South was verbally attacked by Lady Helena the butcher, who came for a slave and spat on his boot, my master chained her and now he is taking her to the Magistrate, and asks you to be present in the tower of the Scribes, because he does not speak the language very well Northern, but we speaks our desert dialect.
   I immediately worried I not want him to do things that he would later regret, he is normally so closed and calm never that I remember he have had problems with the law and does his job with skill, and we do not know well the customs and habits of this city I got up, suddenly and told the slave to follow me, while he was telling me that he had been present at the discussion between free, but I know well that as a witness they cannot hear him, slaves can only report facts with torture between free.
   Arrived in the Hall of the tower I immediately see the blacksmit with the butcher Helna on a leash, cursing, while the Magistrate on duty, not knowing where to start, I send for the other elderly Magistrate a woman, who landed after a flight from I don't know where exactly in the middle of the hall, like an orange cloud, to everyone's amazement, she immediately claimed to take charge of the dispute, while the Magistrate continually intimated the blacksmith to give him the woman's chain.
    The blacksmith's version was however lawful, a woman cannot be arrogant nor offend a free person, because the old law of the planet provides for collarism, that is, she can become a slave, if the Magistrate after a trial declares her guilty, but in my opinion between two free same Caste as they are, can very well reach an agreement and close the matter, in the city there are enough slaves and feeding another is not the case. Meanwhile the woman did not stop cursing and offending the blacksmith, while I arrived, a free woman who I do not remember her name because she was new to the city, said she had been present at the event and that the woman had spat on the boot of man.
   It was clear that things were going badly for Helena so Magistrate woman took over the situation, sending away all those who had not been present at the event and also the witness and the slave were sent away.
  I being a Magistrate for many years on the planet, I know the law and the procedure well, I told them tha i can help them with the result of being thrown out of the tower of the Scribes as unwelcome, humiliating myself, I tried to counter by giving him some advice on the resolution of the case , but they were adamant, so I waited outside, until after a few hours the blacksmith came out very angry for having been accused of assaulting the woman and the freed woman.
    What was missing was the trial that should have taken place listening to the witnesses, but in my opinion, having a friendship with the butcher, they closed the case, without investigating or opening a proceeding ....
     Do you want to know how the story ended ?. Well Sir Svein together with his friend witness, they have left city with the first ship, because according to them the city is not impartial and does not respect the laws that the two magistrates do to their liking, taking away theyr slaves and other tribe citizens.
A nice case solved ...... you look for an word that can define it I do not find the adjective.


                       LOST BLACKSMIT  HOUSE

( the mystery is revealed ,,, the butcher in agreement with the magistrates made the blacksmith go away to take possession of his house and the shop placed right in a central area of passage for the houses .... them thought it so well ... who knows where the new blacksmith's shop will be )



Saturday 27 August 2022



  Of all the citizens I met in the early days of my stay in Port Victoria, the one that intrigued me most was her, Lady Alexandra, a Healer who often walks around the city escorted by her two guards, in fact there is not much work for doctors in the city, new ones arrive every day, looking for a job but we are in peacetime and if there are no wars, there are no injuries, and doctors do not work, they just do the medical visits to the new keys, which need the certificate before being collared by their masters. Daughter of the head of the Green caste, Sir Lib Steele, that is of the Physicians or healers, she studied at Svago and then in Turla, where her father di lei had a class for physicians and in that city she graduated with honors. Although she does not have two children, which is the law of the Planet, she doe not have to have children because her di lei Head of Caste di lei does not exercise that Caste rule.


  She has a slim figure, but from what you can tell under her veil di lei, she also has a beautiful face and expressive eyes that seem to smile when she looks at me. She tells me that her favorite hobby of hers di lei is shopping, which is normal for the women of the planet, they go around the shops spending the cooper they have, mostly for perfumes and clothes. In the house with her, she has a pet snake named Powder. She lets her snake wander in the garden chasing urts. Powder keeps the urts under control around her family home and the infirmary garden. Lady Alexandra has not yet a suitor she is yet too young, but now that she has finished her studies and is working, she is waiting for someone to come forward. Perhaps of high caste to ask her di lei father di lei Sir Lib, permission to court her di lei. I can imagine her father would be happy to find a companion for his daughter di lei with the possibility of having brats between your feet and letting 
them play with their grandfather. To tell the truth, I too have recently arrived in the city, I am looking around to find a partner and form a family. So far, I have not had much luck. All the women I have courted have run away or flew to heaven. Every time I have to start over. In the city of Victoria there is a lot of population, many people run through the streets, while the warriors watch over the walls and piers arresting those who break the laws, but even the 
 Magistrates like the Doctors do not have much to do, only registrations and certificates, the rest do the many Scribes who crowd the tower, I still do not know them all except Sir Trent with whom I spoke, and Sir Amir the head of the caste, while Sir Liam, I think is the Magistrate who works the most in the tower. Many scribes spend our time drinking black wine in the inns. I got a message from Lady Sierra, the scribe apprentice, who lived here with us, she finally found her father and mother di lei, Sir Youroki and Lady Sabayna and went to live with them city of '' Kargash '' where finally her father her. assigned the job by Scribe. 
 They invited me by sending me a message on a scroll, I was the Protector of Sabayna, when the companion was sick, and one of these days I will surely leave to visit them .. By now it is almost night and soon I will return to my house in the palace on the grand stairs, and I will be able to rest, today has been a long day but I am happy, the three moons of the Planet illuminate the sea in the distance, and the lanterns of the ships sway giving their intermittent glow

Sunday 21 August 2022



   Finally something new on the Planet, I have recently arrived in the city of Victoria, the Caste Chief Sir Amir welcomed me with all the pleasantries due to my rank and my fame, he knows me as a great Magistrate, known throughout the Planet, but unfortunately he says in this city the Magistrate nomine him the Ubar, and there are already a couple of them, I told him that I want to rest and feel comfortable after the tragedies of Cartassa and Thentis, I prefer to be alone and observe what happens for then publish it all in my newspaper.

    I am writing  while the dim light of the candle barely illuminates the room but the thought flies to Victoria, who knows if one day I will find happiness there .....

The city is chaotic, many arrive, others leave, like Lady Jasmine the Innkeeper on the dock, or Lady Sierrarose of whom I was in love, she left too and Lady Xarra she also left yesterday with a ship greeted me at the port telling me to visit her one day when she finds a city that will make her happy.
    Lady Tenka is a very active merchant she is always around her business. but she always has a good word for everyone, and she helps the newcomers.
    Sir Amir has left for a long journey I hope he will return soon, because some Scribe is already starting to roar for his lack of direction of the offices, but Sir Liam the magistrate, holds the situation firmly in hand, I met the blacksmith  sir Svein of the same tribe as mine. of the Torvie, although I was born in the desert but was adopted by Lady BB and Sir MIth Arliss, Torvie of Finnur village, sometimes he invites me to his house behind the forge and I gladly take with him a horn of Cos wine that he hides with pride.

   An event on the planet made us euphoric. the Teletus fair. every year in this period the city is filled with foreign visitors, many traders and many slaves around. We left with the caravan a few days ago, now are here, we stay at the inn, today finally an event not to be missed, for a long time I had not seen the Kajires Festival, the slavesthey try their hand at dances, admirsated from hundreds of people, many slaves arrived from everywhere they crowd the dance floor kneeling as the law wants all around waiting their turn, a beautiful thing, many beautiful women with naked breasts, who dance following the music with their molded and firm bodies, I had already witnessed Port Kar ad such an event but this has surpassed it for participation and beauty.

  Now the time has come to prepare our things at dawn we will leave to return to Victoria but we will bring a great memory and we will be able to tell our grandchildren.
While walking through the stalls with the products displayed, I came across Lady Sabayna, you will surely remember her I told you about her on the occasion of is companion Youroki's illness and I becamed is protector in the Oasis of the seven palms, after the greetings and the pleasantries she usually told me that Lady Sierrarose was adopted by her and her partner, and now she lives in Cargash with them and has become a scribe of the small town. and she also invited me to visit them so that I could say goodbye to Lady Sierra, I promised him one day when I return South, I will surely visit her city of hers.

   I am writing  while the dim light of the candle barely illuminates the room but the thought flies to Victoria, who knows if one day I will find happiness there ....

Tuesday 9 August 2022


     The city wakes up early in the morning, from my room at Lady Jasmine's Inn, I was awakened by the shouting of the dockers and the first patrons of the morning, who stop at the tables before going to their work, they are not there yet women around surely come out after taking care of the children and the partner, I get up and go downstairs, some slaves are already fumbling in the kitchen and the smell of Blackwine hangs in the air.
  Early morning greetings are more like grunts than incomprehensible words.
After having drunk my Blackwine, I go out and look at the clear sky, some Volos flutter happily on the roofs of the houses and the bells of the ships at anchor mingle with the noise of the port, wagons full of barrels. merchants waiting their turn and some warriors who stand guard at the columns.
I head to the stairs that lead to the upper floor of the city, I hate the noise, yesterday I discovered a beautiful place just above the stairs, beyond the large gate to the right there is a large terrace with many tables, perhaps another large Inn or a Tea room, but I'm not sure .. I just know that I often sit quietly waiting for Lady Sierra to come too to get her Blackwine.
 I have a certain admiration for that woman who is facing alone the disappearance of the children that her partner has taken away, the children would be indispensable to be able to practice their profession as a Pysichian, you know well that the law of the planet obliges women healers to have at least two children, certainly a bizarre law that has been handed down for centuries, and we certainly won't be the ones to change it.
  Lady Sierra during an interview confessed to me that she privately she is studying to become a Scribe, she does not need to have children, I who have had classes for Scribe apprentices told him that if she needs her I can help her study.
   Now I'm here, waiting, certainly not that I'm sure it will come but I hope so, ever since I lost SHayla who disappeared who knows where, I was left alone without even a slave, and having a woman to talk to and discuss is always nice.
     I have to decide sooner or later, I have to find the palace of the Scribes and talk to the head of the Caste, to have an office job, I have seen some Scribes and Magistrates around, but the city is in great expansion and the Scribes always serve , I know it well.
 While I was sitting this morning in the usual place on the terrace enjoying my good Blackwine made with the beans of Thentis, my old city where I was Magistrate, and where I met Shayla the sister of the healer companion of Lady Monica the Tatrix of the city, who with Sir Ray Lobo they administer it, to tell the truth we did not remain on good terms because Shayla was promised to the Commander of the Guards by her brother, but she fell in love with me and followed me to the oasis even against my will, I told him many times I do not want to create enemies in your city but she fell in love, then given my indifference she thought it best to return to Thentis, at least so I think because once in the Port of the city of Victoria I left her for a short time and did not find her more.
  Now that the sun is high in the clear blue sky I believe that Lady Sierra will no longer come for her Blackwine, so I decide to return to the port maybe I can meet some merchants, I still have the ship full of Cos wine, I can make some good business.

Monday 8 August 2022



 I was wandering around the city of Port Victoria desperately, and some encounters made me forget Shayla for a moment, I hope soon I will hear from Thentis, my point of reference in this big and beautiful city and the Inn in the harbor square immediately after the piers where the ships stop and unload their goods, from nearby Thentis arrive the ships with special beans, suitable for making the best blackwine, and from the distant city of AR comes the flour, and from the archipelago of Cos the best wine.

As I sat in the cool of the early morning, when the breeze rising from the Vosk River brings goosebumps, accustomed as I was to the hot, fiery desert mornings, often with the sand that the wind brings. The Inn is run by a beautiful lady with a very familiar name in the wilderness, '' Jasmine ''. for us in the desert, it means Mulberry or Jasmine flower, she stands up to the many customers who crowd the inn, helped by some very good slaves in their work, she serves me personally and I was very happy, for a moment I forgot all my past, I wanted to look to the future, to create a new place, where to live a new adventure happily, and who knows maybe have a job as a scribe or anything that can make me reborn.


    In the meantime I arrive the slave on duty at the inn the beautiful Aiko with yellow skin, certainly imported from planet Earth, we need our blackwine, at the end Lady Sierra said she had an appointment with an Ambassador to find out if he had any news, I leave with the promise that we would meet again and look for our companions together ........ continues

  Then I went up the large stairs that lead to the upper palaces those of the castes, at the top of the stairs on the right a large palace where in its large patio certainly a tea room with many tables, but these unlike those of the port are elegant, with tablecloths embroidered and flowers, there was no one, I sat quietly, took some rolls from my bag reading about the business I had recently done, in the cities visited during the long crossing from my oasis near the island of Landa in the south of the Thassa sea .

 I was so absorbed that I didn't even notice that a free one had approached, waiting for me to notice her, with a cough she attracted my attention, I raised my head and greeted her introducing myself, she said her name was Sierra and she was desperate, the comrade had fled taking his two children with him, he had learned that I was looking for Shayla and asked me if in the ports visited I had heard someone talking about his companion, a Pysichian with two children and difficult to go unnoticed.
  I was very impressed by the story of the woman also Pysichian, I could not know why she wore clothes with very dark colors that did not make her green caste understood, I told him that in the cities on the banks of the Vosk I had not heard anything about them and in my opinion he perhaps he had headed north, taking the track that leads from the Sanctuary to the great north, where I still have my adoptive mother Lady BB and my father Sir Mith, my sister Shani also lives in the North but in Finnur village, while my parents live. case in the village of Jasmine.
    I told him that I would send messages to all the northern villages I know, where I still have many friends especially in Hammersgaard where Lady Nani and Sir Erik live.

   In the meantime I arrive the slave on duty at the inn the beautiful Aiko with yellow skin, certainly imported from planet Earth, we need our blackwine, at the end Lady Sierra said she had an appointment with an Ambassador to find out if he had any news, I leave with the promise that we would meet again and look for our companions together ........ continues

 THE TRUE STORY OF THE EMIR Part 1 My name is Orlando, of the el Nairad family, our millenary lineage lived as nomads in the desert for cent...